
Chapter 1040 Report

In the afternoon, accompanied by Zhang Xiao, Chen Qing inspected the warehouse in Bianliang.

Chen Qing originally thought that Jin Bing had transported all the supplies away, but now he realized that the situation was far from as bad as he had feared. In fact, it was the opposite. Jin Bing left a large amount of supplies and did not transport them away.

If we want to investigate the reason, it is not that Wanyan Wushu deliberately left food and supplies to the Song army, but that they did not have such a large transportation capacity, and the livestock were all eaten up, so they could not be transported by carts, they could only be transported by water, but they only had five There are more than a hundred large sheepskin rafts, and time is tight, so they can only be transported once.

Wanyan Wushu finally transported away the weapons, armor and tents, and left all other supplies. If it wasn't for Li Taigu Xiancheng's rebellion, maybe Du Rong would have set fire to the warehouse. Now all the supplies are cheaper for Song Jun.

"Beizhi cleaned up about it last night and this morning. The most important thing is grain, with [-] shi, [-] dans of forage, followed by pig iron, with [-] million jin, and copper ingots with [-] million jin. There were [-] bolts of cloth and [-] tents, which were originally [-] large tents, but they transported part of them away."

"How much armor and belongings are there?"

Zhang Xiao shook his head, "Your Highness is disappointed, there are neither of these, they were transported away by Wanyan Wushu, the armor is the focus of their transportation, the property is distributed to the Jurchen soldiers, they even gave up food and grass, except for the armor, others Only [-] large tents were taken away, mainly because there was no means of transportation, and the livestock in the carts were all eaten up by the Jurchen soldiers, which can be regarded as their retribution, and the retribution came too fast."

"Then there should be other sundries!"

"There are too many sundries. There are nearly a million pieces of wood in the light barracks. In the warehouse outside the city, there are medicinal materials, sheepskins, blankets, war drums, flags, raw materials for making bows and arrows, and food. Salt, Dried meat, oil, mutton wine, cheese, pickles, various seasonings, etc.”

"How much salt is there?" Chen Qing asked quickly.

Zhang Xiao explained with a smile: "The salt mentioned here is the edible salt of their army, about ten thousand catties, not the salt sold to the people by their salt and iron department. Their salt and iron department is in Laizhou, the salt warehouse of Kaifeng Prefecture. In Chenliu County, according to Gao Ding, there are about [-] catties of salt in storage."

Chen Qing nodded, "Mix out some materials and sell them to shops at a low price, so as to stimulate business first."

Zhang Xiaodao: "His Royal Highness, the main problem now is that the people have no money in their hands. This morning, Fuhong made a suggestion to Beizhi, and Xiaozhi thinks it is good."

"What advice?"

"Fu Hong said that Wanyan Wushu recruited more than [-] troops, causing the price of food in Bianliang to rise sharply, and the price of all items followed, which triggered a panic buying wave among the people. Every family spent all their money and bought a lot of them. Useless things lead to a boom in the black market, and they are all bartering, but they feel that the exchange is not worthwhile, Fu Hong suggested to set up an official quality warehouse to buy the items in the hands of the people, and the money will flow back to the hands of the people.”

"What about the item?"

"If the items are sold to the common people, there must be people who need them. The biggest advantage of doing this is to make the best use of the items and not waste them."

Chen Qing nodded, "It can be implemented!"

Zhang Xiao hesitated and said: "The humble job is just worried that the copper coins may not be enough."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Money is not a problem, there will be a lot of income soon, I guess Tang Qian should have news."

Chen Qing's expectations were not wrong. In the afternoon, the soldiers who rushed from Fengqiu arrived at the camp, bringing Chen Qing an unexpected surprise.

There is actually Liu Yu's private wealth. Of course, Chen Qing also fully understands that Liu Yu was escorted to Linhuang Mansion in the northern grassland, and his wealth was escorted by Jin Bing separately. It is impossible to return it to him. I also know it well, so there is no way to hide part of the money and entrust it to Qian Huang.

