
Chapter 1020 Rescue Yue

Chapter 1020 Rescue Yue

In the early morning, a thousand-stone passenger ship slowly stopped at the pier in the east of Yuhang County. Yuhang County is located in the northwest of Lin'an, more than [-] miles away from the temporary, and it also belongs to Lin'an Prefecture.

Affected by Lin'an's prosperity, the housing estates in Yuhang County have also risen rapidly in recent years. In the northern part of the most expensive county, the land price per mu is as high as thousands of guan. Of course, it cannot be compared with Lin'an. both.

A group of people walked out of the passenger ship. The leading woman was Yue Fei's wife Li Wa. The second son Yue Lei walked in front, followed by several younger siblings, Yue Lin, Yue Zhen, Yue Ting, and two daughters. The eldest daughter, Yue Anniang, and the second daughter, Yue Yinping.

Dozens of strong men got off the boat behind, none other than Zhang Bao and his thirty subordinates, and then there was Wei Yanzong and his dozens of subordinates on the front boat.

They originally came from the Yangtze River on a large passenger ship of [-] shi, and changed to several [-] shi passenger ships in Dangtu County. The journey went smoothly and they arrived in Yuhang County in just over half a month.

There were bullock carts at the pier. They hired several bullock carts and drove towards the county town. After a while, they came to a mansion. This was a mansion temporarily rented by the intelligence station. The child jumped up and down happily, and Li Wa, who had been depressed all the time, showed a smile on his face.

She said to Wei Yanzong: "Thank you General Wei for taking care of me all the way, I wonder if there is any news about my master?"

Wei Yanzong saluted and said with a smile: "Madam, don't worry! Our people are watching. If something happens, we will know it in Dangtu County. Generally, the court will not consider how to deal with Yuedu until the matter in Xiangyang is completely resolved. System, not so fast."

"Is General Wei going to Lin'an today?" Li Wa asked again.

Yue Lei came over and said with a smile: "Mother, boy, I will go to Lin'an with Big Brother Wei today, and hand over the gold medal, so as to save those people from focusing on this matter and making fuss."

"You child, can't you go a few days later? Mother saw your arrest warrant in Dangtu County, so you bring the gold medal to Brother Zhang."

Zhang Bao nodded with a smile and said, "That's what I mean too. Dutong hasn't come out yet, and the young master has been arrested again, causing trouble for others. Why don't I run away? I see that Zhang Bao on the arrest warrant looks like Zhang Fei." , it doesn't make sense at all!"

Everyone laughed, Wei Yanzong said with a smile: "Actually, it's okay, this kind of arrest warrant is only a few days hot, unless someone informs, otherwise no one will be interrogated when entering and leaving the city. Maybe we can arrange to let Mr. Yue Meet his father."

This suggestion moved Li Wa's heart, and she asked, "It would be best to see his father, but is it safe?"

"Ma'am, don't worry! If we can't do this little thing, let's stop working in Lin'an."

Li Wa thought for a while, then said to Zhang Bao: "You want to protect Erlang's safety at all times!"

"Madam, please rest assured that the humble job must be done well, and there will be no mistakes."

Li Wa then wrote a letter and handed it to Yue Lei. Yue Lei, Zhang Bao, Wei Yanzong and a few of his men took a boat to Lin'an.

At noon, Wang Mu hurried to Liuweiju Teahouse. Liuweiju Teahouse is currently the headquarters of Lin’an Intelligence Station. three people.

One is the special envoy Hu Yun, the other is Dong An, the intelligence chief, and Wei Yanzong, the deputy chief.

"When did Xiao Wei come back?" Wang Mu walked into the room and asked with a smile.

"I arrived in Yuhang early this morning, and came from Yuhang again. I just arrived."

Hu Yun waved his hand and said, "Brother Shaofu, please sit down!"

The four of them represented the highest interests of the Western Army in Lin'an, and they rarely discussed matters together. Sitting together today, there must be something important.

"His Royal Highness has assigned us a mission!"

Hu Yun glanced at the crowd and said, "His Royal Highness King Yong asked us to put pressure on the court and release Yue Du."

Wang Mu knew it must be because of this, he asked: "Didn't the court just temporarily put Yue Dutong under house arrest, and after seizing the military power, he would be demoted to other places?

Hu Yun shook his head and said: "It was like this before, but the situation has changed. Simply put, the Queen Mother has intervened. Zhu Shengfei suddenly proposed to investigate Yue Fei's collusion with the rebels. As a huge relationship, he produced a piece of evidence that Dong Xian was exposed by Yue Fei's department, saying that the Western Army used commerce as a cover, and a large amount of military supplies were sent to Jiangling via Xiangyang through Xiangyang. Yue Fei never stopped, and even tacitly agreed On one point, Zhu Shengfei believed that Yue Fei did not tell the truth when reporting on his duties, so he requested the establishment of three joint trials."

