
Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081
At night, Wang Mu was sitting in the study, reading a book. At this time, a maid in the courtyard reported, "Master, someone is looking for the door, and they say it was sent by Mr. Hu."

What did Hu Yun ask him to do at night?Knowing that something must be up, Wang Mu got up and walked out of the gate.

Walking to the gate, Wang Mu recognized that the messenger was Li An, Hu Yun's subordinate.

"What's the matter?" He stepped forward and asked.

Li An saluted and said: "The special envoy invites you to go to Changfeng Teahouse. There is an urgent matter to discuss. There is a carriage waiting outside the door."

"Okay! Wait a moment, I'll put on a robe."

When Wang Mu went back to his room and put on his outer robe, his wife asked with concern, "Will it be unsafe to find you so late?"

"Don't worry! Nothing will happen, Zhang Xi and the others will follow!"

Wang Mu went out and got into the carriage. Two attendants, Zhang Xi and Wu Xiaoqi, rode on both sides of the carriage. These two were scouts from the Western Army who specially protected Wang Mu's safety. They were very skilled in martial arts. A mystery, but in the eyes of a true professional spy, it is still easy to find out.

Not long after, the carriage stopped at the gate of Changfeng Teahouse. During this time, Yang Yizhong, who was in charge of the security of the inner city, led the army northward, and the surveillance of suspicious intelligence points of the Western Army was obviously weakened. For example, Changfeng Teahouse used to have two or three people in There is no such thing as surveillance in the dark. This is also because the imperial court did not set up an organization such as the internal guard, but let Yang Yizhong, a general responsible for the defense of the capital, take charge of it. Once Yang Yizhong takes another post, this kind of supervision The function broke down immediately.

Wang Mu walked into the teahouse and came to the Hundred Carp Hall. The lights in the hall were not too bright, and there were two people sitting in front of the tea table, it was Hu Yun and Dong An.

"I'm late!" Wang Mu quickly walked up the hall.

"It's just in time, Brother Shaofu, please sit down!"

Hu Yun asked Wang Mu to sit down, and handed a copy to Wang Mu, "I received it half an hour ago, the pigeon letter written by King Yong, this is the copy, Brother Shaofu, please take a look!"

Wang Mu took the copy and looked at it carefully. There was only one sentence on it, 'counter-plan, transfer Han Shizhong away'.

"Are there no mistakes in one word?" Wang Mu asked.

Hu Yun nodded, "Not one word is wrong!"

"His Royal Highness is very particular about his wording. He didn't use 'get rid of', but 'remove'. It shows that His Highness's goal is not to kill Han Shizhong, but to let him leave the battlefield. For us, it is relatively easy."

Dong An also laughed and said: "Han Shizhong's backstage at the imperial court is Xu Xiantu. The two have been friends for nearly twenty years. With Xu Xiantu interceding, it is almost impossible to get rid of Han Shizhong. Unlike Yue Fei, who offended a lot of people, Even the Son of Heaven hates him, without a backer, if His Highness hadn't helped him, Yue Fei would surely die, so Han Shizhong can't be removed, it's very possible to transfer him away."

"What does the special envoy think?" Wang Mu looked at Hu Yun again.

Hu Yun said lightly: "Actually, everyone in the court understands that one of the most important reasons for this Northern Expedition is to cut off Han Shizhong's military power. Han Shizhong's sudden dispatch of troops during the New Year is also related to this reason. He wants to use the war to delay the court's punishment for him. action."

Wang Mu smiled and said: "But this is precisely his weakness. He sent troops to attack the north without authorization. I believe this is not the intention of the court and the emperor, but his own decision. The [-] Han family troops took them to Xuzhou. Did you find out? , He conquered several states in a row, and the common people and low-level officials are in a state of excitement, but it has been more than half a month, and the officials have not expressed their position yet, isn't this very interesting?"

Dong An said: "Your Highness must have seen this, so he asked us to do our best to transfer Han Shizhong away."

"The key is where to focus?" Hu Yun pondered for a moment and asked.

Wang Mu is the military adviser of the three of them. He is resourceful and clear-minded, which is why he became Zhang Jun's chief aide back then. , use the admonition officer to write a letter to impeach Han Shizhong for sending troops without authorization; third, use Xu Xiantu to finish, the last key step."

Dong An frowned slightly, "Except for the "Beijing News", we cannot control the other two points."

Hu Yun pondered for a moment and said: "I have dealt with Zuo Sijian Xu Yun. This person has been suppressed by Qin Hui for a long time. He once expressed to me his wish to go to Jingzhao, and he has friendship with His Highness King Yong, so he can make a move. , As for Xu Xiantu, I have dealt with him before, he is very pragmatic, I can talk to him again.”

