
Chapter 1027

Chapter 1027
The wheat harvest in full swing ended ten days later, and the [-] troops of the Western Army began to march towards Kaifeng Mansion from three directions. Liu Cui and Yang Zaixing led [-] troops out of Hulao Pass and entered Zhengzhou. A quick retreat would lead to Kaifeng Mansion, and the Song army occupied Guancheng County, Zhengzhou with little effort.

The army continued to advance eastward along the Jinshui River. Two days later, the army captured Zhongmou County, west of Kaifeng Prefecture, and then stopped advancing. At this time, the West Route Army was still [-] miles away from Bianliang.

And Chen Qing led a main army of [-] from Xuchang County to Kaifeng Mansion. In just three days, he successively occupied Fugou, Weishi County and Xianping County. The army was about [-] miles away from Bianliang.

However, the [-] East Route Army led by Gao Ding was moving in a strange way. They went north from Chenzhou, but instead of heading north, they turned slightly to the northeast, entered the territory of Yingtianfu, and captured Zhexian County in the southwest corner of Yingtianfu. .

The location of Zhe County is very ingenious. If you go west, you can enter Kaifeng Mansion, and if you go east, you can guard against the golden soldiers of Yingtian Mansion.

Wanyan Wushu didn't hesitate. He personally led [-] Jurchen troops and [-] signing troops to face the main force of the West Central Army.

But at this critical moment, news of the imperial court's [-] troops crossing the Huaihe River and the start of the Northern Expedition reached the Western Army camp in Kaifeng Prefecture.

In the big tent of the Chinese Army in Yuchi County, Chen Qing stared at the sand table with a gloomy face for a long time without saying a word.

Zhang Xiao said in a deep voice: "From this incident, it can be seen that the imperial court is actually in collusion with Jin Bing. They must have received Jin Bing's order to go north across the Huaihe River. Neither, nor retreat."

Chen Qing pointed to the map and said, "I have already ordered Li Qiong to lead an army of [-] troops to defend Xuzhou City to the death. Even though the imperial army can occupy other places, as long as Li Qiong can hold on to Xuzhou City for a month, it will buy us time."

"One month should be enough. We sent [-] barrels of kerosene before, and Li Qiong's army wants to protect the family in the city. They must fight desperately."

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "But it's not enough to rely on Li Qiong to resist, we also need to send out surprise troops to help."

Zhang Xiao hesitated and said, "I'm afraid that the cavalry will go south and the Huaihe River will be difficult to pass!"

"There is no need to cross the Huai River,"

Chen Qing shook his head, pointed to Dangtu County Road on the map: "Our surprise soldiers are here!"

At four o'clock, a group of scout cavalry rushed to the Western Army camp in Weishi County. Soon, the leader of the scout, Shen Qing, was quickly led to the commander's tent. The soldiers asked him to wait for a while before going in to report.

Chen Qing was woken up by the soldiers in his deep sleep, he was very vigilant, sat up and asked, "What happened?"

The soldiers whispered: "His Royal Highness, there are scouts to report, saying that there is a major enemy situation!"

"Bring him in."

Not long after, Shen Qing was brought into the big tent, and he knelt down on one knee to report: "Shen Qing, the deputy commander of the Flying Eagle Army's scout battalion, reported the urgent military situation to His Highness!"

That's right, he was actually promoted to deputy commander. Chen Qing nodded and said, "Since you are a scout of the Flying Eagle Army, why didn't you report to Little Liu Dutong first!"

"The situation is urgent, and a humble official can't stick to the details."

Seeing his serious attitude, Chen Qing probably didn't intentionally leapfrog the ranks to report. Liu Qiong's Flying Eagle Army was in the south of the city.

"Tell me! What urgent information?"

"We found the main force of the Jin army in Chicang Town, about [-] to [-] people, marching at night, and the direction is Weishi County."

This information is too important. Chicang Town is only sixty miles away from Weishi County. If the opponent's cavalry rushes to attack, they will be killed in an hour.

Chen Qing confirmed again: "Is the information serious?"

"Humble job is willing to guarantee the head!"

Chen Qing stood up and walked out of the big tent to order: "Ring the alarm bell, the whole army muster!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The alarm bell rang quickly, and the soldiers woke up from their sleep. Thousands of scouts patrolling outside retreated quickly. Twenty thousand crossbowmen rushed to ambush in front of the camp. The rest of the soldiers began to dismantle the tent. The battalion also sounded the alarm.

The enemy cavalry arrived faster than Chen Qing expected. After half an hour, [-] Jurchen cavalry had already killed five miles away from the camp.

The ground began to shake, and the muffled thunder of cavalry cavalry was rumbling. They didn't slow down at all, they just wanted to gather troops before the Western Army had time to get up and kill the Western Army by surprise.

