
Chapter 1032 Trojan Horse

The three checkpoints were opened one by one. Under the surveillance of the army, the fleet slowly entered the warehouse area. The warehouse area was huge, with hundreds of warehouses. Food, fodder, and military supplies were piled up in each warehouse.

The fleet stopped in front of the pier, and the officials shouted: "Everyone disembark, leave the warehouse area quickly, the army will conduct inspections."

Wei Yanzong also shouted: "Take your belongings, everyone, let's go! Come back tomorrow morning."

There were not many boatmen, only a dozen of them jumped off the boat one after another, and followed Wei Yanzong. The general on duty took dozens of his men and boarded the boat to check. They found that they were all food and supplies, and they did not find the boatman left behind. Take the soldiers away.

The warehouse door was slowly closed, and the warehouse area became quiet again, with no one in sight.

Time passed little by little, and at two o'clock, a bag of grain on the first big ship suddenly moved, and slowly moved to the side, revealing a hole. It turned out that the grain pile was hollow, and a black shadow jumped out of it lightly. , Then came out several black shadows, several black shadows appeared on several ships, and the leader was Wang Qing.

The grain ship has been specially modified. It looks like a big ship full of grain, but it is empty in the middle, but the waterline can see the flaws, so they choose to come to Yangzhou at night, so it is not easy to be seen. At the same time, they can also use the excuse to park in the warehouse area.

This is actually a Trojan horse trick. Of course, the Trojan horse tricks of the Orientals are closely linked, and every detail cannot be wrong, which is much stricter than the Trojan horse tricks of the Westerners.

The fleet was docked by the pier, and there were several large buildings by the pier, mainly for storing various tools, carts, etc. Thirty soldiers carried kerosene bags and carried kerosene barrels, followed Wang Qing along the building Running behind their backs, they dare not run over from the pier, they are too eye-catching, if the warehouse group has secret whistle, it is easy to be spotted.

They only have a general understanding of the Yangzhou warehouse. They know that the grain and grass area is in the east and the military capital area is in the west. be found.

Thirty people ran fast, Wang Qing suddenly waved, and everyone stood against the wall, and saw a patrol team coming out of the grain and grass area and walking towards the material area not far away, thirty steps away.

When the patrol team was far away, Wang Qing beckoned, and the thirty people continued to run, rushing into the large granaries.

Each grain building is made of brick and wood, so it is not easy to burn it directly. It must be set on fire in the granary. The door of the granary is locked with a thick iron chain, but there is a small door for people to enter and exit, and there is also a lock on it.

This small lock is easy to deal with, and it can be easily smashed with an axe.

There are fifty large warehouses in the grain and grass warehouse, but they only have thirty people. Wang Qing had a plan early on. They opened all the small doors of the warehouses, and each person was in charge of a grain warehouse. A torch will suffice.

Everyone split up, sprayed all the kerosene on the grain bag, lit a fire bag, threw the grain bag, 'Boom! 'The flames burned.

The soldiers quickly retreated and threw torches into the forage warehouse while running. It took time for the grain warehouse to burn, but the forage warehouse burned rapidly, and thick smoke filled the air in just a moment, billowing thick smoke from all sides.

Wang Qing glanced back, secretly remorseful in his heart, he knew that he should not have set fire to the fodder storehouse, as this would have called the patrolling soldiers in advance.

But it was useless to regret now, and time did not allow him to think too much, so he led the crowd towards the ship.

There are still dozens of steps away from the ship, and the harsh alarm bell sounds!when!when!when!When it rang, someone shouted: "The grain depot is on fire, put out the fire!"

Patrol sentries rushed towards the grain and grass warehouses from all directions, and Wang Qing led the soldiers to jump into the grain boats one after another.

They have already considered the technique of escape, and the best way to camouflage on the beach is to turn into a grain of sand.

Then the way to escape in the warehouse group is to become a firefighting soldier.

At this time, a large number of soldiers rushed in from outside the warehouse, there were two or three thousand people, each of them took buckets and basins, fetched water, and rushed towards the warehouse group.

Wang Qing and his subordinates also wore the same military uniforms, and each carried a wooden barrel and rushed to the warehouse group with a bucket of water.

Facts have proved that Wang Qing's worries are completely unnecessary. He is very worried that the grain warehouse will burn slowly and a large amount of grain will be rescued by soldiers.

He forgot the other two fatal factors, that is thick smoke and high temperature. All the warehouses were filled with thick smoke, with deep red flames wrapped in thick smoke. The high temperature and thick smoke made the soldiers dare not go in. Shouting, pretending to pour water in, no one knows what will be the use.

