
Chapter 1033 Deterrence

The main general in Bianliang City is Du Rong, who is in charge of the capital. He was the guard of Chenzhou Gate of Bianliang at the earliest. He once opened the city gate to let Jin soldiers enter Bianliang and slaughtered many counties. Liangcheng, and ordered the entire army, whoever dared to surrender, beheaded immediately!

As night fell, Du Rong had just returned home to prepare for dinner, when a general on duty hurried over and said, "All control, look at this!"

Du Rong took a look at the leaflets, and immediately jumped up, "How many copies have been passed into the city?"

"I don't know, probably thousands of copies, all of which were shot into the city with arrows."

"Collect it immediately, no one is allowed to fall into the hands of soldiers, hurry up!"

The general on duty left, Du Rong was not in the mood to eat, so he took a few casual bites, left the bowl and rushed to the city.

On the top of the city, all the soldiers were assembled. Du Huan, the commander of the military disciplinary battalion, led hundreds of soldiers to conduct a body search one by one. Du Huan was Du Rong's nephew.

At this time, a leaflet hidden in a soldier's shoe was found.

Du Huan was furious. He drew his sword and stabbed the soldier in the chest. The soldier screamed and fell to the ground dead.

Du Huan raised his bloody sword and shouted: "Hand over leaflets quickly, whoever dares to keep them privately will be punished."

After a while, some soldiers came out and threw leaflets on the ground, and soldiers continued to come out and put leaflets on the ground.

But from the beginning to the end, all the soldiers were silent, even the generals were silent.

Du Rong gritted his teeth and said, "Someone must be hiding in the crack of the wall. Everyone should go and search, and if you find one, you will be rewarded!"

At dawn, a total of [-] leaflets were seized, and [-] were not found. But the key point is that Du Rong didn't know how many leaflets there were in total. Fire burns away.

As the soldiers on duty at night returned to the barracks, Chen Qing's "Book to the Three Armies of Bianliang" quickly spread in the barracks.

'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

At dawn, the war drums were sounded in the camp of the Western Army in the south. The dull sound of the war drums made all the Bianliang defenders nervous. Du Rong hurriedly ordered [-] troops to go to the city. .

A small city three miles away is Qingcheng, and the Western Army camp is still south of Qingcheng. At this time, ten thousand square formations appeared on both sides of Qingcheng. It seems that all the soldiers of the Western Army are looking at Qingcheng A lot of people ran out of Qingcheng, all the Western soldiers squatted down and covered their ears.

The defenders on the top of the city were all baffled, wondering what the other side was up to?

Suddenly, there were two earth-shattering explosions in the distance, "Boom! Boom!" The mud and bricks of Qingcheng shot up into the sky, the ground began to shake, and the city walls also shook, like an earthquake. The soldiers couldn't stand still. They all squatted down.

After a while, the soldiers slowly got up and looked towards Qingcheng, only to see thick smoke, but they could see clearly that Qingcheng had completely collapsed.

All the soldiers gasped, my God!What kind of firearm is this?It was so powerful that it even knocked down an entire military city!

Du Rong's face turned pale. This is the legendary Iron Fire Thunder. I thought it was only slightly stronger than Wood Fire Thunder, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. This is just a threat from the Western Army. If the Western Army puts it into actual combat, Bianliang couldn't keep it for a minute.

The Song army did not continue to attack the city, the [-] troops withdrew to the camp, and the soldiers defending the city also went back one after another, but the leaflets last night and today's explosion have changed many people's hearts.

In a civilian house close to the military camp, five generals gathered together. The leading general was Li Taigu, a commander, and the other four generals were his confidantes.

"We called everyone here because Du Rong is too insidious. He will send people to watch our every move. Once generals gather, he will suspect us of rebellion."

"Brother wants to dedicate the city!" said a general.

Li Taigu nodded, "Wanyan Wushu has run away, but he asked us to stand up to the [-] Western Army, obviously to send us to death, Wanyan Wushu really knows how to pick people, and he chose Du Rong, and he was right. people."

