
Chapter 1036 Official Kilns

Solving the plight of Bianliang is easy and easy to say. Allocating a large amount of materials to Bianliang, the army provides errands, and let the people work to earn money. In a short period of time, Bianliang can be prosperous like chicken blood.

But this kind of method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The decline of Bianliang is a problem of its own positioning. It is the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty and the place where the wealth of the world is concentrated. A large amount of food resources are continuously transported from all over the world. It is also the place where the wealth of the Puppet Qi State is concentrated, which has brought about the abnormal prosperity of the capital of the Puppet Qi State.

It's just that Wanyan Wushu's curfew became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel's back. All industries in Bianliang were wiped out, people's livelihood was difficult, and the decline reached the extreme.

In the afternoon, Chen Qing and Zhang Xiao dressed up as two ordinary people and came to the black market that Li Ji said.

The black market is located in the Daxiangguo Temple. It is called the black market. In fact, it is not black at all. It is not illegal. It is a barter trading occasion organized by ordinary people. Of course, there are real black markets, that is, the black market for grain and meat. In the black market, you can only buy it with copper coins or gold and silver.

Interestingly, the grain black market and the meat black market only recognize two kinds of copper coins, one is the old copper coins, which were officially minted during the Northern Song Dynasty, and the other is the copper coins issued by the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Envoy, referred to as Yongwang coins.

As for the Shaoxing Tongbao cast in Lin'an, Bianliang seldom sees it, mainly because the copper coins in Lin'an can't get through.

The Daxiangguo Temple was bustling with people, and it was very lively. The common people basically exchanged various items with each other, but Chen Qing also found that there were many small vendors. It is full of various items, mainly daily necessities.

Walking up a long corridor, there are more than [-] small stalls on the long corridor, and ordinary people are also standing in front of the small stalls, each holding a package containing trading items.

At this time, there was a loud noise from the front, "You are so funny! If I don't sell it, I won't sell it. Do you still want to buy and sell by force?"

"Whoever buys and sells by force, you put it here, of course I can buy it." This is the voice of an old man, and it sounds very tempered.

"This is an official kiln tea cup. As I said just now, it costs twenty taels of silver to exchange ten acres of vegetable land outside the city. I don't want your things, and they are not enough for my tea cup."

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, there was actually an official kiln teacup, he hurriedly stepped forward and leaned over to look, only to see that the stall owner was a middle-aged scribe, holding a teacup in his hand, as delicate as fat, like beautiful jade, Chen Qing glanced at it Then I recognized that it was indeed a very precious official kiln Jun porcelain.

The old man was a thin old man, looking from the side, with unkind eyes and a fierce face, he was carrying a wicker box, in which there were several pieces of copper utensils, copper lamps and pots and the like.

The old man stared greedily at the teacup in the middle-aged scribe's hand, and suddenly said coldly: "Your teacup was stolen! How can you, an ordinary person, have an official kiln teacup?"

The middle-aged man was furious, "This is from my ancestors, can't it?"

"Either it's a fake, you sell fakes!" the old man was aggressive.

Chen Qing couldn't help but said, "That's a real official Jun porcelain kiln, how could it be a fake?"

"How do you see it at a glance?"

The old man turned his head and was about to refute Chen Qing, but when he saw Chen Qing's appearance, his face paled in shock, he picked up the wicker box and ran, a copper lamp fell to the ground with a clatter, he couldn't care less, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chen Qing knew that the old man recognized him, but he was also a little strange, the old man had never seen him before!

He picked up the copper lamp and asked, "Who was that person just now? Why don't you want the copper lamp?"

A stall owner next to him said: "I know that man. He is the father-in-law of Liu Yu, the puppet Qi Emperor. It means that his copper coins are piled up higher than the mountain, and they will fall over in a flash, who knows how he got into such a ghostly state, and came to sell copper wares."

Chen Qing nodded, then smiled and said to the middle-aged scribe, "Can you show me this tea cup?"

"Hold it carefully!"

The middle-aged scribe slowly handed the teacup to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took it and took a closer look. It was as white as jade and as thin as a cicada's wing. It was indeed a high-quality official kiln Jun porcelain. He liked it very much and asked with a smile: "It should be a set! Why is there only one?"

