
Chapter 1077 Palembang

Chapter 1077 Palembang
After the song was over, everyone applauded and cheered. Li Qingzhao said in surprise, "This poem is the order of Tanchun. It's well written! Who wrote it?"

Zhao Qiaoyun pointed at Chen Qing, "Master, it was written by an official."

Li Qingzhao praised: "It is unexpected that His Royal Highness Yong Wang, who is golden and iron horse, can also write such a festive and appropriate poem. It is well written, and I should respect His Highness Yong Wang."

Li Qingzhao raised his glass to toast, Chen Qing's face turned hot, this was written by Zhao Changqing, this Zhao Changqing was not born yet!It doesn't matter anymore.

He raised his glass to agree, and everyone followed suit.

Chen Qing put down his wine glass, only to find two young ladies standing in front of him, looking up at him eagerly with their little faces up.

Chen Qing patted the cute little faces of his two daughters, and took out two large gold coins from his bosom, each weighing one or two. Ministers and generals.

Chen Qing asked for six coins, and planned to distribute them to the six children. He happened to put two coins in his pocket, and gave them to his two daughters according to the occasion.

"Thank you Daddy!"

The two little ladies each held a large gold coin, and happily ran back to their seats.

Chen Ji filled everyone's wine again, Chen Qing raised his glass and stood up with a smile, "Come on! We have a new start for next year, and we drank this glass!"


Everyone raised their glasses and drank it down.

When Yinshi arrived, there was a clear knock on the cloud board, and Yu Ying got up quickly, helped her husband put on his clothes, combed her hair briefly, and went out to the lobby to gather.

Many people have to watch the New Year’s Eve, mainly waiting for Yinshi to offer sacrifices. Yinshi is exactly four o’clock in the middle of the night, and staying up until four o’clock in the middle of the night is difficult for people with weaker health. A few years ago, Chen Qing’s family also kept the New Year’s Eve, but Every time after the New Year's Eve, someone will always get sick.

Chen Qing followed Dr. Liu's advice and prepared all the items for the sacrifice during the day, then went to bed early, and everyone got up at Yinshi, half an hour before the sacrifice, so there was enough time.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone came to the lobby, except for the eldest son Chen Ji, the other children were still sleeping.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Chen Qing led him down the hall. It was cold at night, and everyone dressed very thickly. They got into two carriages and drove towards Shuiyue Nunnery in the northeast corner.

The carriage slowly stopped at the small gate in the northeast corner, and the nunnery master Jingxin was already waiting in front of the gate with seven apprentices.

"Welcome Your Highness, welcome Wangfei and Prince, welcome ladies and gentlemen!"

Shuiyue Nunnery is dedicated to Shuiyue Guanyin. It is the family temple of the royal family. Last year, it was expanded to two acres of land and dedicated to a precious white jade Guanyin. Lu Xiu and several sisters often come here to make wishes and fulfill their wishes. People who live nearby also often come to offer incense. , the incense is also strong.

Chen Qing clapped his hands together and said, "It's too much work, Master!"

Master Jingxin smiled slightly and said: "There is still some time before the sacrifice. The poor nun and his disciples made two pots of charcoal fire. Everyone go to warm up the fire first. The poor nun will notify everyone when the time is up."

"Thank you!"

Chen Qing took his family into the side hall of Shuiyue Nunnery. This is the ancestral hall of Chen Qing's family. It is not open to the outside world. Only one door is open to the inside of the mansion. The nuns of Shuiyue Nunnery offer incense and worship all the year round.

The three animals and all kinds of pastries and fruits are ready, and a table is full, with more than a dozen spiritual tablets placed in the mahogany niche above.

Chen Qing is more considerate of his family. In addition to his parents, the spiritual tablets enshrined include the biological mothers of Lu Xiu and the Zhao sisters, and the parents of the Yu sisters. This year, there is an additional spiritual tablet, Lu Xiu's grandfather Lu Yihao.

Everyone put on black robes, followed Chen Qing to perform rituals, and finally put the incense on the incense burner one by one. Master Jingxin sat on the futon with seven disciples and chanted sutras.

