
Chapter 1048 Gifts

Perched in the lobby, the two daughters are nestled in the arms of their father, one on the left and the other on the right, licking with relish the lollipops his father brought back for them. Chen Qing brought back the most famous Wufenglou maltose in Bianliang. The day before the reopening, Chen Qing bought a bunch of them for the children. In fact, their mothers also liked it.

But everyone is still not caring about eating, and they are all admiring the treasures on the table. The two-foot-long table is full of all kinds of rare treasures. Pick out the best batch and dedicate it to King Yong, and Chen Qing rewards the remaining jewels to the generals and officials.

There is also a rule in Chen Qing's mansion, usually the concubine Lu Xiu gives ten pieces to each person, but today Chen Qing changed the rules a little bit, each of his wives and concubines can choose one that he likes the most, and the other nine pieces will be given to each other. The princess will distribute it to everyone, so that everyone will be happier.

Everyone picked one, and Zhengxi looked at it diligently, Chen Qing asked with a smile: "What did the lady choose?"

For the first time today, Lu Xiu did not choose jade, but a set of porcelain. When her husband asked herself, she smiled and said, "I picked a set of top quality tea set!"

Chen Qing suddenly remembered that there were three sets of azure official kiln Jun porcelain, which can be called the best of the best. They were treasured by Emperor Huizong. They were found from Qian Huang's mansion. He asked for them by name. He didn't expect his wife to have such a keen eye. , All of a sudden, Chen Qing also found two other boxes on the table, but they were not taken away.

Chen Qing looked at Zhao Qiaoyun and Zhao Yingluo again, and found that both of them were very silent. Zhao Qiaoyun held a phoenix crown in her hand, and Zhao Yingluo held a pair of white jade bracelets. They were not top-grade jewelry, but probably belonged to their mothers. They are all hurting their spirits.

Ah Ying and A Lian are still a bit vulgar. In Ah Ying's hand is a top-quality emerald the size of a jujube, which is inlaid on the cap badge. In A Lian's hand is also a rare ruby, which is as big as a chicken egg and is of high quality. Chen Qing I secretly praised the two people for their good eyesight, and got the two top gemstones on the table.

"Two little guys, you can choose one too!"

Chen Qing smiled at the two girls in his arms who were eating candy: "Xue'er, don't you like Jingjingjing the most?"

"Xue'er has grown up, and she doesn't like Jingjing anymore." Chen Xue answered vaguely while eating candy.

"Then what do you like?"

"Love the pretty dress!"

Chen Qing laughed, and asked his second daughter, "What does Bing'er like?"

"I like candy!"

The children's innocent answers made Chen Qing very happy, and he asked the eldest son Chen Ji who was standing beside him, "What did Ji'er take?"

Chen Ji handed the box to his father, "Report to Dad, my son took a piece of Li Mo."

Li ink is the best in ink, made by Li Tinggui and his son in the Five Dynasties. In the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a saying that "gold is easy to get, but Li ink is hard to find". Song Huizong collected hundreds of pieces of Li ink.

Although Li Mo is very precious, it is still a bit inferior to the azure official kiln Jun porcelain. There are five pieces of Li Mo in Chen Qing's study, but there is no azure official kiln Jun porcelain.

"Why did Ji'er choose Li Mo?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

Chen Ji respectfully said: "Master has always missed a piece of Li ink that he lost in Bianliang. I chose this ink to make up for his regret."

Chen Ji's master is Lu Cunyi, the head of Chen Qing's five aides. These five aides are not actually aides, they are more properly called consultants. Their full-time jobs are all teachers of the school.

Lu Cunyi is the longest senior staff member, over sixty years old, originally a doctor of Taixue from Bianliang, and a native of Chencang County, Guanzhong. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, he returned to his hometown and was hired by Chen Qing as a doctor of Taixue in Jingzhao. Badou, rich in learning and five cars, is a well-known great Confucian in Guanzhong, with peaches and plums all over the world. At the beginning of the year, he officially became the master of Chen Qing's eldest son, Chen Ji, and came to Yongwang's mansion every morning to teach him to read.

