
Chapter 1053 Real Estate Speculation

Wang Hao sighed, "There are rumors that the private salt in Jianghuai is controlled by Zhang Jun, and Zhang Jun's army is selling private salt to raise military expenses. It is said that the emperor acquiesced."

"So Zhang Jun's private salt not only occupied Jianghuai, but also occupied Jinghu North Road, and then extended its tentacles to Jinghu South Road?"

Wang Hao nodded, "Exactly, the several states along the river sell their salt. Although the land is small, they are densely populated, so they accounted for [-]% of the salt share at once. In the end, only one percent of the official salt was sold." It is also because Sichuan Road is strictly controlled, they cannot enter, otherwise Sichuan Road will also fall.”

Only now does Chen Qing know why the financial gap is so large?The Jingnan South Road salt tax plan that was originally planned to make up for the gap could not be implemented at all. Zhang Jun, that bastard, stretched his hand beyond the limit.

"How much is their salt price?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Reporting to Your Highness, about fifty Wen per catty."

It's only fifty yuan per catty. Of course, my seventy yuan salt is not easy to sell, and I plan to raise the price to a hundred yuan!

Chen Qing immediately said: "Start with Jingnan South Road first, attack the salt lord Zhang Tai first, and then Jianghuai Salt!"

"Your Highness, I want Zhong Huan to be responsible, can I?"

"Do you think he's okay?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

Wang Hao nodded, and Chen Qing immediately smiled and said: "You decide, I will send you [-] elite scouts and [-] thousand stone warships, and you will assign the rest of the manpower yourself. Before the end of the year, you must regain the share of salt on the South Jing Road." !"

"Follow your orders!"

Wang Hao saluted and left in a hurry.

There are so many things!Chen Qing squeezed his temples, stretched out his hand and pulled the bell rope.

After a while, an attendant on duty appeared at the door, "Please give orders, Your Highness!"

"Go to the military headquarters and find Lu Wei for me!"

Soon, Lu Wei came in a hurry. He had come here once in the morning, but King Yong went out and was not in the official room. He had to wait for tomorrow, but King Yong took the initiative to find him.

"See Your Highness for a humble position!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Just now Wang Hao talked about your matter, and the other party wants Tie Huolei again?"

"Exactly! This time they offered [-] guan, and want to buy another Iron Fire Thunder."

"How did you answer him?"

"Naturally, the humble job refused. I said that the number of iron fire mines is very small now. Because of the lack of gunpowder, the production of small iron fire mines has been discontinued for a year, and now all armies are not allowed to equip iron fire mines. If you want to use iron fire mines, you must King Yong approved it, and it was carried out by a special firearms battalion."

"How do they respond?" Chen Qing asked again.

"They were very frustrated at first, so they stopped talking about it, but they approached me the day before yesterday and asked me to discuss how to help them get one, and the price is negotiable."

"I said I'll inquire again, and I'll notify them if there's any news."

"Did they ask Wan Yanchang for instructions?"

"It should be, after seven or eight days, Wan Yanchang will probably reprimand them."

Chen Qing paced back and forth in the official room with his hands behind his back, bowed his head in thought and remained silent. The key was that he didn't know how far Jin Guo's iron fire thunder experiments had gone. Extraordinary means to prevent the opponent's firearms test.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing said to Lu Wei: "You ask them to give you a month, and you slowly figure out a way. This time, the asking price is [-] guan."

Chen Qing returned to the mansion. He came to his long-lost study and sat comfortably on a chair. His wife Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea.

"My husband is very busy today!"

Chen Qing picked up the teacup and said with a smile: "I've been busy all day today, and I had a quarrel with several counselors about the land price and rent. Now that I think about it, I regret it. I shouldn't have said those harsh words, it seems very immature."

"They won't blame you. Husband just came back and found many problems. He must be impatient. In fact, I also know that the rent has risen sharply."

"How does the lady know?" Chen Qing asked with a curious smile.

"Read the newspaper!"

Lu Xiu picked up the newspaper on the table and handed it to her husband, "There is an advertisement inside, husband will know after reading it."

Chen Qing found the advertisement paper from the newspaper. He taught the "Beijing News" the method himself. He saw that it was densely packed with tofu block advertisements, which were divided into three categories: catering, farmhouse and others. Most of them were catering advertisements, occupying the Half, followed by field house advertisements, houses and shops for sale and lease, and land sales. There are also various advertisements in other categories, as well as notices, statements, etc., and even a divorce statement.

