
Chapter 1038 Hiding Money

In the atrium lobby, Qian Huang stood in front of Tang Qian like an old eggplant beaten by frost. He really regretted that he should not be greedy for the official kiln tea cup at noon, but he met Chen Qing. As expected, he was stared at by Chen Qing. on.

In fact, there are more than [-] sets of five official kiln porcelains in his collection, and there are even two sets of Yuguotianqing official kiln tea sets, which were supervised by Song Huizong himself.

He has always pretended to be poor with his tail between his legs, but greed is his nature, so that after discovering the official kiln Jun porcelain in Fuhong's hands, he forgot the danger. He only made this mistake once, but this mistake was so fatal.

"You tell me honestly, hand over all the money you have embezzled in the past, His Highness said that he will spare your life and let you be a small landlord, if you refuse to hand over, I am afraid your life will be lost."

Qian Huang lowered his head and said with a sad face: "The Jin people are so cruel, how could they let me go, Wanyan Wushu has already taken away all my wealth, otherwise why would I move here, even the servants and maids I can't afford it anymore."

What he said was so serious that people had to believe it, but unfortunately he met the former top general of the Western Army's scouts, and Tang Qian was much better than ordinary criminal officers.

Tang Qian did not know how many enemy spies he had interrogated, and he could see through them at a glance. Even if he killed Qian Huang, a miser like Qian Huang, he would not recruit him, but the people around him were different. With so many belongings, can this thin old man move them by himself?

Tang Qian knew in his heart that Qian Huang was almost sixty years old, and it was time for him to return to Jinan Mansion, but he just stayed in Bianliang, which meant that there was a baby here that he couldn't let go of!
Tang Qian waved his hand and asked Qian Huang to take him down to ask for a statement. After a while, the housekeeper was brought up. The housekeeper's surname was Liu. It was Qian Huang who had been with him for more than ten years since he entered Beijing.

"How long have you followed Qian Huang?" Tang Qian asked lightly.

Butler Liu leaned forward and said, "Almost twelve years."

"How many servants does Qian Huang have in the mansion?"

"His servants have never been many, and now there are only two, one is me, and the other is the coachman Lao Ding."

"He still has a big car?"

"There were none last year, and now Bianliang City can't see the livestock, and they were all looted by the Jin soldiers."

"Since there is no cart, what do you need the coachman for?"

"This. The coachman has been following him for many years, and he is loyal to him. Besides, there must be one person in the house to do chores!"

Tang Qian knew in his heart that Qian Huang's wealth should be hidden by the army for him, but he wanted to see it himself. He was so short that he might not be able to reach the saddle on a horse with his short legs. Could it be possible to walk over it?So the coachman must be an insider, but the housekeeper may not know.

"Where's his son? According to the records, his son's name is Qian Hou. Why isn't he in the mansion?"

"My son is an official in another place!"


Tang Qian slapped the table hard, "Do you think I'm a fool? Come on, drag me down and beat me with a hundred army sticks!"

Butler Liu was about to pee out of fear, he must be beaten to death with a hundred army sticks, he said anxiously: "I said, the young master is in the manor!"

"What manor, what's the name of the manor?"

"In the manor in Fengqiu County, it's called the Sericulture Garden. It's near Pan Town. The villain has never been there."

"How many manors does he own?"

"The villain doesn't know, he will never let me know about this kind of thing."

In fact, Tang Qian knew that there was Qian Huang's wealth inventory on the table next to him. It was searched from Qian Huang's study and hidden in the mezzanine of the cabinet. It was impossible to hide it from professional scouts like them.

Tang Qian took out the wealth inventory and looked through it. They were basically shops and manors. There were five manors in total, including two in Kaifeng, one in Chenzhou, two in Yingchang, two manors in Kaifeng, and one in the suburbs of Bianliang. One is in Chenliu, but there is no Fengqiu Manor as Butler Liu said.

Tang Qian gritted his teeth and said, "I really don't know how to live or die. How dare you lie to me, drag it on, and cut off his head!"

Steward Liu plopped down on his knees, and cried loudly: "The villain and Qian Huang have no relatives and no reason, so I dare not deceive the general! It is really in Fengqiu Sericulture Garden, in Pan Town, the young master told me personally, and asked me to arrange for the driver to take him The son's wife sent it over, and the coachman Lao Ding also told me that he also complained that there was no food in the manor, so he went to Pan Town to eat by himself."

