
Chapter 1039

Qian Huang's manor in Fengqiu is not big, covering an area of ​​only [-] mu, but its geomantic omen is excellent. There are low hills all around, shaped like a bowl, and a small river flows through the middle like a jade belt. The royal manor of the Song Dynasty, originally called Jubai Garden, is now renamed Sericulture Garden.

Currently only Qian Huang's son's family and a few servants live in the manor.

Before dawn, Tang Qian led a thousand cavalry to the sericulture garden. The soldiers rushed into the manor and detained Qian Huang's son's family and several servants.

Lao Ding, the coachman, brought Tang Qian to a lonely wooden house, pointed to the wooden house and said: "I saw last time, the master sent dozens of boxes into the wooden house, and then I don't know, every time I send him Come here, he sent me to Pan Town."

With a wave of Tang Qian's hand, more than a dozen soldiers rushed in. The wooden house was small, at most forty square meters, full of old furniture and other sundries. The soldiers cleaned out the sundries and soon found a piece of wood underneath. Slate, lift the slate, and there is a cellar below.

"Found it!" The soldiers cheered.

Tang Qian's brows gradually frowned as the large wooden boxes were moved out. There were a total of forty large boxes, all of which were copper coins. Woolen cloth!It's just the nature of a miser.

Tang Qian immediately ordered: "Bring Qian Hou, his wife and children!"

Not long after, a thin man brought him along with his wife and children. Qian Huang's son is called Qian Hou, but he doesn't look thick at all. His wife is also shorter.

Frightened by these ferocious soldiers, the three members of Qian Hou's family huddled together, and Qian Hou held his son tightly in his arms.

Tang Qian stepped forward and said to the three people: "We are all here. I believe you know why we are here. I will give you a chance to tell us where the money is buried. My Highness promises to leave you a house and two shops. Then It’s not bad to be a small landlord for the rest of your life if you leave more than a hundred acres of land.”

After a pause, Tang Qian's tone suddenly became very ferocious, "If you still refuse to say anything up to now, I will cut off your son's ears first, and if you don't say anything, I will cut off his eyes, then your wife, and finally I will cut off your son's eyes." When it comes to you, castrated you, I don’t believe that you refuse to say, you only have this chance, I don’t have the patience to wait, I will count to three now, one or two.”

Tang Qian raised his hand, ready to give an order, when Qian Hou's wife suddenly said, "It's in the left wing of the back hall, just move the bed away and you'll see it!"

"You" Qian Hou glared at his wife.

His wife pulled her son over, hugged the child tightly and said, "You are afraid that you will not be able to explain to your father, so don't you care about your son's life or death?"

Qian Hou was not as stingy as his father. He was just afraid that he would not be able to explain to his father. He looked at his only son and suddenly sighed. He took a key from his waist and handed it to Tang Qian, "What my wife said That's right, there is no mechanism inside, but there is a very thick iron door, this is the key, I just hope you keep your word!"

"If you didn't hide anything, there must be no problem. I didn't say this, it was His Highness King Yong's order. He kept his word."

"My wife's jewelry is delicate and soft!"

"Personal items within the normal range can be taken away."

With a wave of his hand, Tang Qian led the soldiers to the left wing of the back hall.

This time, Qian Hou did not disappoint Tang Qian. They discovered a huge underground space and dug out more than [-] large boxes, gold, silver, copper coins, jade, copper, and all kinds of silk and satin. number.

Looking at the mountains of boxes, Tang Qian finally understood why it was called Qian Sanhuang. These boxes were really going to crush people to death.

"General, look at this!"

The soldiers handed over the two thick inventory books they found to Tang Qian. Tang Qian couldn't help being startled. One of the inventory books was written on the Qian family's wealth inventory, and the other was written on the Qian Liu family's wealth inventory.

"Find me Qianhou!"

Not long after, Qian Hou was brought up. At this moment, he was very calm, and the huge boxes piled up in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"What is the general looking for from me?"

"Let me ask you, what's going on with these two inventories?" Tang Qian raised the inventory and asked.

