
Chapter 1018 Secret Envoy

Chapter 1018 Secret Envoy
Yue Yun handed his mother's handwritten letter to Chen Qing. After reading the letter, Chen Qing said to the two of them, "I will do everything in my power to help Yue Dutong, but there is one thing you must understand in your hearts. Among the crimes, the third one is collusion and treason, and the rebellion is me. If I rescue Yue Dutong, then he will be convicted of this crime. Even if I get out of prison because of my face, the court will not give him any permission to return to the army. Opportunities, at most, they can only be transferred to civil servants, or even dismissed as civilians."

Yue Yun and Zhang Xian looked at each other, Yue Yun quickly asked: "Your Highness, you mean that my father can be released as a civilian at worst?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Of course, if there is still a conviction, what's the point of me helping him?"

Yue Yun was overjoyed, bowed and said, "Please leave everything to Your Highness!"

Zhang Xian couldn't help but asked: "May I ask what method His Highness used to rescue Yue Dutong, can you reveal one or two things?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "I have a chess piece in my hand, which is the thing that people are most afraid of today. Do you know what it is?"

Zhang Xian thought for a while, and suddenly blurted out, "The late emperor!"

Chen Qing nodded, and said to Yue Yun: "General Yue, please rest assured, your mother and siblings are going east, I have instructed my subordinates to make proper arrangements for them, and they will be taken care of along the way, not to mention their safety."

Yue Yun was touched, bowed again and said: "Your Highness loves you so much, Yue Yun can only do his best to serve His Highness in return for your kindness!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "You are not only working for me, but also earning a future for yourself. Your descendants will all be blessed, go and rest! Follow me back to Xuchang tomorrow, a big battle is about to begin."

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Qing issued the order of King Yong, conferring Xu Qing, Zhang Xian, and Yue Yun as commanders of the upper army, [-] people including Peng Qi and Yao Zhen as commanders, and [-] deputy commanders. The other generals followed their original positions. Seal commander and command envoy.

In addition, there are civil servants Xue Bi, Li Ruoxu and others who are all employed as staff officers and engaged in military and civilian positions.

Early the next morning, thousands of people were left to continue to resettle their families, and the remaining [-] troops returned to Yingchang Mansion in a mighty manner.

But Yue Fei's army's coming to serve did not end. Although Wang Gui and Dong Xian did not come, many soldiers under their command came north one after another. Within half a month, more than [-] people came to serve. Chen Qing finally Got [-] Yue Family Army.

In Lin'an, the night fell, but there was still a lot of people in the big and small tiles, and the business was prosperous, but the residential area and the government area gradually quieted down.

The front of Qin Hui's mansion was also very quiet, but behind him, there were more than a dozen servants standing in front of Xiaohe pier, waiting for someone with lanterns.

At this time, a passenger ship came slowly and stopped at the pier. Xiao Yi, the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin who was stationed in Lin'an, stepped off the ship. The envoy of the Kingdom of Jin who just took office.

He is a Khitan native, proficient in Chinese, Jurchen and Khitan, and especially understands the customs and culture of the Han people, and has always won the trust of the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin.

He had already sent someone to deliver a letter during the day, saying that he would visit Xiangguo Qin Hui at night.

Envoys from the Kingdom of Jin usually come to visit Qin Hui by water. Of course, this is also Qin Hui's request. There is a street in front of his house, and there are people coming and going. There are always envoys from the Kingdom of Jin visiting in the middle of the night. It is easy to be criticized and affect his reputation.

"Is your Xiangguo there?" Xiao Yi walked ashore and asked with a smile.

"I'm waiting for Officer Xiao, please follow me!" the butler said with a lantern.

"Wait a minute, I have another companion."

I saw another Han coming down from the boat, about forty years old, short in stature, unattractive in appearance, but dressed as a businessman.

"Who is this"

"Don't worry! He is our man, I will guarantee it."

Xiao Yi obviously didn't want to explain more to the butler, but the butler had no choice but to nod, "You two please follow me."

Lanterns in front lead the way, from the pier, there are two doors in Qinhui Mansion, one door leads to the inner house, and the other door leads to a long alley leading to the front yard, most people use the alley to go to the front yard.

But Xiao Yi left the inner house and went all the way to Qin Hui's study yard.

"Emissary Xiao hasn't come for a long time, what news did he bring today?"

