
Chapter 1013 Sparring

Chapter 1013 Sparring
In the end, Zhang Xian did not express his position immediately, but he accepted Chen Qing's personal letter.

Liu Qiong can also understand Zhang Xian's difficulties. After all, they are all his own one-sided words, and it is still uncertain whether they are true or false.

Liu Qiong didn't persuade her any more, and returned directly to Dengzhou in the afternoon, rushing all the way to Xuchang
After Chen Qing captured Yingchang Mansion, he was not in a hurry to march towards Kaifeng Mansion. He needed to observe Wanyan Wushu's strategic intentions. Like a galloping horse, and like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

But when it should be slow, you have to be patient, make some internal adjustments and deployments, and improve the logistics. If Wanyan Wushu wants to take the initiative to attack, then you might as well take a defensive position, take the defense as the offense, and wait for the opportunity.

In the barracks, Chen Qing was standing in front of the sand table, discussing with Zhang Xiao the next step of army deployment.

"At present, Wanyan Wushu still has [-] Jurchen troops in his hands, and Li Cheng's [-] elite signing troops. I heard that he has recruited more than [-] signing troops. These signing troops are the former puppet Qi army. Disarmed and returned to the fields, and now being recruited again, these hundreds of thousands of troops have a certain combat effectiveness, but they are more of a force deterrent, distracting our forces and energy, disrupting our battle plan, but in fact, we don't care it."

Zhang Xiao pondered for a moment and said: "The hundreds of thousands of troops are actually very small. Your Highness must not underestimate them. For example, they can capture Chenzhou, Caizhou, Yingzhou, Tangzhou and other places. We don't deploy many troops. Once ten The tens of thousands of troops swept away, and the troops we deployed could not resist. Secondly, if Wanyan Wushu handed over the hundreds of thousands of troops to Li Cheng, I am afraid it would be really difficult to deal with. Therefore, the humble official suggested yesterday that we have to respond accordingly. This is the meaning of the countermeasures."

Chen Qing knew Zhang Xiao's plan, which was to bring back [-] troops from Dengzhou and Tangzhou, bring Xuchang's troops to [-], gather [-] troops from Chen, Cai, Ying, and Bo, and join forces with Li Qiong's three troops. The [-]-strong army joined together, and the [-] troops were squeezed into one fist and deployed in Chenzhou, and then Liu Cui and Yang Zaixing were ordered to leave Hulao Pass with [-] troops and deployed in Zhengzhou, forming three big fists. Twenty-two Wan Dajun, if the [-] troops are combined, they can fight against the Central Plains Jinbing no matter what. "

Chen Qing didn't agree with this plan very much. He had great concerns. He was worried that if the troops that were originally used to defend against the imperial court's sneak attacks were assembled, once the imperial court colluded with Wanyan Wushu, the imperial army would also use the excuse of restoring the Central Plains to attack from behind. What should I do if I attack myself?
For example, Li Qiong's [-] troops, no matter whether Li Qiong surrendered himself or not, the imperial court would definitely wipe them out to wash away the shame of the past.

Now the Son of Heaven is a surrender faction, Qin Hui is a surrender faction, Queen Mother Wei behind Zhu Shengfei is a surrender faction, and there is a so-called neutral faction Xu Xiantu left. Once Wanyan Wushu sends envoys to ask the imperial army to go north, the imperial court will definitely agree.

Emperor Zhao Gou's fear and hatred of the Western Army far surpassed that of the Kingdom of Jin. He would rather the Kingdom of Jin rule the Central Plains than capture the Central Plains by himself.

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "I want to transfer the [-] troops left behind in the pass to join the battle to make up for the shortage on the Eastern Front."

"Isn't the whole pass empty?"

"Then order the Department of the Military Department to transfer all the prefectural troops to Guanzhong on the grounds of concentrated training, replace them with regular army armor, and give money and food subsidies every month. There are more than [-] troops!"

Zhang Xiao understands King Yong's concerns, and King Yong thinks deeply about the problem, he has to admit that it is indeed possible, things that seem extremely absurd will often happen.

"Then it should not be too late. At the same time, send a letter to Lu Qingshan and the military department, and the Guanzhong garrison will be mobilized together with the state troops."

Chen Qing immediately issued his own warrant with the Eagle letter to transfer [-] troops from Guanzhong to the battlefield in the Central Plains. There are still [-] internal guards in Zhaocheng, and [-] civilian regiments in Guanzhong.

