
Chapter 1061 Patrol

Chapter 1061 Patrol
Chen Qing sat down with his son and asked, "Did the old man join the farming and animal husbandry society?"

"Joined, the farming and animal husbandry society manages several surrounding villages."

"Does the old man feel that there is something wrong with the farming and animal husbandry society?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Problem! Of course there is, sometimes it's not fair?"

"Why is it unfair?"

The old man said angrily, "Wang Lengzi's family next door also raises sheep. I raise [-] sheep and he raises [-] sheep. Last winter when the forage was distributed, his family had [-] more sheep than mine. Why?"

Chen Ji scratched his head and asked, "May I ask the old man, he has five more sheep than you, how much more normally?"

"Forty more bundles I think is normal, and fifty more bundles I think is too biased."

Chen Ji blinked his eyes, he didn't know what to say, ten bales of grass were added, and he was worried about it for a year, so what?
Chen Qingxiao asked, "Can we buy winter hay?"

"Of course you can. A bundle costs ten Wen. If you don't have enough grass, you can go to the county to buy it. Last year I didn't have enough grass, so I went to the county to buy fifty bundles. It cost me five hundred Wen."

"Does the old man think there are other problems with the farming and animal husbandry society?" Chen Ji asked again.

"Also! It's too lenient. My son-in-law's family has [-] sheep, and he wants to raise another [-] sheep, but the farming and pastoral cooperatives are not allowed. My son-in-law wants me to help him raise them, but the farming and pastoral cooperatives actually Got it, and then came to the door to warn, but sometimes I think it’s right, everyone raises hundreds of them, and the grass is simply not enough to eat.”

At this time, there was a loud sound of horseshoes in the distance, and more than a dozen people galloped towards this side on horseback. This was the arrival of the county magistrates.

The head magistrate is called Xie Qiong, a native of Fengxiang, and he led the crowd to quickly step forward to salute, "Xie Qiong, the humble magistrate of Fengtian County, see Your Highness!"

The old man was stunned, and the dry biscuit in his hand was 'click! 'When I landed, the county lord, who is usually aloof, actually saluted this man and called him His Highness, isn't that a prince!
The old man was not stupid, he immediately reacted, knelt down and kowtowed, "I don't know, Your Highness, please forgive me!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Don't be afraid, old man, we're just asking some questions, please get up!"

The old man got up tremblingly, Chen Qing comforted him a few words, and then said to the county magistrate: "Xie magistrate, please lead the way ahead, let's go to the county seat!"

Everyone turned up and followed the magistrate slowly.

"Daddy wait a minute!" Chen Ji suddenly remembered something and called out to his father.

Chen Qing reined in his horse and asked with a smile, "What did Ji Er say?"

"The old man even gave me a piece of cake! In the horse bag, the master said, I should pay back something for a gift from someone, a thank you gift!"

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Your master is right, you should return a gift to the other party."

"That piece of cake should be worth ten cents, but the boy didn't bring any money."

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Ji'er, you must remember that you are the son of King Yong, and the things you give must be in line with your identity. The old man will give you a piece of cake, which is in line with his identity, and you will pay him back ten coins, which is in line with your identity." What is your identity?"

"The child knows his mistake!"

Chen Ji lowered his head, and untied Xiao Yupei from his belt with some reluctance, "This is the only thing on this child!"

Chen Qing hesitated for a moment, this piece of jade was a little expensive, but he changed his mind, his son was the son of King Yong, and the things that the son of Yong Wang gave should not be ordinary products, and the education of children cannot be measured by money, let alone his mother's There are plenty of jade pei, just give him another one.

"You decide!"

Chen Ji nodded, and handed the jade pei to a soldier, "Give this to the old man. I thank him for the cake. Tell him that food is the most precious thing!"

Chen Qing secretly praised his son's ability to speak, which must have been taught by his master. In fact, Chen Qing made a mistake. This is what his mother Lu Xiu taught his son since he was a child. Food is the most precious thing and should not be wasted.

The soldiers took Yu Pei and ran away, and Xie Zhixian next to him realized that this handsome young man turned out to be the eldest son!He hurried forward to salute.

The soldiers rushed back quickly and handed the jade pei to the old man, "This is a gift from my elder son, thank you for giving it the wheat cake."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The old man quickly took the jade pei, looked at it and asked, "What kind of stone is this?"

