
Chapter 1062 Accident

Chapter 1062 Accident
The second day of the autumn outing was horseback riding day. Everyone put on their samurai uniforms. There were dozens of ponies raised in Chen Qing Manor. This kind of horse is not a pony, but a very small one, the size of a healthy donkey, with a strong personality. Very docile, especially suitable for the elderly and women to ride.

People in the Song Dynasty rode donkeys just like people ride bicycles today, men, women and children can ride this kind of pony, so everyone has no problem at all, including children aged seven or eight, like Chen Ji can also ride a pony.

The younger children can only ride with their parents, but Chen Qing is holding two daughters in his arms today. The relationship between the two daughters is very good now. The two sisters sleep together at night. The two discussed it all night last night. Decided to ride a horse with Daddy today.

It was inconvenient for the two little ladies in pink warrior uniforms to ride the same horse with their father, but Chen Qing still had a solution. He ordered someone to bring out the Bactrian camel from the manor, and he rode on the camel. There are two big bamboo baskets hanging next to them, and the two children sit side by side in the bamboo baskets, their bodies are fixed with belts, and their hands can be supported on the sides.

Chen Qing yelled loudly, and the lying camel stood up. The two little guys screamed in fright, but after the camel stabilized, the two shouted happily again. High enough to reach out and touch someone's head.

The team did not rush, but walked slowly around the manor, walked through the shallow river, walked slowly along the hillside grassland, and enjoyed the scenery along the way.

"Your Highness!"

Zhou Kuan shouted: "When will we get some elephants and put some chairs on the backs of the elephants so that the children can sit on the backs of the elephants, it will be very enjoyable!"

Chen Qing suddenly knew who his grandson looked like, just like his grandfather, very naughty, at such an age, he still wanted to ride an elephant, but his suggestion is good, he can let Dali Kingdom donate a few docile elephants , riding is exempted, but children can perform.

"It's a good idea. I'll ask Dali Kingdom to present two elephants next year. Maybe we can see them in the spring outing next year."

The two little ladies clapped their hands in joy, "Daddy, we want to see elephants, so bring them tomorrow!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Tomorrow will not work. Elephants don't have wings, so they can't fly."

Walking through the grassland on the hillside and entering the woods, there is a tree-lined road in the middle. Everyone walks slowly along the quiet tree-lined road. The ground is full of fallen leaves, colorful, and the atmosphere of autumn is very strong.

"Ah! Little squirrel."

Xue'er suddenly pointed to a branch a few steps away, and shouted excitedly,

Sure enough, it was a little squirrel with shiny chestnut fur, a big bushy tail, and a pair of big round eyes. It was holding a pine cone, and it was not afraid of people at all. It stood on a branch and looked at it curiously. Two sisters.

They were so close, Chen Qing was sure to grab it.

The two girls jumped up and down excitedly, Chen Qing hurriedly held them down, "You two, if you jump up again, you will fall."

Frightened by their excitement, the little squirrel jumped up the tree and disappeared soon.

"Daddy, let's take the little squirrel home! We can also raise it in the back mountain of our house."

The two little ladies looked up at their father together, their eyes full of expectation.

"You can raise a few, but it's not it. It has parents! If you take it away, its parents will be sad."

"Okay! Let's raise two more."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded. At this moment, he suddenly found a deer in the birch forest. He quickly whispered: "You two look in the woods, there is a deer, don't make noise, it will scare it!"

The two little ladies stared wide-eyed, held their breath, and looked in the direction of their father's finger. Sure enough, they saw a sika fawn following the doe. The two little ladies sighed together: "What a cute little deer!"


The two little red faces looked at Daddy together again, Chen Qing smiled wryly and said, "Fawns are not easy to keep."

Xue'er grabbed her father's arm and shook it desperately, "Daddy, yes, there are grasslands and woods in the back of our mountain, which can be raised. I want to raise a deer!"

Chen Qing knew that these deer were raised by the villagers, and they would be sent to the mansion together with mutton as a harvest at the end of the year.

