
Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014
Wanyan Wushu finally understood that Zhang Zhongxiong was a mediocre general, he could speak well, and he did a good job on the surface, yet he actually believed him.

He immediately removed Zhang Zhongxiong from the position of commander of the new army capital, and ordered his deputy general Du Rong to lead the troops temporarily, waiting for the new chief general to take office.

Wanyan Wushu led his generals and soldiers back to Bianliang City like a gust of wind.

At the gate of the city, Wanyan Wushu reined in the reins of his horse, drew out a command arrow and handed it to the soldiers, "Hurry up and call Li Cheng to see me!"

Li Cheng was also in Bianliang at this time, stationed in Nandaying.

Wanyan Wushu returned to the commander's mansion with a full face of anger, and walked quickly to the inner hall. Fan Gong was leading several staff officers to plant flags on the sand table. Jurchens are very good at learning. Last year, when they captured Zhang Jun's army After a sand table, they immediately realized the importance of this intuitive map.

The sand table of the Song Army was sent to Jingzhao by Prime Minister Zhang Jun. After visiting the sand table of the Western Army, he got enlightenment and began to learn how to make it. It was quickly deployed to the major armies, and finally flowed from the Song Army to the Jin Army Camp.

Fan Gong waved his hand and told several officers to step down. He cautiously asked tentatively, "Your Highness is not satisfied with inspecting the new army?"

Wanyan Wushu was still angry, but he still tried his best to restrain his emotions, and said sullenly: "I hired the wrong person, Zhang Zhongxiong is too mediocre, and I am so disappointed."

Fan Gong smiled slightly and said, "Zhang Zhongxiong may not be able to lead troops to fight, but he is very good at speaking and encouraging, so he did a good job in recruiting troops. He recruited more than [-] troops in such a short period of time. He is not as good as him, so it is absolutely correct for the prince to use him to recruit troops, but in terms of training, it may be necessary to send another good general."

Fan Gong's enlightenment made Wanyan Wushu feel a little more comfortable. He didn't completely misunderstand the person. He also realized that Zhang Zhongxiong was indeed capable in recruiting soldiers, but he shouldn't let him train soldiers.

"I have already sent someone to find Li Cheng. I decided to let Li Cheng train the soldiers, but I am worried that time is running out, and Chen Qing is likely to launch an attack soon."

Fan Gong smiled and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, in fact, Chen Qing has not completed the deployment either."

“How come you see?”

Fan Gong picked up the wooden pole and pointed at Chen Zhou on the sand table, "The Western Army has a big gap here. If a strong army is not stationed here, the Western Army that attacks Kaifeng Mansion from the north of Xuchang will easily be defeated by Ying Tianfu." The killed Jin soldiers cut off the back route, and to guard against Ying Tianfu's army, it is necessary to garrison in Chenzhou, and it was out of this consideration that Yue Fei put Wu's army here as the East Route Army."

Wanyan Wushu stared at it for a moment and said: "Chen Qing can definitely gather the troops scattered in the states along the Huaihe River, plus Li Qiong's army, it is enough to gather [-] to [-] troops!"

Fan Gong shook his head, "But if that's the case, Chen Qing's army will be handed over to the imperial court. Will he trust the imperial court?"

Wanyan Wushu snorted disdainfully, "That bear egg in the Song Dynasty, even if you give them ten guts, they wouldn't dare to go north!"

"That's not necessarily the case. If the prince ordered the Song Dynasty to send troops, such as attacking Li Qiong's army, such as occupying the states north of the Huaihe River, I believe the emperor Zhao Gou will be tempted."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "Mr. is Han, so he may understand the mind of Han people better."

"My lord, I know very well the thoughts of the emperor of the Song Dynasty. His hatred and fear of Chen Qing far exceeds that of the lord. He would rather the lord occupy the Central Plains than Chen Qing occupy the Central Plains. If the lord secretly sends someone to the emperor Zhao Gou , asking him to send troops to the north, the humble official believes that the possibility of him sending troops is extremely high."

Wanyan Wushu took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "It may be difficult to talk directly with the emperor of the Song Dynasty, how about using Qin Hui?"

"The humble job suggests a three-pronged approach, one letter to Qin Hui, one letter to Zhao Gou, and Sai Li to write a letter to Queen Wei, basically everything is done."

Saili is the husband of Empress Dowager Wei in the Kingdom of Jin. His Chinese name is Wanyan Zongxian, and he is currently in Bianliang.

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "That's the decision!"

At this time, a soldier reported in the hall, "All command Li Cheng to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Soon, Li Cheng walked into the lobby and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See the prince for your humble position!"

