
Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065
Wang Yan's face turned pale, and the man told him that his two grandsons had just been carried away.

Wang Yan has a son and a daughter. The son died of illness three years ago, leaving behind two grandsons, one three-year-old and one five-year-old. After the daughter-in-law remarried, the two grandchildren were handed over to him and raised by him.

It can be said that these two grandsons are everything to him, his lifeblood, and his incense is passed on by these two grandsons.

Now that the two grandsons were taken away by someone, Wang Yan was like a thunderbolt.

He looked at Hu Yun who was still drinking tea outside, his eyes turned red immediately, he walked out of the gate quickly, and walked directly to the carriage.

As soon as he walked to the carriage, he suddenly saw a big man next to him holding a piece of children's clothes in his hand, which was his grandson's clothes.

He pointed at the clothes and trembled all over, "This clothes, this clothes, where is my grandson?"

The big man snorted coldly and said, "How do I know where your grandson is? I picked it up by the river, and I'm going to take it back to shine shoes!"

Wang Yan slapped himself twice, walked to the car window and bowed again and again, "Lord Hu, please let me off, a small person like Shengdou! Give me back my grandson."

Hu Yun slowly opened the window of the car, and said coldly: "You also know that you are a small person in Shengdou, I don't understand, you, an ordinary cabinet manager, want to steal King Yong's booty for yourself, how many heads do you have? , Don’t think about your grandson, think about the fate of your entire family!”

Wang Yan wept bitterly and said, "Damn the villain! The villain is so confused!"

"Don't waste any more time here. The person you sent to report has already had his head cut off. Go to the West Lake to collect his body tomorrow. If you waste any more time, prepare to collect the bodies of your two grandsons!"

"Little man, go and open the gate!"

Hu Yun handed the box to him, "Follow the rules and tell your proprietor that His Royal Highness King Yong did not break the rules."

Wang Yan took the box and went back. The big tent was indeed not there, but he had the key to the big tent. He could open the door as long as the formalities were completed.

A series of iron gates were opened, and the next three waterway iron gates were also opened. Generally, money was transported by water, and no one would carry property on the street.

Hu Yun finally saw Zhang Tai's belongings stored here. They were all big wooden boxes, filled three warehouses, and the boxes were all sealed.

Hu Yun couldn't figure out why Zhang Tai kept his wealth in Lin'an. Did he really think that Baoji Cabinet would not be greedy for the property of Mo's customers?

It's all well said, this is an era when big fish eat small fish, without strength and power, a salt owl like Zhang Tai can't keep his wealth.

Four strong men struggled to lift a large box and put it on a flat cart. The axle of this type of cart is a copper rod, which can withstand a weight of several hundred kilograms. The big man carefully pushed the large box to the boat outside the dock. Send it, you can send it directly into the cabin.

Dozens of warriors moved quickly and transported boxes out of the warehouse. Wang Yan who was next to him was terrified. He never thought that Hu Yun would bring so many people here. They were all highly skilled soldiers!
Now he is more worried about his grandson's situation. When he approached Hu Yun and was about to speak, Hu Yun said indifferently: "The fleet leaves Lin'an, and your grandson will naturally return it to you."

Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that five ships can't fit it!"

"It doesn't matter, there are five more ships coming this way, and they will be here soon."

Wang Yan had hoped that they would be intercepted by the army, but at this moment he changed his mind, and only hoped that they would leave quickly.

Nearly fifty big men loaded the ship with the fastest speed, but there were too many big boxes. They kept busy until dark, and the contents of the three vaults were finally moved. The ten big ships were fully loaded, and the outer gate of Baoji was closed. , The iron doors inside were also closed one by one, and Wang Yan's heart was only half relieved.

It is unique to use ten large ships to transport property since the establishment of Baoji Cabinet. Although the property is on board, the crisis has not been resolved. There are two checkpoints at the city gate and outside the city. The consequences are serious.

