
Chapter 1084 Confrontation

Chapter 1084 Confrontation
The two sides stopped at a distance of two miles. Chen Qing looked at the opponent's army. From the opponent's formation, the equipment of the soldiers, and the mental state of the soldiers, he could more or less know the training situation of the opponent.

When the two armies were fighting, they could fight a hundred battles only if they knew themselves and the enemy. Frankly speaking, neither of them knew each other very well. Chen Qing learned something about Han Shizhong's army from Yao Zheng and Xu Qing. The soldiers fought bravely, were well trained, and had good equipment.

Judging from the current formation of the team and the mental state of the soldiers, it is indeed good. The team is very neat, and the soldiers are full of energy and morale. It can be seen that they have trained well. No wonder Han Shizhong dared to fight him. This army is indeed a strong enemy.

Chen Qing's eyes turned to their formation again. At the front were nine thousand crossbowmen, arranged in three parts, six thousand crossbowmen and three thousand archers, who could be shot from far and near.

The cavalry on both sides guarded the left and right sides of the infantry formation. The infantry was mainly spear troops, and even saw the hook and sickle gun, which was a sharp weapon used to deal with kidnappers. It could also be used to deal with single cavalry. There were five or six thousand people, which made Chen Qing vigilant, and he immediately ordered: "Pass the order, the whole army pay attention to the enemy's hooks and sickles to attack the horses!"

At this time, the soldiers who reported the letter came back to report, "General Yang Zaixing's main force has been deployed ten miles behind him!"

At the same time, the scouts also rushed to report, "His Royal Highness, we found an army of [-] soldiers ten miles to the south, including [-] infantry, and the general is Liu Kai."

Sure enough, as he expected, Han Shizhong had another ambush. No wonder he dared to lead [-] people to challenge him with [-] cavalry. Chen Qing sneered, and said to the soldiers who reported: "Go and tell General Yang Zaixing that there are [-] troops in ambush ten miles to the south. The task of intercepting will be handed over to him."

"Follow the order!" The reporting soldier turned around and ran away again.

At this time, Chen Qing raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and shouted sharply: "People will not attack me, and I will not attack anyone. Since the imperial army wants to challenge us, let them have a try. Boys of the Western Army, we will win this battle!"


The [-] army raised their arms and shouted, and the shouts went straight into the sky.

"Where are Yue Yun and Zhang Xian?"

"The last general is here!" Yue Yun and Zhang Xian stepped forward together and bowed in salute.

"You two armies attack the enemy's left-wing cavalry, leave the infantry alone, and pull the team apart. Once the opponent's infantry runs, Zhang Xian's army can attack the enemy's infantry from the side!"

"Follow the order!"

Chen Qing ordered again: "Liu Qiong and Tang Qian!"

"The last general is here!" Liu Qiong and Tang Qian also stepped forward to salute.

"The two of you are the same. Attack the cavalry on the right flank of the opponent and attack with all your strength. Once the infantry runs away, Tang Qian's army will turn to attack the infantry's flank!"

"Follow the order!"

After the deployment was completed, Chen Qing shouted, "Beat the drum!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of war drums was earth-shattering, and forty thousand cavalry galloped out, their horseshoes rolling like thunder. They were like four curved steel knives, bypassing the enemy's bow and crossbow array, and slammed the enemy's flanking cavalry from north and south. .

At the same moment when the opponent was about to launch, Han Shizhong also received a report from the spies, who found that there was an army hidden behind the Western Army, with about [-] people.

This news caught Han Shizhong a little off guard. He knew exactly what it meant?It means that the army he placed in the south is likely to be unable to support himself.

He can only face the opponent's [-] cavalry with [-] troops, which is very passive.

Not only this, he just discovered that the opponent's general seems to be Yong Wang Chen Qing, completely unexpected to Han Shizhong, he always thought it was Yang Zaixing's army.

It turned out to be a head-on collision with Chen Qing. Han Shizhong felt a feeling of getting what he wanted, but at the same time he felt annoyed. He underestimated the other party. Chen Qing had fifty thousand cavalry and brought three Wan Yuanjun, this kind of caution caught him by surprise.

