
Chapter 1073

Chapter 1073

In the meeting hall, several counselors gathered together, Chen Qing explained the situation to everyone, Guan Shigu said slowly: "Li Qiong is a traitor to the court, this is an excuse for the court to send troops, when he defected, he killed the Minister of the Ministry of War, Lu Zhi, the military staff of the Dudu Mansion, will have serious consequences, so it is morally right for the court to send troops to attack him. I suggest that Li Qiong be transferred away, and the court has lost its excuse."

Zhou Kuan shook his head and said: "Old Guan thinks the court is too simple. Since it is an excuse, if we transfer Li Qiong away, the court will definitely find another excuse, such as attacking Shandong Road. They will borrow Xuzhou, and we will borrow it." Don’t borrow? It’s morally wrong not to borrow. If they borrow, they will definitely stay in Xuzhou and not leave. My attitude is very clear. If Li Qiong can’t be transferred, let Li Qiong guard Xuzhou. If the imperial army can’t attack for a long time, they will naturally withdraw. gone."

Zhang Miao pondered for a while and said, "Old Zhou still thinks simply. The imperial court must be instigated by the Kingdom of Jin behind it. The Kingdom of Jin wants to use the imperial army to weaken us. If it is not good for the imperial court to attack Xuzhou, it is not ruled out that the army of the Jin Kingdom will also Join the war, what about us? We will definitely join the war, and the situation is more complicated."

Chen Qing nodded secretly, he and Zhang Miao had the same idea, Chen Qing glanced at it again and remained silent, Zhao laughed and said, "Sister Zhao, please say a few words!"

Zhao Kai nodded and said to everyone: "Actually, I still can't figure it out. Why did the imperial court want the Northern Expedition? What's the point of you saying they want to capture Xuzhou? They still want to attack Shandong Road. Of course, it is impossible to attack Shandong Road. Then Is it meaningful to seize the four prefectures of Xu and Su? It is impossible for the other party to be so stupid after spending so much money and food to compete for a yellow flood zone, so what are they doing for it? I think Hu Yun must take this Clarify the problem."

Chen Qingdao: "I will arrange for Hu Yun to investigate clearly. Everyone is right. Li Qiong is indeed just an excuse, but I don't plan to transfer Li Qiong away. The reason why I put Li Qiong in Xuzhou is because Li Qiong can't do it. Surrendering to the imperial court, he has no way out, including his subordinates, they can only defend Xuzhou City, as for us sending troops, if we have to teach the imperial court to be honest, then this battle is inevitable."

Just as he was talking, Chao Qing appeared at the door, holding an express letter, Chen Qing asked, "What's urgent?"

"Your Highness, look at this, the urgent letter just received from Hu Yun."

Chao Qing handed a copy of the pigeon letter to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took a look at the pigeon letter and his face became serious. He sighed and said to the crowd: "Two news from Hu Yun, the Son of Heaven A decree has been issued to officially recognize Lin'an as the capital."

Recognizing Lin'an as the capital was already expected by everyone. Everyone knew that this news alone was not enough to make King Yong's expression so dignified, and the other one must be more important.

Chen Qing said again: "Another news is about my family. The former Prime Minister Lu Yihao passed away!"

Back in the mansion, Lu Xiu threw herself into her husband's arms and wept bitterly. She had already received the news of her grandfather's death.

Chen Qing patted his wife on the back and comforted her in a low voice.
"Husband, I want to go back with my second brother!"

Chen Qing smiled wryly and said, "It's very risky for your second brother to go back. I'm worried that he won't be able to come back. After all, he is the Sima of the military department. If you go back, you will definitely be detained by the court. Let the second brother Brother, go back on your behalf! We will build a clothing tomb in Jingzhao, and we can go to the tomb to worship."

Of course Lu Xiu knew that her husband was difficult, so she held back her grief and nodded, "I see, I will ask my second brother to bring my grandfather's clothes and build a clothes tomb."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help sobbing again, Chen Qing comforted her for a while, and then she followed Alian back to the house.

Chen Qing went back to his study and sat for a while. He now encountered a problem that was not easy to solve, that is, Lu Tang, Wang Huan and other intelligence spies from the Kingdom of Jin had been executed, but only Lu Tang was left behind. After all, he is a child of the Lu family. Although the Lu family doesn't treat this Lu Jiao well, killing him himself will still cause hidden dangers. Well, let's wait until Lu Datong comes to discuss this matter.

Two days later, Lu Datong hurried to Jingzhao. Although his son had been arrested for a while, no one informed Lu Datong. He just learned that his son was arrested.

Lu Datong came to Prince Yong's mansion in a hurry and asked to see the princess.

Lu Xiu really didn't want to see him, but thinking that her grandfather had just passed away, she had no choice but to meet Lu Datong with grief.