Wang Qing put his heart down, and he led the soldiers back to the Cao River to fetch water. There was chaos at the gate. Countless soldiers rushed to the warehouse area, but many soldiers also ran back to get more buckets for firefighting.

They ran out of the warehouse area among the large group of soldiers, and disappeared into the darkness as others ran to get fire-fighting equipment.

The next day, Wang Qing took his men and Wei Yanzong to hide on a hilly hill about [-] miles away from Yangzhou City. There are lush pine forests here. Smoke, the fire is still burning and has not been extinguished. They have sent spies to inquire about the situation and are waiting patiently for a reply.

Wang Qing said regretfully: "The ship should be burned together, they will find the dark cabin on the ship, and they will know that we did it."

Wei Yanzong smiled slightly and said: "It is estimated that this afternoon, the real Huanggu will transport grain to Yangzhou, and it will be discovered at that time. In fact, even if the ship is burned, they can guess that we did it. Last night, it will be destroyed." Only our ships are moored inside."

"General Wei is right, it is indeed difficult to explain, but what about the official who helped us? Will he be discovered by the court?"

"You mean Gu Yanxin, once the court investigates, he will definitely be exposed. Don't dare, he is no longer in Lin'an. Their whole family should be in Dangtu County. Take a boat to Sichuan Road. He is from Bashu, and then changed his name and changed his surname to Dangtu in Bashu. Officer! This is our promise to him."

At this time, someone shouted: "The spies are back!"

When the three soldiers came back, Wang Qing went up to meet them and asked, "How is it?"

The leading soldier smiled and said: "We can't enter the warehouse area, it has been blocked, but in the teahouse outside the city, we met a few firefighting soldiers drinking tea, and they were telling everyone about the firefighting situation."

"What did they say?"

"They said that the grain depot and fodder depot are all over, they can't get in at all, they will be roasted and can't breathe, it's full of smoke and fire, they have abandoned the grain and grass area, and moved all the materials in the all-out rescue material area Go out, and then someone said, still save fifteen thousand shi of grain."

"What do you mean?" Wang Qing was a little confused. Since he couldn't get into the warehouse, how could he rescue [-] shi of grain?

Wei Yanzong smiled and said, "Is it the [-] shi of grain on our ship?"

Wang Qing suddenly realized that they planted [-] shi of grain in each of their [-] boats, but it was not [-] shi of grain, but those were not grain, but sand and wheat bran mixed together, and they found it when they opened the bags.

Even the [-] barrels of gunpowder on board are only [-] barrels of dirt.

"Let's go!"

They didn't need to ask any more information, they left Yangzhou on foot, headed southwest all the way, and entered the border of Zhenzhou that night.

At the wharf in Yangzi County, Zhenzhou, they found a boat to pick them up, a group of people boarded the boat, and the boat sailed to Dangtu County overnight.


The [-] troops of the Western Army surrounded Bianliang. At present, there are still [-] signed troops guarding the city of Bianliang. Their task is to hold back the Western Army and cover the main force of the Jin soldiers to withdraw eastward.

Chen Qing's biggest problem now is that they don't know the situation in the city. The gates are closed and no one can get out. How many troops are there in the city?It is not known whether all of them are signed soldiers or some Jurchen soldiers.

If you want to attack the city, you still need to wait for the siege weapons to be delivered.

Zhang Xiao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "There is still a way!"

All the generals looked at Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao said indifferently: "Attacking the heart is the top priority, and attacking the city is the bottom. Use two iron rhinos to blow up Qingcheng, and give the soldiers in the city a prestige. Some people will definitely open the city and surrender."

Qingcheng is a small military city three miles south of Bianliang. There is another such small military city in the west called Yuetai, which is also three miles away from Bianliang city.

Zhang Xiao's heart attack lifted the spirits of all soldiers, and Yang Zaixing suggested: "It's better to blow up Yuetai as well, the deterrent effect is stronger."

Chen Qing shook his head, "You can blow up the city, but you have to do it step by step, first send a letter, and then blow up the city!"

Chen Qing immediately wrote an ultimatum of Kaesong's surrender, "Letter from King Yong to the Brothers Shoucheng".

The general content is to ask the soldiers in the city to open the city and surrender. As a voluntary surrender, they can be released home immediately. Once the Western Army breaks through the city gate, they will be prisoners of war. The prisoners of war will have to serve three years of hard labor before they can go home.

Immediately let the craftsmen of the military camp engrave and print thousands of leaflets in one go.

As night fell, six thousand cavalry rushed out of the camp and rushed all the way to the city of Bianliang, approaching the moat. The cavalry rushed around the city and shot arrows at the top of the city.The cavalry then ran away again.

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