
Chapter 1034

As night fell, the defense in the city became tense again. Du Rong also knew that night was the best chance for the Western Army to make a breakthrough. Especially tonight, Du Rong felt the crisis. The generals were gathering in private and even found a copy of the Western Army's leaflets, which made Du Rong even more worried.

When the first watch was approaching, Du Rong successively issued orders to adjust the defense of each army. The defensive area of ​​the third commanding army was changed from the north gate to the west gate, and the east gate and south gate continued to be under the command of Du Rong himself. Ten thousand troops are in charge.

The chief general of the third commanding army was Li Taigu. Du Rong's temporary change of the defensive area really caught Li Taigu by surprise. He immediately summoned several confidantes to discuss countermeasures.

Li Taigu said to the generals: "It's less than half an hour before the first watch. It's too late to notify the Western Army to change the city gate. We can only delay it, and count as long as it can. If we can't delay it, we will start the war. Everyone, go and gather your brothers. Get up and tell them the truth, we are going to open the city to welcome the Western Army, let the brothers join us."

All the generals went to gather their own troops. At this time, Du Rong sent someone to urge Li Taigu to change his guard and go to Xicheng immediately.

"Please tell Du Tong that someone in my army may have been infected with the plague and is seriously ill. We are in quarantine and cannot leave for the time being."

The messenger turned his horse and went back to report. Du Rong frowned after listening to the report. It was ridiculous. How could he never know when he was infected with the plague?

His nephew Du Huan said: "Second Uncle, Li Taigu is just an excuse, how about nephew take someone to see, what is his plan?"

Du Rong nodded, "You have to be careful, if you find something wrong, don't expose him, come back immediately!"

"Nephew knows!"

Du Huan ran towards the North City Gate with more than a hundred of his men. Du Rong didn't feel at ease after thinking about it, and personally led three thousand people to the North City. This Li Taigu is not his, and the possibility of rebellion is extremely high. If I had known He shouldn't have been allowed to guard the North City, Du Rong regretted and ran towards the North City with [-] soldiers.

Li Taigu was deploying countermeasures after opening the city gate, when suddenly a soldier came to report, "Reporting to the control, Du Huan is here, insisting on going to the city to check military discipline."

Du Huan is Du Rong's No. [-] hunting dog. He serves as the commander of the military discipline battalion. He specially uses the excuse of checking military discipline to monitor the troops. Li Taigu knew that he should come, and he immediately said: "Everyone go back immediately, gather the troops and open the city gate. !"

All the generals went to their own actions. Li Taigu immediately led hundreds of soldiers to intercept Du Huan.

At this time, there was no need for Du Huan to go to the city. He discovered the clues at the bottom of the city. Originally, the gates of the city were blocked by boulders, but now all the boulders have been moved out, and the gates are no longer blocked. This is too obvious. .

"let's go!"

Du Huan turned his horse's head and left, but at this time he could not go. Li Taigu had already led more than a thousand people to surround him and his men, and aimed crossbow arrows at them.

"Li Taigu, what do you want to do?" Du Huan shouted fearfully.

Li Taigu smiled coldly, "You and I know it well!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Huan shouted, "Break out!"

He drew out his knife and urged his horse to rush towards the opponent.

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as Li Taigu gave an order, arrows were fired at once, and there was a scream in the open space. Du Huan and his subordinates were shot down by arrows one after another. Among them, Du Huan was killed by more than [-] arrows in his body.

Li Taigu ordered: "Light the city head on fire and open the city gate!"

It was less than the hour of the first watch, and Li Taigu couldn't take care of it anymore.

Du Huan left a few of his subordinates on the outside. They heard the screams and rushed back to report in fright. They didn't go far before they met Du Rong who hurriedly led the army.

"What's going on, where are your leaders?"

"The humble staff heard the screams and didn't see the commander come out, so they felt bad, so they hurried to report."

Du Rong was shocked, and immediately sent someone to mobilize reinforcements. Li Taigu must be rebelling.

The situation was urgent, and he could not wait for reinforcements, so he led [-] soldiers and rushed towards the north gate.

There were more than [-] steps away from the North City Gate, when a burst of arrows shot towards him, many soldiers rushing in front were caught off guard and fell down from the arrows.