Wanyan Wushu was very dissatisfied with Li Cheng because he didn't defend Yingchang Mansion, especially in order to keep [-] troops, and gave up Xuchang City.

But seeing Zhang Zhongxiong's hundreds of thousands of mob troops, Wanyan Wushu thought of Li Cheng's elite soldiers. At this moment, he understood Li Cheng's feelings. It is not easy to train elite soldiers. Sacrifice in vain is really not worth it.

"Has General Lee seen the recruits being trained?"

"Reporting to the lord, I went to see it yesterday."

"How does it feel?"

Li Cheng hesitated for a moment, not daring to answer. He just came from the south gate and didn't know what happened in the new barracks.

Wanyan Wushu glanced at him and said, "Just tell the truth!"

"Reporting to the prince, I am not very satisfied with the recruits."

"I'm not satisfied either, just tell me in detail!"

Li Cheng pondered for a while and said: "From the surface, it seems that the soldiers' drills are very neat, but if you look closely, you will find that all soldiers have a common weakness. The arms are all soft, which shows that Zhang Dutong's training only pays attention to the orderliness of the formation on the surface, and ignores the strength training and physical training of the soldiers themselves.

If this really comes to the battlefield, it will be fatal. A single attack by the cavalry of the Western Army will destroy the formation. This is actually what the Song Army looked like during the Xuanhe period. "

Li Cheng's description talked about the heart of Wanyan Wushu, and he also felt the same way, lacking strength and physical fitness, this is the crux of the problem.

"If I let you train, how long will it take to train to be the same as your [-] elite soldiers?"

"About one to two years!"

The time was too long, Wanyan Wushu shook his head and said, "If I only give you a month, how far can you train?"

"Reporting to the lord, at most, I can barely go to the battlefield."

Wanyan Wushu took the Langtou order and handed it to him, "From now on, I will appoint you as the commander of the new recruits. I will give you one month's time, and the money and food will be guaranteed. You will try to train me as pleasingly as possible."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Li Cheng took the Langtou order and left, Wanyan Wushu then wrote three secret letters, asking the sender to pretend to be a businessman and go to Lin'an.

In Shouchun, Zhang Jun received a secret decree from the emperor Zhao Gou, ordering him to concurrently serve as the Xuanfu Envoy of Jingbei Road, annex Yue Fei's army, and then hand over the army to the court.

Zhang Jun was not very happy to receive this secret decree. Instead, he seemed worried, pacing back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back.

The eldest son, Zhang Ziqi, asked cautiously, "Father, has something happened to the court?"

Zhang Jun sighed and said, "No accident happened to the court, but something happened to Yue Fei. He was dismissed from all official positions and put under house arrest."

"Didn't father always have a bad relationship with Yue Fei? Father should be happy that he was dismissed from office."

Zhang Jun glanced at his son, shook his head, and said, "Do you know what it means to be sad when a rabbit dies and a fox is killed? Something happened to Yue Fei. It was the emperor who attacked the town. Yue Fei was the first one. The next one is either me or Han Shizhong. He is going to take over our military power."

Zhang Ziqi scratched his head and said, "My child always thought that Yue Fei was going to attack South Jing South Road, but Yue Fei refused to obey, which made the Emperor furious!"

"Hmph! You think too simply, and you are too ignorant. Chen Qing's occupation of the five prefectures on South Jingnan Road was an agreement he reached with the emperor. It was written in black and white. If the agreement was torn up within a year, he would not be afraid of Chen Qing helping the late emperor." Enthronement reset?

My heart is like a bright mirror. The emperor doesn't care about the gains and losses of Jingnan South Road. What he cares about is the former emperor in Chen Qing's hands. Do you see that Chen Qing has increased troops on Jingnan South Road?There was no movement at all, and Chen Qing was waiting for the emperor to tear up the agreement so that he could help the first emperor ascend the throne in Bianliang. "

"So attacking South Jing South Road is just an excuse?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "This is called Mingxiu Plank Road, and Chen Cang was secretly planned. It is false to attack Jingnan South Road, and it is true to take Yue Fei's army. Yue Fei ran to Lin'an without knowing it. He must have this difficulty. Now the emperor wants me to accept Yue Fei's army. , and then hand it over to the imperial court, maybe Yue Fei's army will rebel!"

Zhang Jun heaved a long sigh. Whether Yue Fei's army rebelled or not, he actually didn't care. What he cared about was that the emperor would seize his military power in the next step.

Zhang Jun was in a state of confusion for a moment, he told his eldest son, "Go and invite Mr. Jingxiu!"

(End of this chapter)

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