
Chapter 1071 Recommendations

Chapter 1071 Recommendations
In the morning of the next day, a special supply and marketing meeting was held in Yongwang Mansion. Dozens of female family members of high-ranking officials gathered in the outer hall of Yongwang Mansion to choose fabrics and fillings for winter clothes.

The treasurer of Junuange personally brought three staffs, and brought dozens of kinds of fabrics, satins, sheepskins, and high-quality furs, as well as various stuffing materials, such as cashmere, duck down, wood cotton, straw cotton, etc. Various samples were placed on display. Three tables were full.

"Amei, do you think I should choose blue satin noodles, or use this kind of fine cotton cloth?" Lu Xiu asked her friend Li Mei with a smile.

Li Mei glanced at the busiest table. There were more than a dozen people around there, all of whom were buying high-quality cotton cloth. She whispered: "If you want to make cotton clothes, I suggest using satin and cotton cores. The white cotton cloth The fabric is like filial piety, it’s too ugly, but the lining is not bad, and the bedding is the same, the fabric must be satin, and the lining should be cotton for breathability.”

Lu Xiu covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Keep your voice down, what kind of filial piety, others will be angry when they hear it."

"Let me tell the truth! That kind of quality looks good, but it is not practical, unless it is sent to a dyeing house for dyeing."

Lu Xiu nodded, "My husband said that there will be more and more cotton cloth of this kind in the future, and it will gradually replace linen cloth, and it will be very cheap, but this kind of top-quality cotton cloth has always been scarce, so he suggested that I buy some and store it properly. .”

Li Mei thought for a while and said, "Then I'll buy some, too. It costs thirty pennies a piece. It's so expensive!"

"Thirty guan is the market price, and it is the cost price if you sell it to us. We only need [-] guan for one horse. Our family has a large population and we plan to buy a hundred horses."

"Then I'll buy a little less, thirty horses will be enough."

When the two came to the counter, the shopkeeper was recording the orders. Basically everyone bought them, most of them bought ten or twenty horses. He smiled bitterly in his heart. There were only [-] horses in the warehouse, and they were all sold out.

But the shopkeeper is very smart, Princess Yong hasn't spoken yet!He couldn't sell all of them to other wives. He cleverly kept a hundred horses, and only distributed two hundred horses to other wives, and they were sold out in a blink of an eye.

"Shopkeeper, do you still have the high-quality cotton cloth?" Lu Xiu stepped forward and asked.

The shopkeeper hurriedly laughed and said: "The current inventory has been bought out by them, but if the princess wants it, the villain will think of a way, but he can only get a hundred horses at most."

Lu Xiu glanced at Li Mei and said with a smile, "Give us all one hundred horses! I want seventy horses, and Mrs. Lu Sima wants thirty!"

The shopkeeper quickly wrote it down, and said with a smile: "Princess, don't worry! The goods will be available tomorrow."

"We also want to buy some thermal insulation materials, please tell the shopkeeper about it."

"Yes! Yes! I don't know if Wang Hao and Mrs. Lu want cashmere, or wood cotton or grass cotton?"

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "I have cashmere quilts at home. I mainly want to buy a set of cotton quilts and pillows for my family. I want to ask the shopkeeper, is it better to use wood cotton or straw cotton?"

The shopkeeper hurriedly came to another table, took two small bamboo baskets, and introduced them to Lu Xiu and several wives: "These two baskets contain the best grass cotton and the best kapok. If you want to choose, I recommend choosing kapok, kapok is warmer and more breathable, while grass cotton is a little bit worse, but because of the small amount of forage, the price is high, and the quality is actually not as good as kapok.”

Lu Xiu nodded, "How much kapok do you have in stock?"

"Princess, don't worry, the stock of kapok is sufficient."

"Well, I want to buy a thousand catties of kapok, no problem!"

The shopkeeper was startled, he actually wanted a thousand catties of kapok, but after a second thought, he realized that this is the princess, not an ordinary person, not only the family, but also the servants and King Yong's personal soldiers were all taken into consideration.

"No problem, we have enough goods and we can deliver them tomorrow morning."

