
Chapter 1019 Pressure

Chapter 1019 Pressure
Early the next morning, Qin Hui came to the imperial study in a hurry. Coincidentally, Zhang Jun's bulletin was sent to the Privy Council by flying pigeons, and Xu Xiantu was reporting to the emperor!

"Xiangguo came just in time! I am about to send someone to call for it."

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Qin Hui asked with a smile on his face.

"This is the bulletin Zhang Jun sent back from Xiangyang. Xiangguo will take a look first."

An eunuch forwarded the copy of the pigeon letter to Qin Hui.

The letter was sent by pigeons, so it was very short, only two lines.

"The minister led an army of [-] troops into Xiangyang and captured the Yue army. However, the Yue army rioted and a large number of troops descended from the north to the west. The captured army refused to obey the control and showed signs of rebellion. The minister suggested that they should be disbanded and returned to the peasants on the spot. I am eager for a reply!" '

Qin Hui understood that Zhang Jun had controlled Xiangyang, but the army could not control it. Many surrendered to the Western Army, and the rest of the army surrendered on the surface, but there were signs of rebellion in secret, so Zhang Jun suggested disbanding.

Qin Hui received [-] yuan from Zhang Jun every year for all kinds of filial piety. Since Zhang Jun suggested disbanding, there is no harm in disbanding.

"Your Majesty, we currently have an army of [-], and our military expenditures have been overwhelming us. If we can reduce the number of troops by [-], I, the prime minister, will raise my glass to celebrate."

Qin Hui first made a joke to ease the atmosphere, and then said to Zhao Gou: "I have always advocated disarmament. Your Majesty should remember that I have already written two memorials on disarmament. Now Yue Fei's army will be laid off and the army will be laid off. They disband on the spot, and our finances will be greatly relieved, Your Majesty, the financial burden has been reduced, and the troubles of the heart have been removed, why not do it?"

Zhao Gou nodded, Qin Hui's words touched his heart, he was so worried about money that he couldn't sleep every day, Zhang Jun wanted to share his worries for him, of course he was willing.

"Xu Xiangguo, that's it! Send a letter to Zhang Jun immediately, I agree with his plan, and Yue Fei's army will be disbanded on the spot."

Xu Xiantu was the head of the Privy Council, of course he knew that Yue Fei's army was the most elite army in the Song Dynasty, and Chen Qing would not let it go. He desperately recruited them, but the emperor decided to disband them.

But Xu Xiantu had no choice. He knew that the emperor didn't care whether the army was elite, but whether the army was loyal. After Liu Miao's change, the emperor didn't believe in generals at all, and he didn't trust the army brought out by these generals.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Xu Xiantu bowed and left in a hurry.

At this time, Qin Hui bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have one more important matter to report."

"what's up?"

"Your Majesty, Xiao Yi, envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, came to visit Wei Chen last night. He brought a person who is Wanyan Wushu's staff, and a letter written by Wanyan Wushu, which is for His Majesty."

"Wanyan Wushu wrote me a letter?"

Zhao Gou was stunned and said in surprise, "Where is the letter? Show me?"

Qin Hui took out a letter and handed it to Zhao Gou. Zhao Gou opened the letter and read it carefully. Of course, Wanyan Wushu's literary skills were not so good. When he wrote a letter, his staff wrote it according to his instructions. Wanyan Wushu personally pressed the seal.

Zhao Gou couldn't sit still after reading the letter. He stood up with his hands behind his back and came to the window. The content of the letter was of course to persuade him to make a northern expedition and compete with Chen Qing for territory.

Wanyan Wushu actually persuaded himself to make a northern expedition. It sounds ridiculous, but the reality is that the situation in the Central Plains has changed drastically. Chen Qing has occupied [-]% of the land in the Central Plains, and the essence expressed in Wanyan Wushu's letter is that of the Song and Jin Dynasties. Form an alliance to eliminate Chen Qing together.

Zhao Gou was not very willing to participate, not because Chen Qing was also in the Song army. In fact, Zhao Gou hated Chen Qing more than Jin Guo, and wished to destroy his nine clans.

But Zhao Gou is not a fool. He knows in his heart that even if he and Wanyan Wushu team up to drive Chen Qing out of the Central Plains, Wanyan Wushu will still clean up himself and drive his own army out of the Central Plains. wedding dress.

It's just that the last sentence in Wanyan Wushu's mind hit his heart, "Does Your Majesty want Chen Qing to recover Bianliang so that Zhao Heng and his son can return to Bianliang?" '

This is the key point of Zhao Gou. As long as Chen Qing doesn't recover Bianliang, Luoyang and Yingtianfu, he can bear it, but he can't bear to recover Bianliang unless Chen Qing gives Bianliang to himself, but is it possible?

