
Chapter 1076 New Year's Eve

Chapter 1076 New Year's Eve
Yu Ying rolled Chen Qing's eyes, pouted and said, "Be partial, don't take me with you to Hanzhong!"

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, "Didn't I take you with me when I went to Guancen Mountain last time? I also took you with me when I went to Linyou County, but Alian never took you out once."

Yu Ying whispered: "The officials know why the princess is not willing to let A-Lian go out with you?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Sister Ni hopes that I will take good care of my body!"

Yu Ying shook her head, "It's not the reason, it's because A-Lian is too attractive, Madam is afraid that your subordinates will see it, and then you can only choose between beauty and Jiangshan."

Chen Qing squeezed her face and said with a smile: "You also look the same, which is a disaster for the country and the people. Which general will take a fancy to you? Do I want to choose one of the two beauties?"

Yu Ying muttered in a low voice, "I'm already a mother, this kind of joke can't be played around."

"You also know that you are a mother. Doesn't Alian have a son?"

Yu Ying's pretty face blushed, and she said for a while, "I forgot the time, Madam said this two years ago, and there were no children at that time!"

Chen Qing sat down with his arms around her waist, and said with a smile: "Your elder sister said this, but it was not about A-Lian, but about the two of you. You two look exactly alike. If the emperor knows, he will ask me for it." , now! You are my women, who dares to think of you?"

Yu Ying leaned on Chen Qing's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "I also want to serve the officials like A-Lian, and I want the officials to love me like A-Lian."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Let's talk slowly at night."

At this time, Chen Qing's arm became hot, and his daughter urinated on his arm. Chen Qing laughed, "The little guy is protesting!"

He kissed the little lady on the cheek, "She looks just like mother, and she will definitely be daddy's most beautiful little princess in the future."

It was only then that Yu Ying remembered that she forgot to put a diaper on her child, and was a little flustered. Chen Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's the first time my child peed on my clothes, and it feels good."

He put the baby back in the cradle carefully, and suddenly he felt that he should make a pacifier for the baby, so that the baby can hold the bottle and drink milk by itself. After much deliberation, it seems that only rubber pacifiers are the most suitable. Nanyang is rich in rubber, but it can be bought in large quantities.

At this moment, the nurse came over, Yu Ying handed the baby to the nurse, and then took her husband to change clothes.

In the afternoon, the concubine Lu Xiu began to distribute the annual rewards. Now that Chen Qing is the prince, the rules of the annual rewards are different from before. Because there are too many people, it is impossible for the princess to distribute the annual rewards to everyone.

The annual rewards of the palace are divided into three categories, one is the family's annual money, which is distributed by the male owner Chen Qinglai to his wives, concubines and children. The princess is the main wife, and his annual reward is the highest, [-] guan, followed by Zhao Qiaoyun and Zhao Yingluo, Five thousand guan for each person, three thousand guan for each of the sisters of the Yu family, and then the eldest son Chen Ji, with one thousand guan for the year, and five hundred guan for the other children.

The family is called New Year's Money, which means New Year's money, not only for children, but also for wives and the elderly.

The housemaid is not called annual money, but annual reward, which means year-end bonus.

The second category is the special category, personal female guards, each with [-] guan, the same is true for wet nurses, each with [-] guan, [-] soldiers stationed in the mansion, each with [-] guan, several personal soldiers and generals are one One hundred guan, and another [-] soldiers accompanying the team, each with [-] guan.

The third category is the servants and stewards. The housekeeper Tian, ​​the housekeeper Wen of the inner house, and the accountant Liu are fifty guanice each, and the five field house stewards each have forty guanice. Afterwards, there are cooks, servants, accountants, grooms, coachmen, house maids, etc. each with ten pennies, and finally a dozen rough envoys and maids, as well as the caretakers in the farm and the house, each with eight pennies. .

Everyone waited eagerly for a year, and finally waited for the time to distribute the reward money. The money was distributed. One silver coin can be exchanged for [-] Wen, and the black market can be exchanged for [-] Wen. Everyone is happy when they get bags of vain money. Abnormally, many people jumped for joy.