"The Qian family register is my father's property, and the other one was kept by my sister. At first I thought it was her property, but later my father told me that it was actually Liu Yu's property. It was Liu Yu's property half a year before Liu Yu's collapse. , he entrusted my father to keep [-] large boxes for him, and another [-] boxes belonged to my elder sister’s private property, so the Qian Liu family has a total of [-] boxes.”

"What's the sign?"

"The one with the black paint on it."

Tang Qian nodded, "Tell me everything you know!"

Qian Hou sighed and said, "I don't know much. My father told me that Liu Yu used more than [-] carts to transport the wealth northward. Basically, it was copper coins and cloth. It was a trick for Jin Bing to see. In fact, all his real wealth is with us. He sent [-] soldiers to dig the underground palace in the manor, and later sent [-] confidant soldiers to transport the wealth by boat. I heard that these soldiers are all dead. Every day I hoped that Liu Yu would die in the north as well, but in the end he was also a bamboo basket."

Tang Qian thought for a while and asked again: "Are the other high-ranking puppet Qi officials still rich?"

"Of course there is. To be a high-ranking official in Puppet Qi, whoever is not desperately searching, everyone is filthy rich!"

"Does your father know?"

Qian Hou hesitated and said: "He knows that he is most interested in this kind of thing, general, if I persuade my father to report and expose, can I keep some more?"

Tang Qian nodded, "If your father makes great contributions, His Royal Highness King Yong will consider it as appropriate."

"Well, I'll go back to Bianliang to persuade him now!"

Tang Qian immediately sent someone to escort Qian Hou's family back to Bianliang in a carriage, and at the same time sent someone to inform His Royal Highness King Yong that he needed hundreds of ships to transport the wealth back to Bianliang.

Tang Qian wrote another text message to Yong Wang Chen Qing, reporting their harvest. In Fengqiu's manor, there is not only the wealth of Qianhuang, but also part of Liu Yu's wealth, all of which are high-value gold and silver jewels. A rough estimate shows that Liu Yu's wealth alone is more than [-] million yuan.

On the second day after the Song army captured Bianliang, the city of Bianliang began to have some vitality, and many shops opened, including grocery stores, dim sum shops, food stalls, medicine shops, restaurants, teahouses, inns, brothels, etc. It continued to open.

Of course there are also customers, among which soldiers are the main consumers. The [-] troops take turns to have holidays, and tens of thousands of soldiers go shopping every day. They have strong spending power, especially restaurants and brothels.

Chen Qing also began to implement the first step of Bianliang's commercial recovery plan, and sold a large amount of materials from the seized spoils to shops and restaurants in Bianliang at a low price. Among them, wine and meat were the most popular, and the first batch took out [-] Only frozen mutton and [-] altars of wine were sold to restaurants in Bianliang, as well as tea cakes, rice noodles, soybean oil, briquettes, etc., which were all raw materials needed by restaurants and teahouses.

At the same time, farmers outside the city began to sell vegetables in the city. With meat, rice noodles, vegetables, fuel and other supplies, more importantly, the curfew was canceled and all commercial taxes were exempted, which gave the merchants great confidence. At the beginning, more and more restaurants resumed business.

In addition, Changping stores have also appeared, selling coarse grains, coarse salt, and coarse cloth at very cheap prices. Twenty Changping stores have appeared in the city, and there are long queues in front of each Changping store. There is no point in hoarding these three coarse products. Especially for limited purchases, people at the bottom are basically queuing up.

The government also set up a stall to help collect wheat labor remuneration before starting the exchange. Originally, it was said that the remuneration was three liters of wheat per day, but Chen Qing changed it to [-] Wen per day. This is a great thing, [-] Wen You can buy a bucket of coarse grains and a catty of coarse salt at the Changping store. The news made the whole city rejoice. Almost [-]% of households went to participate in the wheat harvest. A small paper ticket was issued every day with the official seal on it.

There was a three-mile-long line in front of the government office, and the crowd was turbulent. More than a dozen civil servants were busy collecting invoices and issuing money. Behind them stood two officials in official uniforms. One was Li Ji, the general judge of Kaifeng Prefecture, and the other One is Fu Hong, the newly appointed magistrate of Bianliang County today. Fu Hong works calmly and is answering people's questions in an orderly manner.

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