"Control, does this Du Rong have no intention of surrendering at all? Serving the Kingdom of Jin so desperately."

Li Taigu sneered and said: "That's because you don't know his past. In the second year of Jingkang, he was the guard of Chenzhou Gate. He sacrificed Chenzhou Gate, and Jin Bing entered Bianliang from Chenzhou Gate. Later, he led his army to massacre more than a dozen county towns, which can be described as a heinous crime. How dare he surrender to the Western Army, but we are different. We have never slaughtered cities, and we have not done those outrageous things. Why should we sacrifice our lives for him? , destroy with him?"

"Brother is right, Du Rong wants to die, but he wants to tie us up to die together, we won't do it!"

"Brother, tell me! What should we do?"

Seeing that everyone was willing to follow him, Li Taigu said slowly: "We have a total of five thousand soldiers under our command. We have long nights and many dreams. Let's do it tonight and control the North City Gate!"

At noon, on the tower of the North City, under the cover of the surrounding people, a soldier climbed a rope and slid down the city wall, swam across the moat, disappeared into a willow forest.

An hour later, the soldier encountered the patrolling cavalry of the Western Army and was immediately taken to the camp.

Someone in the city came to deliver a letter. Chen Qing was not surprised by this news at all. The enemy army in the city is absolutely impossible to be monolithic. The Jurchens have all withdrawn. These signed troops are actually going to fight him to the end?

Under normal circumstances, such a situation would never occur. There is only one possibility, the Lord will fight himself to the death!What about the other major generals?They must have their own ideas.

It's just that Chen Qing didn't expect the effect to be so good. The iron fire thunder exploded in the morning, and someone betrayed him at noon.

He got all the information in the city at this time.

Li Taigu, Chen Qing is not very familiar with this person, he asked again: "Where was your General Li originally stationed?"

"My family, General Li, has been stationed in Laizhou, and later transferred to Bozhou and Jeju, and later served as the commander in front of the Royal Forest Army Palace of the monarch of Qi State Liu Yu. Li Cheng led the army to fight against Zhang Jun in Caizhou, and later he had a bad relationship with Li Cheng, so he was transferred back to Kaifeng to garrison."

Chen Qing understands, haven't you heard of this person? It turns out that this person is Liu Yu's trusted general. He has been engaged in internal affairs and has never participated in a war. bad relationship.

"You General Li are going to act tonight?"

"Exactly! He will open the north city gate, and the time is around one o'clock."

Chen Qing ordered people to take the messenger soldiers down to rest, and discussed with several generals. Liu Qiong was a little worried that this was a trap set by the other side, and he said worriedly: "If it is a fake surrender, the other side has set up a trap, which will cause us heavy casualties. .”

Zhang Xiao laughed, "Little Liu Dutong is like taking a dozen burly men to fight with a group of three-year-olds, afraid of the traps set by the little ones."

Everyone roared with laughter, and Liu Qiong also realized that his worries were absurd. In the face of absolute strength, any trap would be trampled down by the powerful strength. He immediately blushed with embarrassment and dared not say a word.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "If Xiao Liu is afraid of traps, then use iron fire thunder to blow off the iron chains on both sides of the suspension bridge first, and then use iron rods to block the city gate, so it will be safe."

Liu Qiong took the opportunity to stand up and clasped her fists and said, "Humble job is willing to be a pioneer!"


Chen Qing approved Liu Qiong's request, and all the generals yelled in dissatisfaction. They even suspected that Liu Qiong was deliberately pretending to be stupid to get the opportunity to enter the city first. This is not an ordinary city, but Bianliang. He took the lead in entering Bianliang, but Liu Qiong took away the opportunity.

Regardless of their yelling, Chen Qing said to Yang Zaixing, "Once the city is broken, Du Rong will definitely lead his army to flee from the east city. You lead [-] cavalry to encircle and suppress them, and bring Du Rong's head to meet!"

"Follow the order!" Yang Zaixing accepted the task straightforwardly. If he didn't get the chance to enter the city first, then killing the opponent's general would be the second most important contribution.

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