
Chapter 1028 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1028 Fierce Battle
Wanyan Wushu's [-] crooked horses have been wiped out by Yue Fei's army, but he still has [-] iron stupas, that is, heavy armored cavalry. He used [-] iron studs to raid the Western Army's camp last night, but failed. Today He went into battle again.

Tiefutu took the lead in launching the attack, which is its tactical feature. It must be pre-emptive and run strongly to break the enemy's infantry camp.

Nearly [-] iron stupas suddenly mobilized, the sound of horseshoes hit the ground, and the dust filled the air, rushing towards the main infantry formation of the Song Army from three directions
In addition to the [-] Iron Buddhas, the Jin soldiers also had [-] light cavalry, including [-] Jurchen cavalry and [-] Eastern Hu cavalry, who used cavalry and archery to deal with the Western army, and there were also [-] signing infantry.

Chen Qing led an elite army of [-] troops, [-] infantry experienced in hundreds of battles, and [-] cavalry were also extremely powerful.

Although the Jurchen Iron Buddha is so powerful that it once swept the world with [-] Iron Buddhas, after [-] years of fighting with the Jin soldiers, the Song Army has gradually found a way to deal with the Iron Buddha. Yue Fei has seized the weakness of the Iron Buddha. , Like the Kidnapper Horse, Tiefutu's weakness is also on the war horse, attacking the lower body of the war horse.

And Chen Qing also has his own way to deal with the enemy's Tiefutu. He had defeated the Tiefutu in Xixia, and used the formation to withstand the impact of the Tiefutu, and then the firearms and spears could gradually wipe out the enemy's Tiefutu.

Chen Qing personally commanded [-] infantry, and ordered Liu Qiong, Tang Qian, and Xu Qing to lead [-] cavalry each to fight against the enemy's [-] light cavalry. Thirty thousand infantry.

In this decisive battle, the fierce battle between Chen Qing's [-] infantry and the [-] Jurchen Tiefutu became the key to the victory of the entire battle.

Chen Qing raised his halberd and roared, "My sons of the Great Song Dynasty, this is the land of Bianliang, our most tragic and shameful capital city, the moment of revenge is coming, let us use iron and blood to wash away the shame of our fathers, and fight the enemy to the death, we must Win! Must win!"

Fifty thousand soldiers were full of enthusiasm, raised their guns and shouted, "We must win! We must win!"

The morale of the Western Army broke out, and a bloody battle kicked off.
The [-] elite cavalry on the left flank went up to meet the enemy's [-] light cavalry, and the [-] cavalry on the right flank also rushed to the enemy's [-] infantry.

The [-] infantry in the middle quickly formed two large square formations, one on the left and the other on the right, to face the [-] heavy armored cavalry killed by the enemy's flash flood.

But the bravery of the soldiers is not enough, and the effective deployment of the general is also needed. When facing the Jurchen Tiefutu, Chen Qing gave up the traditional front row crossbowmen. big secret.

Last night, the Jurchen Iron Buddha lost [-] people. Chen Qing discovered that [-] of them died from the jackdaw arrows from the bed crossbow, and only [-] people died from the god's arm crossbow. Crossbows can't deal with Iron Buddha.

Discovering this secret, Chen Qing resolutely canceled the crossbow formation and bow formation, and used five thousand throwers and five thousand heavy-duty god-arm crossbows instead. Each of the five thousand throwers carried five fine steel short spears, which could throw three Ten paces away, no amount of powerful heavy armored cavalry could block its sharp blow. Six thousand throwers are very flexible and can stand at will and wait for the opportunity to move.

The first row is five thousand black-armored infantry led by Lu Gui and Peng Qi, a total of [-] people, deployed in the first row of the two army formations respectively. One foot and eight inches, they can be hacked and stabbed, and they are extremely sharp. They are actually the Modao Army of the Song Dynasty, that is, the heavy armored infantry. The equipment of a heavy armored infantry is huge, and ordinary small separatist forces cannot afford to build such an army. .

The [-] sets of heavy armor were also seized from Xixia and Wanyan Nianhan's black-armored cavalry. Chen Qing himself used fine iron to forge [-] three-pointed double-edged knives to form this heavy armored infantry.

After the second row, there are [-] hooked spear troops and [-] tomahawk troops. They are the main force of the formation. They used to be spear troops, but in order to deal with the enemy's Iron Buddha, they switched to hook sickles and long-handled battle axes. , Training for two full years, just for this moment.

But the core part is still forty chariots. They are responsible for throwing powder kegs and fire oil balls, especially gunpowder kegs.

