
Chapter 1080 Rescue

Chapter 1080 Rescue
Han Shizhong led an army of [-] to go north suddenly, catching Li Qiong by surprise, and Li Qiong's pigeon letter for help reached Jingzhao three days later.

It was late January at this time, and the warm breath spread throughout Guanzhong. The willows had turned green, the ice and snow had melted, and flocks of cheerful birds were flying in the sky. Farmers began to fertilize the winter wheat to protect the seedlings and loosen the land.

Chen Qing was preparing to go to Hanzhong and Bashu for an inspection, which took a month and a half, but a distress letter from Li Qiong Feige disrupted Chen Qing's plan.

In the early morning of this day, Chen Qing said to his family while having breakfast: "The plan may change. I may not go to Sichuan Road and Hanzhong Road to inspect, but I may go to Xuzhou."

"Husband, is it because of the war in Xuzhou?" Lu Xiu asked.

They all read the newspapers and knew that the imperial army seemed to have the upper hand when they attacked Xuzhou, and the situation was not good for them.

Chen Qing nodded, "The situation is more complicated. Maybe Jin Bing will take the opportunity to counterattack. If we don't deal with it properly, our previous efforts will be wasted."

"How long will the officials go?" Zhao Qiaoyun asked.

"It's probably about one and a half months, but it's not easy to bring family members this time."

Chen Qing looked at Yu Lian, and Yu Lian's eyes were gloomy. She had been looking forward to going to Bashu with her husband for almost a month, but she didn't expect the plan to change.

"I'll be at home today and tomorrow, and I'll leave early the morning after tomorrow."

At night, Yu Lian did her best to welcome Chen Qing, letting his passion explode in her body again and again.

The two kept going crazy until the middle of the night, when Chen Qing was exhausted and lay down with his arms around Yu Lian's very seductive body.

Yu Lian suddenly put her arms around her husband's neck and began to cry.

Chen Qing stroked her back apologetically and said, "I'm sorry this time, let's do it next time!"

"Where are you going next time? When do you want me to wait?"

"This year, I will definitely go to Bashu and Hanzhong for inspection, so I will take you with me!"

"I can't go back on my word."

"Promise not!"

"The officer lies down and rests, I will serve you again."

Yu Lian turned her back to her husband and lowered her head. Chen Qing lightly stroked her astonishing back. She really has the figure of a royal concubine!
Before dawn on the third day, Chen Qing personally led [-] cavalry to leave Bashang and gallop eastward all the way.

The marching speed of the cavalry was extremely fast. The army arrived in Luoyang four days later, rested in Luoyang for a day, and continued to march towards Bianliang. It took only one day and one night for [-] cavalry to arrive in Luoyang.

This was the fastest march. It took only five days for [-] cavalry to arrive at Bianliang from Jingzhao, setting a new marching record for the Western Army.

Yang Zaixing didn't expect King Yong to come so fast, he and Zhang Xiao rushed out of the city to welcome Chen Qing's arrival.

"See Your Highness King Yong!" Zhang Xiao and Yang Zaixing bowed together.

Chen Qing got off his horse and said with a smile: "You two have worked hard, and I will not enter the city with fifty thousand cavalry, but camp outside the city!"

Yang Zaixing had already set up a big camp outside the west city. He quickly sent Li Fuxing, the deputy general, to arrange fifty thousand cavalry to enter the camp. have a good rest.

It was getting late, and Chen Qing didn't enter the account, so he stayed outside the city in the large tent of the Chinese army. Yang Zaixing and Zhang Xiao also came to report the latest battle situation to Chen Qing.

In the big tent, Chen Qing listened to Yang Zaixing's report with a solemn expression.

Yao Zheng and Xu Qing each led [-] troops to the outskirts of Xuzhou to attract the attention of Han Shizhong's army in order to reduce the pressure on Xuzhou. Fortunately, Xu Qing's army arrived in time and rescued Yao Zheng's army. There was a scuffle between the two sides. Han Shizhong personally led [-] reinforcements and we had to retreat. In this scuffle, our brothers suffered more than [-] casualties. Pretty much the same."

Chen Qing frowned. This was actually the first time they fought against the imperial army, and they still failed. Although the opponent had the upper hand, the outcome would not change.

