
Chapter 1037 Clean Up

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Master Fu won't be ready to raise the price just because he knows my identity!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare! If Your Highness likes this tea set, I will give it to His Highness."

Chen Qing's face sank, and he said with some displeasure: "Can't I buy things, must others donate for free?"

The woman hurriedly came out and said: "His Royal Highness, my husband didn't mean that, how many people came to buy his tea set, he didn't want to sell it at all, but more and more people knew about this tea set, we knew we couldn't keep it, The so-called innocence of the man, the crime of the pregnant woman, what if a murderer comes to the door?
That's why we want to exchange it for Tian, ​​but this is the most beloved thing of our ancestors back then, and ordinary businessmen don't deserve it. If we can dedicate it to His Highness King Yong, the ancestors under Jiuquan will not blame us. We have a few acres of land, and we also have something to eat. "

Chen Qing and Zhang Xiao glanced at each other. This woman was very powerful and could speak. It was obviously just a business, but she said it in a grand manner, as if she still owed a huge favor.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Madam, what is your name?"

This woman is right to say that she is smart, or that she is scheming. In fact, they are all compliments and criticisms with the same meaning. She purposely made her voice louder just now, and waited for Chen Qing to ask herself, otherwise it would be difficult for her to speak. Missed this opportunity.

The woman blushed and said in a low voice, "I follow my husband's surname, and my maiden name is Lu."

Chen Qing was startled, who is in the Lu family in Bianliang?He suddenly thought of someone, and asked with a smile, "Could it be that you are Lu Qi?"

The woman was overjoyed and said, "Did my little sister tell you?"

Chen Qing did hear from his wife, Lu Xiu, that she had an older sister in Bianliang named Lu Qi, and her father, Lu Changsong, was the official of Kaifeng Prefecture and was Lu Yihao's nephew. In the first year of Jingkang, the Lu family fled In Yingtian Mansion, in the second year of Jianyan, the Lu family went south to Lin'an.

However, Lu Changsong stayed in Yingtian Mansion because of illness, and then lost contact. He did not get the news until the seventh year of Shaoxing. After recovering, Lu Changsong returned to Bianliang, and finally died of illness in Shaoxing three years. Lu Qi also got married the year before.

There is such a coincidence in this world, perhaps it is God's will somewhere, that when I bought a tea set, I met the person my wife asked me to find.

Chen Qing invited the couple to sit down and asked, "Why is the rich man so poor?"

"It's hard to explain it all, let's talk about it later when we have a chance!" Fu Hong obviously didn't want to say more.

Lu Qi became anxious immediately, if her husband didn't seize this opportunity, what would she do in the future?
no!She wants to say, otherwise it would be too unfair to her husband.

"Your Highness, my husband was born as a Jinshi in the sixth year of Xuanhe and served as an assistant teacher of Taixue. After Jingkang, he resigned and stayed at home. Puppet Qi asked him to come out to serve as an official several times, but he refused to agree. Finally, five years ago, Puppet Qi was annoyed. They kicked our family out of the house and confiscated all our property. Fortunately, we saved some money in the cabinet, so we bought this small courtyard.

After the fall of the Puppet Qi, Wanyan Wushu sent someone to invite my husband to be the magistrate of Bianliang County, but my husband still flatly refused. Those who took refuge in the Puppet Qi, who didn't live in high-rise houses and were utterly rich?My husband is willing to keep his innocence, which is why he is so downcast. "

"Madam is right. People who don't want to be thieves will not get along well, but it will never be like this all the time. There will always be a day when the clouds will be cleared."

Chen Qing pushed the wooden box over, "This is a family heirloom left by your ancestors, pass it on to your descendants!"

Chen Qing winked at Zhang Xiao again, Zhang Xiao understood, and said with a smile: "Young Master Fu, write a few words for me to see!"

Although Fu Hong was born as a Jinshi, but to pass Zhang Xiao's test, he had to show his real skills, but for Chen Qing's sake, Zhang Xiao had already used the lowest standard.

Fu Hong took out a copied book from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Xiao, "This is the Analects I copied last night, and it is going to be used as a textbook for my son."

Zhang Xiao took the copied book and looked at it, secretly praising the handwriting is really beautiful, he happily took out one of his posts and put it on the table and said: "Master Fu will come to the government office to look for me tomorrow morning, I need help here. You will not be disappointed with the treatment!"

At night, Chen Qing carefully read a booklet in the camp. It was given to him by Fu Hong, and it was a notebook written by his father Lu Changsong between the third year of Jianyan and the fourth year of Jianyan.

The content is about the future of Bianliang. Lu Changsong mentioned four ways out for Bianliang. One is to maintain the abnormal prosperity of the puppet Qi state for a long time, but one day it will collapse with the collapse of the puppet Qi state.

