
Chapter 1060 Autumn Tour

Chapter 1060 Autumn Tour
In Fengtian County, a cavalry team of [-] men is marching forward on the official road, with banners and flags flying, and the momentum is huge. It is the beginning of September, and the autumn is crisp and the weather is pleasant. It is the best season for autumn outings.

There were dozens of carriages in the team, full of Chen Qing's family members and more than a dozen high-ranking officials and their families, who came to the Ganhe River in Fengtian County for an autumn outing.

The banks of the Ganhe River are one of the most beautiful scenic spots in Guanzhong. There are large forests and grasslands everywhere, green fields, clear water, and sparse population. There are dozens of large manors on both sides of the river. From the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Song Dynasty, it has been the territory of nobles. , even if it is the puppet state of Qi, this place is also occupied by high-ranking officials.

Even if Chen Qing occupied Guanzhong, it did not destroy the scarce properties on both sides of the Gan River. These manors were distributed to his generals and important civil officials. Chen Qing himself had a manor here covering an area of ​​[-] mu. There was no farmland in the manor. Along the mountains and rivers, there are large forests and pastures, raising thousands of sheep and more than a dozen horses, and more than [-] farmers live in the manor.

This autumn outing was arranged in Chen Qing's manor. Soon, the mighty autumn outing team drove into the manor. The thousand soldiers who arrived earlier had already set up hundreds of large tents, with an average of three large tents per family. The banners of each family are on the top tents, and the luggage sent in advance is also put into their respective tents.

More than [-] people from Chen Qing's family came to protect the servants, wet nurses and female guards. There were three large tents in total, two of which were used by servants and wet nurses, and the main tent was very special. It was a The split tent, the entrance is a large disc tent, the disc tent is just the living room, and there are three small doors inside, which can enter three smaller sleeping tents.

During the day, everyone moved around in the big disc tent, and only entered their sleeping tents when they were resting. These big tents were double-layered, and the six female guards hid in the interlayer.

The carriage stopped, and dozens of children cheered and rushed to the grassland. The boys ran and rolled on the grass, while the girls picked flowers and weaved garlands.

Their parents went to their respective tents to pack their things.

People in the Song Dynasty were very particular about autumn outings. Ordinary people basically took one-day trips, mostly around Qujiang Pond. The rich and powerful families went farther away. They brought tents, took a carriage, and servants followed them. It took three to five days. , What's more, it took more than ten days to go home after playing.

This time, Chen Qing's autumn outing with important officials and family members was expected to last for five days. Chen Qing originally planned to visit Fengtian, and it happened to be autumn, so Chen Qing simply led a large group of people to come for the autumn outing.

"Husband, let Ji'er go on inspection with you tomorrow!"

Lu Xiu suggested with a smile: "It's not far anyway, you can come back that day!"

It made sense for Chen Qing to think about it. Let his son actually experience the animal husbandry industry, and tell it a hundred times, it is better to go to the field to see it in person.

Chen Qing stroked his son's head and asked with a smile, "Tomorrow, I will go to Moshui with my father!"

Chen Jiyang raised his head and asked, "Daddy, is Moshui far away?"

"Not far, only thirty miles away from here!"

"I'm going with Daddy!"

Before dawn the next day, Chen Qing took his son on the road, followed by more than a hundred cavalry guards. It was already cold in the early morning of September, and the coolness permeated people. Chen Qing hugged his son's thin body in his arms, The cloak wrapped him tightly, and as soon as he urged the horse, the horse ran west along a valley, followed by more than a hundred cavalry.

At dawn, they arrived at the bank of the Moshui River. Chen Ji slept in his father's arms for a while, and just woke up, his little face emerged from the cloak and asked, "Daddy, is this river the Moshui?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "Yes! This is Moshui. Fengtian County is twenty miles to the north. If you go south along Moshui, you will be Chencang County. Moshui flows into Weihe River in Chencang County. We are now in two Among the counties, it is closer to Fengtian County."

"What are we here to inspect?"

It is rare for Chen Qing to have such patience to explain to his son in detail. He smiled slightly and said, "Do you see that the grass planted by the river is different from other places?"

