
Chapter 1075 Northern Business

Chapter 1075 Northern Business
Yinbalu waved his hands in fright, "No! No! No! We are not military merchants, but Khan's request. All Mughal merchants who go out to do business must bring back silver, otherwise they will be punished."

He knelt down and pressed his chest and said: "I swear to Changshengtian, I dare not lie to Your Highness in the slightest!"

His brother Yin Erhan also knelt down, pressed his chest and swore, "We promise in the name of Changshengtian!"

Chen Qing looked into their eyes, seeing their eyes full of piety when they swore, Chen Qing's tone softened, "Get up! I have something to ask you."

The two brothers stood up tremblingly, and Chen Qing then asked: "It has been three years since the Jin soldiers fought against your Mughal tribe! How is the battle going?"

Yin Baru sighed, "Too many people died, we were able to resist at the beginning, but since last year, the Golden Soldiers changed their strategy and began to drive them to extermination, one tribe after another was killed by them, children were not spared, we just It's hard work, and their armor is strong, and their arrows can't penetrate. Thousands of heavy armored cavalry charge together. We can't resist at all, but our advantage is flexibility. Heikhan supported us very much and sold a lot of weapons, so we can survive."

Chen Qing has roughly understood that the Mughals are not the opponents of the Kingdom of Jin. They are at a disadvantage and can only maintain their population by running away. However, the Jurchens' extermination policy has hit their vital point. They can't last long, so they must choose to compromise Or surrender.

At this time, you must not support them with iron or weapons. These weapons will turn against you, but you can support them in terms of trade, so that they can purchase weapons from Hei Khan, so as to ensure a certain degree of self-reliance, and will not be completely annexed by the Kingdom of Jin. Conquered like the Khitans, and then the source of soldiers was squeezed dry by the Jurchens.

"Apart from ten thousand sheepskins, do you have any other goods?"

"There are more than a thousand cow hides, and five hundred horse hides, which are well tanned and suitable for making boots."

"How do you sell cowhide and horsehide?"

"We both pay three bucks for both cowhide and horse hide, but the leather shop is only willing to give us two bucks, which is a big difference."

Chen Qing nodded and wrote a note to them, "Take this note to Junuan Pavilion on East Street, the proprietor will accept your leather according to the price on the note, but the item must be correct, so don't give it to me." One set on the surface and another behind the back.”

"The villain dare not! The villain dare not!"

Chen Qing thought for a while, and then called Wei Ji, who joined the army. Wei Ji was also Chen Qing's secretary to join the army, second only to Chao Qing. He was the eldest grandson of Wei Zhan and had a prominent family background. The number one champion, but still unknown, Chen Qing observed him for two years and admired his maturity and stability, so he gradually began to reuse him.

Wei Ji walked into the study quickly, bowed and said, "Please give orders, Your Highness!"

Chen Qing handed him the note he had written, pointed to the Mengwu brothers next to him and said, "Take them to Junuan Pavilion on East Street, and hand over my note to shopkeeper Ding, according to the sample and the price on the note , They charge as much as their goods, and pay in silver!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

The Yinbalu brothers were overjoyed. Junuange was the largest fur dealer in Jingzhao, and it was great to accept their goods. They thanked them again and again.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I'll accept as much as your goods. It's a kind of support for your resistance to the Kingdom of Jin. Moreover, you can trade in Datong Mansion, so you don't have to travel so far. I will notify the Governor Zhe!"

"We must go back and tell Khan!"

Wei Ji left with the two brothers, Jiang Yan who was standing beside him smiled and said, "Why don't your Highness sell weapons to them directly?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "The Mughals are not good people. If they become stronger, they will be more terrifying than the Jurchens. I am worried that the Jurchens will support them to become the second Xixia."

Jiang Yanxian's expression also became serious, "Will they become the second Xixia?"

Chen Qing smiled wryly, "I hope it's just my guess!"

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile: "Forget it, the day after tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, let's not talk about these unpleasant things, Li Zhuangnong went back to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and he asked me to bring some seeds to His Highness!"

