
Chapter 1021 Rescue Yue

Chapter 1021 Rescue Yue

At two o'clock, Wei Yanzong took Yue Lei into the soft restricted area of ​​Dali Temple through a small side door, and came to the small courtyard where Yue Fei was under house arrest.

Although it was late, Yue Fei hadn't rested yet.

Under the lamp, Yue Fei was concentrating on reading a book, Yue Lei rushed over excitedly, "Daddy!"

Yue Fei put down his book and looked at his son in surprise, "Lei Er, why are you here?"

"The boy is here to visit Daddy!"

Yue Lei pointed behind him, "Brother Wei brought me in. We were able to leave Lin'an because of Brother Wei's help. Mother is also in Lin'an."

Yue Fei was startled, "Your mother is here too, where is she?"

"Temporarily living in Yuhang County, Brother Wei has made arrangements."

Wei Yanzong stepped forward to salute and said: "My next Wei Yanzong is the deputy manager of the Western Army's intelligence station in Lin'an."

Yue Fei nodded, he has been treated very well for more than a month, and it probably has something to do with them.

"Thank you, General Wei, for helping my family, and telling His Royal Highness King Yong for me. I, Yue Fei, will always remember his great love."

"Yue Dutong knows what happened in Xiangyang!"

Yue Fei sighed and said: "Yesterday, officials from the Privy Council came to me and mentioned the situation in Xiangyang. A large number of my troops defected to the Western Army. The remaining troops were also disbanded by the emperor's order. Hey, ten years of military training was ruined in one fell swoop. !"

At this time, a jailer said in the courtyard: "Someone is here to inspect, you should leave quickly!"

Wei Yanzong hurriedly said: "Let me just say a word, the Western Army on South Jingnan Road belongs to the Bingma Mansion on Sichuan Road, and is under the jurisdiction of Zheng Ping, the governor of the capital. All army food, grass and military supplies must be distributed by Chengdu and sent to Jiangling by water. The Jingzhao Mansion will directly transport materials across the level."`
After finishing speaking, Wei Yanzong pulled Yue Lei, "Let's go!"

Yue Lei hurriedly stuffed his mother's letter to his father, and then hurried away with Wei Yanzong.

Yue Fei was at a loss when he heard this, what does the delivery of supplies for the Jiangling Mansion garrison have to do with him?
Just as Wei Yanzong left with Yue Lei, Li Ruopu, the Chancellor of Dali Temple, walked in quickly. He looked at Yue Fei and said, "I got the news this afternoon. You got the gold medal that you lost. Someone gave it to the Privy Council from Xiangyang Mansion. It should be your subordinate, even if this matter is settled, the arrest of your son Yue Lei should be revoked soon."

"Thank you Li Sicheng for telling me!"

Li Ruopu waved his hand to let the jailer back down. He said in a low voice: "This morning, Qin Xianggong and Zhu Xianggong jointly proposed to the emperor to ask the emperor to set up three joint trials to strictly investigate the collusion between Yue Dutong and Jingzhao. Their ultimate goal is to To put the crime of rebellion on Yue Dutong's head, I heard that Zhu Shengfei was reported by Mr. Dong."

"Mr. Dong?"

Yue Fei was taken aback, "Why would Mr. Dong report me?"

"The Empress Dowager Wei has recommended Dong Xian to serve as the envoy of Eastern Zhejiang. Doesn't Yue Dutong understand?"

Yue Fei let out a long sigh, "It's a pity that I don't care about the past, treating him like that is unpredictable!"

Yue Fei asked again: "How did he report me?"

"I heard that he reported the collusion between Dutong and Chen Qing, and allowed the Western Army's food, military supplies and troops to pass through Xiangyang for many years, which led to the deterioration of the situation on Jingnan South Road."

Yue Fei suddenly understood the meaning of Wei Yanzong's words. He allowed Jingzhao's camel caravan to pass through the border, but only for commercial goods. He would never allow the army's grain and military supplies to pass through the border. If he had no reason, he would really be slandered Framed, still unclear.

What Wei Yanzong said is the best rebuttal. Jingnan South Road Garrison belongs to Sichuan Road Bingma Mansion. How could Jingzhao leapfrog the delivery of military food and supplies? Besides, wouldn’t it be more convenient to transport food, grass and supplies from Chengdu by boat?There is no need to use camels to transport thousands of miles from Jingzhao.

Yue Fei suddenly said angrily: "I want to write a letter to the emperor, I want to explain the situation clearly, and I will never allow them to wantonly frame me."