In the afternoon, Liu Qiong rushed back to Xuchang and found the coach Chen Qing in the barracks.

"Your Highness, I have talked with Zhang Xian,

"What did he say?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"It can be seen that he is quite contradictory. He is loyal to Yue Dutong, but he is unwilling to serve the court. He especially hates the court's stupidity."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "I understand what you mean. He is still waiting for news from the court before deciding his own attitude. He also expects the court to reinstate Officer Yue Fei."

"That's right! He won't surrender to us until the last desperate moment."

"I can understand this. After all, once this step is taken, it will be difficult to turn back. Let's get ready to accept it!"

Liu Qiong said again: "I heard what Zhang Xian meant. Not only him, but many of Yue Fei's generals are disheartened. If Yue Fei is demoted to Lingnan, they all want to resign and return to their hometowns."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I have arranged for the intelligence department to contact them one by one, even including Yue Yun, to win them and the subordinate army. Yue Fei's [-] troops, I want to get at least [-]."

Only then did Liu Qiong know that His Royal Highness had already made arrangements, which made him worry for nothing.

While Chen Qing was actively fighting for time, his opponent Wanyan Wushu was also fighting for time. The camp of hundreds of thousands of new troops was located in the north of Bianliang City, and tens of thousands of tents stretched for dozens of miles.

In the wilderness, hundreds of thousands of troops are being divided into dozens of large formations for training. Accompanied by dozens of generals, Wanyan Wushu is inspecting the training of recruits. The more he looks, the more gloomy his face becomes.

When he came over, the soldiers shouted slogans loudly, and his voice weakened immediately as he passed by.

He stopped in front of a [-]-strong spear formation, and slowly narrowed his eyes. Zhang Zhongxiong was personally training the [-]-strong spear formation. Floating and weak, with no strength in swinging the spear, naturally there is no murderous aura, and it is completely a superficial display.

He was annoyed for a while, he asked Zhang Zhongxiong to be in charge of the training, did he use this way to fool himself?

At this time, Zhang Zhongxiong saw Wanyan Wushu, and hurried over to greet him, "See the marshal for humble rank!"

Wanyan Wushu pointed at the formation with a horsewhip, and said dryly, "It looks pretty neat!"

"Reporting to my lord, it's really not easy. It was chaotic before, but it took a lot of effort to get the training in order."

Wanyan Wushu turned his head and shouted to a burly young general: "Di Gunai, lead my hundred soldiers to practice with them in actual combat!"

This majestic young general is called Wanyan Di Gunai, the second son of Wanyan Zongqian, who is only eighteen years old, and was named General Fengguo. Commander Wan, commanding an army of ten thousand.

The reason why I introduce him a little more is because his Chinese name is Wan Yanliang, and in history he was the fourth emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, King Hailing.

Wanyan Digunai clasped his fists and saluted, "Follow the order!"

He turned his head and waved, a cavalry of a hundred men rushed towards him like arrows, Wanyan Digunai roared, "Follow me!"

A hundred cavalry roared, brandishing their spears and following Wanyan Digu Nai like a group of fierce tigers, and rushed towards the five thousand soldiers of the new army. Zhang Zhongxiong was shocked. What is this?
The actual combat training mentioned by Wanyan Wushu is to kill with real swords and guns, without mercy.

Wanyan Digu Nai took the lead to kill the army, and swiped the fifty-jin mace with a mace, smashing the three heads and splashing their brains, Wanyan Digunai laughed wildly, and swung the mace up and down Wherever he passed, flesh and blood flew, bones and tendons were broken, and he rushed into the formation in one breath.

The hundred iron cavalry behind them are like fierce tigers. Everyone kills a hundred at one time, and five thousand recruits run away crying, screaming, and running away. How can five thousand new troops stop the charge of a hundred Jurchen cavalry? After two quarters of an hour, there are already casualties There were thousands of broken bones and corpses all over the ground, rivers of blood flowed, the formation had completely collapsed, and the soldiers were scrambling for their lives, running around in the wilderness, and the other training troops were completely petrified.


Wanyan Wushu gave an order, "Woo—" the horn blew, and a hundred cavalry led by Wanyan Digunai came back like a gust of wind, not hurting a single person, not even the wounded soldiers.

Zhang Zhongxiong's face turned pale when he saw it, Wanyan Wushu whipped his whip across his head and face, and yelled, "This is the elite army you trained, it's even worse than shit!"

(End of this chapter)

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