
Chapter 1085 Defeat

Chapter 1085 Defeat
Han Shizhong secretly groaned, the other party had already seen his intention, and [-] cavalry cut off the path leading to Xiao County, making it impossible for him to withdraw back to Xiao County.

Han Shizhong shouted anxiously: "Steady! Hold your ground!"

As expected of his well-trained infantry, they stopped quickly while running, and quickly lined up in a square formation to form a large spear formation.

Chen Qing looked at the enemy cavalry again, half of the western army was removed, the opponent's pressure dropped sharply, and the signs of defeat were eased.

Chen Qing immediately ordered his subordinates, "Go and inform General Zhang and General Tang, and order them to continue attacking the cavalry until the cavalry is defeated!"

The two soldiers took the command arrow and rushed away, and found Zhang Xian first. Holding the command arrow, the soldiers shouted: "General Zhang, Your Highness orders you to continue to lead the troops to continue attacking the cavalry until they are defeated!"

Zhang Xian took the command arrow and ordered to wave the battle flag. Nearly [-] cavalry in the northwest followed him and turned around to kill the enemy cavalry.
At the same time, Tang Qian also received an order to lead his troops to attack the eastern cavalry instead.

Chen Qing led [-] cavalry and [-] infantry to circle around. They drew their bows and set arrows while running at high speed, and fired arrows at the infantry formation, while the infantry raised their shields to resist.

Han Shizhong again ordered the army to move towards Xiao County, and he was forcing Chen Qing's army to attack them.

At this time, the main force of the infantry was still six miles away from Xiao County, where [-] Han Shizhong's troops were stationed, and they waved their flags and shouted on the top of the city.

Chen Qing saw that the opponent's formation was moving, and the corners of the four phalanxes were a little messy, so he shouted loudly: "Follow me!"

He swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, and rushed into the formation first. Wherever he passed, people's heads were flying, blood spurted out, and screams could be heard endlessly. The enemy soldiers fell down one by one like thatch, closely following Chen Qing has five hundred soldiers and is also the most elite cavalry. Each of them can fight ten against one. They are like a hammer, smashing everything they pass.

Behind them is the [-] Tigers and Bend Cavalry Army led by Lu Gui, which is also an elite army. Lu Gui wields a [-]-jin long-handled sledgehammer and roars like thunder. He only hates that the horses are too slow to keep up with Yong. The rhythm of His Royal Highness.

Chen Qing quickly killed the enemy's formation and rushed out from the other side. They cut off a corner of the enemy's formation abruptly, separating the three thousand infantry from the main infantry formation.

Three thousand infantry could not withstand the fierce massacre of thousands of cavalry, they were quickly routed, and ran in all directions.

At this moment, the sound of horns sounded from a distance. This was the sound of victory horns. Yue Yun and Zhang Xian took the lead, and the cavalry fighting against them were completely defeated. , Another Song Army cavalry was also defeated, and Liu Qiong led the army to chase after him.

Thirty thousand cavalry turned around and charged towards the infantry formation. Knowing that the situation was over, Han Shizhong couldn't help but sighed and ordered: "The whole army retreats to the southeast!"

It was said to be a retreat, but in fact it was a rout. Nearly [-] troops were defeated like a mountain, throwing away their helmets and armor and rushing eastward. Chen Qing immediately ordered, "The army pursues and kills, and those who surrender can be released and go home!"

The cavalry of the Western Army chased after them, and shouted loudly: "King Yong has an order, surrender and release him back home!"

The effect of this slogan of persuading surrender was immediate. The fleeing Song army no longer fled, and batch after batch kneeled and surrendered, and there were countless surrenders.

On the north bank of the Yellow River, [-] Jurchen cavalrymen cursed loudly. The Yellow River was blazing with flames and thick smoke billowed. The pontoon bridge that Jin Bing had just built was burned down by more than a dozen Western warships, and more than [-] Jurchen soldiers were shot. Fell into the water, life or death unknown.

Wanyan Wushu was so angry that he slammed his ax on the ground, and finally waited for the decisive battle between Chen Qing's army and Han Shizhong's army, but he couldn't grasp this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to defeat Chen Qing.

It is simply too hateful, to send warships to block the Yellow River, Wanyan Wushu does not value the navy, but at this moment, he finally realized the importance of the navy, they have Ju Yeze, can they also train a A navy?
"Marshal Du, Xiao County's flag has been lowered!"

The soldiers pointed at Xiao County and shouted, Wanyan Wushu also saw it, the black dragon flag with a yellow background was lowered from the head of Xiao County, and the black dragon flag with a red background was raised by the Western Army.

After a while, Wanyan Wushu let out a long sigh, the war must be over, it was too fast, less than an hour, the Song Dynasty army let him down too much.

But thinking about it, it's almost the same. When their Jurchen cavalry killed them, the Song Dynasty army would collapse at the first touch. There was no resistance at all, and they all slaughtered one-sidedly.

"Marshal Du, do you want to find a way to cross the Yellow River from the south?"

