
Chapter 1016 Choice

Chapter 1016 Choice
In the big tent, dozens of generals gathered together, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation. Their beloved coach was framed and imprisoned, and their own interests would also suffer heavy losses. Zhang Jun wanted to demote each of them to three ranks. It is doubtful that Zhang Jun is such a person. If they are demoted, Zhang Jun's subordinates can be naturally inserted in and take over their positions.

"Major General, let's rebel!"

The commanders shouted, "I would rather die than give in, fight them!"

"Go to Lin'an and rescue Yue Dutong!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Please be quiet, generals!"

Yue Yun yelled, and the big tent fell silent immediately, dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Yue Yun together.

Yue Yun held up the gold medal and said, "This is the commander of the capital and asked my brother Yue Lei to bring it back. With this gold medal, we are ordered not to rebel. This is a military order, and we must obey it unconditionally. Therefore, if you call the rebels again, behead them!"

The big tent was still very quiet, and everyone's fanatical gazes dimmed.

Yue Yun continued: "However, each of us can make our own choices. If we don't want to be loyal to the imperial court, we can choose to go back to our hometown or go to the Western Army. The control has not stopped these. Except for rebellion, other Choose, I will not object, let alone interfere?"

"What about the army?"

A general asked: "We want to go to the Western Army, can we take the army away?"

The intelligence spies sent by Chen Qing had secretly talked with them and asked them to bring the army over. The military ranks remained the same, and the military rank was raised to one level. Arranged, how can the generals not be tempted?

Yue Yun thought for a while and said: "Disbanding the army now will cause unnecessary trouble. I will bring the army to the Anhua Army. If you choose to join the Western Army, you can take your subordinates to Dengzhou at that time. stop."

Of course, Yue Yun was unwilling to hand over the soldiers to the corrupt and dark Zhang Jun's army. The soldiers would be reduced to the bottom and suffer all kinds of oppression. He would rather all the soldiers go to the Western Army.

"Agree with my plan, you can raise your hand now!" Yue Yun looked at everyone.

"Agreed!" Controlling Yao Zheng raised his hand first.

"Agree! Agree!" The voices came one after another, and more and more people raised their hands, and finally almost everyone raised their hands in agreement.

Yue Yun nodded, "Let's go back to Xiangyang first, and stay in Xiangyang City for a day. Everyone, bring your family and go to the Anhua Army together. Let's go back and pack up! We will leave in an hour."

Everyone went back to clean up one after another, Yue Lei asked: "Brother, don't you want to go to the Western Army?"

"No! I have to meet my mother first and listen to her opinion before I can make a decision."

Yue Yun and Yue Lei are brothers from the same mother. Their mother is Yue Fei's ex-wife Liu Shi. She brought her up, so Yue Yun regards Li Wa as his biological mother and is extremely filial to her. If he wants to join the Western Army, of course he must ask his mother's opinion, and she can only go if she agrees.

If his mother wanted to stay and take care of the family, he would not hesitate to resign and return home.

That night, Yue Yun led an army of [-] to leave Changlin County and head north to Xiangyang.

Chen Qing really didn't expect that Zhang Jun would send his eldest son Zhang Ziqi to see him, so he immediately ordered his soldiers to bring Zhang Ziqi into the tent.

"See His Royal Highness King Yong for humble positions!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "Zhang Canjun doesn't need to be polite, please sit down!"

Zhang Ziqi took out the letter from his father Zhang Jun and presented it to Chen Qing, "This is a letter written by my father to His Highness, but I have to take the letter back with me. Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

This is Zhang Jun's caution, he can't hand over the letter to Chen Qing, in case it is revealed one day and the court finds out, he will be overwhelmed and walk away.

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, opened the letter and read it again, then passed the letter to Zhang Xiao next to him for review, Chen Qing said again: "Your father is very discerning, I really want to recruit part of Yue Fei's army, of course, the premise is that they If you are willing, since your father has thought of this, what is he going to do? It was not mentioned in the letter."

The key point is that it cannot be written, but must be dictated. This is why Zhang Jun sent his son here. Only his son's dictation can be believed by the other party.

"Father has sent people to spread rumors in Yue Fei's army. All generals will be demoted to three ranks, and all soldiers' salaries will be halved. Then my father will lead an army of [-] to Xiangyang Mansion, but he will slow down all the way to give the soldiers time to choose." If you want to escape and go home, let them go home, if you want to go to the Western Army, then go to the Western Army, and finally take over the rest of the army, and give the court an explanation."

