
Chapter 1015 Principles

Chapter 1015 Principles
Mr. Jingxiu Zhang Jun mentioned was his chief aide, Wang Jingxiu, who was about fifty years old and a fellow of Zhang Jun's hometown. He had followed him for many years and won Zhang Jun's trust.

Not long after, the thin and tall Wang Jingxiu followed Zhang Ziqi into the study slowly.

Walking into the room, Wang Jingxiu asked with a smile, "What worries Xuanfu envoy?"

"Look at this, sir!"

Zhang Jun handed the secret decree to Wang Jingxiu, Wang Jingxiu took the secret decree and read it, shook his head and said, "This is really a troublesome matter!"

Zhang Jun nodded, "It's very troublesome. I'm worried that Yue Fei's army will rebel?"

"Xuan Fushi, Yue Fei's army's rebellion is a trivial matter, and the humble official is worried that Chen Qing will intervene!"

Zhang Jun was taken aback, "Chen Qing will also intervene in this matter?"

"Why wouldn't he intervene? Yue Fei's army is an army that is good at fighting. Chen Qing has captured Dengzhou, and the army is close to Xiangyang. Doesn't he want to take this army that is good at fighting into his pocket?"

Zhang Jun suddenly remembered something, nodded and said: "Sir, you are right, Chen Qing must also be planning for Yue Fei's army. I got the news two days ago that Yue Lei returned to Xiangyang from Dangtu County. It is obvious that Chen Qing is helping He fled."

Wang Jingxiu pondered for a moment and said: "The imperial court was mainly worried about the rebellion of Yue Fei's army, so it asked the Xuan Fu envoy to recruit this army. Otherwise, it would be enough to send a civil official to recruit the army, but the imperial court certainly did not consider Chen Qing's factors."

"Actually, what I'm really worried about is not Yue Fei's army, but the imperial court has started to clean up the feudal town. The next one is either me or Han Shizhong. If he loses his military power, I don't know how the imperial court will deal with me. I'm afraid my fate will be even worse than Yue Fei's!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Wang Jingxiu smiled slightly and said: "Didn't Xuanfu envoys behave very well these years? He desperately made money, ran amok everywhere, and ruined his reputation. Wasn't that how Wang Jian reassured King Qin back then? So Xuanfu envoys don't have to worry, since the emperor Asking you to collect Yue Fei's army shows that he still trusts you."

Zhang Ziqi next to him couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time. It turned out that his father had been desperately earning money all these years and deliberately ruining his reputation. He was pretending to reassure the emperor, or he was really cunning and cunning!
Zhang Jun didn't want to mention this matter, so he quickly changed the topic, "Then how to accept Yue Fei's army, sir, please teach me!"

Wang Jingxiu thought for a while and said: "I suggest that the envoy Xuanfu should grasp two principles. First, to satisfy Chen Qing, this is to leave a way for himself; second, to make the emperor dissatisfied, the emperor and the court must be satisfied. Realizing that the consequences of cutting the feudal clan are very serious, the court will be cautious when it takes the next step to seize the prince and Han Shizhong's military power."

"Is there any way to make Yue Fei's army unwilling to accept the imperial reorganization?"

Wang Jingxiu pointed out two fingers, "Two words, rumors!"

Zhang Jun nodded, and then said to his eldest son, Zhang Ziqi: "I'll write a letter, you should immediately ride to Xuchang on a fast horse, and hand the letter to His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"My child obeys the order!"

After Yue Fei received the order from the imperial court to prepare to take back Jingnan Road, he ordered his eldest son, Yue Yun, to lead [-] people to station in Lin County, the commander of the Jingmen Army, and direct his troops to Jiangling Mansion.

But this was just a preparation, and they had to get a definite order from the court before they could send troops to Jiangling. Yue Fei immediately took his second son, Yue Lei, to Lin'an to report on his duties.

The military camp is located outside Changlin County, and the soldiers are waiting patiently for orders.

Yue Yun is only [-] years old this year. He followed his father to fight in the north and south at the age of fourteen. He is a famous young hero in the Song Dynasty. But as he got older, his strength became stronger and stronger, and the long spear could no longer give full play to his advantages in strength.

At the age of seventeen, Yue Yun began to practice hammering. A pair of bright silver hammers weighing [-] jin beat the Song army's invincible hands, so he was known as the Silver Hammer Taibao.

Yue Yun's personality is the same as his father's, upright, jealous, and not good at compromise.

Ever since they were forced to withdraw from their Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, Yue Yun hated the court's stupidity and weakness. If his father hadn't stopped him, he would have almost killed the messenger officer who forced them to withdraw.

This time the imperial court ordered them to attack South Jing South Road, Yue Yun also strongly opposed it, the main reason was that Chen Qing's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and regained his homeland, but they took advantage of people's danger to attack South Jing South Road. Be reviled by the world.