The second way out is that due to the long-term occupation of the Jurchens, Bianliang will lose its status as the capital and will gradually decline.

The third way out is for the Song army to take back Bianliang and restore it to the capital again, then Bianliang will gradually restore the prosperity of the Xuanhe period.

The fourth way out is that the Song army regained Bianliang, but Bianliang is no longer the capital. This is the most likely one. Lu Changsong believes that the Song Dynasty will not give up Lin'an, and will definitely indulge in the gentle hometown of Lin'an .

If the fourth situation occurs, if you want to revitalize Bianliang, you must first change the positioning of Bianliang.

The biggest advantage of Bianliang is the convenient transportation. It is absolutely possible to build Bianliang into a material transfer center in the Central Plains. This idea is exactly the same as Chen Qing's idea, but there is one thing that Chen Qing did not expect. Lu Changsong proposed that Bianliang could be recruited. The men went to dredge the Bian River to give them a chance to earn money.

In this way, the shipping of the Bianhe River can be brought into play again, and then the warehouses of Chenliu are moved to Bianliang, and the material transfer center is successful.

Chen Qing’s ideas were further expanded, drawing on the experience of Chengdu, and further deepening the material transfer center into a material distribution center in the Central Plains. Large markets for grain, cloth, oil, livestock, etc. were established. Merchants in the entire Central Plains had to go to Bianliang After running, Bianliang's business will be revitalized and revived, and the already dead Bianliang will regain its glory.

Of course, all of these require funds and a large investment. Where does the large amount of funds come from?
Chen Qing finally thought of Qian Sanhuang. The senior officials of the puppet Qi had accumulated a lot of wealth. They were not liquidated by Jin Guo. Of course, they had no time to escape. There is no mercy.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Go to Tang Tongzhi and come see me!"

There is a small house covering an area of ​​about three mu outside the old Song gate in Bianliang. After staying in the palace for more than ten years, she also became a foreman of the palace. After leaving the palace, she was married as a concubine by Liu Yu, who was the prefect of Jinan at the time.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yu's fortune came, and he was favored by the Kingdom of Jin, and established the Puppet State of Qi. Akira really became the head of the country in a flash.

Everything is so logical, there are so many mansions in Bianliang City that Qian Huang can choose from, Qian Huang can't pick and choose, and finally he chooses Cai Jing's huge house of hundreds of acres, but his wife still only has one, it's not that he doesn't like her. Lustful, he is a frequent visitor to several famous brothels in Bianliang, and even opened several brothels himself, where he can enjoy the beautiful prostitutes.

The reason why he refuses to take a concubine is really out of stinginess. Taking a concubine costs a lot of money, a concubine needs a lot of expenses, and their family needs to take care of themselves during the festivals, and the money can only go out and not in, unlike prostitutes, not only It's free for him to have fun and earn money for him.

Qian Huang is notoriously stingy, Cai Jing's mansion is too big, he thinks it is too wasteful, so he divides it up and rents it out, he thinks dozens of domestic servants and maids are too expensive, so he tries every means to get one of King Ji's The royal title, and the salaries of his dozens of domestic servants and maids are borne by the court. Not only that, the court also provides him with food, rice, meat, vegetables every month. It is the burden of the court.

On the contrary, his wealth is a lot of home, he is responsible for the transfer of grain and grass for the puppet Qi army, as long as he increases the normal loss a little, hundreds of thousands of so-called "rotten" grains are processed by him every year Lost, this item alone made him earn millions of dollars in five years, not to mention other various incomes, various rewards from the emperor.

The whole Bianliang knew that he was the second richest man in the puppet state of Qi after the emperor Liu Yu, so they nicknamed him Qian Sanhuang. The mountain of money piled up at home fell down.

However, after the collapse of the Puppet Qi, Qian Huang immediately moved to this three-acre small house, claiming that all his wealth had been confiscated, and he himself became a poor little old man, and he often went to Xiangguo Temple Selling gadgets on the black market to make ends meet.

However, Chen Qing did not find Wanyan Wushu's house raid records, and even the emperor Liu Yu and his brothers and nephews were not ransacked. Liu Yu's family was moved to Linhuang Mansion in Shangjing and renamed Cao Wang. Carriage of property.

Li Ji also confirmed to Chen Qing that Wanyan Wushu did not confiscate his home, and that the puppet Qi was a puppet regime supported by the state of Jin, and there was hard work without credit. From political considerations, the state of Jin adopted a tolerant policy towards them.

If Qian Huang's wealth was not copied, where did he hide it?

At one o'clock in the night, Tang Qian led two thousand troops to surround Qian Huang's old and new houses.

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