The galloping heavy cavalry is getting closer and closer, and their aura is getting more and more violent, like a huge wave sweeping in, and the momentum is like a landslide. Not to mention the poor psychological quality, even ordinary psychological quality can't resist this kind of attack. The frightening momentum was the reason why the millions of Song troops in the Northern Song Dynasty were about to collapse at the first touch.

The [-] black-armored infantry in the two army formations were as dignified as a mountain. They squatted halfway, holding three-pointed and two-edged knives at a forty-five-degree angle, and their backs pressed against the ground.

In the billowing yellow dust, Tiefutu was getting closer and closer to the Song army. They charged forward with a row of hundreds of horses with overwhelming force.

"God arm crossbow shooting!"

The [-] heavy god arm crossbows in the second row were launched. This kind of heavy god arm crossbow requires two people to lie side by side on the ground and use their pedals to wind up. They also use jackdaw iron arrows. The range is not far, but the armor piercing It is extremely powerful, no less than a bed crossbow, and can completely penetrate the enemy's heavy armor.

Half of the divine arm crossbow was shot flat, and the other half was projected. Two thousand and five hundred jackdaw iron arrows shot out like a storm.

Iron arrows swished into the cavalry group, and the heavy armored cavalry suddenly received a huge blow, and a group of people turned their backs, especially the [-] heavy armored cavalry in the front row, almost all fell to the ground from the arrow, and many cavalry fell to the ground in the middle. They tripped many cavalry behind, and a round of jackdaw arrows lost nearly a thousand heavy cavalry.

However, in the [-]-strong heavy cavalry team, the loss of more than a thousand soldiers is still too small. It only makes the offensive momentum stagnate a little bit, which has little effect on the overall strength, but the offensive momentum is reduced by a few points, which will affect the defense. The pressure has been greatly reduced, and only experienced coaches know this subtle change.

Otherwise, Chen Qing would not need to occupy [-] people to use the two-man heavy crossbow.

After a short period of chaotic arrow strikes, the heavy cavalry quickly returned to normal. At this time, they had already reached the front of the Western Army formation, but without the terrifying momentum of landslides and ground cracks, the raging waves turned into flash floods.

In twenty steps, "Woo--" the horn blew, and five thousand throwers rushed out, threw five thousand fine steel short spears into the enemy army in an instant, and everyone was turned on their backs in an instant. There were screams and wailing sounds, and blood shot everywhere, and the group of heavily armored cavalry who had been fierce just now disappeared in smoke.

The thrower dodged back, and then the heavy crossbowman fired again, and [-] jackdaw arrows shot into the heavy armored cavalry behind.

Song Jun had rehearsed this kind of smooth coordination many times, and he was extremely proficient, but more importantly, his psychological quality, so that he would not be frightened weak by the powerful Jurchen cavalry.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, this kind of formation was impossible. When the Jurchen came rushing violently, the soldiers of the Song Army were scared to pee their pants and ran away, so that there was a tragedy of [-] troops fleeing overnight.

Only in the hard work of the war did the soldiers of the Song Army gradually possess such a strong will to compete with the Jin soldiers.

After losing thousands of people, the Jurchen heavy armored cavalry finally fought fiercely with the Western Army. The Jurchen heavy armored cavalry attacked the Western Army's infantry formation time and time again, but the black armored soldiers were as tough as a copper wall and iron wall. Withstood the impact of the heavy cavalry.

But the defense alone is still not enough. The defense must have a counterattack. The three major counterattacks of the Western Army are short-range counterattacks by throwing spears, followed by medium-range strikes by trebuchets, and long-range strikes by heavy god-arm crossbows.

Every counterattack caused heavy casualties to the heavy armored cavalry, but compared with the assassination by throwing steel short spears and the penetration of jackdaw arrows, the counterattack of firearms was relatively simple and concealed.

From the very beginning, dozens of chariots threw gunpowder kegs at the enemy in turn. Each gunpowder keg was thrown in an arc and exploded in the crowd. Black smoke filled the air, and the sound of the explosion made the horses squeal.But what is really scary is that the poisoned iron nails splash around, mainly hitting the horse's legs. The horse will only feel itching at first, and there is no great pain. It will not affect the battle for the time being, but the poison will slowly It has infiltrated the blood of the war horses, once the toxicity will suddenly attack, causing a large number of war horses to fall to the ground.

The onset time is half an hour after a person is poisoned by the nail, and the onset time of a war horse may be slower.

At this moment, Chen Qing found that the small phalanx was gradually unable to withstand the impact of the enemy's heavy armored cavalry, and three gaps were broken through. The soldiers of the Western Army suffered heavy casualties. He immediately ordered: "The two formations merge!"

"Woo! Woo!" The horn sounded continuously, which was an order to merge the two large formations into one.

(End of this chapter)

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