
Chapter 1030 News

Chapter 1030 News
The Jin soldiers quickly retreated to the north, and the Western Army took advantage of the situation to chase and kill them. The Jin soldiers were defeated and countless beheaded. The Western Army cavalry chased and killed them for more than [-] miles before stopping their horses. There were killed corpses all the way. , especially the heavy armored cavalry who had lost their horses and couldn't run fast, all of them were beheaded from behind by the cavalry of the Western Army.

In this battle, more than [-] Jin soldiers were killed, and Wanyan Wushu only collected [-] defeated soldiers to retreat to Bianliang in a panic.

Lieutenant General Wanyan Alubu also led an army of [-] to fight fiercely with the Song army in Zhongmou County. Their fighting method was not a decisive battle between the two main forces, but a confrontation. Each side would send an army to fight every day.

This mode usually involves more than a dozen fierce battles, with small victories turning into big victories, and finally the side with heavy losses retreats. This mode of confrontation is relatively mild, far less tragic than a decisive battle. The heads-up of the main general also appears in this mode of confrontation.

They had already fought three battles, the western army won two and lost one, the golden soldiers lost more than [-] men, and the western army also lost nearly [-] men.

At this time, Wanyan Alubu received Wanyan Wushu's order to withdraw his troops. He learned that his main force was defeated by Chen Qing's main force in Weishi County and suffered heavy casualties.

Liu Cui noticed the enemy's movement at night, but they didn't dare to act rashly. They didn't send people to check until dawn, and the enemy had already gone to the camp.

Chen Qing was not in a hurry to go north to Bianliang. He knew that the other party still had hundreds of thousands of signing troops who were training, but the number of Jurchen soldiers was insufficient.

In this decisive battle, the Western Army also lost tens of thousands of people, especially the commander Peng Kuang and the commander of the upper army Xie Jun, who were also the highest-ranked generals of the Western Army so far.

After Chen Qing rested for three days, the [-] army continued to go north and set up a camp in Chicang Town, about [-] miles away from Bianliang City. At this time, Liu Cui's army also arrived, and the two armies joined forces. , up to [-] people.

At this time, the [-] East Route Army led by Gao Ding also went northward, marching towards Chenliu County, the second largest city in Kaifeng Prefecture.

At this time, Chen Qing was no longer worried about Yingtian Mansion's [-] golden soldiers. If [-] golden soldiers went to attack Xuchang County, he would directly send troops to capture Yingtian Mansion. Wan Jinbing.

On the contrary, these [-] golden soldiers will be like fish out of water, and Chen Qing will order the army to wipe them out.

From this point of view, Chen Qing still hopes that Yingtianfu's [-] golden soldiers will attack Xuchang, but Chen Qing knows in his heart that after the main force of Wanyan Wushu is defeated, this possibility is unlikely, otherwise he would not let Gao Ding's army went north to Chenliu County.

In the morning, Gao Ding led an army of [-] to Chenliu County. He had already sent scouts into the city, but there were no defenders in the city. The magistrate Lu Dai led a group of officials to surrender.

"Chen Liuzhi County Lu Dai, a lowly post, see General Gao!"

Gao Ding has an official booklet issued by Chen Qing. Those officials can use it, and those officials must be taken down, and he cannot be allowed to abscond. It is recorded in the official booklet. This Lu Dai ranks fifth among the available officials. Comments Yes: It's not clean, but a capable official can be used.

Gao Ding nodded, "Magistrate Lu is exempt, may I ask if there are any enemy troops in the city?"

"There is not a single soldier. In fact, when the Puppet Qi is destroyed, there will be no more troops in Chenliu County!"

Gao Ding nodded, "Look into the city!"

He led thousands of troops into the county under the leadership of Lu Dai. Chen Liu was also a very prosperous county in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was the largest transfer station of the Bianhe River. Numerous warehouses were built. Materials from the south of the Yangtze River would be stored. it's here.

But now Chenliu County is in decline like other counties. It is not safe to decline because of the exploitation of the Puppet Qi and the Kingdom of Jin. All the materials were transported to Bianliang, and hundreds of warehouses in Chenliu County became empty.

There were few pedestrians on the street, it was deserted, and the shops were basically closed. Gao Ding was puzzled and asked, "Is it because of the war?"

Lu Dai smiled wryly and shook his head, "The Jurchens have plundered all the meat, whether it is fresh game, cured meat, or cured meat, there are no more. The restaurant can't just sell vegetables when it opens! By the way, the wine has also been plundered. , making people panic, and all the shops are afraid to do business."

"How many food supplies are there in the county?"

"There are only a few hundred shi of grain in the county warehouses, and those large warehouses are all empty. They haven't been filled for more than ten years, and many of them are dilapidated and collapsed."

Gao Ding said with a half-smile: "No way! You just harvested wheat, and you have a lot of official land, why are you only a few hundred shi of grain?"

Lu Dai quickly explained: "The official and military fields in the counties of Kaifeng Prefecture, all the grain is directly transported to the military warehouses in Bianliang, and does not enter the warehouses of the counties at all. Our grain of several hundred shi is still last year's tax grain, and we have not had time to transport it away. This year The grains are even more grains that haven’t been put into the warehouse.”

Gao Ding inspected the city again, and felt that the city walls were relatively tall and strong, and there were many open spaces in the city, so he ordered [-] troops to enter the city and station them.

At dusk, Lu Dai, the county magistrate, brought a businessman to Gao Ding, "General Gao, I have something to report to you!"

Gao Ding was having dinner, quickly put down his rice bowl and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Dai pointed to the merchant behind him and said, "This is a well-known oil merchant in Chenliu County. He just came back from Yingtian Mansion. He said that all the gold soldiers in Yingtian Mansion have withdrawn to the east."


Gao Ding was taken aback, and quickly asked, "When did it happen?"

The businessman trembled and said: "I left Yingtian Mansion by boat last night. It happened at noon yesterday. I was worried that the Jin soldiers would forcefully confiscate my boat, but there were no soldiers on the checkpoint. The boatman said that hundreds of small boats full of supplies had left the night before. Leave Yingtian Mansion and head east."

Gao Ding calculated the time, basically he walked forward, and the opponent left behind. This is a big deal, all the golden soldiers of Yingtianfu retreated, what about Bianliang?
Gao Ding immediately sent someone to find the deputy general Su Zunyi.

At this time, Lu Dai took a peek at the couture dinner, a plate of stewed vegetables, a bowl of boiled beans, a pickled fish, some dry cakes, a bowl of soup, and a pot of water, it should be water, the big tent There was no smell of wine, Lu Dai secretly clicked his tongue, this General Gao was exactly the same as the food he saw the soldiers eating on the road!No wonder the Western Army was able to defeat the Jin Bing, it can be seen from this small detail.

In fact, the food of the Western Army is not very bad. Chen Qing guarantees that the soldiers can eat meat every day. Today it happens to be fish, and tomorrow it may be mutton. But starting from Chen Qing, during the war, the soldiers must have the same food. This is a military order. .

Lu Dai and the businessman answered some more questions, then left.

At this moment, Su Zunyi hurried over, "What orders does the commander-in-chief have?"

"I have urgent information, I will rush to see His Highness immediately, come back tomorrow afternoon, you guard the city, especially at night with [-] people to defend the city, you must patrol at night, don't allow soldiers to slack off, and prevent being attacked by the enemy. "

"Humble job understands, there will be no slack."

Gao Ding ate his dinner in a hurry, and then led hundreds of soldiers to gallop towards Chicang Town on horseback.

(End of this chapter)

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