"Your father thinks the court can accept this result?"

Zhang Ziqi bowed slightly and said: "My father said that the imperial court may not want this army, it is more in the interest of the imperial court to disband them, and there will be no more Yue Family Army from now on. My father also said that if this army has a strong sense of identification with Yue Fei, then The Son of Heaven will definitely issue an order to disband the army."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Whether Yue Fei's army is disbanded or not is actually in the hands of your father."

"Your Highness is right."

Chen Qing said again: "If the imperial court asks your father to attack South Jing South Road, what should he do?"

"My father believes that the Son of Heaven will not attack the South Jing Road, but the imperial court will station troops in some southern state capitals. This will not destroy the agreement reached between His Highness and the Son of Heaven last year."

At this time, Zhang Xiao asked with a smile beside him: "Yue Fei's military power has been deprived, and envoy Zhang Xuan is not worried that it will be his and Han Shizhong's turn next?"

Zhang Ziqi looked sadly and said: "My father is really worried!"

"I'll give your father a suggestion, let him take the initiative to apply for a military supervisor from the court, and then offer food and drink. With the supervisor, the court will not revoke your father's military post for the time being."

Zhang Ziqi stood up and saluted gratefully: "Thank you, Master Zhang, for your reminder, I will definitely tell my father!"

Chen Qing returned the letter to him, wrote another reply letter for him to take back, and then ordered his soldiers to send Zhang Ziqi out of the camp.

After Zhang Ziqi left, Chen Qing frowned, "Why did Zhang Jun think of sending his son to find me?"

Zhang Xiao said lightly: "This Zhang Jun must want to disband all Yue Fei's troops, and then fabricate some stories, such as soldiers rebelling, he sent troops to suppress, and the remnants of the army fled to Dengzhou, and then died tens of thousands, making the situation more serious , the imperial court has concerns, so they dare not remove his military power so easily, so he sent his son to communicate with him in advance, just to show his goodwill first, and then when he shifts the responsibility to His Highness, His Highness will not blame him."

"You're really cunning and cunning!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "So we can go to Dengzhou to receive Yue Fei's army?"

"of course can!"

Zhang Xiaoxin said: "His Royal Highness can make a big publicity and encourage Yue Fei's army to come to join him. With Yue Fei's army joining, there will be more hope of defeating Wanyan Wushu this time."

Chen Qing sent a personal team to Guanzhong with his gold medal, and asked the [-] support army to stay in Guanzhong and not to come to the Central Plains for support.

He has already obtained a new force of tens of thousands of people, which is enough to solve the problem of the shortage of troops on the East Road.

At this time, the city of Xiangyang was full of turmoil, and various rumors were spreading among the Xiangyang garrison. After Zhang Jun took over, he would remove Yue Fei's generals by demotion by three ranks. soldiers will be reduced to privates.

At the same time, Chen Qing plastered solicitation notices all over Xiangyang City by means of notices to the officers and soldiers.

In the letter to the generals, he strongly condemned the court for punishing the governor Yue Fei for the crime of resisting gold, and pointed out that the reason why Yue Fei was dismissed from his post and imprisoned was that he did not obey the edict of resisting three times during the Northern Expedition, which offended the emperor and the surrender faction in the court, which attracted the attention of the prison. disaster.

The imperial court not only punished Yue Fei, but also punished the soldiers who followed him against the Jin Dynasty as revenge for what they called the Yue Family Army.

The generals and soldiers of the Yue Family Army will fall into an unprecedented predicament.

But there is still an army in the world that is unwilling to join forces with the imperial court, that is, the Sichuan-Shanxi Army. Chen Qing called on all the soldiers of the Yue family army to join the Western Army, and together they will raise the banner of anti-gold, drive out the Jurchen Tartars, and take back the land that our ancestors lived for generations , to avenge our parents, wives and children who were massacred by Jurchen cavalry.

At the same time, Chen Qing made three promises in the name of King Yong. First, the military ranks of all the generals who came to serve will remain unchanged, and their military ranks will be promoted by one level;[-]. The family members of all the soldiers who served in the service will also receive land and tax-free treatment, and their lives and houses will be properly resettled by local governments.

On the one hand, the demotion of rank and salary and status, and on the other hand, the promotion of salary and salary protection, the result can be imagined, especially Chen Qing's letter to the soldiers made countless soldiers excited, and let them put down their worries.

A steady stream of armies rushed to Dengzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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