Chen Qing bowed to Master Jingxin, and then left Shuiyue Nunnery with his family and returned to the mansion.

"Husband will have a New Year's meeting tomorrow, it's still early, let's sleep for a while!" Lu Xiu persuaded.

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll just go to the study and take a nap for a while."

Two healthy women driving the carriage waved their whips, and the carriage accelerated and drove towards the inner house.

The first day of the first lunar month in Jingzhao is still a world of ice and snow, and the world is full of snow.

But tens of thousands of miles away, it was extremely hot. At noon on the first day of the first lunar month, a fleet was sailing south through the waves.

This fleet of [-] Wanshifu boats set off from Quanzhou to Palembang City, the capital of the Three Buddhas, which is Mantrika, Indonesia this year.

They have been sailing for a month and are gradually reaching their destination.

Standing on the first big ship was a young official wearing a seventh-rank official uniform of the Song Dynasty. He was of medium build, but very strong, with tanned skin. He was Chao Kun, the judge of the Quanzhou Shipbuilding Administration, and Chao Qing's brother.

This time, Chao Kun came to Nanyang to look for some valuable items under the order of King Yong. He held the list of King Yong in his hand, mainly some crops.

But King Yong didn't ask him specifically what crops to find, but only asked him to bring back a sample and seeds of all the crops.

"Land ahead!" A sailor shouted from the mast.

Chao Kun also faintly saw a black line, and he asked the guide Zhang Jiugong next to him, "Is that Palembang City?"

Zhang Jiugong is a very experienced old seaman. He is [-] years old this year and his body is still very strong. He went to Nanyang at the age of [-] and wandered on the sea for [-] years. He has been to Nanyang many times. He was never married and had no children. .

He was extremely tired of life in Quanzhou, and yearned for the sea, but no one was willing to hire him, but he heard that the government was looking for experienced veteran crew members, so he recommended himself, and was selected by Chao Kun as a guide based on his rich experience in sailing.

Zhang Jiugong said with a smile: "That's not Palembang City, it's an outer island. The island is very big. We call it Guogai Island. The mountains on the island are very steep and the waves are relatively large. It is Palembang that bypasses the big island."

Chao Kun asked, "Does Palembang City have the kind of big round melon that Jiugong said?"

Zhang Jiugong smiled slightly, "I really don't know, I have to look for it. I saw it thirty years ago. Some natives came here by canoe from a distant island. It took them more than a month to row on the sea. Their food is a kind of food." A few big round melons can be put on the canoe, and the inside can still hold water, which is enough for them to eat for a month."

"Well! I hope we are lucky."

"In fact, the rice here is also good! There are also three crops of rice a year."

Chao Kun frowned, "It is estimated that three crops a year can only be planted in hot places. Maybe it can be planted in Lingnan, but we can get some rice seeds and try it in Quanzhou."

The fleet circled the big island and walked for another day. Another continent appeared in front of them. When they saw the ships, they arrived at Palembang City.


The horn sounded in the distant harbor to welcome the arrival of the new fleet.

The fleet entered the bay and gradually saw the pier and the shore. The shore was full of houses. The houses were small and mainly made of wood. In the distance, you could see huge temples, all of which were domes of Buddhist temples.

During the Three Buddha Qi era, this place was still dominated by Mahayana Buddhism.

The pier was already full of dark crowds, and there were people running from all directions.

As the capital city and the largest seaport, Palembang City relies largely on overseas trade. Huge quantities of materials come in from overseas and are scattered to various places. Specialty products from all over the country gather in Palembang and are bought by overseas merchants.

The overseas merchants here are not only Song Dynasty merchants, but also Dashi merchants, Tianzhu merchants, and even Genoese merchants from the far west. They come here to buy spices.

The local people are mainly black people with dark skin, but there are also many well-dressed upper-class people. They wear silks and satins from the Song Dynasty, their skin is not so dark, and their smiles are friendly.

"Welcome to Sanfoqi!"

Chao Kun heard a familiar language, which turned out to be very pure Song official dialect.

(End of this chapter)

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