At this time, his subordinates hurried over and handed two statements to Tang Qian, "One is Qian Huang's statement, and the other is his wife's statement, which doesn't quite match."

"Where is it wrong?"

The subordinate pointed to the manor below and said: "Qian Huang's statement is five manors, his wife's statement is six manors, and one manor in Fengqiu is added."

Butler Liu heard it clearly, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief, begging: "The villain is from Bianliang, he is from Jinan Prefecture, and he really has no relatives at all. He has always been stingy with us, and the imperial court used to pay our wages. , and now he pays, not only cut half of our salary, but also owed half a year's salary, if it wasn't for finding something to do outside, the villain would have quit, and the villain would never protect him!"

"Let me ask you, has his house been ransacked by Wanyan Wushu?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Steward Liu shook his head like a rattle, "He made up all the rumors about the house raiding outside. I know best that Fan Changshi came to comfort him last year and told them not to be afraid. They are all his own people. The prince doesn't care. Will attack them."

"I will give you one last chance. If you dare to fool me again, I will behead you on the spot!"

Tang Qian slowly pulled out the gleaming sharp sword, put it on the table, stared at Steward Liu sternly and asked, "Where is his wealth hidden? Who knows?"

Steward Liu was so frightened by the murderous sharp sword that he could hardly kneel. He stammered, "Wealth...is definitely not in the city, and the suspicion of the lowly position is in Fengqiu, where his son sits in charge."

"Are you sure?"

Butler Liu calmed down and said: "Two months before Liu Yu's collapse, one day hundreds of soldiers came to carry all the money in his old mansion onto the boat, and the young master escorted the boat away, and then Qian Huang disappeared for four or five years. One day, he left in a carriage and came back four days later. After that, he often went out for four or five days. Lao Ding complained that there was no food in the manor, and he had to go to Pan Town to pay for food, which was one of them."

"Are you sure there is no hidden wealth in the city?"

"He can't even trust the cabinet shop. He always feels that the cabinet shop will be greedy for his money, let alone hide the money in an empty house. He won't be at ease. If there is money in the city, it can only be in this house. .”

The army has searched this house closely. There are no secret passages, cellars, or secret rooms. Even the next door has been searched, and only a dozen coins were found.

Tang Qian asked some more about the family situation of the coachman Lao Ding, then waved his hand and asked his subordinates to take Steward Liu down, and ordered someone to bring the coachman Lao Ding here.

The coachman Lao Ding was about fifty years old, and he seemed to be loyal. When he was brought up, he stood at the door without saying a word.

"You are the only servant who has not been owed wages. It seems that Qian Huang really treated you well, and even let your wife and children live in his old house."

The coachman Lao Ding still didn't say a word.

Tang Qian said indifferently: "I know you are not a boring gourd. You often chat with Butler Liu, and you also molested the cook. Today at noon, you touched the cook's ass and gave her ten pennies to seal it up. I know all this because of you. You know exactly what I'm going to ask, so you make up your mind not to say anything, which just proves that you know everything."

The coachman Lao Ding did not expect the other party to be so powerful, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Tang Qian has seen everyone before. People like coachmen seem loyal and keep secrets for their masters, but they are actually vulnerable, as long as they catch his life.

At this time, a soldier came quickly and whispered something to Tang Qian, who said coldly, "Bring it to the hall!"

Not long after, a boy of twelve or thirteen was brought to the hall by soldiers, "Daddy!" The boy saw Lao Ding.

Lao Ding's eyes widened suddenly, "Why did you bring my son here? What does this have to do with him? You despicable!"

Tang Qian said coldly: "I have killed not ten thousand people, but several thousand people. Killing your son is like slaughtering a sheep."

Speaking of this, Tang Qian said sharply: "Cut off one of his son's ears first."

The soldier pulled out the dagger, and the boy was pushed to the ground. The child cried out in fright, "Let me go! Please don't cut off my ear, ah! It hurts! Daddy, save me!"

"You guys stop!"

Lao Ding collapsed, he fell to his knees, "I say, I say everything!"

Tang Qian waved his hand, and the soldier stopped. In fact, the soldier cut the boy's ear with the back of the knife, which frightened him.

"Say it! You only have one chance to save your son."

"In Fengqiu Sericulture Garden!"

"I know what I'm asking?"

"I know that you are looking for his hidden wealth, it is there, I have seen it with my own eyes,"

Tang Qian immediately ordered: "Get a carriage ready, and a thousand cavalrymen will follow me to Fengqiu!"

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