Chen Qing will definitely enter Bianliang with the emperor's brother and his son, what if the emperor's brother ascends the throne again in Bianliang?
Thinking of this, Zhao Gou shuddered a little.

Although the first emperor Zhao Huan had expressed his willingness to give up the throne and gave himself an abdication edict without the seal, saying that the seal was still in the Kingdom of Jin, that was fine, the key was that the etiquette did not match.

When the emperor abdicates, he should build an altar in front of the Taimiao to offer sacrifices to his ancestors, and then formally announce in front of all the officials that there are no such etiquettes. It is just a notice of abdication in the "Beijing News", which is not the headline on the front page. Which emperor announced his abdication in the newspaper?

If he refused to admit that he had written the edict of abdication, how could he prove that it was true?

After discovering this major flaw in etiquette, Zhao Gou has been sitting on pins and needles for a year. He made a move to attack South Jinghu Road. In fact, he also wanted to renegotiate with Chen Qing. The ancestors rewrote the edict of abdication under the notarization of hundreds of officials and read it out in public, and then formally ascended the throne in front of the Taimiao to complete this set of rituals, then he would rather assign the entire Jingnan Road to Chen Qing.

Zhao Gou sighed and asked, "What else did the envoy of Wanyan Wushu say?"

"The envoy also said that Li Qiong, who was stationed in Xu, Su, Pi, Hai and Lianshui, had surrendered to Chen Qing. We can send troops to destroy the rebel Li Qiong and capture the army of the four prefectures of Xu and Su, which will destroy Chen Qing. The plan to attack the Kaifeng mansion forced Chen Qing to shrink his strategy, and as a thank you to us, Wanyan Wushu can be given to us by the army of the four prefectures of Xusu."

Zhao Gou was really tempted. If he could not only destroy the traitor Li Qiong, but also occupy the army of the four prefectures of Xusu, especially prevent Chen Qing from recovering Bianliang, and kill three birds with one stone, Zhao Gou would be very willing. He asked again He said: "What if Wanyan Wushu repents and sends troops to attack us?"

Qin Hui hastily said: "With Chen Qing staring at the west, Wanyanwushu needs us to create momentum in the east to contain Chen Qing's attack on the Central Plains. I believe that Wanyanwushu will not backtrack on this matter. He You must be happy to see us stay in the first army in the four prefectures of Xusu."

"This matter is of great importance, I will think about it again!"

At noon, Zhao Gou returned to the Inner Palace for lunch. As soon as he arrived in the Inner Palace, an eunuch came to report, "The Empress Dowager is here, at the Qingliang Pavilion!"

Zhao Gou was taken aback, and hurried to the Qingliang Pavilion. He knelt down in front of the bamboo curtain to pay his respects, "The emperor pays his respects to his mother, please pay his respects to her!"

Empress Dowager Wei said calmly behind the curtain: "Aijia heard that Chen Qing is about to attack Bianliang and recover the Central Plains. Could it be that His Majesty just watched this rebel recover the capital and be embraced by the people of the world?"

Zhao Gou's heart skipped a beat. This must be because Wanyan Wushu used his mother to put pressure on him. The only person who can influence his mother is Wanyan Zongxian of the Kingdom of Jin. Zhao Gou was really annoyed. Just remember?
Zhao Gou had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "The emperor is also thinking about the Northern Expedition!"

"That's right, His Majesty is orthodox. The northern expedition to the Central Plains and the restoration of the old capital should be done by His Majesty. When will it be the turn of the traitor to intervene? The Ai family is here to remind the officials of this matter. Don't let that Jingzhao The rebel's limelight overwhelmed His Majesty and won the hearts of the world."

"The empress mother's teachings, the emperor will remember them in his heart!"

Empress Dowager Wei's pressure became the last straw that overwhelmed Zhao Gou's inner balance, and Zhao Gou decided to attack from southeast to north.

Of course, Zhao Gou's decision to make the Northern Expedition was only his own decision.

There are still a lot of face-saving things to do. For example, he has to build momentum to let the anti-golden faction gain the upper hand, and then let the ministers propose, and everyone signs a letter to form a consensus on the Northern Expedition.

He also needs someone to take responsibility for him if the Northern Expedition fails.

It happened that Zhang Jun was still recuperating in Lin'an, and Zhao Ding was also in Lin'an.

That night, Zhao Gou issued a decree to restore Zhang Jun and Zhao Ding to the positions of prime ministers, and appointed them as ministers of the left and right of Shangshu, and entered the government affairs hall of the cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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