The cavalry cavalry was getting closer and closer, only three hundred and fifty steps away, the dust was flying all over the sky, the moonlight and starlight were all blocked, and the sky and the earth became pitch black.

"Launch the bed crossbow!" Chen Qing ordered coldly.

A thousand bed crossbows were fired at the same time, and five thousand jackdaw arrows shot towards the enemy [-] paces away like a storm.

' Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! Arrows shot into the cavalry group like a torrential rain, and the jackdaw arrows were invincible. They have always been the natural enemy of the Jurchen cavalry, and they are also the most feared weapon of the Jurchen cavalry.

It shot through shields, iron armor, and cavalrymen, and countless cavalrymen fell from their horses.

At this time, Chen Qing gave another order, "Shoot the God Arm Crossbow!"

Ten thousand god-arm crossbowmen launched the second wave of offensive, ten thousand arrows were fired at once, and ten thousand god-arm crossbow arrows flew into the air, shooting at the rushing Jurchen cavalry.

At this moment, the horns of the Jurchen cavalry blew, "Woo-woo-" The low-pitched sound of the horn echoed in the night sky.

The Jurchen cavalry suddenly began to change direction, instead of attacking the Western Army camp, they rushed east. When the Jurchen cavalry found that the Western Army was ready, they gave up the surprise attack and moved east.

But the [-] divine crossbow arrows did not fail, and all of them were shot into the cavalry team, and another group of people turned their backs on their backs, and I don't know how many people were injured or injured.

The Jurchen cavalry also fired arrows in a sprint, shooting arrows in the direction of the west army, and then rushed east.

But the Jurchen cavalry ran a little farther, and [-] Western cavalry rushed out from the camp and began to clean up the battlefield. All the wounded soldiers who were not killed were stabbed to death with a spear.

The results of the battle were quickly counted, and the bodies of more than [-] Jurchen cavalrymen were found, and [-] horses were seized.

This is the price for the enemy's unsuccessful sneak attack, but if the sneak attack is successful, it is very likely that the Western Army will be in chaos, tens of thousands of people will be killed, and Chen Qing will retreat southward in panic.

Wanyan Wushu will definitely pursue and kill him mercilessly.

This was a gamble, but it was a pity that Wanyan Wushu still underestimated the scouts of the Western Army, and ultimately fell short.

Chen Qing then rewarded the scouts heavily and ordered the whole army to assemble and go north.

On the east bank of the Huimin River about [-] miles north of Yuchi County, Chen Qing's [-] troops encountered the main force of Wanyan Wushu. There were originally [-] people, but now there are still [-] people.

The two armies stopped at a distance of five miles. Both sides lined up neatly, with banners unfurled and murderous intent.

At this time, a Jurchen cavalry came galloping, two hundred steps away from the formation of the Western Army, shot a letter arrow, turned around and galloped five hundred steps away, as if waiting for a reply.

A cavalryman of the Western Army rushed forward to pick up the arrow letter, and returned it to Chen Qing.

When Chen Qing opened the letter, it turned out to be written by Wanyan Wushu himself.

"His Royal Highness King Yong of Sichuan and Shanxi Province, I have left you with regret for letting you escape in the battle of Fuping. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years. I have fought countless battles with you, each with their own victories. Even though they are enemies, they still cherish each other. I pity the Jurchen soldiers from generation to generation. I can't bear to die. If the army of His Royal Highness withdraws from Kaifeng Mansion, I will give up Bianliang and retreat eastward in a month. You can get Bianliang. I will not hurt the soldiers, and everyone will be happy. I swear by longevity, what I said The sentence is true, please think twice!"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, and wrote with a pen: "Let your mother's dog fart!" '

He handed the letter to the soldiers, "Shoot it back!"

The soldiers galloped away, shot an arrow, and the opposing cavalry bent down, picked up the letter arrow, and galloped back.

This Wanyanwu technique is still wishful thinking!Give yourself a month, let yourself lead the army to attack the army of the imperial court, and then concentrate his forces to attack Luoyang, and even Ying Tianfu's army will take the opportunity to attack Xuchang to maximize the use of the imperial army.

But it is more likely to confuse myself, let myself think that the meat-eating incident caused the morale of the golden soldiers to be low, and they are unwilling to fight with themselves, thus producing the intention of underestimating the enemy.

If Wanyan Wushu really had the sincerity to let him retreat for Bianliang, why did he send cavalry to attack him last night?He almost succeeded in sneak attacking him.

Chen Qing is the coach, he has to be responsible for the [-] troops, and he doesn't believe every word Wanyan Wushu says.

When Wanyan Wushu received the reply, he opened it impatiently, and when he saw the bottom line, he became furious, tore the letter to pieces, and shouted loudly, "Attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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