Another reason is that the Song Army's warships blocked the Yangtze River, and their troops could not cross the Yangtze River. What's the point of just occupying Jiangling County on the north bank?
In the past few days, Yue Yun felt a strong sense of uneasiness. He heard rumors that his father was exiled in Lingnan, and these two days he heard rumors that his father had been convicted and sent to prison, but no matter what kind of rumors, it is not good for his father.

Especially in the past few days, several news spread in the barracks that their army will be taken over by Zhang Jun, and all generals will be demoted to three ranks.

The commander was demoted to the deputy commander, and the commander was demoted to the deputy capital. The news immediately blew up the barracks. You must know that it will take at least ten years for the officer to be promoted to the third rank. , Only a little bit of merit and promotion, now erasing the third level all at once, this is more unacceptable than killing them, erasing all their ten years of credit.

This news hit the army's Achilles' heel, and made the generals very angry.

At this time, Xue Bi, the staff officer, walked into the big tent quickly and said, "Little General, this is a bit strange!"

"May I ask Xue Canjun, what's so strange?"

"Beizhi just received a letter from Li Ruoxu from Xiangyang, asking us to prepare all the military and political files and hand them over to Zhang Jun."


Yue Yun's eyes widened, "Could it be that the rumors are true, my father has been dismissed and sent to prison?"

"There is no definite information on whether Dutong was dismissed and sent to prison, or he may have been transferred to another post, but it should be certain that Zhang Jun took over our army."

Yue Yun clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Is this stupid emperor treating the general who fought bloody for him like this?"

Xue Bi sighed and said, "I came here to find the little general because I hope the little general can stabilize the emotions of the generals. They are all discussing the matter of going north to join the Western Army."

"Joining the Western Army is a good thing. That is the real anti-golden army. Why do you have to work for this fatuous emperor?"

"Calm down, little general! There is still no news from the Xuanfu envoy. If it is a rumor, it will be difficult to turn around."

As soon as Xue Bi finished speaking, a soldier said outside the tent: "Sign up to the little general, the second son is back!"

"Ah! My second brother is back, where is he?"

Yue Lei rushed into the big tent, hugged his elder brother and cried bitterly.

"Don't cry yet!"

Yue Yun pressed his brother's shoulder and asked anxiously, "Where's father? Didn't he come back with you?"

"My father was put under house arrest. Zhang Bao and I escaped from Lin'an with the help of Chen Qing's subordinates."


Yue Yun's body shook, and he finally got the definite news that his father was really sent to prison.

He suddenly pulled out his sword, cut off the table table with one sword, and said through gritted teeth: "The emperor is stupid, the treacherous officials are in power, and Zhongliang is framed. Such a dynasty does not deserve my Yue Yun's allegiance, it is better to go against it!"

"Brother must not!"

Yue Lei knelt down and wept, "Father asked me to come back just to stop Eldest Brother's impulsiveness. Eldest Brother can resign to take care of his family, or find another job, but he can't rebel. This will ruin Father's reputation for the rest of his life!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Lei took out Yue Fei's troop transfer gold medal, held it up high and said, "There is an order in the capital, if General Yue Yun has the intention of rebelling, he can be deprived of his military authority."

Seeing his father's troop transfer gold medal, Yue Yun couldn't help but sat down slumped, sighed and said, "I know, I won't rebel, and I won't ruin my father's reputation for the rest of his life."

At this time, Yue Lei glanced at Xue Bi behind him, "Can Xue Canjun avoid it for a while, I want to talk about family matters with my brother."

As long as Yue Yun doesn't rebel, Xue Bi is relieved, he nodded, turned and walked out of the big tent.

Yue Yun looked at his brother doubtfully and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Father said that the imperial court is very likely to arrest eldest brother and Zhang Xian. Father told you to resign and return to your hometown to avoid arrest, but I want to persuade elder brother to join the Western Army. We will continue to fight against gold, regain the Central Plains, and make up for the regrets of last year. So many officials have defected to Jingzhao, and even high-ranking officials like Zhe Yanzhi and Lu Qingshan have defected to the Sichuan-Shanxi Army, why can’t we go, and have to serve the fatuous emperor?”

Yue Yun nodded and asked, "I heard you just now, that you escaped with the help of Chen Qing's subordinates?"

"Exactly! As soon as we escaped from the city, the imperial court began to arrest us. I guess I took away my father's troop transfer gold medal. There are checkpoints everywhere. We can't escape at all. No one helps us, so Zhang Bao went to We asked for help from the Sichuan-Shaanxi Museum, but unexpectedly the other party agreed, and Wei Yanzong, the deputy commander of the intelligence agents, personally led us to break through."

At this time, there was a loud commotion outside, and the soldiers ran over and said, "Young General, all the generals are here!"

Yue Lei changed his mind, Zhang Bao should have told everyone the news.

(End of this chapter)

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