
Chapter 1082 Exchange

Chapter 1082 Exchange
When Qin Hui met the emperor Zhao Gou, it happened that Zhao Gou was also studying the poem published in the "Beijing News". His face was ugly, and it could be seen that he also understood it.

Qin Hui waited for a while, and then bowed to salute, "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

"Qin Xianggong came just in time, did Qin Xianggong read the newspaper at noon today?"

"Weichen looked carefully."

"The song "Linjiang Mountain" published in the newspaper, Xiangguo thinks it was really written by Han Shizhong?"

Qin Hui nodded, "This poem was indeed written by Han Shizhong a few years ago. I remember laughing at this poem. It's just that Weichen is a little strange. Why did the "Beijing News" publish Han Shizhong's poem?"

Zhao Gou snorted, "The whole city is praising Han Shizhong as the god of war, and he is almost exalting him to the sky. Why is it so strange that the "Beijing News" followed suit and praised his stinky feet?"

Before Qin Hui could find the reason, Zhao Gou gave the answer, and his reason was more sufficient and reasonable.

"When Weichen read this poem back then, he didn't feel much, but after reading it carefully today, the feeling is different."

"Oh? What's different?" Zhao Gou asked with interest.

"This poem should be a portrayal of Han Shizhong's heart. There is a line in the poem that I really can't understand, that is, 'I advise you to recognize the protagonist'."

"What's so strange about this sentence?"

"Your Majesty, if a humble minister writes this sentence, he will definitely write: 'Admonish the emperor to live up to the protagonist'. Who is the protagonist? Of course, he is the emperor. Naturally, the courtier should not disappoint the emperor, but he used the word 'knowledge'. There is a sense of choice in it, is there still two protagonists in Han Shizhong's heart?"

"Who else does Ai Qing think he is referring to?"

Zhao Gou actually read the ambiguity of this word, so his face became very ugly, and he said coldly: "Could it be that his other protagonist refers to Chen Qing?"

Qin Hui shook his head, "With Han Shizhong's qualifications, he still doesn't like Chen Qing. I never thought that he would join Chen Qing."

Zhao Gou's face softened slightly, "What does that mean?"

"Weichen felt that he was referring to himself."

Zhao Gou frowned, "What do you say?"

"Your Majesty, when Chen Qing separatized Sichuan and Shanxi, and Liu Guangshi attempted to separatize Jingnan South Road, and also had Han Shizhong who was loyal to his army, Your Majesty thought he would have no idea at all?"

After a pause, Qin Hui made another stab, "If he is completely loyal to the imperial court, why did he suddenly send troops to the north on the tenth day of the first lunar month? The imperial court was not notified beforehand, nor was he notified to the North Commander Zhu Shengfei, nor even His Majesty."

Zhao Gou's heart was really a little confused, he sat for a while and said: "Ai Qing, go! I have to think about it."

"Wei Chen retire!"

Qin Hui didn't need a heavy hammer to play the drum. As long as the words were on point, Qin Hui would have achieved his goal. Han Shizhong was also the person Jin Guo named to get rid of, second only to Chen Qing and Yue Fei.

Zhao Gou walked to the window with his hands behind his back, staring at the north, filled with resentment and sadness in his heart. He remembered how loyal Han Shizhong was when he led the army to save Liu Miao during the Liu Miao Rebellion. changed.

But military generals cannot hold military power. This is the ancestral precept. It is summed up from the disastrous lessons of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms after the Anshi Rebellion. , Isn't the Chen Qing separatist regime and the Liu Miao mutiny the best examples?
At this moment, Zhao Gou made up his mind.

In the afternoon, Jiao Er found Dong An again and brought a new pigeon letter, which was still written by King Yong, but with more content. Dong An quickly asked his subordinates to send the pigeon letter to Hu Yun.

King Yong put forward many new ideas in the pigeon letter, and Hu Yun became more confident.

As soon as night fell, Hu Yun came to visit Xu Xiantu, and Xu Xiantu ordered his third son Xu Shou to invite Hu Yun to the guest hall.

Not long after, Xu Xiantu also came to the guest room, and said with a slight smile, "I kept Hu Te envoy waiting for a long time."

Hu Yun stood up and saluted, "Please disturb Xu Xianggong to rest!"

"Where! Special Envoy Hu is too polite, please sit down!"

The two sat down as guest and host, and the maid served tea to them. Hu Yun leaned forward and said, "As entrusted by His Royal Highness King Yong, thank Mr. Xu for going to mourn Mr. Lu!"

When Lu Yihao died of illness, there were not many officials who went to mourn him, mainly his disciples and some middle and low-level officials who were favored by him. There were almost no high-level officials in the court, except Xu Xiantu.

Xu Xiantu waved his hands and said with a smile: "This is out of touch. I have known Mr. Lu for thirty years, and he passed away unfortunately. How could I not go to mourn him? This is human nature, please tell His Highness King Yong."