But hiding the property in the city is even more risky. From the very beginning, Hu Yun and Dong An decided that they had to leave the city overnight and transport the property out of the city at all costs.

Fifty big men jumped onto the boat, Hu Yun waved his hand, and the fleet set off, sailing towards the Qiantang River several miles outside the city.

The fleet was traveling along the Cao River. At this time, the drums to close the city gates had already sounded. Although Lin'an did not have a curfew, the city gates must be closed at night. Before the drums to close the city gates stopped, ten large ships arrived at the city. the door.

There was a boat in front of it that was being questioned and blocked the river. Several soldiers came and shouted, "Close the city gate immediately, and all the boats behind will stop. We won't let you go. You can leave the city tomorrow morning."

Everyone looked at Hu Yun, and Hu Yun said decisively: "Rush out!"

The boatman on the leading boat slammed into the pole, the boat accelerated, and rushed straight to the city gate, "Boom! The bow of the ship collided with the ship being inspected, and the other ship shook violently. Two soldiers were caught off guard and fell into the water from the ship.

The other soldiers hurriedly pulled the two soldiers ashore. Just as they were about to curse, they saw dozens of crossbow arrows pointed at them. The soldiers turned around and fled in fright, "Quickly report to the general and close the sluice gate!"

The ships blocking the road in front were pushed out, the river was empty, and large ships sailed out of the water city gate. At this time, the iron gate sluice above began to rumble down. After two sluices fell, one after another large ships sailed out of the city gate. The ships behind watched the fleet leave, but no one dared to follow suit.

The fleet had traveled less than three miles, and there was a checkpoint in front of them, which was dedicated to inspecting taxes and contraband. Wei Yanzong was also prepared to plant the flag of Zhang Jun Trading Company on every large ship. All checkpoints dare not intercept and interrogate.

But there are always exceptions, especially when many things you don't want it to happen, it often happens.

Today's checkpoint has a new chief officer. Of course, he didn't take office just today, he took office three days ago, but this is the first time he has encountered Zhang Jun's fleet.

Seeing that the soldiers were about to let go without interrogation, the sentry officer was furious, stepped forward and scolded: "What's going on? Are you going to let them go without interrogation?"

An old soldier pulled him aside and said in a low voice: "Third Lord, this is Zhang Dushuai's ship, and there will be accidents in the interrogation. We have never interrogated it, and it has been many years."

"Zhang Jun?"

"Exactly, his family's flag can be seen at a glance."

The sentry officer's face sank and said: "That kind of flag can be obtained anywhere, how do you know it's not a fake?"

"Third Master, no one dares to pretend to be Zhang's boat, unless they are tired of life."

"No, I haven't dealt with any Zhang family fleet, and they haven't greeted me, they treat me equally, go up and check with me, let them show the tax bill, and if they can't come up with the tax bill, they will detain the ship!"

Reluctantly, seven or eight soldiers came forward with lanterns to question them, but when they got closer, they found that the big man on the boat pointed a crossbow at them.

The soldiers turned around and fled in shock. The sentry officer was furious and beat the soldiers with a whip, "Let me go up and check!"

At this time, Wei Yanzong faintly heard the sound of horseshoes behind him, and pursuers were coming. He raised his hand and shot an arrow, which hit the sentry officer's thigh. The sentry officer screamed, took two steps back, and fell on his back.

The big ship rushed directly to the checkpoint, 'Crack! 'The wooden pole on the water was broken, and the fleet broke through the checkpoint and sailed to the Qiantang River two miles away.

In the rear, two thousand cavalrymen were chasing after them quickly. This fleet forced their way out of the city, causing an uproar in the city, but the guarding soldiers couldn't explain why.

Yang Yizhong was furious, and personally led two thousand cavalry in pursuit. The two thousand cavalry rushed all the way, and after a while, the cavalry chased the checkpoint, and saw the checkpoint was in chaos. He asked sharply, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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