He didn't dare to tell his daughter this cruel fact, so he could only smile vaguely: "Okay! I'll get two fawns back to raise, one named Xiaoxue and the other named Xiaobing."

The two little fellows were overjoyed again, but soon they lost their minds. The deer was very spiritual. When he found them, he followed them all the way and took away the souls of the two little ladies.

After walking around the manor for a long time, I went to visit Yang Zaixing's manor next door to visit his family's fish pond. I didn't return to the manor until noon. I ate a simple meal at noon, all of which were farm-style meals.

Everyone was in high spirits, enjoying the fun of the autumn outing, and the children were playing crazy, clamoring to go fishing in the shallow waters of the small river, but they were strictly stopped by the adults. How could they still go into the water after the white dew had passed?

At this time, Wang Hao came riding from Jingzhao with a few of his men, which slightly reduced Chen Qing's vacation fun.

In a large tent in the military camp, Chen Qing listened to Wang Hao's report.

"It's really unexpected, that Lu Tang claimed to be able to get the formula of Tiehuolei, and it turned out to be true."

Chen Qing was startled, "What's going on?"

Chen Qing really couldn't believe that he was so tightly guarded, yet there was still a loophole?
"He is the son of a craftsman. The craftsman is called Yan Kuang. He is a craftsman who prepares gunpowder. He has three sons. Among them, the youngest son is studying at the craftsman school. He is only [-] years old this year. I don't know when he has also been infected with prostitution. bad habit, but his family didn’t give him much money, so he asked his classmates to borrow money, promised high interest, and borrowed money all over the place. He already owed more than a thousand dollars in debt. Interns in various workshops, and now everyone is asking him for money. When he was in a state of desperation, he heard from the old bustard that Lu Tang wanted to buy the formula of Tiehuolei at a high price."

Chen Qing suddenly said angrily: "That person actually said publicly that he wanted to buy the formula of Tiehuolei?"

"Your Highness, this kind of person doesn't understand at all. He brags in front of prostitutes all day long that he is well-informed and dares to say anything. Some people are still pretending to be His Highness's brother in the brothel. In fact, no one will believe it."

"And then?" Chen Qing asked sullenly.

"Then Yan Sanlang approached Lu Tong, saying that he had a way to get the formula of Tiehuolei gunpowder, and also showed that his father was a first-class gunpowder craftsman. The two hit it off and reached a business contract. Money to buy Yan Sanlang's gunpowder formula, and the agreed time is within one month."

"The results of it?"

Chen Qing wanted to know if the gunpowder formula had been leaked?
"Our inner guard spies kept a close eye on Yan Sanlang. At noon yesterday, Yan Sanlang went home. As soon as he came out of the third district, my inner guard spies pushed him to the ground and found this from him. "

Wang Hao handed a piece of rice paper the size of a palm to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing took the rice paper. It could be seen that the paper was a bit old, maybe it was stuck in the book for a long time, and it looked very flat. It was written on the gunpowder formula. , which is similar to the current Tiehuolei gunpowder formula, lacking powdered sugar.

But the handwriting is a bit faded, and it should have been written a long time ago. There is also an indistinct seal underneath, and the words "Firearms Bureau Seal" can be vaguely recognized.

"what is this?"

"Reporting to His Majesty, we asked the gunpowder maker about the gunpowder formula. This is the gunpowder formula of the Bianliang Firearms Bureau. Yan was kept in a book for [-] years, and he was taken out by this rebellious son to deceive Lu Jiang."

Chen Qing knew very well that this was not a lie. This was Tie Huolei's gunpowder formula. If the gunpowder was made properly, even without adding sugar powder, it could explode the low-quality iron shell.

They are not lying to Jin Guo, they are afraid that they will make Jin Guo develop successfully by mistake, so they can't be careless at all.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "Close the Internet cafe! Catch all Jingzhao's spies from the Kingdom of Jin, and we don't need them anymore."

"The humble official obeys the order. In addition, the humble official has an important matter to report."

(End of this chapter)

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