
Chapter 1083 Attack

Chapter 1083 Attack
Early the next morning, Xu Yun, the admonisher, formally filed an impeachment letter, impeaching Han Shizhong for sending troops northward without the approval of the court and the commander-in-chief, and asking the court to remove Han Shizhong's military power.

This impeachment came at a particularly timely time, especially when the impeacher, Xu Yun, was neither a member of Qin Hui's party, nor the Queen Mother's group, nor was he a member of Xu Xiantu's family. He belonged to Zhang Jun's faction. After Zhang Jun was dismissed again, Qin Hui kept suppressing him.

It was such an isolated admonisher who impeached Han Shizhong, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole court.

But the emperor Zhao Gou was very calm. After receiving the impeachment letter, he immediately summoned Xu Xiantu. Zhao Gou had made up his mind. Han Shizhong is an ally in North Korea and China, and his attitude is crucial.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

Zhao Gou said gently: "This is the report of the admonisher impeaching Han Shizhong, Xu Aiqing should take a look first!"

Xu Xiantu took over the impeachment report, read it hastily, pondered for a moment, and said, "I feel that the direction of this report is correct, but the wording is too harsh, and the conclusion is also biased."

Xu Xiantu's objection was expected by Zhao Gou, but he paid more attention to the aspect Xu Xiantu agreed with, "Which direction does Xu Aiqing agree with?"

"Weichen also believes that Han Shizhong should not agree with the title of the Han family army, nor should he regard the imperial army as his own army. This Weichen agrees with the impeachment report."

Zhao Gou nodded and asked again: "What about the accusation of sending troops without authorization?"

Xu Xiantu sighed and said: "Your Majesty, Han Shizhong is the Xuanfu envoy of Huaidong, and he has the right to send troops. He is also the deputy marshal of the Northern Expedition. When the commander is not in front of the enemy, he can exercise the authority of the commander.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Zhu Shengfei was still in Lin'an, and if a fighter opportunity appeared at this time, Han Shizhong could definitely decide to send troops and seize the opportunity. Zhou, wiped out [-] enemies, and approached the city of Xuzhou. Your Majesty, this is a great achievement. He should be awarded instead of accusing him of sending troops without authorization. "

Zhao Gou was silent for a moment and said: "Xu Aiqing, we have reached a consensus before, Han Shizhong must withdraw."

"Your Majesty, I agree with Han Shizhong's resignation, but not according to the impeachment report, withdrawing his accusation. The minister said it more seriously, which may force him to rebel. The suggestion of the minister is best to commend him for his merits. Promote him and dismiss him."

Zhao Gou also did not object to commending the withdrawal of the fan. After all, Han Shizhong made great contributions to the suppression of the Liu Miao Incident. Zhao Gou was worried about withdrawing during the war, and there was no good excuse.

Zhao Gou walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said, "But he is on the battlefield now, and he must be withdrawn before he can withdraw. Did I order Han Shizhong's army to retreat? There is no reason!"

"Your Majesty, there is a reason!"

Zhao Gou immediately asked: "What reason?"

Xu Xiantu took out the official letter of protest given to him by Hu Yun and presented it to Zhao Gou, "This is the letter of protest submitted to the Privy Council by King Yong's special envoy Hu Yun, protesting against Han Shizhong's brazen attack on the Western Army regardless of the overall situation!"

Zhao Gou was startled, and hurriedly took the protest letter and sat down to read it carefully. After reading it again, he slapped the table and said angrily: "Why is this Han Shizhong so ignorant of the overall situation? I have repeatedly warned them that they can only attack Li Qiong's army. They are not allowed to attack Li Qiong's army." Not only did he not listen to the battle with the Western Army, but he even took the initiative to provoke him, did he take my words as a deaf ear?"

Xu Xiantu sighed and said: "Your Majesty, this is the difference between civilian leaders and military commanders. Civil servants will consider the overall situation and try to weigh the pros and cons, but military commanders often find it difficult to grasp this speed. They feel threatened, and they will immediately send troops. This cannot be completely blamed on General Han."

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and said: "That's good, I have a reason to order him to withdraw from Xuzhou, and at the same time give an explanation to King Yong's special envoy."