Wanyan Wushu shook his head, "Chen Qing has already made preparations. If we don't give us the chance to cross the Yellow River, what's the point of crossing the Yellow River even if the opportunity has been lost?"

Wanyan Wushu felt extremely disappointed, so he had to order: "Send the troops to withdraw!"

The [-] Jurchen troops turned around and retreated, giving up this opportunity.

There were more than [-] soldiers who surrendered outside the city of Xiao County. There were not only infantry, but also more than [-] cavalry. In addition, there was news from Yang Zaixing that they had defeated Liu Kai's army and captured them. More than [-] people.

Since this battle was not long, it ended in less than an hour. Not many enemies were killed, more than [-] enemy troops were wiped out, while the Western Army suffered [-] casualties.

However, the number of captives was astonishing. They even captured more than [-] enemy soldiers. This is why Chen Qing's order had a huge effect. Those who surrendered could be released and go home. So, who would want to continue fighting?Who wouldn't want to go home?

The defenders of Xiao County also surrendered the city. To Chen Qing's surprise, the defender of Xiao County turned out to be Han Shizhong's eldest son, Han Liang. Han Liang was only [-] years old and refused to surrender.

Chen Qing went to the top of the city and ordered people to bring Han Liang up. After a while, Han Liang was pushed up. Han Shizhong looked so mighty and majestic, but his eldest son was a frail scholar. However, Han Liang had some backbone. He didn't kneel down, didn't speak, and turned his head to look outside the city.

"Untie the rope!"

The soldiers untied the rope behind Han Liang, and Han Liang gently moved his wrist. His skin was thin, and his wrist was painfully strangled by the rope.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I knew your father in the first year of Shaoxing. He said that his son was less than ten years old. You should be around twenty years old this year!"

Han Liang was taken aback, glanced at Chen Qing, and asked later, "You are His Royal Highness King Yong?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Of course it's me, do you think it's Yang Zaixing?"

Han Liang sighed for a while, "No wonder. My father thought it was Yang Zaixing who led the army."

Chen Qing nodded, "I won't make things difficult for you, you go back and tell your father, this battle should be regarded as a battle between me and him, only this time, there will be no next time, I will release all the soldiers who surrendered If you want to go home, you can go home. If you want to continue serving the court, I will not force it. If the soldiers have already returned home, let them work on farming with peace of mind! Don’t force them anymore.”

Han Liang cupped his fists and saluted, "I will tell my father!"

"If you have family members, you can take them away!"

"Thank you Your Highness for your tolerance, I only have one old family member to follow."

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Give him two horses and let them go out of the city."

Chen Qing gave him a passing arrow, and Han Liang rode away slowly with an old family member.

The [-] surrendered soldiers were registered, and after the registration, each of them distributed a bucket of rice and let them go. The soldiers were very grateful. After bowing to the top of the city, they got up and left. Most of the soldiers returned home. Don't want to fight anymore.

Han Shizhong fled back to Xuzhou on horseback under the protection of dozens of soldiers. He collected the defeated soldiers on the way, and only collected more than [-] soldiers. The [-] army was exhausted, especially this is the Han family army!It made Han Shizhong's heart ache.

I met Liu Kai on the road, and his [-]-strong army only had a few thousand people left. The two sides joined forces, and there were less than [-] people, which made them sigh.

In desperation, he had to return to Xuzhou Daying, but not long after, Han Liang came back, which made Han Shizhong very happy. This is his eldest son, who does not know martial arts. He has been very worried, for fear of bad news.

"Father, it was Chen Qing who sent the child back. Father should know that the opponent in this battle is Chen Qing!"

Han Shizhong nodded, "After I saw his Wang Banner, I realized that I knew it was Chen Qing. This battle should not have been fought. I lost [-] troops for nothing!"

Han Shizhong couldn't help but let out a long sigh, Han Liang shook his head and said: "There is not such a big loss, the loss is only [-] people!"

Han Shizhong was taken aback, "Why?"

"The Western Army captured our [-] troops. When the boy came back, they had already been released. They said they were released and went home, but the boy didn't know how many soldiers came back."

This news really made Han Shizhong overjoyed. He did not expect Chen Qing to be so tolerant and released all the captured soldiers. It seemed that he did not want to turn against the court.

"Chen Qing, do you have anything else to say to me?"


Han Liang said slowly: "Chen Qing said that this fierce battle is just a sparring between him and his father, it's just this one time, and I don't want it to happen again."

Han Shizhong nodded, he understood what Chen Qing meant, don't expand the nature of this fierce battle, lest the two sides turn their faces completely.

"He is indeed much better than me, I can't accept it!"

Soon, Han Shizhong's relief turned into extreme disappointment. At night, dozens of generals returned, but only [-] of the [-] soldiers returned. The rest of the soldiers took the opportunity to leave the war and all went home.

Han Shizhong was angry and annoyed, but at the same time he was helpless.

At this moment, the messenger sent by Xu Xiantu rushed to Daying in Xuzhou, and the envoy of the Son of Heaven also arrived in Chuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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