
Chapter 1066 Clarification

Chapter 1066 Clarification
The soldier said loudly: "A boat broke through the checkpoint just now. Unfortunately, Officer Li was shot by an arrow, and the post was also broken."

Yang Yi became more and more annoyed in the center. He urged his horse and continued to chase forward with [-] cavalry. He faintly saw the shadow of the fleet, and the opponent was about to enter the Qiantang River.

Yang Yizhong was in a hurry and shouted: "Speed ​​up!"

The cavalry galloped forward like the wind, and the fleet was also speeding up. They pulled up the sails. It happened to be the north wind. The night wind was strong and the speed was much faster. The first ship had already entered the Qiantang River, and the second A ship also entered the river.

The cavalry also chased closer and closer, and it was two hundred steps away from the tail boat. Dozens of warriors raised their crossbows and shot at the cavalry. Arrows shot randomly in the darkness, and several cavalrymen couldn't dodge in time.

The cavalry who were chasing were startled and slowed down their horses one after another. At this time, the second round of arrows came again, and the cavalry quickly blocked it with their shields. Frightened in their hearts, they couldn't help slowing down their horses again. The distance from the tail boat was stretched to three hundred steps, and they escaped from the crossbow arrows. lethal range.

At this time, it was too late for Yang Yizhong to speed up to catch up. He watched the last big ship sail into the Qiantang River and disappeared on the wide river. He was still at a loss as to who the other party was.


In the middle of the night, a carriage stopped in front of Baoji Cabinet Square, and a middle-aged man came out of the carriage. This man was Shi Guangping, the sixth grandson of Shi Shouxin, the founding hero of the Song Dynasty. The Duke of Kuaiji, he is also the number one proprietor of Baoji Cabinet Workshop.

Although it was midnight, the cabinet in the Baoji lobby was still brightly lit, and more than a dozen important stewards and accountants were waiting in the lobby.

The chief steward, Wang Yan, stepped forward to salute, and Shi Guangping asked, "Has your grandson been released?"

"Reporting to the proprietor, it was released, and the two of them are safe and sound."

"Where is the guy they killed? Has the body been found?"

Wang Yan hurriedly said: "The guy didn't die, he came back by himself. According to him, he was hit on the head with a stick, and then lost consciousness. He went to the doctor to see, the problem is not serious."

Hearing that the clerk was not dead, and the other party was just threatening, Shi Guangping's face softened a lot, and he ordered again: "Show me the money withdrawal certificate!"

The big tent quickly handed the wooden box to the proprietor, Shi Guangping looked at it, and asked again: "Are you sure it is correct?"

The big accountant nodded, "The receipt was written by Beizhi himself, and Beizhi also left a subtle mark on it. The marks are all there, and the jade pei is also perfectly stitched. There is no problem with the voucher for withdrawing money."

Wang Yan added: "Hu Yun himself admits that they have wiped out Zhang Tai, and this wealth is King Yong's spoils of war."

Shi Guangping glanced at the crowd, and said slowly: "I have discussed with several proprietors, and everyone agrees that this matter should not be made public. Since the money has been taken away by the other party, we should stop making trouble for ourselves. Speaking out will not only affect our reputation, but also offend the court, so I came here to tell everyone that we must strictly keep the secret, and if anyone leaks this out, he will be expelled immediately, do you remember?"

Everyone bowed together and said: "We remember!"

Shi Guangping beckoned Wang Yan up again, and said to him in a low voice: "The ten big ships are trying to break through the customs. Yang Yizhong will definitely search all over the city tomorrow, and he will definitely find us here. If Yang Yizhong asks you, you Just deny it."

"I will certainly deny it, but it is true that ten large ships went out from us yesterday evening, and I cannot account for that."

"I know, I have already borrowed twelve large boats, and they are moored behind me. The boatman has also been replaced by my servant, and you put some unnecessary sundries onto the big boat, saying that we are cleaning the warehouse and preparing to deliver Yang Yizhong has no evidence for copper coins, and he can't do anything to us."

"I see, don't worry, the proprietor, I will deal with it."

Early the next morning, Yang Yizhong began to search all over the city, and soon found the Baoji cash drawer. Someone reported that there were more than a dozen large ships parked on the river behind the Baoji cash drawer yesterday.

Yang Yizhong came by boat, but he saw that the back of the Baoji cabinet was indeed full of large ships. The back door of the cabinet was opened, and more than a dozen clerks were carrying things, all of which were rotten boxes, broken furniture and the like.

The shopkeeper Wang Yan stood aside and watched with a smile.

"Treasurer Wang!" Yang Yizhong shouted.

