
Chapter 1042 Cooperation

Yang Yizhong went back to the government office angrily, and kicked a chair to pieces violently. His aide, Su Lianggong, was surprised and put down his pen and asked, "Why is the general so annoyed?"

"How can you not be annoyed after being shot by Qin Hui in the back?"

Yang Yizhong briefly told Su Lianggong what happened today, and Su Lianggong smiled slightly: "Actually, what happened last time was not dealt with cleanly, and the officials may have forgotten, but people like Qin Hui can keep an eye on them! At critical times , he will use it as an excuse, not only escaping his own responsibility, but also wearing shoes for the general, killing two birds with one stone."

"Then what should I do now? The officials gave me three days to wipe out the intelligence spies of the Western Army. Time is running out! I have no way of doing it."

Su Lianggong smiled and said, "Didn't the general know that the Six Flavors Teahouse is the nest of Western Army spies?"

"You won't let me really do it!"

Su Lianggong suddenly understood that Yang Yizhong wanted to leave a way out for himself and did not want to offend the Western Army, but at the same time he had to give the emperor an explanation and guard against a treacherous villain like Qin Hui, it was very difficult!
As an aide, it is my duty to share the worries of my employer, how else can I show my value?

Su Lianggong pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go talk to Hu Yun!"

As the special envoy of King Yong, Hu Yun's duty is to maintain the hypocritical peace between Chen Qing and the court, and save the last bit of face. Zhao Gou and the court need such face, and Chen Qing also needs it.

Therefore, Hu Yun often participated in some important activities on behalf of King Yong, and often visited ministers and celebrities of the Song Dynasty to promote mutual understanding and reduce hostility.

It can be said that Hu Yun did a very good job, and even the emperor Zhao Gou admitted that he played a huge role.

At this time, Hu Yun received Su Lianggong, Yang Yizhong's aide, in the official room. Among the many advisers Hu Yun knew, Hu Yun admired them very much. One was Wang Mu, and the other was Su Lianggong. With a sharp mind and the ability to grasp the essence when looking at problems, both Su Lianggong and Wang Mu have the characteristics of such excellent staff, so Hu Yun has always wanted to lure Su Lianggong to Sichuan and Shaanxi.

After hearing Su Lianggong's reason for coming, Hu Yun smiled and said, "Brother Su will really give me a question!"

Su Lianggong shook his head, "I didn't set the question for you, but you set the question yourself. You should be mentally prepared for burning the Yangzhou grain depot."

Hu Yun narrowed his eyes and said with a sly smile: "But there is no evidence to prove that the Yangzhou granary was burned by the scouts of the Western Army. Maybe it was burned by the spies of the Jin Kingdom? Wanyan Wushu also wanted to prevent the imperial army from going north. He burned the granary." Motives stronger than ours."

"It doesn't matter who burned it. The key is that the emperor believes that you did it. Unless you can produce evidence to prove that it was done by Jin Bing, it will be difficult to change the emperor's perception."

"Then what kind of help does Brother Su want me to provide?"

Su Lianggong was also unambiguous, and said directly: "My general hopes that you can help solve this problem. Tonight, the army will besiege Liuweiju Teahouse, and General Yang hopes to gain everything.

In addition, General Yang also hopes that Qin Hui will shut up. You should have a way. Qin Hui seems to give in to King Yong at critical times. You should have caught his sore foot. "

Hu Yun smiled and said: "Qin Hui's sore foot was his son Lin Yifei before, but now there is no need to catch him. If he dares to annoy King Yong, we will kill his son directly, or let him die suddenly. , that's what he's most afraid of."

After a pause, Hu Yun laughed again: "But General Yang can't do this kind of thing, so let me help you! Gu Yanxin didn't commit suicide in fear of crime. He took his family back to his hometown in Sichuan. The illusion of suicide in the mansion was obviously fabricated by Qin Hui. To fool the emperor, I can provide evidence that Gu Yanxin is not dead."

"What evidence?"

Hu Yun took out a letter and handed it to Su Lianggong, "This is a letter written by Gu Yanxin in Wuhu County, addressed to his boss Yang Jin, he still has some official duties to be done, he needs to explain, please Leave it to Yang Jin!"

Su Lianggong was overjoyed. With this letter, Qin Hui could only shut up.