The middle-aged scribe whispered: "There is a set, but they are sold as a set, no one can afford it."

"As long as you are willing to sell, I can afford it!"

The middle-aged scholar bowed his head and hesitated, and the stall owner next to him became anxious, "I said, Lao Fu, your family's life depends on that tea set, don't be stupid again, your great-grandfather won't blame you."

The middle-aged scribe sighed, stood up and said, "Brother Zhang, help me watch the stall, I'll be back soon."


The scholar said to Chen Qing again: "Go to my house and talk! It's very close to here, just a few hundred steps away."

"Okay! Sir, please lead the way."

Chen Qing threw the copper lamp to the stall owner next to him, "This is for you!"

"Ouch, thank you! Thank you!"

The stall owner was overjoyed. The copper lamps in Qian Sanhuang's house were all high-quality, not cheap.

The home of the middle-aged scribe was indeed very close, only three or four hundred steps away from the Daxiangguo Temple, and it was a small courtyard covering an area of ​​half an acre.

He knocked on the door, and a woman in her thirties opened the door. She had fair skin, delicate eyebrows, an apron around her waist, and her sleeves were rolled up, revealing her wrists like snow lotus roots. Her hair was also combed neatly. She looked very capable, and when the woman saw that her husband had returned, she hurriedly asked, "Has the tea cup been sold?"

The man pointed behind him, "This guest wants to buy a complete set of porcelain."

"That's good! Please come in."

Chen Qing and Zhang Xiao walked into the small courtyard, followed by two guards. Chen Qing took a look and found that it was very clean and elegant, and even planted a jujube tree.

"Young master, please sit in the room!"

"No, just stay in the yard! The yard is nice."

The woman hurriedly moved out a small wooden table, brought a few small stools, and warmly greeted: "Please sit down! I'll make tea for you."

After walking a few steps, she gave Chen Qing a strange look, and entered the room with a puzzled expression.

Chen Qing nodded. This woman should also come from a rich family, and she is very educated and reasonable. Common people say to boil water to make tea, but she said to fry tea.

At this time, a middle-aged scribe came out with a large red lacquer wooden box. Chen Qing knew at a glance that he also had such a wooden box, which was a tea set given by Emperor Shenzong of Song Dynasty.

"This is a complete set, one teapot with four teacups."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Your great-grandfather was a high-ranking official during Shenzong's time?"

The middle-aged scribe sighed, "I'm Fu Hong, my great-grandfather Fu Bi."

Suddenly, Chen Qing clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that he is a descendant of Mr. Fu. I'm sorry!"

Fu Hong smiled wryly, "I am a scholar who is useless. I only know how to read, but I don't know anything. Living in troubled times, life is especially difficult. I have to sell the things that my ancestors cherished. It is really embarrassing."

Chen Qing waved his hand, "Since it's a troubled time, it's important to let the family survive. Don't take these external things too seriously."

"Thank you for your enlightenment, sir, may I ask your surname, this gentleman is"

"My surname is Chen, from Jingzhao. This is my aide, Mr. Zhang."

"Clang!" There was a crisp cracking sound from the kitchen, it should be that the teacup fell to the ground and shattered.

At the door of the kitchen, the woman said with a frightened face, "Come in, Da Lang, and I'll talk to you."

"Sit down, two, I'll come as I go."

He turned around and left, walked a few steps, stopped again, walked back quickly and laughed twice, "I'm sorry!"

He reached out to pick up the wooden box, carried the wooden box in his arms and went to the kitchen. Chen Qing couldn't help but laugh, this man is really cautious.

Fu Hong went to the kitchen and faintly heard the couple talking, "Lady, you misread the person!"

"How could it be wrong! I went to see him this morning."

"Ah! What can I do then?"

"My husband, let's go first! Let's talk about it, it's not a bad thing for my husband, besides, I'm still close to him!"

Chen Qing felt a little strange, who is this woman?How do you get close to yourself?
The man walked out silently, and said with shame on his face: "I don't know the identity of His Highness, I was too rude just now."

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