There were no slaves in the Song Dynasty, they were hired by contract, and the maids were all innocent girls. They signed a contract to work in the house at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Usually, they signed a three-year contract, and at the latest they were twenty years old. They had to go home and get married. Some wealthy families were reluctant to leave their familiar maids, so they continued to work in the mansion as prostitutes, or married to high-status male servants in the mansion.

The Song Dynasty did a good job of protecting personal freedom, and Chen Qing also completely inherited it, and it was even stricter. For example, there were strict restrictions on taking concubines. A noble can only take concubines if he has a title or official rank. Different levels have different upper limits for taking concubines, such as The upper limit of the prince level is twenty people, but Chen Qingcai actually has five people.

Ordinary people are not allowed to take concubines, monogamy is practiced, what should rich businessmen do if they want to take concubines?Then you have to make a contribution, donate money and food to the army, donate money and food to a nursery school, or run a school, etc., you can get an honorary officer, and you can only take a concubine if you are an honorary officer of the seventh-rank Yunqiwei.

Moreover, the Royal Palace does not recognize the honored officials awarded by the imperial court, and must be awarded by the Royal Palace.

Taking a concubine is very important, of course it is not for playing with women, you can go to a brothel for playing with a woman, the purpose of taking a concubine is to pass on the family line.

It's a bit far-fetched. After the reward money is distributed, the palace will be on vacation. The New Year holiday is three days, and you must go back on the fourth day of the lunar new year. If you don't go back, you can celebrate the New Year with the master, and the salary can be doubled, and you can get extra reward money.

With these benefits, many maids and domestic servants went back to have a New Year's Eve dinner with their families, and returned early the next morning.

On New Year's Eve, every household is having a reunion dinner, and Chen Qing's family is no exception. A dozen of them, including Li Qingzhao, sit in the lobby, and a few maids stand behind them. More than [-] female guards, maids from the inner house, and several wet nurses also sat together to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

"You go to eat too! You are not needed here." Lu Xiu smiled to the maids behind her.

"Hey!" several maids agreed and went down to the hall.

"Drink less alcohol." Lu Xiu shouted again.


Without the maid, Yu Ying took the initiative to get up and pour wine for everyone, Chen Ji took the jug and said, "Si Niang go sit down, I'll pour wine!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Sit down, Ah Ying! It's rare that Ji'er has the filial piety to pour wine for everyone."

Ji'er poured wine for Li Qingzhao first. She is the elder, so it should be the father who pours wine for her first. Chen Ji is very clear about the order of elder and younger.

"Good boy! Grandma gives you this."

Li Qingzhao smiled brightly, and gave Chen Ji a five-two-weight reunion gold cake, which was exquisitely crafted.

"Thank you grandma!"

Chen Ji didn't take the gold cake, but looked at his father, Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile, "Accept it! Granny's kindness to you."

Only then did Chen Ji accept the gold cake, and then pour wine for his father.

"We want to pour wine too!"

Chen Xueer and Chen Binger saw their brother get the glittering golden cake, they were really greedy, and they also ran out and clamored for wine.

Chen Qing laughed and said: "You two are too young, I don't want you to pour wine, Xue'er sings, Binger dances, and Daddy will reward me later!"

Zhao Yingluo smiled and said, "I'll play music for you!"

She took the pipa from the wall and tuned it, and a series of cheerful melodies popped out from her fingertips like rolling balls.

Like a little swallow, Chen Binger danced lightly and danced the court dance.

With her hands behind her back, Chen Xueer shook her head slightly, and sang in a childish voice.

"Between sheng and song, there is a Chinese feast, to celebrate the new year. The dishes are passed on delicately, and the green silk is light and thin. The harmony is in, and the east wind is in.

Fan'er Sheng'er is a aunt, and she wears it even more embarrassingly.May everything go well after the new year with good luck and good fortune. "

(End of this chapter)

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