But it was too late to do anything now, the drums of the Western Army were beating loudly, and four cavalrymen galloped out, with the momentum like a landslide.

His subordinates shouted in shock: "Commander, the enemy is coming!"

"Steady! Hold me steady!"

Han Shizhong shouted: "The archers are ready!"

Nine thousand crossbowmen raised their crossbows, but soon, Han Shizhong realized that something was wrong. The opponent ran in two circular arcs from north to south, perfectly avoiding the shooting of the bow and arrow formation, and their target turned out to be himself Cavalry on both sides.

"not good!"

Han Shizhong secretly yelled that it was not good, and immediately ordered: "The cavalry is ready to fight, and the infantry stands firm, don't be confused!"

Han Shizhong had rich experience. He knew that once the opponent's cavalry attacked from the side, the bow and crossbow formation he had deployed would also be attacked from behind by the opponent, causing chaos.

He ordered again: "The crossbowmen change into sword and shield soldiers and join the big formation!"

Every crossbowman has a shield on his back. They immediately exchanged their crossbows and shields, drew out their swords, and became sword and shield soldiers with crossbows on their backs. The crossbows behind them can also protect the soldiers behind them to a certain extent. Safety.

Twenty thousand cavalry lined up one after another, ready to meet the violent impact of the cavalry of the Western Army.

Han Shizhong suddenly realized something was wrong again. His cavalry and infantry were close together, and his own cavalry became a cover for the opponent's large formation of infantry.

Discovering this serious problem, Han Shizhong immediately ordered: "Order the cavalry to go out to fight, the infantry to hold their ground, and line up their spears!"

"Woo! Woo!"

The horns of the cavalry of the Song army sounded, and [-] cavalry suddenly mobilized to fight against the cavalry killed by the Western Army.

"Boom!" The two cavalry collided loudly, their weapons collided, and they fought fiercely together.

Although they are all Han cavalry, the Jiangnan cavalry cannot compare with the Northwest cavalry. First of all, their horses are much inferior. The horses of the Western cavalry are tall and mighty, muscular, extremely explosive, and fast.

However, the horses of the cavalry in the south of the Yangtze River are generally short and thin, and they are not even comparable to the horses of the infantry of the Western Army. How can they be compared with the horses of the cavalry of the Western Army.

Secondly, the cavalry is far behind. The cavalry of the Western Army is professional cavalry. Chen Qing brought [-] cavalry and the elite of the cavalry. The cooperation is very tacit.

In World War II, in just a quarter of an hour, the cavalry of the Song Army was a bit out of support, and they were in chaos. They were divided into pieces by teams of cavalry of the Western Army, and suffered heavy casualties.

The distance between the cavalry was widened and they were far away from the infantry formation. Han Shizhong took a breath. The strength and tactics of the cavalry of the Western Army were already able to compete with the Jurchen cavalry. No wonder Wanyan Wushu couldn't resist Chen Qing's army. Lose the Central Plains.

Moreover, Chen Qing's tactics were very clear. He would fight against the cavalry and ignore his own infantry. Once the cavalry was defeated, his own infantry would also be defeated.

Han Shizhong saw that his cavalry were being killed and retreated steadily, dead bodies were everywhere, blood flowed into rivers, many cavalry were killed terrified, some cavalry had already started to flee eastward, Han Shizhong knew that the defeat of this battle was settled, he immediately shouted: : "The whole army is heading north, retreating into Xiao County to avoid the battle!"

The county seat of Xiaoxian was ten miles to the north, and he led [-] infantry to run, not to fight the cavalry of the Song army, but to retreat to Xiaoxian!

The only way for infantry to fight against cavalry is to form a large formation of infantry spears and fight with collective strength, but once they run, the formation of infantry will disperse, and it is easy to be attacked by cavalry, thus cutting and killing.

Chen Qing watched the enemy's movements coldly, and the infantry began to run in a large formation. Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Blow the horn and attack the infantry!"


The horn of attack sounded, and Chen Qing led [-] cavalry to kill the opponent's infantry. At the same time, Zhang Xian and Tang Qian's [-] cavalry also turned their heads to attack the infantry. Thousands of infantry came to kill in a large formation.

(End of this chapter)

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