As he spoke, he handed Chen Qing a cloth bag, which was quite heavy, at least four or five catties.

Chen Qing hurriedly put the cloth bag on the table, grabbed a handful of it and took a closer look. It was indeed corn, all carefully selected seeds, plump and complete, golden in color and large in size, which made Chen Qing very happy.

Jiang Yanxian looked surprised and said: "This is corn?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I asked Li Zhuangnong to find me some corn seeds, and I plan to plant a few acres in the mansion!"

"What do you plant it for, Your Highness?"

"Don't underestimate him. It is a high-yield crop. If it is grown in the dry land in the north, the yield can reach two to three thousand catties per mu. With it, our population can double."

"Two or three thousand catties?"

Jiang Yanxian was surprised and said: "I remember that corn does not have such a high yield! It is only six to seven hundred catties, which is higher than wheat."

"Cultivate slowly. If a plant grows only one bud, it is not considered tall, but if a plant grows two or three buds, the yield will increase. It is one of the six grains and can be used as a staple food. "

Jiang Yanxian sighed and said: "It's hard to even think about producing two to three thousand catties of grain per mu. If it is realized, it will be a great thing that will benefit thousands of years!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The world is so big, there are many kinds of magical species, I believe that in my lifetime, I will realize them one by one."

What Chen Qing thought of was sweet potatoes and potatoes, which are the life-saving food for famine. He wondered if he would see them appear in his lifetime.

On the morning of the New Year's Eve, Chen Qing was sleeping with Yu Lian in his arms. Last night, the two of them went crazy all night, changing countless positions. Chen Qing was satisfied with the service, and they didn't fall asleep until four o'clock. .

Chen Qing loves this enchanting figure very much, especially her imperial concubine-like figure. The plump part is extremely exaggerated, and the thin part can be held with both hands, and her skin is white and greasy, so delicate that it can be broken by blowing bullets. With the same ecstatic eyes and a face like a peach blossom, every time he saw her, Chen Qing's heart would burn with flames.

"Bang!" A firecracker exploded outside, waking Chen Qing from his deep sleep, and Alian woke up too. Seeing that the sky had dawned, she was startled, "Officer, I'm about to get up."

Chen Qing hugged her soft body, turned over and pressed her under him, and started galloping again. Alian hugged her husband tightly, biting her lips tightly, not daring to speak out, but her eyes were already blurred.

After a long time, Chen Qing finally relaxed, rolled over and lay down, A-Lian took care of him carefully, cleaned up for himself, got up and put on a dress, Chen Qing looked at the white and greasy body in front of him, and almost couldn't help it.

"Alian, stay with me tonight!"

Yu Lian's eyes lit up, she shook her head again and said, "Tonight is Ah Ying serving the officials, I can't take her away."

Speaking of this, Yu Lian's eyes rolled, she cast a winking smile and said: "The officials are out on patrol, just take me with you."

"It's a good idea. I'm going to Hanzhong after the Chinese New Year. You can go with me!"

Yu Lian hesitated, "That child"

"Let Ah Ying take care of the child for you!"

Chen Qing waved his hands impatiently, "That's it!"

"Okay! I'll tell Ah Ying."

Today is New Year's Eve, and the princess is going to give out annual rewards in the afternoon. Everyone is busy, preparing ingredients in the kitchen, hanging lanterns in the yard, and even the groom is busy steaming black beans, preparing to reward the horses.

When Chen Qing came to the Nuan Pavilion, he saw Yu Ying sitting in front of the cradle gently shaking the child, humming a little song. This was Yu Ying's child born in June. It was a daughter named Chen Cen. She was conceived in Shantianchi, so she was named Cen.

"Hey! Little guy, Daddy saw you coming!"

Yu Ying carefully picked up the child and put it in Chen Qing's arms, "Look at her carefully, I guess you have forgotten what your daughter looks like."

Chen Qing sensed some dissatisfaction in Yu Ying's tone, and asked with a smile, "Unhappy today?"

(End of this chapter)

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