"His Highness King Yong has always remembered Xu Xianggong's kindness. When he got married, the witness was Xu Xianggong. He told me about it."

Xu Xiantu was a little proud in his heart, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness King Yong still remembers this little thing, and he is interested."

Hu Yun knows Xu Xiantu very well. Although there are many famous figures in the Song Dynasty, there will be no Xu Xiantu among them. Xu Xiantu is very selfish. For example, he takes [-] yuan from Zheng Quantong every year as protection fees. He regards the interests of the family more The importance is far above the interests of the court, so Hu Yun is still sure of persuading Xu Xiantu.

"Just now I chatted with your son. I think your son is good at learning. It's a pity to stay at home. At the end of March, Jingzhao will hold the imperial examination. Why not let your son go to Jingzhao to try? Maybe you can pass the Jinshi exam. In Yuchi County Wouldn't it be a good thing to be a magistrate?"

Xu Xiantu was from Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture. Xu Xiantu immediately understood Hu Yun's words. This was Chen Qingzai's offer to let his third son go back to his hometown to serve as a county magistrate through the imperial examination.

His son is too good at reading, and it is impossible for him to be admitted to Jinshi with his talents, but in exchange for politics, everything is possible again.

Xu Xiantu was really tempted. If his son could return to his hometown to serve as a county magistrate, of course it would be his dream. At the same time, it would also leave a way out for the family on Chen Qing's side.

Xu Xiantu immediately thought of a proper plan. His grandfather's surname was Yu, and his son should restore Yu's surname. As long as he didn't say anything, the court would never know that his son was an official in Yuchi County.

Of course, Xu Xiantu also knew that since it was a political exchange, the other party had some plans, so he asked calmly, "What do you need me to do for Gouzi?"

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said, "Prince Yong wants to ask Xu Xianggong for help with two small matters."

"Envoy, please speak up."

"The first thing, King Yong wants to know what is the reason for the imperial court's Northern Expedition?"

This was one of the contents of Chen Qingxin's pigeon letter in the afternoon. King Yong wanted to know Zhao Gou's real plan for the Northern Expedition.

The second pigeon letter contained more content. In addition, Chen Qing also proposed a political exchange plan with Xu Xiantu, and gave Hu Yun an excellent excuse to transfer Han Shizhong away, making Hu Yun and Xu Xiantu deal more calmly .

Xu Xiantu said indifferently: "The purpose of the Northern Expedition is twofold. One is to remove Han Shizhong's military power, and the other is that the officials want Bianliang."

Only then did Hu Yun suddenly realize that it was the emperor who wanted Bianliang, and wanted to exchange Xuzhou and other states for Bianliang, which was a good idea.

Hu Yun said again: "King Yong is also planning to transfer Han Shizhong away from the battlefield. This is the second thing."

Xu Xiantu raised his eyebrows, "Han Shizhong's words in today's newspaper are for this purpose!"

Hu Yun nodded, "Exactly!"

"Why did King Yong transfer Han Shizhong?" Xu Xiantu asked puzzled.

Hu Yun said calmly: "Because Han Shizhong broke the rules, King Yong thinks he is very dangerous."

"How do you say that?"

"Xu Xianggong may not know that Han Shizhong took the initiative to launch an attack on the Western Army. The two sides fought fiercely in Xiao County, and the Western Army suffered more than [-] casualties. King Yong did not intend to tear himself apart from the imperial court, so try to avoid conflicts with the imperial army. , but Han Shizhong ignored the overall situation and took the initiative to attack the Western Army, how could King Yong not be angry?"

Xu Xiantu nodded, "I see, this is a good reason to transfer Han Shizhong away."

Hu Yun continued: "Tomorrow morning, the Court of Remonstrance will impeach Han Shizhong, all we need is for Mr. Xu to push the boat forward."

"I understand, but I want to know, who will impeach Han Shizhong?"

"Left Adviser Xu Yun."

"Oh!" Xu Xiantu suddenly realized that Xu Yun was already a member of King Yong.

He smiled slightly: "But I remind the special envoy, don't let Xu Yun know things he shouldn't know, or he will be suspected."

"I understand that Xu Yun is only impeaching Han Shizhong for the Northern Expedition without authorization, and it is better for Xu Xianggong to bring up Han Shizhong's initiative to attack the Western Army."

Speaking of this, Hu Yun took out a booklet from his pocket and put it on the table, and pushed it to Xu Xiantu, "This is an official protest letter from our Western Army, protesting against Han Shizhong's arbitrarily attacking the Western Army in disregard of the overall situation."

Xu Xiantu had no choice but to admire Hu Yun, who worked every step of the way without leaking water. With such capable subordinates, it's no wonder Chen Qing was able to achieve great things.

(End of this chapter)

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