Qin Hui greeted Xiao Yi with a smile, but his eyes fell on the middle-aged man behind him, and his intuition told Qin Hui that this was a scribe, not a businessman.

Xiao Yi stepped back and introduced the businessman behind Qin Hui, "This Mr. Xu is the aide of King Liang, and he just came from Bianjing!"

The middle-aged scribe saluted and said, "My servant, Xu Houde, will be in charge of official assessment in the Liang Palace."

Qin Hui was startled. This unattractive middle-aged man was actually the head of the official department of Wanyan Wushu. He was puzzled again. Why did Wanyan Wushu come to find him? Qin Hui had always been in contact with Wanyanchang.

"You two, please sit down!"

Qin Hui quickly asked the two to sit down, and then asked the maid to serve tea.

Xiao Yi held the teacup and tasted it slowly. Today he is accompanying the guest, and Xu Houde is the master.

Xu Houde was not in the mood to drink tea, he said with a serious face: "I wonder if Mr. Qin knows about the battle in the Central Plains?"

Qin Hui glanced at the "Beijing News" on the table, and said with a dry smile: "I know something, the Western Army captured Xuchang, forming a situation of attacking Bianliang from both sides."

"Didn't your court respond?" Xu Houde asked again.

Qin Hui picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, said lightly: "Of course we are very concerned, we care more about the refugees!"

Xu Houde took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Qin Hui, "This is a personal letter from King Liang to Xiangguo."

Qin Hui took the letter and read it again, his face was uncertain, Wanyan Wushu actually asked him to persuade the emperor to send troops to Huaibei and attack the states on the north bank of Huaihe River.

Of course, Qin Hui understood Wanyan Wushu's intention, which was to attack the back of the Western Army. In fact, it became an alliance between Song and Jin to attack the Western Army.

Qin Hui was in a bit of a dilemma. First, he did not contact Wanyan Wushu. He had always been in contact with Wanyan Chang. Now Wanyan Wushu wrote a letter very abruptly, asking the Song Army to send troops to the Northern Expedition. Who did he think he was? Representing the Kingdom of Jin?
Secondly, the imperial court is now busy taking over the military power, how can it care about the affairs of the Central Plains?

Wanyan Wushu did not send soldiers to deliver the letter, but sent his staff to deliver the letter. He also hoped that his staff could persuade Qin Hui. Of course he knew that Qin Hui had always been in contact with Wanyanchang.

"Does Mr. Qin feel that there is something wrong?" Xu Houde asked Qin Hui, staring at Qin Hui's expression.

"It's useless for me to promise to use troops in the Central Plains. The key is to ask the emperor to agree. Now the military power is in the hands of the officials. Of course, I can try my best to persuade the emperor, but I can't give any guarantee to King Liang."

Xu Houde took out another letter and handed it to Qin Hui, "This is a personal letter from King Liang to your emperor, please send it to the emperor, Prime Minister Qin, and then try your best to persuade the emperor."

This is fine, Qin Hui took the letter and said happily: "I will pass the letter to the emperor tomorrow morning, and I will try my best to persuade you."

If you can’t be persuaded, it’s a matter of writing your own letters. If you can’t convince yourself, how can you still count on me?

"Qin Xianggong, can you arrange for me to meet the emperor of your country?" Xu Houde continued to ask.

Qin Hui glanced at Xiao Yi, with some dissatisfaction in his eyes, which means, this person surnamed Xu doesn't understand the rules, don't you understand the rules?

Xiao Yi laughed dryly and said: "Mr. Xu was mentioned when Mr. Qin reported. If the emperor wants to see him, he can arrange it. If he doesn't want to see him, then forget it."

"Okay! I'll mention it tomorrow."

Xu Houde said again: "In addition, you need to tell Qin Xianggong that Li Qiong, who surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin before, has now surrendered to Chen Qing. His [-] troops are deployed on the front lines of Haizhou, Xuzhou, Pizhou, and Suzhou. You can attack Li Qiong. , not only to avenge the betrayal of the past, but also to take advantage of the trend to occupy the four states of Xupi and Haisu, and threaten the back of Chen Qing's army. You can also use an excuse to recover the Central Plains! Do you really want Chen Qing to successfully recover Bianliang?"

Qin Hui narrowed his eyes, he suddenly felt that maybe the emperor really wanted to go north.

(End of this chapter)

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