
Chapter 1017 Incorporation

Chapter 1017 Incorporation
Xuanfu Mansion on North Jingbei Road is located in the northwest of Xiangyang City. It is also Yue Fei's mansion. Yue Fei's wife Li Wa lives here with several children.

In the back hall, Li Wa listened to Yue Yun's narration with tears in her eyes.

She wiped away her tears, nodded and said: "Your father is too upright, sticking to his principles blindly, even if the emperor doesn't give him face, I knew he would have today's disaster sooner or later, hey! To save his life is an open eye from heaven .”

"Mother, my father asked me to resign and return to my hometown to take care of my family, and my son also wants the same."

Li Wa hesitated and said: "Yun'er, you are only twenty years old and have a bright future. It's too unfair to you to resign and return to your hometown like this!"

Yue Yun shook his head, "Mother, as the saying goes, loyalty and filial piety cannot be fulfilled, the child would rather give up his future."

Li Wa was still a little hesitant. At this moment, seeing her second son Yue Lei hesitated to speak, she asked, "Lei Er, what do you want to say?"

Yue Lei bowed and said, "I told my mother that my father said that the imperial court will not let eldest brother and Zhang Xian go, even if my eldest brother resigns, he will be arrested, so I suggest that my eldest brother go to the Western Army and ask Chen Qing to help my father. "

Just as Yue Yun was about to speak, Li Wa stopped him, and asked Yue Lei, "Can Chen Qing help your father?"

"Baby heard what Zhang Bao said. Zhang Bao said that the only thing the emperor is afraid of is Chen Qing."

"Hurry up and let Zhang Bao come to see me!"

The reason why Li Wa hesitated just now was because she didn't want to go back to her hometown to escape, but was thinking about how to help her husband.

Not long after, Zhang Bao hurried into the hall, knelt down on one knee and said, "Zhang Bao sees the mistress!"

"General Zhang, please excuse me!"

Li Wa asked: "You told Lei Er, can Chen Qing save the master?"

Zhang Bao nodded, "I heard something in Lin'an that Uncle Zheng Guo was as rich as a country. After the Queen Mother passed away, he was targeted by the emperor and other powerful officials and relatives who wanted to rob him of his wealth. With the whole family fleeing, Chen Qing issued a statement in the "Beijing News" that if he dared to touch Uncle Zheng Guo, he would be an enemy of the Western Army, and then the court dropped all charges against Uncle Zheng Guo, and Uncle Zheng Guo was safe and sound."

"Why did Chen Qing help Uncle Zheng Guo?"

"I heard that Uncle Zheng Guo's son is a general under Chen Qing."

Li Wa was stunned, she nodded and said to Yue Yun: "Your father has never done anything that harmed the country or the people, we can't let him go to jail unjustly, let alone let him be tortured and convicted, we have to find a way to rescue him, Yun'er Do you understand? If Chen Qing can save your father, then we should ask Chen Qing for help, instead of resigning and returning to his hometown, that would be an escape, and we cannot leave your father behind bars."

Yue Yun said ashamedly: "My child's thinking is too simple, I will lead the army north to join Chen Qing, and then implore Chen Qing to help my father out of prison!"

"That's right, let's do it separately. I'm going to Lin'an to visit your father. If your father is exiled, I will go with him. You and Lei'er go to the Western Army."

Li Wa's attitude is very firm, she can't go back to her hometown, she wants to be with her husband.

At this time, Yue Lei said: "I will accompany my mother to Lin'an, and I have to return the gold medal to my father, otherwise he will be convicted for it, we can go to Jiangling to take a boat, there are all the fleets of the Western Army, there are big ships. "

Zhang Bao also said: "I led thirty soldiers to escort the mistress and the children to Lin'an."

Yue Yun was a little hesitant to go to the Western Army before, because he knew that once he went to the Western Army, he would not be able to turn back. If the court uses his father as a general again, his father will have no one to help him.

Now he has also figured it out, if Chen Qing can save his father, then what's the point of being loyal to Chen Qing?If the father is a civil servant, there are brothers and mothers, and there are people around the father to help.

More importantly, since I am in the Western Army, my father and my family still have a way out, and they can go to Guanzhong to settle down.

Thinking of this, Yue Yun said to Yue Lei and Zhang Bao: "I entrust the safety of my mother and my younger siblings to you!"

Yue Lei said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry! The sailors of the Western Army will escort us all the way, there will be no problems. We will go to Lin'an, and they will arrange the accommodation. Brother Wei told me personally."

