
Chapter 1041 Small Shoes

Tang Qian did not disappoint Chen Qing. That night, he searched a large amount of wealth from the [-] pseudo-Qi high-ranking government houses in Bianliang, and the other [-] families would not be let go. Twelve search teams rushed to various places.

Unlike Qian Huang, Liu Yu sent troops to help these senior officials, their wealth could not be transported out at all, although Wanyan Wushu let them go, but Wanyan Wushu's generals were all staring at the fat!
It was also fortunate that Wanyan Wushu had been sitting in Bianliang all the time, so his generals had no chance to use their mobile phones, and the senior officials of the puppet Qi did not dare to act rashly. If Chen Qing's army came one day later, then Du Rong would definitely attack first.

Overnight, all eighteen high-ranking puppet Qi officials went bankrupt. It was not just bankruptcy. They were different from Qian Huang. Qian Huang was the head of the state. The high-ranking officials of the puppet Qi followed Liu Yu to oppress the common people. It can be said that they committed a lot of crimes. Chen Qing ordered the eighteen high-ranking officials of the puppet Qi to be taken outside the city and beheaded.

In fact, not only them, but also some small officials who committed serious crimes were also arrested, beheaded, and their property confiscated.

At this time, Lin'an was also making a fuss, and the city was searched.

The fire in Yangzhou completely destroyed the hope of the imperial army's Northern Expedition. Without food and grass, the [-] troops could not stay for a day, so they hurriedly withdrew from Xuzhou and went south.

When the news reached Lin'an, Emperor Zhao Gou was furious, and immediately ordered a thorough investigation into the arson incident, and all those involved would be severely punished.

Soon it was discovered that there was an inner ghost in the court, and Zhao Gou ordered Yushi Zhongcheng Wan Qixi to be responsible for investigating the inner ghost case, and must dig out the inner ghost.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out, and Wan Qixie soon found out the clue.

In Qin Hui's official room, Wan Qixie presented a preliminary investigation report to Qin Hui.

'Master Bo Gu Yanxin', Qin Hui drew a thick line under the name and asked, "Why is it him?"

"The humble official received the forged documents from Yangzhou, and found that a total of three people could use their power to forge them. The humble official sent someone to identify the handwriting, and found that it was very similar to this Gu Yanxin's handwriting. Then he went to the warehouse to collect a batch of official ship flags. The official ship flags are planted on those ships, so it can only be this Gu Yanxin."

Qin Hui asked anxiously: "Then where is he now? Has he been arrested?"

Wan Qixi hesitated for a moment and said: "The humble official took people to arrest Gu Yanxin in the morning, but he was nowhere to be found."

"What do you mean you can't find him? Have you ever been to his house?"

"His job is gone. His house is empty and there is dust on the table. His neighbor said that he hasn't seen his family for at least seven days."

"Bang!" Qin Hui slapped the table, gritted his teeth and said, "You idiot, you can't even do such a trivial matter, and you let someone run away. How can I explain to the emperor?"

Wan Qixie said helplessly: "You can't blame the humble staff for this matter. The humble staff only took over the investigation task two days ago, but the criminal ran away seven days ago. It is impossible for the humble staff to have the ability to predict!"

Qin Hui also knew that Wan Qixie was telling the truth, but the officials would not think so. The task was entrusted to you, but if you didn't complete it, it means that the matter was not done well, and he was dissatisfied.

Qin Hui paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, thinking about how to explain to the emperor?
Wan Qixie said again in a low voice: "Master, there may be a way to explain to the emperor."

"What way?" Qin Hui stopped and looked at him.

"You can make a fake scene of committing suicide in Gu Yanxin's mansion. The report said that Gu Yanxin committed suicide in fear of crime, and then focused on exaggerating the Western Army spies in Lin'an. He believed that the Yangzhou fire incident was the work of Western Army intelligence spies. The officials' attention It was transferred to the intelligence spies of the Western Army, and then Yang Yizhong was not doing well, and the intelligence spies have not been caught yet."

Qin Hui nodded. This is a good idea. As long as Gu Yanxin is dead and the officials are angry, the responsibility on his side will be cleared, and he can also wear small shoes for Yang Yizhong, so why not do it?
"Hurry up and rewrite the report, I will hand it over to the emperor in the afternoon, and he is already urging.

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wan Qixi saluted and hurried down.

Qin Hui looked at his back and snorted, this bastard really has a way of deceiving others.

Zhao Gou was so angry that he couldn't sleep or eat these days. He was full of hope to launch the Northern Expedition. He used the name of the Northern Expedition to hold Chen Qing back and prevent Chen Qing's army from occupying Bianliang, but he didn't expect that Chen Qing would burn Yangzhou The food for the [-] army could only last for three days, so they had to retreat southward in a panic, and they were ridiculed by the people all over the world.