Wearing a plain skirt and white flowers on her head, Lu Xiu came down to the outer hall surrounded by a group of servants and female guards.

Lu Datong, who was waiting in the hall, saw Lu Xiu enter the hall, and immediately rushed up to ask, "Princess, do you know about the arrest of Hang'er?"

He got too close, two female guards raised their swords to stop him, Lu Datong could only take two steps back angrily.

Lu Xiu was really chilled for a while. When he met, he didn't care about his grandfather's death, but only thought about his son.

"Does the third grandfather know about the death of grandfather?"

Lu Datong nodded, "I heard that I'm going back to Lin'an, but before I go back to Lin'an, I have to settle the matter of Hang'er."

Lu Xiu suppressed his disgust and said: "Lu Hang colluded with the spies of the Kingdom of Jin and betrayed important information. If he is not dead, King Yong has forgiven him. How do you solve it?"

"It must be a misunderstanding. Hang'er has always been a simple person. He must have been ignorant and was taken advantage of. I implore the princess to persuade King Yong. For the sake of my brother who just passed away, let's forgive Hang'er this time!"

"Isn't it good to imprison him?"

Lu Xiu said lightly: "He caused trouble everywhere, but this time he actually colluded with Jin Guo and committed a capital crime. If you don't kill him, if you imprison him, he can at least live a lifetime in peace. If you release him, do you think he can still live?" how long?"


Lu Datong said angrily: "He is my son, no matter what I want to protect him, I only have one sentence, see Wang Hao for the sake of the dead grandfather, give him another chance."

Lu Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "Okay! I'll go and tell King Yong, I can't promise what will happen. I'll answer you tomorrow morning. This is the last thing I will do for you for the sake of my grandfather. Don't come to me again!"

In the evening, Lu Xiu told her husband about Lu Datong.

Chen Qing nodded, "I know he will definitely come in the next two days. I didn't kill Lu Jiang, but I was also considering a proper solution."

Lu Xiu whispered: "Grandpa hated this Lu Tang very much before he was alive. He once wrote a letter saying that if Lu Tang committed a crime, he must be severely punished. We must not let this scum drag the Lu family down."

Chen Qing sighed slightly: "Your grandfather did tell me the same thing, but I can't do it. At least I have to do my best. In the case of Lu Hang, I also have a little responsibility. The first time he contacted I knew it when the Kingdom of Jin was a spy, and if we stopped him then, his crime would not be serious, and he would not have gotten deeper and deeper as he did later on."

"But he's a capital crime! If you spare him, no matter how you explain to the subordinates, I'm afraid the second grandfather will not agree."

"I know! So I'm thinking of a compromise."

Chen Qing took a few steps behind his back and said to Lu Xiu: "I have only one condition. Lu Datong wants me to pardon his son. He must resign and take his son away from my territory. As a relative, I can subsidize him one thousand taels Silver, but as King Yong, I will not make any further concessions."

Lu Xiu also knew that this was the biggest concession her husband made, she sighed and said, "I see, let him take his son to the funeral for grandfather! Stay in Lin'an, don't come back."

The next day, Lu Datong came to Prince Yong's Mansion again, and Lu Xiu explained the conditions clearly to him. Lu Datong was silent for a moment, and said for a moment: "Do you have to resign?"

Lu Xiu was very dissatisfied and said: "Lu Tang has become a member of Jin Guo's spies and provided a lot of top-secret information. All his accomplices were executed and he was the only one who survived. No matter how he is dealt with, the third grandfather should take the blame and resign, let alone now Let him go, isn't that tolerant enough? How can King Yong make concessions?"

When it came to the end, Lu Xiu was already slightly angry. What is greed and insufficiency, that's it.

Lu Datong sighed, "Okay! I'll just resign. I'll take him back to Lin'an, attend his elder brother's funeral, and then return to his hometown to settle down and never come back again."

Lu Xiu waved her hand, and a maid came forward with a plate. Lu Xiu said lightly, "This is a deposit receipt from Jingzhaobaoji Cabinet Workshop. There are two thousand taels of silver in it. It was given to you by King Yong and I. Even in my hometown, I can become a rich man, take good care of Lu Tang, don't let him get into trouble again, if there is a next time, no one can save him."

Lu Datong's face was a bit ugly, "I will educate my son well, and I don't need other people's advice, but I still want to thank the princess for her generosity, thank you very much!"

Lu Datong picked up the list and Yu Pei on the plate and hurried away. Lu Xiu looked at his back and shook her head. Lu Datong didn't wake up at all. She had a faint feeling in her heart. accident.

[I went out to eat with my family today, so I can only do two shifts, and I will resume three shifts tomorrow, sorry!Feel sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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