Wang Yan turned around, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So it's General Yang, why did General Yang take the boat?"

"The street is safe and sound, but there are frequent accidents in the river, so the river should be inspected."

"The general is right. The thief sneaked into the Baoji cabinet shop the year before last, and they just walked along the river."

Yang Yizhong looked at the boat and asked, "What is the cabinet workshop doing?"

"The warehouse in the cabinet workshop is not enough. Let's clean up some old junk and see if we can increase the warehouse space."

"Why do you need more than a dozen big ships? Are there a lot of things?"

"It's not a lot of junk. Two or three ships are enough. The other ships are used to transport money. The Pingjiang Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion cost a lot of money. If you want to send a batch of money to supplement it, you may ask General Yang to send troops to escort it."

Yang Yizhong laughed and said, "No problem, the military charge is cheaper than the martial arts school, and it's also safe."

Without showing any signs of expression, he asked another boatman, "When did your boat come?"

Wang Yan secretly yelled loudly. Fortunately, the proprietor was prepared, and the boatmen were all pretending to be servants.

The boatman scratched his head and said, "Report to General, we came here yesterday afternoon."

They came here yesterday afternoon, so it wasn't them. Yang Yizhong looked around again and found nothing unusual, so he turned the bow and continued to inspect the next suspicious place.

But in the end, nothing was found. Yang Yizhong suspected that it was the intelligence spies of the Western Army, but he didn't have any evidence. Of course, Yang Yizhong would not make trouble for himself. He didn't report it, so the matter was left alone.

That afternoon, Yang Yuanqing, commander of the Jiangling garrison, came to Baling County. Although Yang Yuanqing was one of Chen Qing's veterans, his current official position was only that of a commander, and he had not yet reached the command of the Shangjun. After being ruled, Zheng Ping didn't have much military merit, he just guarded Bashu, but he was Chen Qing's number one trusted person.

Yang Yuanqing made a mistake at the beginning and was biased towards the imperial court, thus losing Chen Qing's trust. Although he tried to make up for it over the years and was considered loyal, it was a bit late.

He was only in his forties, and his beard and hair were already half white.

The reason why Yang Yuanqing came to Baling to look for Zhong Huan in person was because he was quite disturbed. They clearly controlled the Yangtze River, so how did Zhang Jun's boat transport smuggled salt across the Yangtze River?He was a little unclear. He knew that although King Yong didn't say anything, it didn't mean that King Yong didn't suspect that he was also involved in smuggling salt.

In fact, Yang Yuanqing did not participate in the smuggling of salt. He was very cautious. He would not do this kind of thing, and he would not dare to do it.

But he himself couldn't tell, what was the problem?

Yang Yuanqing came to Daying, and soon, Zhong Huan came out to greet him. Although Zhong Huan was only a commander of the internal guards, he had a gold medal from King Yong. Not a system.

Zhong Huan bowed and saluted, "Welcome Yang Tongzhi to Baling!"

Yang Yuanqing nodded with a smile and said, "General Xiaozhong has worked hard during this time!"

"Guardian Yang, please enter the camp!"

"General Xiaozhong please!"

The two came to the main barracks, where the guests and the host were seated, and soldiers came in to serve tea.

Yang Yuanqing hesitated for a moment and said, "I came here this time to declare one thing. I absolutely did not participate in the sale of private salt. General Xiaozhong, please don't worry."

Zhong Huan laughed and said, "I don't doubt Yang Tongzhi either!"

Yang Yuanqing sighed, "But some things are easy to misunderstand! I didn't participate in the sale of illegal salt, so how did these illegal salts cross the river? To be honest, I can't figure out the reason."

How could Zhong Huan not doubt it?Yang Yuanqing was the biggest suspect, but he took the initiative to clarify, which was very unexpected to Zhong Huan. Since Yang Yuanqing took the initiative to clarify, it shows that he did not participate.

Chong Huan thought for a while and said, "There are two possibilities. The first is that Yang Tongzhi's subordinates participated privately; the second is that official ships participated in transporting private salt."

Yang Yuanqing shook his head, "It's impossible for my subordinates. We have a separation system between man and ship. Everyone uses a ship that is not fixed. If someone uses a military ship to transport smuggled salt, he will leave traces and be discovered by other troops the next day. , it will definitely be reported, the official ship is possible, the Jiangling county government office and the government office are both on the north bank, but the Jiangling government's jurisdiction includes both sides of the Yangtze River, so the official ship will go back and forth across the river, and we never check the official ship. It is also very possible that we generally do not check ferries, so both ferries and official ships may become smuggling salt boats."

(End of this chapter)

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