
Chapter 1022 Rescue Yue

Chapter 1022 Rescue Yue

The next morning, Emperor Zhao Gou held a military and political discussion in the political affairs hall in the side hall of Ziwei Hall.

In addition to the five prime ministers, there were also several university scholars who also participated in the discussion.

The reunification of Zhang Jun and Zhao Ding was very sudden this time. Although it is quite normal for a prime minister to reunite after being dismissed, there are usually warning signs, and basically I will know it in advance.

But this time there was no sign at all, and the sudden decree to reunite was really unexpected to the two of them, but it happened that they were both in Lin'an, so they put on the purple clothes again the next day.

Everyone was talking in low voices, Zhang Jun said to Zhao Ding: "These two days the court has called for the Northern Expedition quite loudly, does Mr. Zhao know?"

Wang Ding nodded, "I've heard something about it. It should be related to Chen Qingdong's campaign. I heard that Chen Qing's campaign went smoothly, and the court couldn't sit still."

Zhang Jun hesitated and said: "The imperial court thinks the Northern Expedition is a good thing, but I feel that it seems a bit hasty, more hasty than ever before."

Wang Ding sneered and said: "Bianliang will be captured by the Western Army, can the court not be in a hurry?"

On the other hand, Qin Hui seemed a little restless, Zhu Shengfei talked to him about Yue Fei, but he lost the enthusiasm he had before.

It is not without reason that Qin Hui has been the Prime Minister for so many years. He is not only good at figuring out the emperor's intentions, but also has strong political acumen. The two poems published in the "Beijing News" yesterday meant that Chen Qing had a hand in Yue Fei's matter.

Then the emperor held a temporary meeting in the political affairs hall early this morning. Will he talk about Yue Fei?
As for the matter of his son Lin Yifei, Qin Hui didn't really care much about it. The officials already knew about it, and now that he had no children, the officials also sympathized with him, so they naturally wouldn't accuse him of concealing the son born to his ex-wife.

The key is that Qin Hui couldn't figure out the emperor's attitude, so his attitude on Yue Fei's matter became vague and not as tough as before.

At this time, the guard shouted, "Your Majesty is here!"

Everyone got up one after another, the emperor Zhao Gou walked quickly from the side, stood in front of the dragon couch and said apologetically, "I kept you dear ones waiting for so long!"

Everyone saluted together, "Join Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand, "Please sit down!"

Everyone sat down, Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and said: "Today, dear friends, we are mainly discussing the possibility of the Northern Expedition. Yesterday I received a joint letter from hundreds of officials, which reminded me of the difficulty of starting a business and maintaining success for my ancestors. After leaving Bianliang and thinking of Daqing Palace, I stayed up all night."

Just when everyone thought that the Son of Heaven was going to start discussing the Northern Expedition, unexpectedly Zhao Gou changed the subject and said, "But before discussing the Northern Expedition, I want to conclude the matter of Yue Fei first, Mr. Qin and Mr. Zhu, what do you want to say? ?”

Qin Hui's heart trembled, as expected, he really wanted to talk about Yue Fei first, and he remembered very clearly that when the officials mentioned Yue Fei's matter the day before yesterday, they used the word "case", "Yue Fei's case", but today the case changed. It became a matter, 'Yue Fei's matter'.

With this small wording change, Qin Hui knew that the attitude of the officials had changed. Perhaps the threat Chen Qing published in the "Beijing News" yesterday had taken effect. At this critical moment, Qin Hui also decided to take a step back.

Qin Hui bowed slightly and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have nothing to say for the time being."

Zhu Shengfei became anxious immediately, yesterday he talked about convicting Yue Fei together, why did he have no objection today?
Zhu Shengfei didn't care about Qin Hui, he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it is clearly stated in the memorial of my minister that Yue Fei and Chen Qing colluded in private, and he deliberately allowed Chen Qing's army to pass through the border, which led to the deterioration of the situation on the Jingnan Road. The testimonies of witnesses must be strictly reviewed, and if they prove guilty, they should be severely punished!"

At this time, Xu Xiantu stood up and said, "I have different opinions on what Zhu Xianggong said. Please allow me to say a few words, Your Majesty."

Zhao Gou nodded, "Xu Xianggong, please tell me!"

Xu Xiantu held up a memorial and said: "This is the letter from Dali Temple transferred to the Privy Council early this morning. It is Yue Fei's letter. I have copied a copy and handed over the original to Your Majesty."

