
Chapter 1026 Interception

Chapter 1026 Interception

To a certain extent, war is about logistics. The quality of logistics support is directly related to the success or failure of the war. Even if it is a robot war, a large amount of lubricants and parts must be prepared, let alone humans. The Jurchen cavalry is indeed very powerful. In its heyday , [-] Jurchen cavalry can sweep the Central Plains.

But their food intake is also quite astonishing. A strong Jurchen cavalry eats at least a dozen catties of meat a day, which is almost a sheep. What about the [-] Jurchen cavalry?It takes [-] million sheep a year, so what about the [-] Jurchen cavalry?Can it be supported by a small golden country?

Therefore, a large amount of land in Hebei and the Central Plains was used to raise sheep. The agricultural civilization lost its foundation, the population disappeared, and the most prosperous and prosperous agricultural civilization in history, the civilization of the Song Dynasty disappeared.

It was precisely because the logistics were extremely important and the war was approaching that the lack of Jin Bing's logistics became a major worry for Wanyan Wushu, and it also became the focus of Chen Qing's attention.

On the Old Yellow River, a fleet of thirty five-hundred-stone warships was lurking in a reed marsh about thirty miles away from the Old Yellow River Wharf in Daming Mansion.

The Yellow River has been diverted in the second year of Jianyan, turning from Puyang to the south, passing through Caozhou and Xuzhou to the Huaihe River, and taking the Huaihe River into the sea.

But the Yellow River before the diversion is still there, but the water volume has dropped sharply. It has changed from a large river to a medium-sized river, called the Old Yellow River. Considering that it is already June and the weather is starting to be hot, frozen mutton can last for three or four days, so The shortest distance must be taken to transport mutton, that is, to go southward in a straight line along the Old Yellow River, and arrive in Puyang within three days. After being restored to freezing in the ice cellar in Puyang, it is then transported to Bianliang. This is the only feasible solution.

Jin Bing could consider this plan, and the Western Army could also consider it. After Niu Gao accepted the mission, he also carefully planned the interception plan.

From the information pick-up and delivery of the Daming Mansion, the stalking and tracking of the sentry ships, the tailing of the war fleet and the interception of the main fleet, they are all interlocking, and the logistics fleet of this golden soldier must be wiped out in one go.

At four o'clock, more than [-] flat-bottomed tugboats and [-] guard sentry boats entered the old Yellow River from Caohe. The strength of the Jin soldiers on the water was extremely weak, and there were only these [-] sentry boats on the Yellow River, fully loaded with [-] soldiers.

In addition, there were two soldiers on each flat-bottomed tugboat, a total of [-] soldiers escorted the boat on the water, and there were [-] cavalry on the shore, and the guards were quite tight.

It was also for this reason that Niu Gao decided not to strike at the old course of the Yellow River, but at the confluence of the old and new Yellow Rivers where the water surface was widest.

Five hundred flat-bottomed tugboats sailed through the reed marsh area, and continued to sail southwest. When the fleet was far away, thirty five hundred stone warships came out of the reed marsh, trailing behind Jin Bing from a distance. The fleet departs.

Puyang has always been an important town on the Yellow River and is famous for its Baimadu. However, since the second year of Jianyan, the Yellow River broke its embankment here in Puyang. Puzhou, Caozhou, Xuzhou, Sizhou and other places have all suffered disasters. A large amount of land and population After the water receded, the soil became very barren, the originally fertile land became dry land, and the yield of wheat per mu dropped sharply from [-] catties to more than [-] catties.

Puyang also declined accordingly. Although it is the confluence of the old and new Yellow Rivers, its transportation status is very important, and it should be the best transit point, but in fact, the transportation on the Yellow River has not developed at all, and Puyang has lost its past. The aura of the city has become an ordinary county town.

However, there are still three catties of iron in the broken ship. Although Puyang has declined, it still has some heritage. First of all, the county seat is very large, it is a large county, and its population reached hundreds of thousands at its peak. There are several large warehouses, including a large ice cellar.

Before the Jin soldiers stationed [-] troops in Puyang, but seeing that the war was approaching, Wanyan Wushu quickly withdrew the garrisons in various places. The [-] troops in Puyang had been withdrawn, and there were only [-] signed troops left to guard the warehouse.

In the middle of the night, two thousand Western troops rushed from the direction of the pier, where more than a dozen large ships were moored.