Chen Qing felt dizzy for a while, and Yang Zaixing's habit of underestimating the enemy could not be changed. How could he send only [-] people there? Did he think that the imperial army was so vulnerable? This is Han Shizhong's army!

After the Yue Family Army, the last elite army of the imperial court.

Chen Qing secretly sighed in his heart, he couldn't talk about Zaixing, after all Yang Zaixing was the chief general, he gave him the commanding power, he had the right to make such arrangements.

Chen Qing had no choice but to ask: "How many imperial troops are besieging Xuzhou now?"

Yang Zaixing quickly said: "About [-] troops. After Han Shizhong's [-] troops, Liu Qi, Wang Jian, and Yang Yizhong each led [-] troops to Xuzhou. Xiangguo Zhu Shengfei served as the commander and led [-] troops to Chuzhou."

"Is there any movement in Jin Bing?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Yes! It's what I want to report. Li Cheng led an army of [-] to capture Kanhai Prefecture. It was only a hundred miles away from Zhu Shengfei's [-] army, but Zhu Shengfei didn't move."

Haizhou is the only state occupied by Chen Qing east of the Yellow River. It was guarded by Li Qiong's army, but it was successfully attacked by Han Shizhong. Unexpectedly, it was captured by the Jin soldiers. In this way, all the east of the Yellow River was controlled by the Jin soldiers. .

"What a bastard who eats inside and out!"

Naturally, Chen Qing was scolding the Song Army for surrendering Haizhou to Jin Bing. Is this still the Northern Expedition?
The situation was indeed complicated, and it exceeded Chen Qing's expectations. He never thought that the Western Army would fight against the imperial army, but he didn't expect that Han Shizhong would not shy away from sending troops directly to fight. He really underestimated Han Shizhong.

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "Why did Yao Zheng want to cross the Yellow River from Xiao County?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Yao Zheng wants to support Xuzhou from the other side of the Yellow River. Xuzhou City has been surrounded by imperial troops on three sides, and the only way to enter Xuzhou is through the north bank of the Yellow River."

Chen Qing sighed in his heart, it seemed that Han Shizhong had already guessed the Western Army's plan in advance, that's why he attacked halfway, he was worthy of being a famous general.

"What's the military division thinking?" Chen Qing asked Zhang Xiaodao.

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said: "The idea of ​​a humble job is exactly the same as that of His Highness, Han Shizhong is the key!"

Chen Qing nodded. If Han Shizhong could be eliminated, their threat would be much smaller.

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Does the military master have a clever plan?"

"Beizhi has an idea, and it depends on whether it can be realized in Lin'an."

More than ten miles north of Lin'an, there is a village called Niuwan. There are more than [-] families living here, surrounded by mountains and rivers, where life is quiet and peaceful.

The family in the easternmost part of the village is named Jiao. The two brothers are also natives of the village. Since three years ago, the two brothers have raised pigeons. Pigeon meat makes soup, which is best for fracture patients, so the business is good.

The government also came to see it a few times, and saw that they were indeed raising meat pigeons, so they stopped asking.

But in fact, this is an intelligence point of the Western Army stationed in Lin'an, which is responsible for collecting pigeon letters. The eldest of the Jiao family has been farming in the village, but the second Jiao is a scout of the Western Army. Domestic pigeon farm to cover their pigeon lettering station.

One evening, a carrier pigeon flew from the north and landed on the yard pole cooing. Jiao Er carefully untied a letter tube from its leg. The letter tube was actually a small leather bag, half of which was Red, which means that the situation is urgent or of great importance, and a little gold is painted on the bottom, which means that it is an order from King Yong.

Jiao Er took the pigeon letter and ran away, "Brother, look at the pigeon, I'm going to the city!"

Boss Jiao also saw the pigeon and knew it must be an important letter, so he quickly said, "Be careful!"

Jiao Er sailed south from a small river by the village, and soon entered the West Lake, heading towards Qiantang Gate. After the imperial court declared Lin'an as the capital, they began to build the city wall along the West Lake. It used to be a temporary capital, so there was no It is necessary to spend money on large-scale construction, which is different now, and cannot leave a huge defensive loophole.

But for Jiao Er, who was born and raised, repairing or not repairing is the same thing. There are more than a dozen small rivers flowing into the city from the West Lake, and he can sneak into the city from any small river.

There is no need to go into the water yet, he rowed directly from a small river into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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