A piece of advertising paper is a big world.

Chen Qing's eyes fell on the advertisement of the farm house, "Wangpu is for rent, next to the old locust tree on Xiuren Road in Xiurenfang, just ask."

Chen Qing suddenly thought that each house should be assigned a house number, otherwise it would be hard to find.

"The two-acre courtyard is for sale, [-] guan, Liu's house in Zhao Zhuangyuan Lane, Renshoufang."

Chen Qing was very interested in this advertisement. The location of Renshoufang is not bad, it is close to Dawazi in Xicheng, it is considered an upper-middle location, only [-] guan, bargain price [-] can get it, mu The price is just over a thousand, so it seems that the land price is not expensive!

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "Does my husband think that the two-acre courtyard in Zhao Zhuangyuan Lane is not expensive?"

"Yes! Renshoufang is a very good location. It's only a little over a thousand yuan per mu, which is not expensive! Is there any reason?"

Lu Xiu shook her head and said: "This courtyard has been published several times. At first it was [-] guan, then it was reduced to [-] guan, and now it's [-]% off. My master also thought it was very cheap, so I ran to read it, but she came back and said, It was a haunted house. Three consecutive owners died in the room. The first owner was killed by burglars in the dormitory, the second fell into a well and drowned, the third owner was tricked into hanging himself, and the yard was the third owner. son is selling."

"No wonder it's so cheap. What's the normal price of Renshoufang?"

Lu Xiuqing cleared his throat with a smile and said, "The price of a house in Renshoufang depends on the area and the age of the house. For example, [-]% of them are considered new! The price per mu is about [-] yuan per mu. Two and a half rooms with a small courtyard occupy an area. The cheapest one is the three-point land, which can be bought for three or four hundred guan.

Once you reach the five-point land, you can build six houses and it will cost [-] guan. If more than one mu includes three acres, the price per mu will be [-] guan, and if the price is more than three mu, the price will be [-] guan. That is a house, which is the most expensive. Houses with more than five acres in Jingzhao are rarely available. "


Chen Qing exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, the lady is also an expert in housing!"

"That is!"

Lu Xiu said triumphantly: "We are studying every day. It is difficult not to be an expert. Not only me, but also your women. The real expert is my master. She has already bought five sets of yards. There are still many yards in Xinnan City. There is a three-acre piece of Wangpu land. She said that the house in the slums cannot be bought, and there is no profit. If she buys a three-acre small house next to the official road outside the city, it will double next year. She holds three small houses outside the east city, one of which is Five-acre house."

Chen Qing was a little speechless, and Li Qingzhao became a real estate speculator.

After a while, Chen Qing said, "Where did your master get so much money?"

"Sell the house and make money! After we came to Jingzhao, we opened two Yi'an teahouses. Master and I shared half of the shares. Later, I gave her all the teahouses on East Street. I sold her teahouse last year. Three mu of land After selling [-] guan, she used the [-] guan as the capital and invested it all in real estate."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, the three acres of shop land in Xinnan City was also sold to her by the lady, right?"

Lu Xiu sighed and said, "I originally said I would give it to her, but she didn't do it, and then sold it at the price of [-] guan per mu. At that time, the market price was [-] guan, which was slightly cheaper, but now it has risen to [-] guan per mu! "

Afraid that her husband would be angry, Lu Xiu hurriedly said: "My master has no children. She said that after a hundred years, all her property will be divided into two, half for me and Qiaoyun, and half for the maid who has followed her for many years."

Chen Qing smiled wryly and said: "Young lady, you don't need to explain. Of course I won't be angry with your master. I just think that her energy is spent on buying and selling houses. How can she have time to write poems and lyrics?"

"This is her pleasure too! She is afraid of poverty."

That's it, Chen Qing nodded, "Okay! Go ahead and research real estate, I guess you have followed Master to invest a lot, don't tell me, I'm too lazy to ask."

Lu Xiu was overjoyed, turned around and left, "I'll tell them, my husband won't interfere with our house purchase!"

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Qing called Lu Xiu to stop and asked, "How much did the lady invest in buying a house?"

Lu Xiu pointed out two fingers, giggled, "Two hundred thousand!"

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