
Chapter 1029 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1029 Fierce Battle
Yue Yun and Zhang Xian each led [-] cavalry to attack the signing army's infantry formation from left and right. The signing army's [-] infantry was led by Li Cheng, and it was naturally his elite army.

Li Cheng deployed [-] bow and crossbow troops, which were divided into three bow and crossbow formations, east, west and south. No matter which direction the western army cavalry came from, they could not escape from the big crossbow formation.

The cavalry of the Western Army rushed into the crossbow range of the signed army in an instant, and Li Cheng ordered coldly, "Shoot!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The huge drum sounded, and a thousand crossbow arrows from the west were suddenly fired, forming a black cloud of arrows, rushing towards the cavalry of the Western Army led by Zhang Xian. The arrow fell down, and nearly [-] people were shot by the crossbow.

Immediately after the signing of the second row of crossbow arrows, the cavalry of the Western Army kept screaming and fell to the ground in the charge, and the third row of arrows roared again. The leather armor, or the horse was hit by an arrow, the horse fell over, and the cavalry on the horse suddenly rolled to the ground, and was trampled to blood by the horse that killed it later.

The three platoons of crossbowmen were proficient in their movements. They fired the upper crossbow, advancing crossbow, and firing crossbow in turn. After only one shot, the cavalry of the western army lost more than [-] people. The heavy loss made the cavalry of the western army slightly less murderous. It was also a little messy, but at this time, the cavalry vanguard of the Western Army had already rushed to the front of the enemy's formation, and Zhang Xian roared, "Get in!"

He took the lead and charged into the enemy's spear formation with a spear, followed by cavalry swarming in.

The [-] cavalry led by Yue Yun from the east arrived like a tidal wave, and the archers who had been waiting for a long time began to shoot vigorously. Thousands of arrows are as dense as torrential rain, and they are so powerful that they can shoot through even a man and a horse.

The more than [-] cavalrymen and horses of the western army who rushed to the front were shot and fell to the ground one after another. The dead bodies piled up. , The cavalry of the Western Army could not rush within forty steps, and suffered heavy casualties. . . . . .
Yue Yun led two thousand cavalry rushing from the left flank. The predecessor of the two thousand cavalry was the Beiwei Army of the Yue Family Army. These two thousand soldiers were the most elite troops of the Beiwei Army, and they had been following Yue Yun. They broke up and still followed Yue Yun, but changed the name of the Beiwei Army to the Tucai Army.

The two thousand assault cavalry were a combination of cavalry and archers, and they charged bravely like other cavalry. They galloped and charged with powerful arrows, shooting rows of golden soldiers to the ground.

However, Yue Yun was very worried about the powerful bow and crossbow army of the signing army. At this moment, Yue Yun's eyes suddenly saw a big banner, which was the banner of Li Cheng's chief general, and Li Cheng must be under the banner.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. Yue Yun's blood boiled in his chest. He ordered the general Yao Zheng to continue to lead the army to attack. He shouted, "Brothers, follow me to kill the bandits and make meritorious deeds!"

He wielded his double hammers and led two thousand elite cavalry to kill Li Cheng's camp. He led the cavalry to quickly kill a bloody road, and gradually approached the flag of the enemy general.

At this time, Yue Yun had clearly seen the enemy general in silver helmets and iron armor, who was quickly moving northward under the tight protection of hundreds of iron armored personal guards, and they were out of reach.

"General Yue!"

The soldiers shouted: "We have already killed the crossbowmen!"

It was really intentional to plant flowers and flowers, but unintentionally planted willows but the willows became shades. They actually killed the bow and crossbow army behind them.

Yue Yun shouted, "Kill me!"

Two thousand cavalrymen followed Yue Yun and rushed into the [-]-strong crossbow formation from behind in an instant. The crossbow troops basically had no ability to counterattack and their defenses were extremely weak.

Yue Yun led two thousand men like fierce tigers into the flock of sheep, killing the archers and crossbowmen crying, and their corpses lay all over the ground.

Li Cheng could see clearly from a distance, and he recognized Yue Yun, and immediately flew into a rage, shouting: "The right-wing spear army intercepts them and surrounds them!"

Six thousand spear troops rushed forward, blocking the way of Yue Yun's army, and also rescued the last thousand or so crossbowmen.

The spear army quickly set up a formation and surrounded Yue Yun's cavalry regiments. Yue Yun led the army to break through, but the signing army desperately blocked them.

