
Chapter 1049 Proposals

The carriage drove slowly in the drizzle, and the air was exceptionally fresh. Chen Qing simply opened the window to let the cool air pour into the car.

"It's so cool in late July, I didn't expect it! It's unbearably hot in Bianliang, and I'm sweating when I sit. It doesn't rain, and the air is dry. It's uncomfortable to live there."

Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said, "It's true that the summer in Jingzhao is not hot this year. The main reason is that there is a lot of rain. Basically, it's this kind of light rain. To be honest, I still miss the sun a little bit."

"Don't go out of the sun, let me enjoy the coolness for a few days first."

"His Royal Highness has lived in Bianliang for more than [-] days. Didn't he enjoy the palace? The palace has interlayers, where ice cubes can be placed, and it is very comfortable in summer."

Chen Qing shook his head, "After the fall of Puppet Qi, Wanyan Wushu closed the palace, and I didn't go in, and kept it closed. There are a few large ice cellars for mutton and wine, and nothing else is used."

Jiang Yanxian continued: "A few days ago, there were rumors in Jingzhao that His Royal Highness was going to move Prince Yong's Mansion to Bianliang, and people in Jingzhao City were panicked. Later, the princess refuted the rumors in the "Beijing News", and there was absolutely no such thing, and the rumors gradually spread. Calm down."

Chen Qing was a little surprised and said: "There shouldn't be such rumors! I never said that I would move to Bianliang."

"The main reason is that His Royal Highness has not returned after taking Bianliang, so the rumors came out."

Chen Qing shook his head, "These rumors are simply nonsense and demagogic. Didn't the "Beijing News" publish them? The imperial court's [-] troops are preparing for the Northern Expedition, Wanyan Wushu will come back at any time, and Bianliang has been poor for a long time. I want to turn it into a transfer place for materials, and I need to dredge the Cai River and widen the river channel, how can I come back if these things are not finished?"

"Your Highness, now is the most sensitive time. Your Highness has won the Central Plains. Many people are staring at whether we are going to move to the Central Plains, so it is normal to have rumors. The key is that Your Highness must explain clearly to everyone why we don't move. Bianliang, why did you stay in Jingzhao? If everyone understands His Highness's determination, then all kinds of rumors will naturally disappear."

Chen Qing nodded, "You are right. I really need to write a statement. After all, this is the Song Dynasty, not the Tang Dynasty."

Not long after, the carriage came to the open space in the south of the city. The open space in the new city has indeed changed. Many houses have sprung up. Seven streets and dozens of small streets have been leveled out. The streets are paved with stone slabs, perhaps because it is raining lightly outside. Because of this, the stone slab was very clean, and the wheels of the carriage passed by on the slate, making a sparkling sound.

Many houses have been built. The originally empty land is now under heavy construction. Houses are rising one after another. Other vacant land is divided into large and small plots, and boundary stakes are placed on each plot.

"The carriage stopped!" Chen Qing yelled, the carriage stopped, and it turned out that it had already reached his land.

Chen Qing jumped out of the carriage, and the fine rain fell on his face, and soon his face and head became wet.

"Why is the boundary post red?" Chen Qing asked, pointing at the boundary post.

"It means that the land already has an owner, and the boundary posts are painted with red paint to show the difference."

Chen Qing nodded, "How is the land sold?"

Jiang Yanxian laughed and said, "The sale was very hot some time ago. Half of the shops along the street have been sold, and [-]% of the residential land has been sold. There are even some Lin'an merchants who bought them with gold and silver. The land of these shops, Your Highness, has already increased per mu." Up to [-], but recently it has become a bit deserted. "


"Isn't it because everyone is worried that His Highness will move to Bianliang?"

It turned out that he was worried about this, Chen Qing nodded with a smile and said: "After I make a statement tomorrow, it will probably start to be lively again."

It was raining heavily, Chen Qing and Jiang Yanxian got into the carriage again, and the carriage continued to drive towards Taixue.

Xintaixue covers an area of ​​[-] mu, and to the south is a lake called Nanhu. The construction of large buildings is in full swing, and the outside is covered with bamboo frames.

"Now Taixue has encountered a problem." Jiang Yanxian hesitated to speak.

Chen Qing glanced at him, and said dissatisfiedly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, will I still punish you for lying?"

Jiang Yanxian sighed and said: "We have recruited three classes of Tai students, [-] students in each class, and there should be [-] students in the school, but the actual number of students in the school is less than [-], and there are only [-] students left. , and others have dropped out of school.”


"Your Highness should know that Taixue is not a place to study agriculture, smelting, machine skills, or weapon making. It is a place to study poetry and scriptures. Although we have also arranged for great Confucianism to teach, the time Too little is just a supplement. Students spend most of their time planting tea and raising silkworms, identifying ore and smelting. Your Highness, why don’t you build two colleges, one for engineering and one for literature? There will be an embarrassing situation where most of the students drop out."

Chen Qing shook his head, and asked back: "How many students are there among the Jinshi candidates? As far as I remember, there are not all of them! And almost all Jinshi have studied at the state school or the government school. What does it mean? It is enough to finish reading the text in the state school and the government school. There is no need to continue to study in the Taixue. What is the point of teaching scriptures in the Taixue? I don’t want to study in the Taixue. Can’t I study at home? I still need to occupy the quota. Make it impossible for students who really want to study in Taixue to enter."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "I told you a long time ago that I set up the Taixue to train technical bureaucrats, who understand agriculture to become agricultural officials, and those who understand smelting to become smelting officials, not a group of people who can only read scriptures. People are in charge of technology, they don’t want to study in Taixue, I will not force it, we will continue to open the application for students who are willing to study in Taixue.”

"Your Highness, don't you want to start another imperial school?"

"no need!"

Chen Qing's attitude was very tough, he said to Jiang Yanxian: "I understand what you mean, do many officials have objections?"

Jiang Yanxian nodded, sighed and said: "In the records of humble positions, there are more than [-] officials who have made this request, and they are all thinking about their children."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "It is impossible for me to open another Taixue, it will occupy the current number of officials in Taixue, but we can use three solutions to solve it. First, we can open another one during the imperial examination. Ming Jing Ke can appropriately expand the number of people on the list, which is mainly used to arrange civil servants;

Second, the study period of state schools and prefectural schools can be extended. On the basis of three years of prefectural and prefectural schools, an upper state or prefectural school can be added. The schooling period is two years, and it is equivalent to Mingjing division;

Third, you can study the imperial court's system exams and conduct another selection for all officials. "

Jiang Yanxian was really helpless. The officials were all staring at the fact that the Taixue could be awarded an official. They all wanted to send their children to the Taixue, but they were unwilling to study the professional technical courses of the Taixue, so they kept looking for him, hoping to send the Taixue The curriculum was changed to be the same as that of the imperial court, or another imperial school was established, but Chen Qing was unwilling to give in at all.

how can that be possible?If you can come out to be an official after studying at a high school, what's the point of being a Jinshi?These officials were all wishful thinking, thinking it was a loophole, but King Yong refused to budge.

In fact, Jiang Yanxian also understands Chen Qing's thoughts. Professionals do professional things. This is a sentence that Chen Qing often talks about. Those who understand technology take care of technology, and various advanced technologies will emerge in large numbers.

If people who don't know technology manage technology, the result will inevitably be to do everything possible to suppress the emergence of new technology, because new technology represents risk, and risk means unstable official positions, so civil servants would rather keep the old and seek stability than allow risks to arise.

Jiang Yanxian had no choice but to sigh and said: "Okay! I will discuss with the Internal Affairs Hall again, and strive to implement the three plans of Your Highness."

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