A eunuch stepped forward to take the letter and put it on the table of the emperor. Zhao Gou flipped through it while listening to Xu Xiantu's explanation.

"Yue Fei said in a letter that he had never reached any agreement with Chen Qing on the transit of troops, military rations, and supplies. The only first time was with the permission of Orihiko, allowing [-] cavalry to cross the border to Jingnan to suppress bandits. , and then the soldiers went back to their hometowns to visit relatives and cross the border, other than that, there was no such thing as Chen Qing’s army or military rations crossing the border.”

Zhu Shengfei said angrily: "Xu Xianggong, could it be that his subordinate Fu Xuan's denunciation letter is to frame him?"

Xu Xiantu said calmly: "I also read Fu Xuan's denunciation letter, which probably refers to the fact that tens of thousands of camels from Jingzhao crossed the border with loads and traveled many times. Fu Xuan thought it was military rations and funds, but Regarding this issue, Yue Fei also explained in his letter that those camels carried ordinary goods, and they were actually Jingzhao’s official merchants, and he never interfered with the transit of commercial goods.”

Zhu Shengfei sneered, "But who knows if it's goods or military supplies?"

"That's the problem. Fu Xuan didn't know what the camels were carrying. He also guessed that they were military supplies, but Yue Fei had evidence to prove that the camels were not food and military supplies."

"Xu Xianggong, what evidence does Yue Dutong have?" Zhao Ding spoke for the first time. He had a good impression of Yue Fei, and he did not believe that Yue Fei had the intention of treason.

"The West Army stationed on South Jingnan Road belongs to the Bingma Mansion of Sichuan Road. Their military supplies and personnel replacement are all arranged by the Bingma Mansion of Sichuan Road. There will never be Jingzhao Mansion bypassing the Bingma Mansion of Sichuan Road and directly It is not allowed in any army to send military rations to Jinghu South Road to garrison, just like our court will never bypass the state capital and go directly to a certain county.

Secondly, it should be more convenient to transport grain and grass materials by water. If there is a good Yangtze River water transport, do you have to use camels to carry a little grain and grass materials and travel thousands of miles to Jiangling? "

There was a burst of laughter in the hall, and Qin Hui hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Zhu didn't know where the garrison on Jingnan Road belonged. He also deduced from common sense. After all, there were indeed more than [-] cavalry passing through the border."

At this time, Zhao Gou became a little impatient, his attitude was so clear, there is nothing to argue about, he waved his hand and said: "Maybe Yue Fei has done something wrong, but he has made meritorious deeds in fighting gold, and his deeds outweigh his demerits. Since the Northern Expedition is to be considered, but to convict a general who used to go to the Northern Expedition is unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally, and it will be criticized by the whole world, so I decided not to pursue it any longer. Zhangzhou matter."

Yue Fei finally came out of Dali Temple. He was like a dream. Before he was imprisoned, he had the title of General. Jing, but after he was released from prison, he turned into a fifth-rank civil servant.

Yue Fei looked at the clear sky and let out a long sigh. He knew that he would never have another chance to lead the army.

Yue Lei was waiting in front of the official office of Dali Temple, he hurried up to support his father, Zhang Bao also stepped forward and choked up and said: "My lord has finally come out!"

Yue Fei smiled bitterly and said, "It's really not easy for me to come out! I owe Chen Qing a huge favor, Zhang Bao, and I'm going to Fujian Road to be a civil servant soon, will you still follow me?"

Zhang Bao wiped away his tears and said, "I am an orphan in a humble position. If I don't follow the lord, where can I go? Of course I will follow."

Yue Fei nodded, "Lei'er, is your mother still in Yuhang County?"

"Let's go! Let's go to Yuhang County."

Yue Fei got into the bullock cart and followed his son and Zhang Bao to Yuhang County.

Three days later, Yue Fei and his family boarded a [-] stone ship at the Qiantang River Wharf. This was specially arranged by Hu Yun. The ship left the Qiantang River and took the sea route to Zhangzhou to take up his post.

On the same day that Yue Fei left Lin'an, the Political Affairs Hall passed the "Northern Expedition Proposal" proposed by Tao Lin, a scholar, and jointly appealed by [-] officials. Han Shizhong led an [-]-strong army to conquer Xuzhou, Suzhou, Haizhou and Pizhou in order to conquer the northern capital. The soldiers pointed at Li Qiong's [-]-strong army.

(End of this chapter)

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