Chen Qing was very satisfied with his son's respect for his teacher. He smiled and said, "You can choose another one for yourself."

Chen Ji hesitated for a moment, took another piece of warm, white and fine jade pei, hung it on his waist, bowed and said, "Thank you, Daddy!"

Chen Qing patted his head, he really liked this son who knew how to read and understand manners.

At night, Chen Qing and his wife finally calmed down after some affection, Lu Xiu lay in her husband's arms and said, "Husband, I also want to go to Bianliang, I want to see the old house, I grew up there. "

Chen Qing smiled happily: "Next time I go to Bianliang for inspection, I will take you with me."

"we have a deal!"

Chen Qing nodded, "It's a deal!"

Chen Qing suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile, "I found your elder sister Lu Qi."

Lu Xiu sat up all of a sudden, and asked pleasantly, "How is she? How did your husband find her?"

"She married Fu Bi's great-grandson, and the couple lived a relatively poor life. His husband had to sell his great-grandfather's official kiln porcelain to survive. Fortunately, he met me."

Chen Qing recounted how he met Fu Hong selling porcelain when he was visiting the black market. Lu Xiu lamented that it was such a coincidence, "It's God's will! Fortunately, they met their husband."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Your family sister is very straightforward and smart. I think even if she didn't meet her husband, she would still come to me."

"It should be! She has been very competitive since she was a child, did the husband help them?"

"I asked Fu Hong to be the magistrate of Bianliang. He was born as a Jinshi, and his qualifications are sufficient."

When Lu Xiu got the news from her clan sister, she let go of her heart, and suddenly she was a little worried again: "The tea set I'm holding is probably the one from their family!"

Chen Qing hugged his wife's delicate body in his arms and said with a smile: "No! That day, the blue official kiln was obtained from the miser Qian Huang's mansion. There were three sets in total. He was desperately accumulating wealth, reluctant to eat, reluctant to wear, but in the end it was cheap. me."

"Husband, I still want to have another child!" Lu Xiu twisted her body in her husband's arms, her eyes clearly hinting at her husband.

"Okay! Let's study how to have a baby." The husband and wife continued to love each other under the quilt.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to his official room, and all the officials in the official room lined up to welcome his return.

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard, and I will give everyone a small gift later."

When everyone heard that His Highness was going to give gifts, they were all very happy. After returning from attacking Datong Mansion last time, His Highness gave them each a bead, which was worth several pennies. Everyone returned to their seats full of expectations.

When Chen Qing came to his official room, Chao Qing sent a thick stack of documents, "These are relatively important documents, and the urgent documents have already been processed by the princess, and there is no objection from the Internal Affairs Hall."

Chen Qing flipped through the pages, "It's not in a hurry, is it?"

"It's not in a hurry!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow! I'm going out today to have a look, and you can arrange a carriage."

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Qing stopped Chao Qing again, and handed him a cloth bag, "Shall we share it with everyone? Each person has a small bag, and the things are the same."

This time Chen Qing gave each person a gold hairpin, which was found in Liu Yu's belongings box. There was a whole box of gold hairpins, of uniform standard, weighing about half a tael, inlaid with a pearl, worth thousands of gold hairpins. Zhi, it is estimated that Liu Yu was going to reward the palace maid, but for some reason, the reward was not given out.

At this time, Jiang Yan first came to Chen Qing to discuss the matter of the new imperial school, and Chen Qing said with a smile: "I just want to go out and have a look, so I might as well go together and see what the new imperial school has become."

"There have been great changes in the past few months, and it is estimated that His Highness will not recognize it!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "You have whetted my appetite, so I have to take a look."

"Your Highness, it's raining outside!" Chao Qing reminded in a low voice.

Chen Qing waved his hand, "It's okay! It's raining and cool, just in time for a trip!"

Chen Qing took another sip of tea, and then got into the carriage with Jiang Yanxian, and under the guard of a dozen cavalrymen, the carriage drove towards the south gate of the city.

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