This is the [-] troops sent by Niu Gao. The goal is to occupy Puyang City. They also need to re-ice [-] frozen mutton in Puyang City before they can continue to be transported to Luoyang, otherwise they will definitely spoil on the road.

At the same time, hundreds of Western Army soldiers who had been lurking in the city also rushed to the head of the northern city. They entered the city the afternoon before, bribed the guarding soldiers a little, and packed all the armor and weapons into the city directly in cargo boxes.

There were only [-] soldiers in the city, so no one was guarding the city at night. Only two soldiers on duty lived in the tower. Soldiers from the Western Army knocked the two soldiers unconscious and tied them up, then opened the city gate.Waving torches on the city wall, not long after, two thousand soldiers ambushing outside the city rushed into the city.

On the morning of the third day, the mutton fleet sailed into the confluence of the old and new Yellow Rivers. The river here is more than ten miles wide, surrounded by vast waves, and the city of Puyang can be seen in the distance.

At this moment, a fleet of about [-] or [-] ships appeared on the main channel of the Yellow River in front, and they were rushing towards the transport fleet, less than ten miles away.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The transport fleet rang the alarm bell, and the commander of the escort ships turned pale with shock, and urgently ordered: "The fleet retreats, and the warships go up to meet them!"

Twenty guard ships rushed up to buy time for the tugboat team to retreat. The transport tugboat team began to turn around, trying to sail back to the old course of the Yellow River, but they did not expect that a fleet of thirty warships had already arrived. Followed for a long time.

Jin Bing's sailors are all Han Chinese. They grew up by the Yellow River and were recruited by Jin Bing as patrol sailors. However, they usually do not operate in the Yellow River, but patrol the inland river on Hebei Road.

The twenty sentinel ships were very flexible, surrounded the warships of the Western Army from all directions, and fired rockets at the ships.

Niu Gao sneered and said, "Surround them and sink them!"

The sixty big ships scattered, all of them were vehicles and boats of about a thousand stones in size. They sailed without sails, and were stepped on by people. They were faster and more flexible, and soon surrounded the twenty sentinel ships in a large circle.

The commander of Jin Bing was a little surprised that the other party was besieging him. Did they ignore the cargo ship?
Turning around, the scene in the distance left Commander Jin Bing stunned. He saw a fleet escorting a long cargo ship heading towards Puyang City.

It turned out that the other party blocked them, and another fleet controlled the tugboat team. The guards on the tugboat were not sailors, and they were either killed or surrendered.

Niu Gao's [-] shi main ship had already sailed to the side of the main ship at the rear without a sound, and suddenly accelerated to ram it.


The sentinel ship commanded by Jin Bing was caught off guard and was knocked over from the side by the main ship of the Western Army. The bottom of the ship turned upwards, and all [-] soldiers fell into the water.

Arrows rained down on the big ship, and the commander and a dozen of his subordinates were instantly killed by random arrows.

"Forgive me! We surrender." The remaining soldiers cried and surrendered.

Without the leader, the other sentinel ships also surrendered one after another. They couldn't fight each other at all. The soldiers were not fools. The warships of the Western Army far surpassed them in size and speed. Apart from surrendering, there was only one way to die.

This water battle with disparity in strength ended in less than half an hour. Except for dozens of people who refused to surrender and were killed, the remaining more than [-] soldiers all surrendered.

The tugboat team arrived in Puyang, directly entered the moat from a small river, and entered the city from the water city gate, and parked directly in front of the warehouse area. All the soldiers and surrendered troops participated in unloading. All the [-] frozen sheep were transferred into the ice cave.

A commander said to Niu Gao: "The cavalry on the shore must have found us in the end, they will rush back and report to Wan Yanchang, and Wan Yanchang will immediately notify the Jin soldiers in Bianliang."

Niu Gao smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, after all this coming and going, plus the time of the pigeons, it will take at least five days for the Bianliang Jinbing to reach Puyang, and we would have left Puyang County long ago. Two days is enough."

Niu Gao still underestimated the Jin Bing, he didn't wait for five days, three days later, five thousand Jurchen cavalry from Yingtian Mansion rushed to Puyang, but the Western Army escorted the fleet to Luoyang a day earlier .

[Lao Gao is not feeling well, I would like to ask everyone for a leave of absence, two more today! 】

(End of this chapter)

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