Wang Mu frowned and said, "This Dong Xian seems to have been a high-ranking puppet Qi in the past?"

Hu Yun explained: "Dong Xian was a civil servant at the beginning and knew about Shangzhou affairs. Later, he surrendered to the puppet Qi and became a high-ranking official. But because he took refuge in Wan Yanchang, even the puppet Qi didn't allow him, so he had to surrender to the Song Dynasty. Yue Fei treated him very well. That's right, he was appointed as the commander, and he was in charge of the army alone, and now that something happened to Yue Fei, he wanted to defect to the Wei Party, so he took Yue Fei as his vote."

Dong An laughed and said: "I am very clear about this matter. Before I came to An, I led a camel team through Xiangyang. The [-] camels were all goods. If the real army supplies do not go to Xiangyang, they must come from Bashu. The reason for transporting to Jiangling is very simple, Jiangling army is part of the garrison on Sichuan Road, it is impossible for Jingzhao to send military supplies to Jiangling directly by bypassing Sichuan Road, and directly transit through Xiangyang, it can only be goods.”

Hu Yun sighed and said, "The problem is that we know it's impossible, but the imperial court doesn't know it. Now there are records, and it is true that a large number of camels passed through the border, but it is not clear whether it is goods or military assets?"

At this time, Wang Mu said slowly: "The Empress Dowager Wei will not attack Yue Fei for no reason, there is a possibility that someone from the Kingdom of Jin is instigated behind it, especially Wanyan Wushu, if Yue Fei is in trouble, I am afraid he will not let this opportunity pass."

"It's useless to say these things, the key is how to get rid of him?"

Hu Yun glanced at the crowd and asked, "What do you think?"

Wang Mu lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "It's impossible to get rid of crimes, we have to participate and use our power to suppress the court."

"His Highness King Yong has this idea."

Hu Yun handed a letter to Wang Mu, "This is the letter from King Yong brought back by Wei Yanzong from Xiangyang, you can see it after reading it."

Wang Mu read the letter hastily and nodded, "I think this is a good idea. It's not too late. Let's go back and arrange it now, and it will be published in the Beijing News tomorrow."

Wei Yanzong, who has been silent all this time, said: "I think we need to work on both sides. It is best for Yue Dutong to write a letter to defend himself, so that the emperor can understand that Yue Dutong is fine, and then the pressure from the "Beijing News" will have a better effect. .”

Hu Yun nodded, "I agree, you can arrange it!"

As night fell, an important guest came to the mansion of Xiangguo Xu Xiantu, and it was Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong.

At this critical moment, the arrival of Hu Yun made Xu Xiantu somewhat suspicious, but he still received Hu Yun politely in the guest hall.

The two exchanged some pleasantries, and Hu Yun said with a smile: "Last month, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Commissioner submitted a proposal to borrow a piece of land in Liyang County to build a cargo ship wharf, but there has been no news. I heard that the application report is under pressure in the Privy Council. I wonder if Xu Xianggong has read this application report?"

Xu Xiantu was taken aback. He didn't expect the other party to come here for this matter. He said lightly: "If you are docking at the dock, you don't need approval. There are so many docks along the Yangtze River. You can dock at will without any hindrance! Just don't I understand why the wharf should be built separately, there are many issues involved here, the key is whether to garrison troops, these are very vague, I am afraid that the possibility of approval is not high, I heard that Qin Xianggong has clearly expressed his opposition."

Hu Yun nodded, "I'm just asking, and I haven't seen the report, so I don't understand the situation."

Xu Xiantu frowned, and couldn't help but said: "If you just want to ask, you can go to the Privy Council during the day to inquire. Is it possible that Special Envoy Xu came here for such a trivial matter?"

"of course not!"

Hu Yun took out a letter from his bosom, put it on the table and pushed it to Xu Xiantu, "This is a personal letter specially written by His Royal Highness King Yong to Xu Xianggong. I am actually here today to deliver the letter."

Hu Yun said goodbye and left, Xu Xiantu looked at Chen Qing's handwritten letter over and over again, and remained silent for a long time.

His third son Xu Shou came in to salute and said, "Father, my son has already sent Special Envoy Hu away."

"Did he say anything?"

"He said that the family is the country, the world is the world, there is a family to have a country, and a country to have a world. After a hundred years, our family is still there, but I don't know whose country or world it will be?"

Xu Xiantu looked at his son's young and energetic face, and thought of his grandson, he should think about the future generations.

Xu Xiantu took out the silver medal from his pocket and handed it to his son, "Go to Dali Temple immediately and find Li Ruopu, the Prime Minister of Dali Temple. He is my man, and he should be on duty tonight. Just tell him like this."

(End of this chapter)

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