Chen Ji nodded, "My master said, this is alfalfa, the favorite pasture for cattle, sheep and horses!"

"That's right. We have planted a lot of alfalfa and vetch on Shaanxi Road, Xihe Road, and Sichuan Road these days. Vet pea is another kind of forage. When there is a famine, its beans can be eaten as food. Last year in Hebei There was a severe drought, and the government of the Kingdom of Jin was not good at disaster relief. We donated hundreds of thousands of vetch peas to the major temples in Hebei through several major temples in Guanzhong. The monks ground them into powder and made them into cakes to help the people. The effect was very good. people survive.

"My child understands, we don't deal with the government of the Kingdom of Jin!"

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "That's right, we are obviously the ones who contributed, so why do the people thank the government of the Kingdom of Jin?"

"And then? Let's look at the grass!"

The son's thoughts are very careful, and he will not digress. Chen Qing nodded and said: "We have planted alfalfa by the rivers in various places, so that local farmers can develop animal husbandry. The development has been very good in the past two years. Why is mutton so cheap in our market? , the contribution of raising livestock in the river valley is indispensable.”

"Since alfalfa is grown everywhere, why did Dad go to Moshui to inspect it?"

"Good question! Daddy came here to inspect because there is a pioneering work in Fengtian County. They have set up ten farming and livestock clubs in the whole county. Farmers who raise more than ten sheep are required to participate. Each farming and livestock club recommends several highly respected sheep. Elders as mediators."

"The function of the farm and animal society is to mediate conflicts?" Chen Ji asked.

Chen Qing nodded, "Don't underestimate the raising of livestock, there will be many conflicts, because the valley's bearing capacity is limited, it is impossible to raise sheep without restraint, some people are greedy, raise hundreds of sheep, and the sheep eat up all the pasture , but people who raise less sheep will stop doing it, and conflicts will arise. It is common for pasture struggles to happen. Let the government take care of them. They know very well that they will limit the number of sheep raised by each family. If they do not obey the limit, the government will come to arrest people and sheep.

Then in autumn, they will mobilize all farmers to mow the grass together, and then distribute them uniformly. When selling sheep, the farming and animal husbandry cooperatives are responsible for selling them together, and they can sell them at a good price. Otherwise, farmers will fight alone and compete with each other. It is sold at a low price, so after Fengtian established the farming and animal husbandry cooperative, it is not only the county in Guanzhong that raises the most sheep, but also the county with the fewest sheep raising lawsuits, and the selling price is also very good. "

"Daddy, the child understands, where should we go first?"

"Let's go to a random village to understand the situation first, and then go to the county to listen to the reports of the county magistrates!"

After walking for a while, a group of sheep appeared in front of them, and the old man who raised the sheep was squatting on a big rock, drinking water and eating dry biscuits.

"Just ask him!"

Chen Qing dismounted from the horse and carried his son off the horse. At this moment, several soldiers invited the old man over. They said yes, but in fact they were forced, which made the old man very nervous.

"Don't be nervous, old man, we're just passing by here and have a few words with you!"

"As long as you don't steal my sheep."

Pausing for a while, the old man said again: "It's okay to sell, and you can buy it for only one piece!"

Even Chen Ji rolled his eyes, this old man is too dark, the master said, a fat sheep in the market is only [-] Wen, here is actually asking for a penny.

The old man looked at Chen Ji for a moment and smiled, "Officer, is this your son?"

Chen Qing pressed his son's small shoulder and smiled, "It's my son!"

The old man sighed, "He looks very handsome, but he is a little thinner. Come to us to raise sheep like this. It only takes one year to ensure that they will grow dark and strong. We need to eat two big bowls of rice for a meal."

Chen Qing chuckled, "He's still studying! I don't have time. When he grows up, I'll let him raise sheep too!"

"Come on! Xiaowa eats cakes."

A piece of dry biscuit was forced into Chen Ji's hand, "This is a biscuit made from good wheat, it's delicious!"

[I went to the hospital today to see a doctor, there are only two chapters, hey!Both blood sugar and creatinine exceed the upper limit, so they must be maintained very carefully. 】

(End of this chapter)

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