
Chapter 1054 Sniper

Lu Wei is really tired of the life of this kind of undercover person. Ever since he sold an iron fire mine, these people have been looking for him constantly, asking him for information, and now they are asking for an iron fire mine. It drove him crazy.

Fortunately, King Yong came back in time to give him advice, so he gained some confidence.

Walking into the elegant room on the second floor, Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua had been waiting for him for a long time, they stood up and laughed, "I'm going to trouble Lu Sima again."

Lu Wei nodded, looked around, but did not see Lu Xuan, and asked, "Where is Lu Xuan?"

The two shook their heads, "I've searched several brothels, but I can't find anyone else."

"Forget it, this person is completely hopeless!"

Lu Wei walked into the elegant room and sat down, and said to the two of them, "The things you want may be a little bit closer!"

The two were overjoyed and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"This time the army came back and brought back a lot of small iron fire mines. It is said that the quality is faulty. After testing ten of them, seven of them did not explode. The whole batch must be destroyed."

Zhou Hua hurriedly said: "It happens to be possible to steal one from the destruction."

Lu Wei nodded, "I'm also thinking about it, but I want to tell you that it will take time!"


"All the items have been transported to the Firearms Bureau. They will not be destroyed until the cause of the explosion is found there. At that time, they will be placed in the waste warehouse of the military department for a few days. I can't access them now."

"How long will that take?"

"I estimate about a month!"

Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua looked at each other, and the marshal was in a hurry, so they could only explain.

"Okay! A month is a month."

Lu Wei coughed and said again: "This time the risk is very high, I can't do it alone, I have to pay a lot of money to others, so I won't do it for [-] yuan!"

"Lu Sima, fifty thousand guan is already a lot!"

Lu Wei shook his head and said: "One hundred thousand coins, I won't do anything less, think about it for yourself! Give me an answer in two days!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Wei turned around and walked away. Wang Shuang and Zhou Hua were dumbfounded. Zhou Hua said angrily, "It's too easy for him to get money. Now he has learned how to open his mouth like a lion, but he still doesn't bargain."

Wang Shuang sighed and said, "He actually didn't want to do it, so he opened his mouth on purpose and asked Han Feng to go back and report to Marshal Du! If Marshal Du agrees, then just bring the gold over."

"Really give him one hundred thousand guan?"

"If Marshal Du agrees, he can get another one. One hundred thousand guan will be one hundred thousand guan! This is not our business."

"That's right! The key is whether Marshal Du can agree."

The Dongyuanhe restaurant in Daming City is booming in business, full of guests, and the shopkeeper Liu Zhen keeps greeting guests.

At this time, a tall and thin man walked in and nodded to Liu Zhen. Liu Zhen understood and greeted another guest with a smile. Then he entered the courtyard through the back door, and the tall and thin man followed him to the shopkeeper's room.

The thin and tall man is called Wang Lian. He is the most capable general under Liu Zhen. He is extremely skilled in martial arts and is mainly responsible for spying on military intelligence.

"Did you eat?" Liu Zhen asked.

"Not yet! Xiao Liu said that the manager is in a hurry, so I rushed over."

"I'll tell you the task later, and you can leave after eating."

Wang Lian nodded, looking at a red mailbox in Liu Zhen's hand, which indicated that the information was important.

"The target this time is a man named Yang Jingong, who is the head of the Firearms Workshop under Wan Yanchang."

"It seems that the manager asked me to investigate him last time."

Liu Zhen nodded, "You investigated last year. This person is the best gunpowder maker under Wan Yanchang. Now Prince Yong has issued an order to kill this person and burn the materials in his hands."

"I see!"

"Do you need my help or manpower?"

"Give me a bag of kerosene, and there will be no need for manpower. I have always been alone, and I am used to it."

"Gunpowder is fine, you go to eat, and I'll give it to you when you leave."

Wang Lian quickly finished his meal, took a bag of kerosene, and disappeared into the crowd.

Yang Jingong was under too much pressure these days, and he was bleeding a bit. In order to put pressure on them, Wan Yanchang dismantled the development team of five of them and turned them into five teams. Each team brought a few apprentices to develop Iron Fire Thunder.

Those who are the first to successfully develop it will be promoted to three ranks, rewarded with [-] taels of gold, and will be assessed once every three months.

The so-called progress is the number of times the gunpowder is tested, and the least number is the last.

The most direct consequences of this are two, hostility and fraud,

The five firearmssmiths were originally partners in a team, but now they have become enemies, guarding each other and spying on each other.

The second is fraud. The evaluation index is the number of tests, so the test is repeated every day. Originally, a formula only needs to be tested three times, and if it fails to meet the requirements, it will be given up. Now it has to be tested a hundred times. The experiments done before were taken out again to continue the experiments.

The key is that the references are all used up, and everyone does not know what kind of gunpowder can explode the iron shell, so they can only use the iron shell for testing. This will cause a big problem, that is, the number of tests is too small, at most one test per day , or even a few days to test once, mainly involves a sealing process, which is very cumbersome and can be completed in one day at the fastest.

When others experiment with gunpowder, they can experiment more than a dozen times a day, but if you experiment with frying iron shells, you only have one experiment a day, so the progress must be at the end, and the only person who will be beheaded is you.

Everyone understands this truth, but in order not to be ranked last in the progress, we can only fake it, concentrate manpower to test the gunpowder every day, and test the explosive iron shell every five or six days.

Yang Jingong is the master with the highest level among the five firearms craftsmen, with the richest experience and the deepest understanding of gunpowder. The other four craftsmen are desperately trying to make fakes, and everyone's progress has greatly surpassed Yang Jingong. Even if Yang Jingong is not beheaded, he will be severely punished.

But during this period of time, Yang Jingong has already had some clues. Two days ago, he accidentally discovered that the gunpowder that was ground into powder, and then solidified into small particles the size of sesame seeds, would spread much faster than powdered powder.

This is a major development. This is the most critical step for the success of the iron fire thunder. As long as the inferior iron shell is made next, it can basically explode. If some white sugar is added, the explosion effect will be even better.

For the past two days, Yang Jingong has been experimenting secretly at home. He is afraid that after several other competitors pry into his secret, they will snatch away the [-] taels of gold and the three-level promotion reward.

At night, Yang Jingong was sitting at the desk in the study, concentrating on recording his secrets in a small notebook.

'Since the Porcelain Fire Thunder can be successful, it should not be the problem of the gunpowder formula, but the burning speed of the gunpowder. Could it be that the spies got a fake Fire Thunder, which led to a big detour in the development of the Iron Fire Thunder?I deeply doubt it.'

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind him, and the light cast a long black shadow on the wall.

Yang Jingong dipped some ink and was continuing to write, when suddenly a hand covered his mouth, before he could react, Yang Jingong felt a sharp pain in his back, and the dagger pierced his heart, killing him instantly.

The man in black picked up the notepad on the table, looked at it, put it in his arms, and sprinkled kerosene all over the study, especially the bookcase and desk, and then threw a fire folder into the kerosene, 'Boom! 'The flames burned, and the man in black jumped out of the window and left quickly.

Not long after, the house was burned through, the flames soared into the sky, and there were constant explosions. Several barrels of test samples that Yang Jingong hid in the study were ignited and exploded.

Yang Jingong's family stumbled and escaped, calling for help. Soon, the neighbors ran to put out the fire with drums and gongs, but the constant explosion of gunpowder scared them all back, and they did not dare to go forward to fight the fire. The fire burned bigger and bigger, and thick smoke billowed , engulfed five or six houses in the entire yard.Wan Yanchang's dream of iron fire and thunder was completely buried in the fire.

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