
Chapter 1031 False Soldiers

Chapter 1031 False Soldiers
Gao Ding arrived at the Western Army Camp in Chicang Town at dawn the next day. At this time, Chen Qing was standing alone in front of the sand table considering the Bianliang encirclement and suppression plan. .

"Let him in!"

After a while, Gao Ding walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"Why did you come all night? What happened to Chen Liu?" Chen Qing looked at him strangely. There should be no golden soldiers in Chen Liu County.

"Reporting to Your Highness, I have received news that all the gold soldiers in Yingtian Mansion have been evacuated, probably at the same time when they went north."

Chen Qing was slightly taken aback, the news was a little unexpected to him, and he asked, "What is the source of the news?"

"It was Chen Liu, the magistrate of Lu, who brought a businessman to tell the humble official that the businessman also just came from Yingtian Mansion."

"Have you sent someone to confirm?"

"Xiaozhi has already sent people to Yingtian Mansion, but before the results are reached, Xiaozhi rushed here first, fearing that something important will be missed."

Chen Qing understood what Gao Ding meant by ignoring a major event, which meant that the Jin soldiers in Bianliang also retreated, and he immediately ordered his soldiers, "Hurry up and invite the military adviser!"

Not long after, Zhang Xiao hurried over, "Your Highness, what happened?"

"General Gao, tell me!"

Gao Ding repeated it again, and Zhang Xiao frowned, "But I haven't received any information from Bianliang!"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Is it possible that the Bianliang city gate is closed and the information cannot be sent out?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, "This possibility is very high, but what about the scout's news?"

"No news from scouts!"

Chen Qing seemed to think of something, and suddenly became worried, "The scout information from yesterday has not been delivered!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a low commotion outside, and a soldier said at the gate: "Your Highness, the scouts are back, and they seem to be injured!"

Chen Qing was startled, and hurried out, only to see a few soldiers carrying a scout covered in blood. It was Shen Qing, who had just been promoted to the deputy command envoy. , but the arrow is still inside the meat.

A military doctor came forward to examine him, and gave him a massage for a while, Shen Qing slowly came to his senses, and said in a low voice: "Quickly report, the main force of the Jin army has withdrawn to the east."

Chen Qing stepped forward and said, "Ask his subordinates! Why did only one come back?"

"His Highness asked where are your subordinates?"

Shen Qing began to cry, "They were all killed in battle, and met a sentry cavalry of [-] men."

Chen Qing hurriedly said: "Hurry up and send him to a doctor, don't let him die!"

The military doctor rushed away with several soldiers carrying Shen Qing, Chen Qing nodded: "It seems that the information is true, and the golden soldiers in Bianliang have also retreated."

A few generals nearby said anxiously: "Your Highness, we will immediately hunt down the enemy, and we must not let them escape!"

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "The opponent is retreating strategically, and will not flee in defeat. Without my order, no one is allowed to chase without authorization. Those who disobey the order will be killed!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered the army of [-] to rise up and continue to slowly kill in the direction of Bianliang City. Chen Qing knew in his heart that there must be a large number of troops stationed in Bianliang City.

Lin'an, in front of Huangjianzui Teahouse, an ox cart stopped slowly, a middle-aged man got out of the oxcart carrying a large wooden box, the teahouse clerk stepped forward, "Guest officer, welcome to drink tea, can you come?" A date?"

"On the second floor, Yulan Hall, I have an appointment with a friend."

"Guest officer please!"

This middle-aged man was Gu Yanxin, an official of the Privy Council. He hurried up to the second floor with a large box and came to the innermost Yulan hall.

Walking into the room, there are two smiling men waiting for him in the room.

One is Dong An, the director of the Lin'an Intelligence Station, and the other is Wei Yanzong, the deputy director.

"The two of you have been waiting for a long time."

"Guest Bo, please sit down and have a cup of tea!"

Gu Yanxin picked up the teacup and drank it down, then handed the wooden box to Dong An, "Here is the complete set of information you want, thirty thousand stone grain ships, the Privy Council's grain allocation order, handover list, receipt, the same The receipt list has been sent to Yangzhou, and the Yangzhou logistics grain depot will receive the grain according to the Chinese documents in your hands."