Dong An asked with a smile: "What excuse?"

Hu Yun chuckled and said, "Excuses! You can just say anything. Your Highness and Han Shizhong have old friendships, and they can't bear to meet each other on the battlefield. Believe it or not, you can let him know!"

The three laughed together.

At noon the next day, the "Beijing News" was published on time, and all the teahouses immediately became lively, and a poem by Han Shizhong was published in today's literature edition.

"Linjiang Mountain"

In winter, the mountains and forests are desolate and sparse, and in spring, the earth is moist and the flowers are thick.Adolescence is the same as the mountains.The world competes for fame and fortune, rich and poor.

Ronggui is not a medicine for longevity, and leisure is an immortal style.I advise you to know the protagonist.One side only blindly, without saying anything.

This poem was indeed written by Han Shizhong two years ago, not a word has been changed, the level is average, it can’t be called a masterpiece, and it is basically forgotten, but it is published at this time, like a cat meowing in a quiet room , making people suddenly aware of its existence.

This first word is interesting, especially the last few lines, 'I advise you to recognize the protagonist.One side only blindly, without saying anything. '

These few sentences are ambiguous. It seems that they are loyal to the emperor and follow only one person, but if you look deeper, you will find that there is a problem. What does it mean to persuade the emperor to choose the protagonist? Could it be that Wang Chen still needs knowledge?If awareness is required, it means that there is a choice, and only when there is a choice can awareness be acquired.

It was Wang Bo who was the first to understand the deep meaning of this poem. Of course, he didn’t see it, but his aide Jia Yingfang reminded him that Wang Bo immediately ran to show off in front of his uncle as if he had found a treasure. Don't mention me, you will make Xiangguo look down on the county magistrate!"

"Don't worry! I know what's going on."

Wang Bofei ran away, and Jia Yingfang shook her head, unexpectedly, the heavy responsibility of interpreting this poem fell on Wang Bo.

Every time Wang Bo came to interrupt Qin Hui's lunch break, although Qin Hui felt a little displeased, he still met Wang Bo. Wang Bo did sometimes bring him surprises.

"Bo'er didn't say it, I didn't pay attention to this poem."

Qin Hui picked up the newspaper and looked at it carefully. It was really written by Han Shizhong. He had the impression that he even laughed at it. Wufu wrote lyrics, but that's all.

But looking closely now, coupled with the reminder from his nephew, he also tasted some unusual flavors, yes!Since the Son of Heaven is already the protagonist, why do you want to "persuade the king to recognize the protagonist"? It is obvious that there are two protagonists.

"Is this what you saw?"

Qin Hui couldn't believe it, when did this ignorant nephew become so powerful?

"Since the late emperor's poems were published last time, my nephew would read the newspaper carefully every day. When I saw Han Shizhong's poems today, my nephew knew that there must be something in it, so I read it carefully several times and asked my staff. Reminding, my nephew realized that this poem has a deep meaning."

This is where Wang Bo is clever. He never said that his staff told him, but he saw it himself, and then asked his staff. One is active and the other is passive. Even if the staff reminds him, it will not affect his credit.

"Not bad!"

Qin Hui praised: "Bo'er is very vigilant and has made great progress. Work hard. In two years, my uncle will recommend you to be the governor of a state."

"Thank you, nephew, for your support!"

Wang Bo left triumphantly, Madam Wang walked over and said with a smile: "Officer, my nephew is getting more and more promising!"

Qin Hui nodded, "It can be regarded as a prodigal son who won't change his money back! It can be cultivated well!"

Mrs. Wang said without losing the opportunity: "Shall I tell my brother to change Bo'er's surname to Qin?"


Qin Hui hesitated and said, "Let's talk about it later! I want to prepare and go to see the emperor."

Seeing that her husband didn't want to mention this matter, Mrs. Wang was secretly annoyed, so she had to change the topic and said: "This poem was published in the "Beijing News", shouldn't the officials be more careful? Maybe Chen Qing has some intentions."

Of course, Qin Hui knew that Chen Qing also wanted to get rid of Han Shizhong, and there was no conflict with his position, so it was not a bad idea to use Chen Qing on this matter.

Qin Hui said lightly: "It's okay, as long as it's the truth, it doesn't matter who said it."

[Today, these two chapters are more difficult to write. Lao Gao must write watertightly, and he has worked hard to write it. Today, I only wrote two chapters. I am sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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