
Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086
In the big tent, Han Shizhong finished reading the letter Xu Xiantu wrote to him, but he couldn't say a word for a while. Xu Xiantu clearly told him in the letter that the emperor had already decided to cut down the feudal clan. For his performance in the mutiny, he can also get a high official and generous salary, and enjoy the glory and wealth of the rest of his life, but if he is greedy for military power and stubborn, no one will be able to protect him in the end.

At the end of the letter, Xu Xiantu guaranteed that his subordinates would not be demoted and demoted, and asked him to hand over the army to Liu Qi or Yang Yizhong, and return to Beijing to report on his duties immediately, which was the emperor's intention.

After reading the letter, Han Shizhong couldn't help but let out a long sigh. If the letter could have arrived half a day earlier, he would not have gone to fight the Western Army. He fought the Western Army to prove to the emperor that he has the ability to destroy the Western Army. Now Fortunately, most of his Han family army has been killed, and he has no capital at all. Even if he accepts cutting the feudal clan, he will not get the best results.

Han Shizhong immediately sent someone to invite Liu Kai, and after a short while, Liu Kai hurried over, clasped his fists and saluted, "See the deputy commander!"

Han Shizhong smiled and said: "I'm going to Chuzhou to receive orders, and I may go directly to Lin'an to report on my duties. I still have [-] troops in the camp, [-] troops each in Suzhou and Pizhou, and [-] reserve troops in Chuzhou. There are a total of [-] troops, and I will hand over the [-] troops to you, and then I will order the three armies to obey Liu Dutong's command."

Liu Kai hesitated. Although before he left, the emperor had hinted to him that he would be ready to take over Han Shizhong's army at any time, but did Han Shizhong really hand over power?

Han Shizhong took the command arrow and the military talisman and handed them to him, "I have already lost [-] troops, and I have no capital to bargain with the court. I will return to Beijing to report on my duties, and Liu Dutong need not worry too much."

Liu Kai took the command arrow and the military talisman, "The humble officer must lead the army well!"

Han Shizhong smiled and said, "Let me give Liu Dutong another piece of advice. If Chen Qing's army comes to Xuzhou, they must retreat south immediately. They must not fight against them. It will cause the Western Army and the imperial court to turn against each other, and the consequences will be very serious."

After a pause, Han Shizhong saw a strange expression on Liu Kai's face, and smiled wryly: "I originally wanted to prove to the emperor my role in fighting the Western Army, and I didn't want to be cut off, so I took the risk to challenge the Western Army. The opponent's coach turned out to be Chen Qing, and I didn't expect my army to be defeated by the Western Army in such a short period of time. The cavalry of the Western Army is too strong, no less than the Jurchen cavalry in its heyday. I advise you not to compete with them. In name, it is to consider the overall situation, but in fact it is to let you not humiliate yourself."

Liu Kai nodded silently, "Remember the humble job!"

Han Shizhong immediately summoned the generals of the three armies to give lectures and asked to accept Liu Qi's command.

That night, Han Shizhong packed his luggage and left the camp with his son Han Liang, and rushed to Chuzhou overnight to receive the order.

At noon the next day, Chen Qing's [-] troops approached Xuzhou, which was still [-] miles away from Xuzhou.

Liu Kai, Yang Yizhong and Wang Jian discussed countermeasures together.

"The opponent's general is Chen Qing. Han Shizhong has already confirmed it on the battlefield. He is now stationed thirty miles away. He should be a soldier before we evacuate. Let Yang Dutong and Wang Dutong talk about it when we evacuate by ourselves! Are we withdrawing?" Or not to withdraw?"

Although Liu Kai was seeking the opinions of the two, his attitude was inclined to withdraw the troops.

Yang Yizhong pondered for a moment and said: "Before we left, His Majesty repeatedly told us that war with Chen Qing's Western Army is strictly prohibited. We must not disobey the holy will. I support the withdrawal."

The two looked at Wang Jian together. Wang Jian smiled wryly and said, "We can't take Xuzhou City even if we besiege it. What's the point of staying here? It's better to withdraw the troops."

Even Li Qiong's nemesis, Wang Jian, also supported the withdrawal of the troops. What else could be said, the three of them unanimously agreed to withdraw the troops.

An hour later, the tens of thousands of imperial troops withdrew to the southwest and went to Suzhou. Chen Qing then led the army to Xuzhou City.

Li Qiong opened the city gate and led the generals out of the city to welcome Chen Qing.

Li Qiong knelt down and wept, "If His Highness hadn't led the army to come to the rescue, I would have died without a place to die."