"This is a precious jade pei. It is wrapped in gold. This piece of jade pei is worth thousands of dollars!"

The old man was so frightened that his hands trembled, Yu Pei almost fell to the ground, and hurriedly handed it back, "This is too precious, I dare not take it!"

"You accept it! Keep it as a family heirloom, the prince said, the bread you gave him is also a precious food."

The soldiers turned the horse's head and left. The old man looked at the jade pei in his hand, and suddenly said cruelly: "Go back, let the grandson study, you must study, and don't herd the sheep!"

Decades later, the old man's great-grandson was admitted as a Jinshi and dedicated the jade pei to the emperor Chen Ji. Chen Ji remembered what happened when he was a child, but he didn't expect this jade pei to change the fate of a family.

In the county yamen, Chen Qing and his son ate breakfast first, a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns, and then had a discussion with several officials in the yamen hall. Chen Qing listened to Xie Qiong's report on the original intention of establishing the farming and animal husbandry society and the current results .

Chen Qing nodded and said to everyone: "The establishment of this kind of cooperative is not a new thing. It is similar to the industrial cooperatives in the handicraft industry, but it is the cooperatives in the animal husbandry industry. I support this kind of industrial cooperatives very much. It is very important for regulating breeding and mediating conflicts. Waiting is very useful, I wonder if the county government has a special person to manage the farming and animal husbandry cooperatives in the whole county?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we have an agricultural and animal husbandry officer, equivalent to Liu Cao, who is responsible for managing the agricultural and animal husbandry club!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "I suggest that Liu Cao be appointed part-time, and then once a year, so as to prevent the small officials from colluding with the farming and animal husbandry cooperatives to harm the farmers. Going to Jingzhao to file a complaint and alarming the Supervision Department, you will be in trouble."

The officials stood up in fright, "We will definitely pay attention to it!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, let everyone sit down again, and said with a smile: "I have another suggestion. I heard that the farming and animal husbandry cooperatives limit the number of sheep raised by each household. Is that true?"

"Exactly, each household has to have more than [-] at most, otherwise the pastures by the river can't bear it."

"But in fact, most families only raise a few dozen sheep, and those with more than [-] are very few. The riverside is still far from being utilized."

Xie Qiong hesitated for a moment and said, "But, the pasture by the river is everyone's resource, so it would be unfair for the family to take up a lot of it?"

"That's the problem! Too much consideration for fairness, but ignoring interests, obviously can provide more meat!"

Everyone understood that His Highness must have a good suggestion, Xie Qiong said quickly: "I beg Your Highness to advise!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "I can't talk about advice, just give me some advice! Breeding can be divided into free-range and captive. There is an upper limit for free-range, but there is no upper limit for captive. People can obviously buy grass to raise sheep. The extra fodder can also be sold to big farmers in captivity, why not do things that can be solved with money?"

Suddenly, everyone bowed together and said, "Your Highness's suggestion, we will definitely carry it out!"

When we returned to the manor, it was already dusk. Chen Qing and his son walked into the round tent, but saw the eldest daughter Xueer sitting in the corner crying alone. Chen Qing stepped forward to hug her daughter distressedly, wiped away her tears and asked: "Why is Daddy's baby crying?"

"Daddy and brother are going hunting, don't take me!"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, "Who told you that your father and brother went hunting?"

Xue'er sobbed and said, "Ah Gang told me!"

Ah Gang is Zhou Kuan's grandson, the same age as Chen Ji, extremely smart and notoriously mischievous, probably he is coaxing Xue'er.

"Daddy and elder brother didn't go hunting, Ah Gang lied to you to play, if daddy went hunting, Ah Gang is also a boy, why didn't he go? Right?"

"Then why did you go?"

"Daddy is going to see other people's sheep. Their sheep are sick. Daddy is going to treat their sheep. Do you understand, baby?"

Xue'er nodded half-understanding, and asked again: "Then what gift did you bring me?"

Chen Qing knew that as long as her daughter mentioned gifts, she would be coaxed.

At this time, Chen Ji took out a round cake and said, "This is a cake someone gave me, I can give you half of it."

Xue'er nodded happily, the gift doesn't matter how expensive it is, as long as her brother's things are willing to share with her, she will be satisfied.

"What about your mother?"

"They're grilling outside!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Let's go! Daddy will make you a bowl of mutton soup. It is the best to make cakes with mutton soup."

He put his daughter down, took a child by the hand, and walked out of the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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