Gold is [-] taels, silver is [-] million taels, adding up to [-] million guan, and the wealth hidden by Qian Huang is about [-] million guan.

Chen Qing immediately ordered Yan Jun to lead [-] cavalry and [-] flat-bottomed tugboats to Fengqiu County.

At this time, Chen Qing received another report that Qian Huang and his son were seeking an interview outside the camp and had important information to tell.

Chen Qing immediately ordered someone to bring Qian Huang and his son into the tent.

Not long after, Qian Huang walked into the big tent accompanied by his son, and the two knelt down to pay respects, "The villain Qian Huang and his son are meeting His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

"You two, please stand up!"

Chen Qing said lightly: "The soldier said, you have important information to report, what is it?"

Qian Huang's heart was ashamed, but under the repeated demands of his son and for the sake of his grandson, he decided to earn some more family property for his children and grandchildren.

With trembling hands, Qian Huang took out a thick booklet from his pocket, and presented it to Chen Qing, "This is some information I collected privately, about the property situation of each prefecture."

Chen Qing took the brochure and looked at it carefully. Basically, it was the family property of various high-ranking officials, including all kinds of treasures at home, real estate such as land and shops, and even guessed how much money each family had? "

"Are you accurate?" Chen Qing asked.

Qian Huang nodded, "The first two items are basically accurate, and the last item will only be underestimated."

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​making this up?"

Qian Huang sighed and said, "This is my biggest hobby. I often ask Liu Yu. He has a special spy, so he knows more about it."

"You have a total of [-] families here. Where do they live now? Where is their hometown? You haven't written it here. How can I check?"

Qian Huang took out another large folded piece of paper from his bosom, handed it to Chen Qing, and said reluctantly: "Your Highness, this is two credits."

Chen Qing took the paper and unfolded it. As expected, it was the current residence of [-] households. The possible location of the treasure was written in great detail. Among them, there were [-] households in Bianliang, and the other [-] households were nearby. In Caizhou, Qian Huang's weird hobby really helped him a lot.

"Tell me! What do you want?"

Qian Huang cheered up, and quickly said: "The villain has three small requests. One is that the Old Beijing Restaurant to the east of Xiangguo Temple belongs to the villain. I want to leave it to my children and grandchildren, and I still have five hundred acres outside the city The land, I want to use it for the elderly.”

"Those are two small requests!"

"Count two!"

"Okay, I agree, the restaurant and the land will be left to you, what else do you want?"

"There is also my daughter's empress seal. I will never see my daughter again in this life, so I have to keep it to miss her, but it was taken away by the soldiers. Can Your Highness give it back to me?"

Chen Qing turned around and took a big seal of a jade carving from the table, "Is this it?"

"that's it!"

Chen Qing returned the jade seal to him, and at the same time wrote a copy of his daughter's pardon and handed it to him, "If your daughter returns to the Central Plains in the future, she will be safe and sound with this pardon."

Qian Huang was overjoyed, he quickly knelt down and kowtowed, thanking him again and again and leaving.

In the afternoon of the next day, when Tang Qian came back with the escort of the fleet, Chen Qing immediately appointed Tang Qian as the general who searched for thieves, ordered him to lead an army of [-], and searched the wealth of [-] high-ranking officials on the list, and gave him half a month. , he was promoted to deputy capital.

Tang Qian divided his [-] men into [-] teams, each with [-] men, and he commanded the last team of [-] men. He copied [-] lists and named [-] generals. They took people to each mansion to search.

Previously, the search of Qian's house was relatively quiet and did not attract the attention of others, but the search of [-] high-ranking officials' mansions, especially the [-] households in Bianliang, immediately shocked the whole city, and there were discussions from all over the place.

But more people applauded, and it was time to clean up this group of people.


[Historically, Wanyan Wushu did not let go of the high-ranking officials and relatives of the emperor and relatives of the puppet Qi, successively copied more than one million taels of gold, [-] million taels of silver, and more than [-] million taels of copper coins]

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