The two armies of the main formation merged into one, but the Jurchen heavy armored cavalry caught a breakthrough. The five hundred black armored infantry that should have been here were all killed, so they had to be supplemented by spear infantry. Eight thousand heavy armored cavalry rushed towards the breakthrough.

'boom! There was a loud noise, and the two armies collided like two mighty waves. The murderous look confused people's eyes for a moment. There were screams, heads fell to the ground, and rivers of blood flowed. The war was so cruel that the lives of soldiers were as humble as grass at this moment.

A soldier of the Western Army hook sickle screamed. His head was split in half by the ax of the Jurchen cavalry, blood and brains were splashed everywhere. The soldiers cut off the meridian with the sharp sickle on the side of the hook and sickle gun.

The horse flopped and fell, and the strong Jurchen cavalry on the horse fell to the ground together. The hooked and sickle gun soldiers rushed forward and held the cavalry down, pulled out the dagger from the leather boots, and pointed it at his forehead. With a ruthless stab, the dagger pierced his forehead. The Jurchen cavalry screamed and died.

But without the sword formation of the black-armored infantry, the ordinary soldiers with hooks and sickles could not stop the impact of the heavy cavalry at all. More than a thousand heavy cavalry rushed into the formation, and there was a steady stream of heavy cavalry behind them. Kill in the formation.

The situation was extremely critical, and the coach Chen Qing arrived with hundreds of black-armored infantrymen. With a loud shout, Chen Qing pierced the throat of a Jurchen commander. Armor is separated and connected with a belt.

The halberd waved again, a cold light flashed, another centurion's head flew up, and the headless corpse fell from the horse.

Chen Qing killed more than a dozen Jurchen generals in a row, and the cavalry behind them were extremely angry and rushed to kill them.

"Throw spears!" Chen Qing gave an order, and a hundred spear throwers rushed up behind him, and threw a hundred short spears that were shining with cold light. There was a scream, and dozens of heavy armored cavalrymen who rushed forward were stabbed to death. .

There was also a gap in the heavy armored cavalry for a very short time, Chen Qing shouted: "The black armored soldiers fill in!"

Hundreds of black armor seized this fleeting opportunity, swarmed up, and quickly formed an array to block the surging heavy cavalry.

Hundreds of hooked gunmen came up to fill their positions. They fought in a strange way. They lay behind the black armored infantry and attacked the enemy's horses with hooked guns from below.

As a supplement, a hundred spear-throwers also appeared in the third row, concentrating on one burst of spear-throwing.

Successfully blocked the gap, Chen Qing turned around and commanded the army to eliminate more than a thousand armored cavalry, hooked down with a hook and sickle gun, penetrated with a heavy crossbow, and hacked with a battle axe. In just a moment, more than a thousand heavy armored cavalry Disappear in the sea of ​​people like waves.

The Western Army withstood an almost successful attack by the Jurchen heavy cavalry, the loopholes were quickly filled, and the chariot immediately showed its power, and the catapult on the chariot suddenly projected dozens of fire oil balls.

A few kerosene balls hit the enemy soldiers, and the kerosene poured out, and the cavalry suddenly turned into flaming people and horses. The horse raised its head and screamed, turned around and ran wildly, knocking down five or six cavalry in one turn. The last one fell to the ground, and both the man and the horse were burned and curled up.

More fireballs hit the ground, forming a sea of ​​flames, and the neat formation began to become chaotic.

"Use powder kegs!"

Chen Qing found that kerosene would also affect the operations of the Western Army, and immediately ordered to change the kerosene balls into gunpowder barrels. After two rounds of kerosene balls were concentratedly projected by the chariot, the gunpowder barrels were thrown again. explosion in.

At this time, the results of the explosion of the gunpowder barrel were finally revealed, and batches of war horses began to fall without warning, foaming at the mouth, twitching their limbs, and the toxicity in their bodies broke out.

In a blink of an eye, more than [-] horses fell down, and the consequences were very serious. More than [-] armored cavalry lost their combat effectiveness, but the horses continued to fall one after another.

At the same time, the [-] Donghu light cavalry were completely no match for the encirclement and suppression of the [-] Western Army cavalry led by Liu Qiong, showing signs of defeat.

The [-] infantry led by Li Cheng also lost more than [-] people. Yue Yun and Zhang Xian's army became more and more courageous.

All three lines showed signs of rout.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wanyan Wushu immediately ordered to ring the retreat bell.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

(End of this chapter)

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