Hu Yun said again: "Just act at night, I will make arrangements to give your General Yang some gains, but let him wear a shield, otherwise the soldiers will be injured by arrows."

At night, Yang Yizhong deliberately created momentum. He divided the [-] troops into one hundred teams and went to various restaurants and teahouses in downtown Lin'an to search for Western Army spies.

At one watch, Yang Yizhong personally led [-] soldiers to surround Liuwei Teahouse.

Yang Yizhong discovered that Liuwei Teahouse was an intelligence station of the Western Army, and the reason was very simple. Hu Yun often came here, and so did Wang Mu. It is determined that Liuwei Teahouse is the lair of Lin'an spies.

Five hundred soldiers were all wearing heavy armor, holding large shields and spears in their hands, and some soldiers were holding bows and crossbows.

When the soldiers had just surrounded the teahouse, suddenly an arrow shot out from the second floor of the teahouse, "Ah!" A soldier screamed and was hit by an arrow in his left arm.

Frightened, the two hundred soldiers in front raised their shields one after another. Yang Yizhong pointed with his sword and shouted, "Fire the rockets!"

Three hundred soldiers fired gunpowder arrows to the second floor at the same time, followed by arrow counterattacks. Judging from the number of counterattacks,

After more than a dozen rounds of arrows, the teahouse finally started to burn. Taking advantage of the wind, the fire in the teahouse grew bigger and bigger, and the surrounding people evacuated one after another. Fortunately, the surrounding area of ​​the teahouse was very open and did not affect other buildings.

The fire continued until noon the next day, and the two-story teahouse was burned to the ground and completely collapsed. The soldiers went in cautiously and found more than a dozen charred bodies, as well as seven unburned bronze plaques with clear inscriptions. It can be seen that "Information Scout Military Envoy" is followed by a serial number without a specific name. Immediately afterwards, eight scattered bronze medals were found, and the military plaques of [-] corpses were all found.

Yang Yizhong wondered why the dozens of people who were shooting arrows disappeared, they couldn't really be burned to death!

At this time, the soldiers shouted, "Yang Dutong, there is a cave here!"

Yang Yizhong hurried forward, only to see a stone slab was lifted, revealing a big black hole.

"Throw a torch down!"

The soldier threw a torch down, only to see the flames being pulled by the wind, and the hole was open. Yang Yizhong immediately ordered a brave soldier to go in and investigate. After a while, the soldier shouted: "I found a box!"

"Go ahead and see where the exit is?"

Soon, soldiers shouted from the river dozens of steps away: "Yang Dutong, here I am!"

When everyone stepped forward, they found that the soldiers had got out of the haystack by the river, and there was a big rock beside them, which was pushed away.

A soldier said: "Last night, there seemed to be a boat in the river, and it stopped here!"

Yang Yizhong nodded, and said to the crowd: "A dozen of them were shot and killed, and the rest fled away by boat."

The soldier handed the box to Yang Yizhong, "This is it, I found it in the cave!"

The box was not big, only one foot long, and it must have been missed in a hasty escape last night. Yang Yizhong opened the box, and there were letters and documents inside, with the word 'confidential' stamped on it.

All kinds of information are basically Lin'an's people's livelihood, population distribution, etc., as well as a detailed map of Lin'an's surroundings, and an appointment letter.

"Appoint Dong An, the commander of the Seventh Battalion of Scouts, as the head of the Lin'an Intelligence Station." Yang Yizhong doesn't know who this Dong An is. Could it be the real name of the shopkeeper of the teahouse?
In fact, these are not important. The important one is that the other party cooperated very well and left the evidence to him. Now Yang Yizhong can explain to the emperor. Important information was also found.

At this time, a soldier hurried over to report, "To Dutong, Dali Temple has re-examined Gu Yanxin's body and confirmed that the body is a [-]-year-old man who was a jailer before his death."

Yang Yizhong sneered, what else could Qin Hui say now?
Yang Yizhong still felt that the letter was not convincing enough as evidence, it was not dated, and it was not certain when it was written, so he asked Dali Temple for help to dig out the body of Gu Yanxin who hanged himself to directly prove that Qin Hui's report was a lie.

Of course, it was Hu Yun who told him that Gu Yanxin was not dead, which made him think of this method, otherwise he would really not be able to catch Qin Hui for a while, and it would be difficult to deal with this bastard.

With the testimony of the corpse, it's time for Qin Hui to shut up.

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