He deeply hated that his ministers were ineffective, irresponsible, and there were loopholes everywhere, so it was easy for others to succeed.

Zhao Gou was distracted and pacing in the imperial study. He didn't dare to read the "Beijing News" for the past two days, because he was afraid that the "Beijing News" would publish the news that the Western Army had recovered Bianliang.

He really hated and was afraid of Chen Qing. Why did the imperial army fail terribly against the Jin soldiers, but Chen Qing was able to win many battles against the Jin soldiers. What is the problem?In order to raise the military salary, I haven't even changed a dragon robe in the past few years. I save food and money for the army, but is this how the army rewards me?
At this time, the eunuch Kang Shun whispered: "Your Majesty, Mr. Qin, please see me!"

"Let him in!" Zhao Gou was about to summon Qin Hui to ask about the progress of the investigation.

Not long after, Qin Hui hurried into the imperial study, bowed and said, "See Your Majesty!"

"My love is free!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, where has Zhongcheng Wanqi's investigation reached?"

"Report to Your Majesty, the investigation is over, here is the investigation report!" Qin Hui submitted a new investigation report to Zhao Gou.

For the first time in so many days, Zhao Gou felt pleasantly surprised, did he finish the investigation in only two days?This Wanqi Xie is very powerful!
He quickly took the report, and said to Qin Hui: "I'll take a closer look later, and you can simply tell me, who is the ghost?"

"The inner ghost is a head of the Privy Council, named Gu Yanxin. He colluded with the spies of the Western Army, forged documents, and applied for the official flag. The evidence is convincing. Unfortunately, this person knew that the matter had been exposed, and hanged himself at home."

"Dead, hum! It's too cheap for him, who recommended him?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, his recommender is Zhao Ding."

"It's him again. No wonder his son ran away from Chen Qing's side to become a high-ranking official. They both burned incense and placed bets. Do you really think that I am so easy-going?"

Qin Hui knew in his heart that the Son of Heaven called Zhao Ding and Zhang Jun back to serve as prime ministers for the purpose of the Northern Expedition and to create public opinion. Xuan Fu envoy of Hubei Road.

Liu Ziyu's son and nephew are both generals under Chen Qing, the emperor will let him take the military power?Besides, the Son of Heaven is cutting down the feudal vassal right now, and it took so much effort to get rid of Yue Fei, so how could he help another Liu Ziyu? Zhang Jun is too selfish and can't keep up with the situation, so it will be a matter of time before he gets demoted.

Qin Hui is not very concerned about Zhao Ding and Zhang Jun anymore, and now he will continue to perform in the major case in Yangzhou.

"Your Majesty, Wan Qi Zhongcheng has found out that the intelligence spies of the Western Army played a key role in the fire in Yangzhou. I even suspect that Gu Yanxin was murdered by the intelligence spies of the Western Army and made the illusion of hanging himself. I suggest a severe crackdown. Intelligence spies of the Western Army, pull out this thorn buried in Lin'an."

Zhao Gou took it for granted. He still remembered the fire in the Jin Guo Pavilion, wasn't it they who did it?The old hatred has not gone, but the new hatred has come again, I really have to make up my mind to goug out this cancer.

He immediately said: "Hurry up and call Yang Yizhong to see me!"

Yang Yizhong was patrolling near the palace at the moment, and when he heard that the emperor had summoned him, he hurried over.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

Zhao Gou picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea and asked, "General Yang, I remember asking you to eradicate the intelligence agents of the Western Army in Lin'an a few months ago. It seems that you haven't reported to me?"

Yang Yi stunned in the middle, and quickly said: "I have reported before that the city wall by the West Lake is not repaired, he can easily escape from Lin'an, and the city wall must be repaired first!"

Zhao Gou was so angry that he almost dropped the cup in his hand. What a shit excuse, if Yang Yizhong was not his confidant, he would have shouted and pushed it out to beheaded.

"General Yang, there is no wall in Lin'an, but the army has walls. If you send two thousand people to surround their lair, can they escape?"

Yang Yizhong was sweating profusely and said: "I implore Your Majesty to give me some more time, I will definitely find their lair and catch them all!"

"Okay! I'll give you another three days, if you can't find the old nest, don't be the one in charge of the palace."

"Humble post obeys the order!"

Yang Yi glanced at Qin Hui with great dissatisfaction in the center, it must be this bastard who picked up trouble in the middle and put on small shoes for himself.

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