The generals behind also knelt down to thank them.

Chen Qing nodded and said, "General Li please stand up, all generals please rise up!"

Everyone got up and followed Chen Qing's army into the city gate. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city lined the road to welcome His Royal Highness King Yong and the reinforcements. The welcoming people on both sides waved and enjoyed this moment of glory.

After the entering ceremony was over, Chen Qing walked up to the top of the city. This was the first time he had come to Xuzhou City. He looked at the surging Yellow River outside the North City. There were more than a dozen warships of the Western Army cruising on the Yellow River.

"The navy general told us that when we were fighting with Han Shizhong's army, there were [-] Jurchen cavalry on the north bank of the Yellow River preparing to cross the river. Obviously they wanted to join forces with the imperial army to attack me, but I took precautions first and destroyed them with warships. The pontoon bridge prevents them from crossing the Yellow River, and Jin Guo’s plan was [-]% successful, but in the end it fell short.”

Li Qiong was surprised and said, "Jin Guo did this game?"

"Without the instigation of the Kingdom of Jin, the imperial court would not be able to make the decision to make the Northern Expedition. This Northern Expedition was the result of two forces, Qin Hui and the Queen Mother, who were behind the scenes. They are inextricably linked with the Kingdom of Jin."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing said again: "But this time Jin Guo is not without harvest, they have harvested Haizhou."

Li Qiong was taken aback, "Your Highness is not going to take back Haizhou?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "I don't think about attacking Haizhou for the time being. It may not be a bad thing to leave a hole so that the Jin soldiers can threaten the court."

"Then Suzhou and Pizhou."

Chen Qing laughed, "Don't worry! Have a good talk with the imperial court, give the imperial court a step, and they will withdraw their troops."

"Your Highness is wise!"

Chen Qing said lightly again: "I'm considering resting with the people now. Li Dutong's army will maintain a size of [-] people. I will send other troops to station in Suzhou and Pizhou."

Li Qiong didn't want to be marginalized, so he hurriedly said: "It's better to go to Suzhou and Pizhou as a humble officer, and your Highness will send troops to guard Xuzhou."

"Alright, General Li will be stationed in Fuli County! I'll make Xuzhou the logistics center of the Yellow River Navy."

When Han Shizhong arrived in Lin'an, he visited Xu Xiantu that night. He accidentally discovered that Xu Shou, the third child who came out to greet his father every time, didn't see him, and it was the housekeeper who came out to pick him up.

"Where's your yamen? Why don't you see him?"

"My son is out on a study tour, and we won't see him for a long time."

The housekeeper did not hide Han Shizhong, he also thought that his son Xu Shou had gone out to study, Xu Shou's mother had died of illness, this secret was only known to them father and son, Xu Shou changed his name to Yu Shou, and went to Jingzhao to take the imperial examination.

"I see!"

Han Shizhong followed the butler to the guest hall, sat for a while, and Xu Xiantu walked in with his hands behind his back.

Han Shizhong quickly stepped forward to salute, "See Elder Ge!"

Xu Xiantu nodded, "I'm glad you can come back, sit down!"

The two sat down as guest and host, and the maid came in to serve tea. Xu Xiantu took a sip of hot tea and said slowly: "You have received the order from the official!"

Han Shizhong smiled wryly: "The officials criticized the humble official for disregarding the overall situation, started a war with Chen Qing without authorization, and asked the humble official to return to Beijing to report on his work. The humble official is very disturbed!"

Xu Xiantu comforted him and said: "As long as you can obey the imperial decree and come back, the officials will not treat you too harshly. After all, you have saved him back then, and the officials will not forget."

Han Shizhong hesitated, "A great battle broke out between Beizhi and Chen Qing, and unfortunately Beizhi was defeated. I'm afraid the news has already spread back to Lin'an."

Xu Xiantu's expression changed, and he asked anxiously, "When did it happen?"

"It was the morning when Ge Lao sent people to Xuzhou, Beizhi and General Liu Kai led an [-] army against Chen Qing's [-] army, and a big battle broke out in Xiao County."

"And then? How much is the loss?"

"The loss was probably over [-] people. The others were prisoners of war, and Chen Qing released them again. As a result, they all went home and did not return to the barracks."

Xu Xiantu knew that this matter was troublesome. If Qin Hui got the news, he would definitely use this matter to make trouble at the work report meeting.

He sighed and said, "You'd better think of a good reason first, otherwise it will be difficult for me to help you."

(End of this chapter)

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