Li Wa pulled out a silver hairpin, stuck it in Yue Yun's hair, stared at him and said, "Be like your father, be a man of indomitable spirit, drive out the Tartars, and restore our Han family!"

Yue Yun kowtowed three times to Li Wa, choked with sobs and said, "Mother taught me, my child will always remember it in my heart, I hope mother will take care of you all the way!"

Early the next morning, Yue Yun personally led troops to send his mother and his party thirty miles away. Zhang Bao and Yue Lei led five hundred soldiers to escort Li Wa and five younger siblings to the south, accompanied by Wei Yanzong, the warrior leader of Lin'an Intelligence Station, and ten subordinates.

Wei Yanzong was protecting Yue Lei back to Xiangyang, because he wanted Yue Lei to send the gold medal back to Lin'an, so Wei Yanzong waited for a few days, and at the same time sent someone to Dengzhou to deliver a letter to His Royal Highness King Yong, and soon he received King Yong His Highness's warrant requires him to escort Yue Fei's wife and children back to Lin'an.

Of course, Wei Yanzong thought very carefully, instead of going to Lin'an, he went to Yuhang County, and the family reunited after Yue Fei was released.

Yue Yun then led an army of [-] to go northward. In addition to Yue Yun's [-] troops, there were also [-] troops who commanded Xu Qing, and more than a hundred thousand family members followed north to Dengzhou.

The team is mighty and mighty, stretching for more than [-] miles.

Yue Fei has a total of [-] troops, of which [-] soldiers from the Eastern Route Army are under the command of Wu Jie and his brothers Wu Jie. Jun's general Sun Xiu commanded him and was stationed in Guangzhou.

The remaining [-] troops were led by Wang Gui, Zhang Xian, Yue Yun, Xu Qing, and Dong Xian. Among them, Yue Yun and Wang Gui each commanded [-] men, and the other three commanded [-] men each.

This time Beitou West Army, Dong Xian's army is stationed in Yingzhou, there is no news so far, Wang Gui will stay and continue to sit in Xiangyang.

In addition, the commander Peng Qi led [-] people to sit in Suizhou, but he was the first general to go north to join Chen Qing. This is because he had long wanted to join Chen Qing, but Yue Fei treated him well, and he couldn't bear to abandon Yue Fei. , this time Yue Fei was convicted and sent to prison, Zhang Jun wanted to take over the army, Peng Qi led the army north without hesitation, becoming the first general to go north to Dengzhou.

At this time, Chen Qing was in Dengzhou, waiting for Yue Fei's army to arrive.

He set up two large camps in Xinye County, which is closest to Xiangyang in Dengzhou, one for his [-] troops, and the other for tens of thousands of troops who came to defect.

In addition, Xinye County has been vacated, and he temporarily used it to accommodate military families. There are houses for houses, but no houses for tents. Zhang Xiao led a hundred civilian officials and thousands of soldiers to take charge of this matter.

Chen Qing had an idea a long time ago. He planned to place the family members of Yue Fei's army in Yingchang Mansion, Dengzhou, Ruzhou, and Chenzhou. These four places had a huge amount of official land, and it was no problem for a family to be divided into hundreds of acres. Dozens of family members of senior officials above the command They will be placed in Jingzhao New City.

At noon, the mighty army arrived outside the camp. The army was neatly dressed, the armor was bright, and the soldiers were full of energy. At first glance, it looked like a well-trained army. It really was worthy of the famous Yue Family Army.

Liu Qiong and Tang Qian were responsible for the reception, and Tang Qian led the soldiers to lead tens of thousands of troops to the camp to rest.

Liu Qiong came to see Chen Qing with dozens of generals. Xu Qing was in charge at the front. Xu Qing was from Yue Fei's hometown. , has been encouraging Yue Fei to support himself.

He brought everyone to meet Chen Qing, they knelt down on one knee, cupped their fists and said, "See Your Highness Prince Yong!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "You don't need to be polite. We used to be comrades-in-arms fighting against gold, and we will be brothers fighting side by side in the future. We are all soldiers, so I won't talk nonsense. From now on, you are a part of the Western Army." member."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing asked his generals to go to the camp to rest. Although Chen Qing recruited the generals with the best treatment, it does not mean that he has no principles. He must adhere to the principle of separation of soldiers and generals. This is also the principle of all armies. All armies must be dismantled, reorganized, and redistributed.

The general also knew this principle and had no objection, so he followed the soldiers to the camp to rest and have lunch.

Chen Qing specifically left Yue Yun and Zhang Xian behind.

(End of this chapter)

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