
Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072
At noon the next day, the "Beijing News" published a letter from a reader saying, "Lin'an should be regarded as your hometown." The diversion, the population loss in the Central Plains, the sharp drop in food, the land is barren, and there are no villages for hundreds of miles.

The letter also emphasized that both Hebei Road and Shandong Road are in the hands of Jin Bing. Once the Yellow River freezes, Jurchen cavalry can come to the city overnight. Safety cannot be guaranteed. The capital is restless and the world is not peaceful.

The "Beijing News" published this letter, which aroused a great discussion among the people of Lin'an. They opposed the move of the capital to Bianliang, and supported Lin'an's transfer to the capital. For property, everyone bought real estate in Lin'an. If the capital is moved to Bianliang, and the real estate in Bianliang is gone, what about the real estate in Lin'an?
In the afternoon, Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei came to the imperial study, but saw Xu Xiantu trying to persuade the emperor to officially recognize Lin'an as the capital.

"Your Majesty, I know the current situation of the Central Plains. It is poor and weak. The prosperity of the past has long been wiped out by the golden soldiers. Now it is true that there is only devastation left. It is really impossible to support the various materials needed for Bianliang as the capital. The newspaper is right. , safety is a big issue. If we return to Bianliang, the Jurchen cavalry suddenly arrives, and the Western Army looks on, does your majesty think that our army can stop the Jurchen cavalry? If we can't stop it and Bianliang falls, wouldn't it be another Is an."

Zhao Gou interrupted Xu Xiantu's persuasion with extreme dissatisfaction, and said angrily, "I didn't say that I would move the capital to Bianliang, I just said that Bianliang should be in the hands of our army, not the Western Army. I understand what I mean. ?"

"Your Majesty is right!"

Qin Hui walked in, Zhu Shengfei hurriedly followed, and the two saluted together, "See Your Majesty!"

"Two prime ministers, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two of them sat down, Qin Hui bowed slightly and said: "My minister also read today's "Beijing News". The reader who wrote the letter is not unreasonable. We are unable to solve a financial problem or a security problem, but the "Beijing News" The publication of this letter from readers in the Beijing News itself shows their attitude. Chen Qing does not want His Majesty to go north, he wants to monopolize the Central Plains, how can this be? Your Majesty, Chen Qing is no longer a separatist regime, but is eating away at the Song Dynasty , we must be vigilant!"

Zhu Shengfei also said: "Even if your majesty does not move the capital back to Bianliang, you should still hold Bianliang in the hands of the court. After all, it is the capital of the Song Dynasty. Secondly, Chen Qing asked Li Qiong's army to block our army from going north. This is also a huge blow to us. Humiliated, I believe that although we try to avoid internal strife with the Western Army, Li Qiong should not be among them, Li Qiong is a traitor of the Song Dynasty, and we have every reason to send troops to kill this person."

"and then?"

Zhao Gou was fascinated by what he heard, and seeing that Zhu Shengfei had stopped, he hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhu, continue talking!"

Zhu Shengfei was not expounding his own thoughts, he was a representative of the Empress Dowager political group, and his explanations were the consensus of the entire group, especially the attitude of Empress Dowager Wei.

"We eradicate Li Qiong and occupy Xuzhou, Suzhou, Sizhou and Haizhou. We can exchange these four states with Chen Qing for Bianliang. Weichen believes that he will agree. Otherwise, Bozhou will be surrounded by the two armies. , and then Caizhou and Tangzhou, if this chain goes on, there will be a cascading reaction.”

Of course Zhao Gou knew that this was the opinion of the Empress Dowager Group, but what he said was very reasonable, and he was quite moved and fell silent for a while.

Qin Hui continued: "Your Majesty, Zhu Xianggong's thinking is indeed reasonable. We used to think this way before, but the fire in Yangzhou caused our operations to be interrupted, but we can continue to adopt this plan. The grain harvests in various places this autumn are good, and we can support We will launch an offensive in the spring of next year, Your Majesty, we can still pretend to attack Guo!"

Zhao Gou understood Qin Hui's last sentence, which meant that Han Shizhong's military power was deprived by the way. The last time Han Shizhong was supposed to be transferred, but the fire in Yangzhou disrupted their plan. If they go to the Northern Expedition again this time, it will be a chance.

"What is Xu Xianggong thinking?" Zhao Gou asked Xu Xiantu again.