"Yes! You should write a letter. Yue Dutong swallows everything, and they will be even more unscrupulous!"

At noon the next day, the "Beijing News" was distributed throughout Lin'an Prefecture as usual. The content of today's newspaper was a bit special, which immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

The headlines on the front page published two poems, one is Yue Fei's "Man Jianghong", full of anger, leaning against the corner, resting in the rain, looking up.
This song "Manjianghong" was already a few years ago, and almost everyone in Lin'an knew it, and everyone was confused, why this song was published on the front page.

However, another poem was also published on the headlines of the front page, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. It was actually written by the late emperor Zhao Heng. It was the first time that the people and officials in Lin'an had read it.

""Drunk and Desolate". Zhao Heng
Choked for words.Look at the lights to remember the season of the year.Xing Xing refers to the theory of walking on the moon.May the moon be always round, and not be short for a while.

This year's flower market lights are listed.Good lamps fight against people's hearts.Don't dare to say clearly in front of people, can't bear to look up, ashamed to see the old days. "

This is Chen Qing's move. High-level political struggles never need to be so straightforward. Wen Xian knows the meaning, and putting Yue Fei and Zhao Heng's words together is an out-and-out threat to the emperor Zhao Gou.

Secondly, it was also published in the education column of the fourth edition, "There is a controversy in the Jiangning government test, whether the candidates surnamed Lin should be the first." '

This is using Lin Yifei to beat Qin Hui.


In the imperial study room, the emperor Zhao Gou lost control of his emotions again and smashed the teacup into pieces. Zhao Gou's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What a Chen Qing, you are too deceitful!"

Xiangguo Xu Xiantu just walked in. When he saw the tiles and newspapers thrown on the floor, he immediately understood and asked the eunuch to clean it up.

Xu Xiantu picked up the newspaper, put it on the imperial case, sighed and said, "Chen Qing will definitely help Yue Fei, so why is Your Majesty so annoyed!"

"Could it be that they really colluded?" Zhao Gou snorted heavily.

"Your Majesty, if there is really a collusion, Yue Fei will not plan to attack South Jinghu Road in the south, and he will not be imprisoned when he comes. The reason why I said that Chen Qing will definitely rescue Yue Fei is because Chen Qing wants to buy people's hearts. Yue Fei's number Wan Jun joined him, the best way for him to buy the hearts of these soldiers is to help Yue Fei, frankly speaking, on the one hand, Chen Qing wants to help Yue Fei, but at the same time he does not want Yue Fei to return to Jingxiang."

Zhao Gou restrained his anger a little, and said coldly: "He wants to stand up for Yue Fei, write to me directly, maybe I will give him face, what is it for him to threaten me with the late emperor?"

"Your Majesty, I was puzzled at the beginning, would his threat backfire? But I soon felt something was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Qing and Yue Fei don't have such a friendship, so they wouldn't use the late emperor as a threat. Could it be that if your majesty kills Yue Fei, he will help the late emperor to ascend the throne? I'm afraid even Lu Yihao doesn't have this kind of treatment! What is Yue Fei?"

Zhao Gou sat down slowly. After Lu Yihao's analysis, he also felt that something was wrong, yes!Chen Qing would not have to fight himself to the death just for Yue Fei.

"Then Ai Qing said, what does he mean?"

"My minister feels that His Majesty has to think the other way around."

Zhao Gou frowned, "I don't quite understand, please be more specific."

"Your Majesty, if a person wants to kill someone, he will never shout all over the world. I want to kill someone. It's like a dog barking desperately, but it won't bite. In the same way, Chen Qingruo really wants to help the late emperor." Ascend to the throne, he will not threaten this matter."

Zhao Gou tapped heavily with his fingers, "Then what does he mean?"

"I feel that what he means is that he gave His Majesty a favor in the matter of the first emperor, and he wants His Majesty to pay him back a favor in consideration of this matter!"

"Is that right?"

Xu Xiantu nodded, "Other than that, there is no other explanation. What's more, the meaning of the word is very downcast and sad, and there is absolutely no reorganization of the mountains and rivers. The momentum of high-spiritedness, my understanding should be correct."

Zhao Gou read the words carefully again, and found that he was very depressed and sad, and he really didn't have the feeling of forging ahead.

Most of Zhao Gou's anger disappeared, he nodded and said: "If this is the case, I will think about it carefully!"

This is a bad face and a bad face, both soft and hard. Chen Qing himself sang the red face, so he needed someone to sing the bad face to appease him. He chose Xu Xiantu.

(End of this chapter)

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