Lu Xiu glanced again, and saw that several sisters were standing in front of the fur table to choose by themselves. There were all high-quality fox fur and mink fur, not only them, but also a large group of noble ladies gathered together to choose, Lu Xiu sighed in her heart, it seems that fur is the most popular.

Lin'an also had its first light snowfall since the beginning of winter. Thin and dense snowflakes were flying in the sky. There were people walking on the street, but the restaurants and teahouses were buzzing with people.

In the afternoon, the Changfeng Teahouse was also full of guests. Everyone drank tea and chatted, and the teahouse was very lively.

In an elegant room on the second floor, Hu Yun, Zheng Tongquan and Wang Mu also sat drinking tea together.

"I invited Master Zheng out for tea today. The main reason is that I have something to discuss with Master Zheng. Of course, it's His Royal Highness Yong's intention. I'm just conveying it!"

Zheng Tongquan heard that His Royal Highness King Yong was looking for him, so he hurriedly said: "Brother Hu, just speak out!"

Hu Yun smiled and asked: "How many large ships are there in the hands of the proprietor?"

"There are still about one hundred and fifty ships!"

"Are you still running overseas?"

"Mainly go to Korea and Japan, and Luzon. The price of sugar in Luzon is very low, and it can be sold at a good price when it is shipped back."

Hu Yun hesitated for a moment and said: "His Royal Highness Yong wants to ask the proprietor to rent a hundred sea ships, is it convenient for the proprietor not to be the proprietor?"

"Of course, I don't know how long His Highness will rent it for?"

"Lease for three years, pay the rent according to the market price."

Zheng Tongquan said with a slight smile: "I know why Your Highness only leased for three years. The Western Army also built large ships in Quanzhou and Fuzhou, and delivered a hundred large ships in succession after three years. But I know in my heart that the shipbuilding period is very long. If you can’t pay it, it will take at least five years, so let’s do it! I will rent it to His Royal Highness King Yong for five years, and I will be given a rent of one hundred guan per year.”

"One hundred guan?" Hu Yun suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"That's right, one hundred guan. In addition, the crew's salaries will still be borne by me."

"That won't work!"

Hu Yun shook his head like a rattle, "His Royal Highness King Yong will definitely not agree."

"Please Brother Hu convince His Highness, if you don't agree, I can only give the ship to His Highness!"

Next to him, Wang Mu smiled and said, "Old Hu, with Mr. Zheng's current wealth, money is meaningless. Let me give His Highness a suggestion, let's change the form!"

Hu Yun nodded, "I see, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Zheng Tongquan smiled and said nothing, but Wang Mu understood his intentions!

At this time, Wang Mu said again: "In the past two days, there have been many public appeals on the streets of Lin'an, demanding that Lin'an be officially designated as the capital city, and the newspaper office has also received hundreds of letters from the people, asking the "Beijing News" to publish their appeals, and Lin'an Settle down as the capital."

Hu Yun was surprised and said, "Didn't it be said a few days ago that many people called on the emperor to move his capital back to Bianliang?"

"Yes, our newspaper office has also received many letters from the common people, requesting to move the capital back to Bianliang. Now there is another group of people. I feel that there are two groups of people in the imperial court. One group wants to return to Bianliang, and the other The gang wants to stay in Lin'an, but as for the letter to the newspaper, I think it's to test King Yong's attitude."

Hu Yun pondered for a moment and said: "King Yong's attitude has always been very clear. He does not want the court to return to Bianliang. "Beijing News" can publish letters from readers who have settled in Lin'an."

Zheng Tongquan said from the side: "I know that I should not randomly participate in the military decision-making of the Western Army, but I still want to make a suggestion."

Hu Yun nodded, "Master Zheng, please tell me!"

Zheng Tongquan said slowly: "Whether Qin Hui or Empress Dowager Wei, they are all speaking for the interests of the Kingdom of Jin. Starting from the interests of the Kingdom of Jin, the emperor also wants to take back Bianliang. I just advise the Western Army to be careful of the imperial army's sudden northward march."

Hu Yun smiled and said, "I will definitely pass on Master Zheng's suggestion to His Royal Highness King Yong!"

[There are many things at home today, there are only two shifts, I'm really sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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