Dong An looked at the document and asked, "Is this document fake?"

Gu Yanxin shook his head, "The document is absolutely true, but the same fleet issued two documents. This fleet will depart from Lin'an tomorrow morning. You must hurry up."

"Why is there still a pennant?" Wei Yanzong asked strangely as he opened the box.

Gu Yanxin quickly explained: "That is the official flag, it is very important, it must be stuck on the ship, without the official flag, the ship cannot enter the warehouse at all."

Dong An was overjoyed, "Thank you, Master!"

He took out another hundred taels of silver, put it on the table and pushed it over. "This is a thought, please accept it!"

Gu Yanxin glanced at Baiyin, then pushed the silver back, "I don't help you for money, I hope to serve His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Seeing that he refused to accept the money, Dong An nodded and said: "I understand, I will truthfully report to His Royal Highness King Yong,
Wei Yanzong went north by boat overnight with his suitcase. Two days later, he arrived at Zhenjiang Mansion. On the pier of Zhenjiang Mansion, he met Wang Qing, the commander in chief.

Wang Qing received an order from Yong Wang Chen Qing to lead his army to attack the Song Army's logistics camp in Yangzhou and cut off the logistics supply of the [-] troops.

Without logistical support, the Northern Expedition of [-] troops is just a joke.

The Lin'an intelligence station is also cooperating with Wang Qing's actions, and the documents they bring are also crucial.

Wang Qing looked at the qualifications in the wooden box, and felt relieved, "General Wei has worked hard."

Wei Yanzong smiled slightly: "I am Liu Gu, the steward of the fleet. I met the real steward of the fleet. He looks a bit like me. I will go to Yangzhou with Wang Tongzhi."

Wang Qing was overjoyed, "Then there is no need to delay, let's set off immediately!"

Thirty thousand-stone grain ships left Zhenjiangfu Wharf and sailed to the other side of the Yangtze River
The fleet arrived in Yangzhou very quickly, but the fleet waited until night before going to Yangzhou. They made a special investigation, and they stopped unloading after nightfall, and all civilian workers had to leave the warehouse area.

At one o'clock, the fleet arrived in Yangzhou, and slowly walked along the Cao River to the warehouse area. The way was full of soldiers and the guards were heavily guarded.

The boat was stopped in front of the water fence, and the general on duty said impatiently, "Why did you come at night again, didn't you agree to come during the day?"

Wei Yanzong said in an authentic Lin'an dialect: "Time can't be controlled! Help me, find someone to collect the goods!"

He threw a few pennies ashore, "It's not easy all the way, please help!"

There is nothing money can't handle, if not, then add more money.

The general weighed the money, "Wait, I'll find someone!"

The general on duty left in a hurry, and not long after, an official was brought over with a thick document in his hand.

"Is it Guanshi Huang from Lin'an?" the official asked.

Wei Yanzong clasped his fists and said, "I'm in Xiahuanggu, I'm sorry for coming so late, everyone."

Wei Yanzong was confident, and Gu Yanxin told them that this Huang Gu was escorting a boat to Yangzhou for the first time, so there was no need to worry about being recognized.

"Give me the paperwork!"

Wei Yanzong jumped off a small boat, reached out and handed the document to the official.

The officials checked the documents they received in the morning, and they were completely consistent and there was no problem.

He returned the documents to Wei Yanzong, "No one unloads the goods in the warehouse at night, or you can park outside overnight and be the first to enter the warehouse tomorrow."

How could it be possible to park outside for one night, or they would be finished if they acted. Wei Yanzong hurriedly said: "There are very important military supplies on board, we can't park outside, let's park inside!"

The official looked at the list, and it turned out that there were a thousand barrels of gunpowder. He looked at the fleet again, it was an official ship, and there were not many people.

Then he nodded and said: "Fortunately, you are an official ship. Civilian ships are not allowed to enter the warehouse area. You can park in, but you cannot leave people on board overnight. You must leave the warehouse area."

【I'm sorry!Today is still two chapters]

(End of this chapter)

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