All the people found out that there was an ambush on the opposite side, and they got down in fright.

"Dutong, there is fire on the top of the city!" A soldier pointed at the top of the city and shouted.

Du Rong also saw it. The flames were burning on the top of the city. There should be three fires. The other two fires were blocked by the tower, but the smoke and dust on the tower could be seen.
This was sending a signal to the Western Army. Du Rong was anxious and shouted: "Go up and close the city gate!"

Three thousand soldiers have followed him for many years, they are all his confidantes. The soldiers shouted and charged again. This time, the soldiers with shields rushed forward and effectively blocked the arrows.

Li Taigu's soldiers rushed out from both sides, and the two sides fought fiercely together.

At the same time, Liu Qiong led [-] cavalry and [-] black armor troops to attack the North City Gate from one mile away. Two miles away, [-] cavalry led by Liu Cui were rushing to kill the North City Gate. Come on, they are the second batch. Once Liu Qiong's army enters the city, they will also sprint with all their strength.

There were only a hundred steps left in the distance, no arrows were shot overhead, only fifty steps were left, the suspension bridge had not been pulled up, and the city gate showed no sign of closing.

Liu Qiong had already confirmed that there was no trap, so he shouted, "Follow me into it!"

Liu Qiong took the lead and charged into the city with a long gun in his hand. After entering the city, it was just the Wengcheng. Only when entering the inner city can he really enter the city. But there were nearly a thousand people fighting fiercely in the Wengcheng. Liu Qiong recognized it at a glance. An army wrapped around their left arms There was white cloth, and it could be seen clearly under the moonlight that it was Li Taigu's army. With a loud shout, he stabbed seven or eight soldiers who were not wrapped in white cloth.

A large group of cavalry rushed in behind him, and they were finally discovered by Du Rong's soldiers. They turned around and fled, shouting in fear, "The Song army has entered the city! The Song army has entered the city!"

Liu Qiong urged his horse to gallop, and led hundreds of people into the inner city gate in an instant, only to see countless soldiers coming towards him. With a loud roar, he led the cavalry to fight fiercely with the enemy. More and more cavalry rushed into the city, exceeding There were [-] people, and Du Rong's army was killed and fled to the wind.

Six thousand cavalry entered the inner city, and the black-armored soldiers also entered. Immediately afterwards, Liu Cui's army also began to enter the outer city gate, and the situation of Bianliang City was over.

This is, Du Rong is no longer there. As soon as Liu Qiong led the cavalry into the inner city, Du Rong knew that Bianliang could not hold it. He immediately led the [-] reinforcements to evacuate to the east gate. He was not as good as Li Cheng. He is determined to fight the Song army in street fighting, he must save his own life first.

There is no western army stationed outside the east city, this is the escape route Chen Qing specially left for them.

Du Rong led five thousand soldiers out of the east gate, and fled eastward along the official road, but within two miles, there was a bang, and thousands of arrows were fired from the right. Du Rong's soldiers were caught off guard and fell down one after another. , screaming, nearly half of them were shot down by crossbow arrows.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horseshoes sounded loudly, and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed from left and right, and surrounded the enemy.

But Du Rong and a dozen of his own soldiers escaped on horseback. After more than a hundred steps, a general held a golden gun with a tiger's head. It was Yang Zaixing. He stroked his beard and sneered, "Du Rong, Yang is waiting for you It's been a long time!"

Du Rong didn't say a word, he rushed up and swung his big knife to chop, very fast and fierce, ready to cut Yang Zaixing into two pieces.

Yang Zaixing sneered, dodged the knife, swung his spear, and stabbed at Du Rongping's chest, only to see a golden light flash, and the speed of the spear was incomparably fast.

"Good come!"

Du Rong swung his head and struck at the spear, but he missed it, his body flashed, and he almost lost his strength. Yang Zaixing was already behind him, and he yelled secretly, wanting to use his saber to save his life, but it was too late, "Pfft!" With a sound of stabbing, the spear pierced Du Rong's neck from the back of the neck, the tip of the gun protruded from the throat, and the cervical vertebra was also pierced. Du Rong's eyes went dark and he died on the spot.

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