Xu Xiantu was concerned about the establishment of the capital. He asked Qin Hui, "If you get Bianliang, then what?"

Qin Hui understood Xu Xiantu's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Bianliang can be positioned as the northern capital. Of course, we will not move the capital there. Because of security issues, I also support the establishment of the capital in Lin'an. Lin'an can be called the southern capital and the real capital. Bianliang It is more of a formal capital, and more of a memory.”

Xu Xiantu nodded, "I support the idea of ​​establishing the Northern Capital!"

By implication, he supported the Second Northern Expedition.

Zhao Gou nodded, "Anyway, let's prepare for the battle first!"

It was late, and Qin Hui went back to the mansion directly. He went directly to the study, wrote a note, sealed it with wax pills, found a confidant servant, and told him: "You go to the northern teahouse and take this note. Give a wax pill to shopkeeper Shi of the teahouse, and say that I sent you to come, and he will naturally understand!"

The Northern Teahouse is a teahouse run by the Kingdom of Jin. Qin Hui contacted the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, Xiao Yi, so he didn't have to go directly to the Kingdom of Jin. It would be troublesome if he was seen. It was so convenient to go to the teahouse.

The servant put away the wax pills and left, when his wife Wang walked in and said with a smile: "So the Son of Heaven has decided to make a second Northern Expedition?"

Qin Hui nodded, "Bianliang is his demon, he will not be reconciled if he doesn't take Bianliang back. Obviously, Empress Dowager Wei also knows this, so she proposed to exterminate Li Qiong and exchange Bianliang with Xuzhou and other four states. I proposed the plan again, that Han Shizhong's military power could be confiscated easily, and this was something he never forgot, and the emperor finally agreed to the second Northern Expedition."

"What about Xu Xiantu? He didn't object?"

Qin Hui smiled slightly and said: "Xu Xiantu only cares about the capital of Lin'an. I know that many ministers have approached him, hoping that he can persuade the emperor. This is also his own interest. All his wealth is invested in the land of Lin'an. In fact, I It is suspected that Xu Xiantu was the one who published the letter in the Beijing News."

"Is there any basis for the master's suspicion?"

Qin Hui dipped his finger in some tea and wrote on the table: "If you take apart the word Xu, it means a double person plus a word Yu. Isn't this Yu Ren?"

Mrs. Wang applauded and laughed loudly: "Master really sees through!"

Qin Hui proudly said: "As long as I support the establishment of the capital in Lin'an, then he will support the Northern Expedition!"

"Will the Northern Expedition be successful?" Wang asked again.

Qin Hui shook his head, "I don't know, if it's just Li Qiong, I guess it will be successful, but if the Western Army joins the battle and the Jin soldiers also join the battle, the situation will be complicated."

Hu Yun's pigeon sent a message to Jingzhao.

Chen Qing sighed to Jiang Yanxian: "I really didn't think carefully. I always thought that I would not treat Zheng Quantong badly and pay him rent according to the market price. He must be a businessman! A businessman valued profits, but now he finds himself looking down on people."

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said: "This kind of big ship can't be rented by the rich. Besides, he can make a lot of money with the sea ship, and the rent can't make up for his losses. Now he only needs to rent one hundred guan, and he has to pay for all the crew. Expenses, it can be seen that Zheng Quantong is not for money at all, it should be to report to His Highness for saving his life last time.

"Are you still considering knighting him?"

"Your Highness, Zheng Tongquan is now the Duke of Hejian County. If you go up, you will be the Duke of the State, and if you go up, you will be the King of the County. It is not easy to be named!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "It's not that complicated. The court is the court, and I am me. I don't recognize the title of the court, just like the court doesn't recognize my title. I consider making him the Duke of Gaoling County, which is already very good." Well, I will use Jingzhao's county title to give him a title, which ordinary people cannot get."

Jiang Yanxian heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This is reasonable!"

Chen Qing said again: "Also, the imperial court may want to attack the north again, what does Jiang Gong think?"

Jiang Yanxian pondered for a while and said: "Your Highness, this matter may involve a quarrel with the imperial court. It is indeed necessary to treat it with caution. I suggest calling the internal affairs hall for military and political discussions!"

Chen Qing nodded, and immediately convened the Internal Affairs Hall to discuss the strategy to deal with the imperial court's Northern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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