"Your Majesty, please write a letter to Han Shizhong. I will guarantee him that his ministry will not be demoted and dismissed, and he will continue to hold his original position."

Zhao Gou also knew that this was the sequelae left by Yue Fei's withdrawal. After disbanding Yue Fei's army, many generals were dismissed from office, so it is completely understandable that Han Shizhong had ideas.

He nodded and said: "Xu Xianggong wrote him a letter and told him that I will not disband his army and his generals will still be reused. This is my promise to him."

Xu Xiantu was overjoyed, "With His Majesty's words, Han Shizhong will have no worries."

Chen Qing led [-] cavalry into Xuzhou, tens of miles behind him, and [-] troops led by Yang Zaixing, they guarded a logistics fleet.

Chen Qing has been paying attention to the battle situation in Xuzhou these days, and at the same time, he is also paying attention to the movement of Jin Bing. Xuzhou's [-] imperial army has been besieging the city without attacking it.

This made Chen Qing suspect that the other party wanted to besiege the city and fight for aid. Ever since Han Shizhong attacked the western army halfway, Chen Qing had lost all illusions about the imperial army. These army leaders probably wanted to fight him a long time ago, but they couldn't find a chance. .

It doesn't matter if you fight fiercely with the imperial court. Chen Qing also wants to teach these bastards a lesson, but he has to consider the golden soldier. The golden soldier is like a hungry tiger. This is what it means when the crane and the clam compete, and the fisherman benefits.

Chen Qing had already received news from the scouts that Wanyan Wushu led [-] Jurchen cavalry, about [-] miles north of the Yellow River in Xiao County.

And Xiao County is where Han Shizhong's army fought fiercely with the Western Army last time. This location is very sensitive, and it happens to be the edge of the safe distance from Xuzhou City, so it is easy to have a fierce battle with the imperial army here.

Chen Qing stopped thirty miles away from Xiao County. Half an hour later, a fleet of warships appeared on the Yellow River. This fleet consisted of fifty thousand-stone warships. Their function was to block the Yellow River. On the water surface, to prevent the Jin soldiers from crossing the Yellow River to attack, this is a good strategy to deal with the Jin soldiers, directly block the Yellow River with warships, so that the Jin soldiers have no chance to build a pontoon bridge.

More than a dozen cavalry scouts rushed over, and the leader of the scout clasped his fists and said, "His Royal Highness, Han Shizhong's main force is found ahead, about [-] people."

Chen Qing couldn't help sneering, Han Shizhong is so confident, he has [-] cavalry, and he leads [-] troops to fight, does he think he can defeat himself?
"Go to the back of the enemy's main force to see if there are any reinforcements?"

"Follow the order!" The leader of the scouts agreed, and rushed away with a dozen of his subordinates.


On the vast field to the south of Xiaoxian County, the sound of low-pitched drums was played slowly and rhythmically, and [-] cavalry formed five large formations, commanded by Liu Qiong, Tang Qian, Yue Yun, Zhang Xian, and Chen Qing himself. , each rate a large formation.

At this time, a black line appeared seven or eight miles away, and Han Shizhong's army appeared.

In fact, Chen Qing is also quite contradictory. On the one hand, he does not want to fight Han Shizhong, and hopes to use countermeasures to transfer Han Shizhong back to the court, but on the other hand, he also desires to fight Han Shizhong in his heart. famous general.

Chen Qing didn't want to underestimate the enemy, he suspected that the opponent had more than [-] troops, and he had to prepare himself.

"Send an order to General Yang Zaixing to keep his army ten miles away from me!"

Ordering the cavalry to gallop away, Chen Qing stared intently at the approaching army. With one move of his hand, the sound of the drums stopped.

The sky was gloomy, and it was early spring and February, and the wind blowing from the field was still a bit chilly, but there was more murderous intent in the air, and both sides were full of murderous intent.

Han Shizhong's army stopped three miles away. He was a combination of [-] infantry and [-] cavalry, with [-] infantry as the main force, and cavalry on both wings.

Han Shizhong silently watched the main force of the Western Army three miles away, and fought against the Western Army. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Even if he was scolded by the court and the emperor, he would never regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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