
Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088
In the early morning, before dawn, the city gate of Yuchi County opened, and people waiting outside the city rushed in, most of them were farmers selling vegetables, and some businessmen followed into the city.

A caravan composed of more than twenty donkeys entered the city, with a businessman in front and five or six men behind.

But no matter whether they are businessmen or fellows, they are all tall, with strong gaits, and a murderous look in their gestures. Although they try their best to restrain themselves, they still have an inexplicable sense of coercion, which makes the people around them fearful of them.

Almost everyone could tell that they were not businessmen, but no one could tell who they were, probably not even the magistrate, because the magistrate had never met Chen Qing.

The leading businessman was naturally Chen Qing in disguise, and the five men behind him were his personal soldiers.

The reason why Chen Qing came to Yuchi County for a private visit is because there is a typical industry in Yuchi County, which can explain the problem very well, and that is the wine making industry.

During the Xuanhe period, the winemaking industry in Yuchi County was extremely prosperous. Seventy percent of the wine in Bianliang, Tokyo came from Yuchi County, but it declined later. It flourished again during the Liu Yu period, and completely declined during the curfew period of Wanyan Wushu.

But wine cellars, winemakers, wine barrels and other winemaking tools are all there, and they can be raised at any time as long as they are needed.

Henan Road in the Central Plains has always been a heart problem for Chen Qing. It has been exploited too hard and devastated too deeply. The big families have become small and small, and almost all the middle class have been reduced to abject poverty. Cruel exploitation combined with The devastating blow caused by the diversion of the Yellow River caused millions of people on Henan Road to be displaced and starved to death.

Even the imperial court's finances could not afford the relief from Henan Road, and they resolutely opposed the Northern Expedition.

But Chen Qingyi took over this mess without hesitation, so he had to find a way to restore it slowly. In addition to the ten-year tax exemption and recuperation, there are actually many details to be done.

First, [-] donkeys and [-] mules were purchased from Hedong Road and Shaanxi Road, and put on Henan Road, mainly in the Kaifeng Prefecture area. Why?Because almost all the large and small livestock here were eaten up by the golden soldiers. Without animal power, social and economic development would not be possible.

Immediately after, tens of thousands of cows and [-] old horses were purchased from the Qiang people in the Hexi Corridor, and they were also invested in Henan Road.
The second step is to transport a large number of vetch seeds and alfalfa seeds from Shaanxi Road, and plant them in large quantities on the fields and on both sides of the river beach to develop animal husbandry and let Henan Road produce its own blood.

The third step is commerce, not only exemption from commercial tax, but more importantly, the details. Chen Qing knows what merchants are most afraid of. He ordered the dismantling of all checkpoints along Henan Road, and all city gates are not allowed to inspect caravans. Once the inspection team is found, they will be severely punished, and even the county magistrate will be dismissed.

There is no need to interrogate any spies at all. The real spies will definitely not be found out, and it will only give the interrogators a chance to blackmail.

It was also for this reason that the business on Henan Road developed very rapidly, and all the cheap livestock he invested in were sold out.

Chen Qing is not very worried about the countryside. As long as the tax is exempted and the rent is limited, the people in the countryside can rely on farming to feed themselves and provide a large amount of agricultural products to the city. However, it is different in the city. Urban residents mainly rely on handicraft workshops and various commercial activities. , only when all kinds of commerce and handicrafts are active, can the people in the city find work and support their families.

This time Chen Qing walked all the way from Bianliang. During the period of Wanyan Wushu control, the distance from Bianliang to Yuchi County was only [-] miles. There were four checkpoints, as well as city gates and tax cards. Since Chen Qing had ordered All abolished, he just wanted to see the effect with his own eyes. The journey went smoothly, there were no checkpoints, and no one asked when entering the city gate, and no tax collectors stepped forward to block the way.

The only thing that made Chen Qing uncomfortable was that he waited outside the city for an hour and a half. The next step is to prohibit closing the city gates. At least one city gate should be left at night to facilitate entry and exit. It may affect public security a little bit, but compared to The convenience that the people get, this little thing is not a problem at all.

At this time, three ox carts came behind them, and the carts were full of hawthorn fruit. It should be last year's hawthorn. It was stored in the cellar and it was not damaged, but it could be seen that it was ripe. "Is this hawthorn for sale?"

"This is specially used for making wine!" The old man driving the car replied.

It dawned on Chen Qing that it would be much easier to ferment the fruits if they were to be used for wine making when they were about to rot.

"Not bad! Not bad! Even fruit wine."

Alcohol is a commodity that can best reflect urban life. If the business is in decline, then the wine cannot be sold. Only when you have a few extra dollars, you will think of buying a dime of alcohol. After you get over the addiction, the demand for alcohol will come.

At present, Chen Qing is exempt from tax on the wine on Henan Road, but he cannot transport it across the border to other places. He only collects salt tax, and with the salt tax, he can barely support the governments of various places on Henan Road.

"Officer, let's stay in this store!" The soldier pointed to a nearby store.

"Old Shun Inn!"

Chen Qing nodded, the name is good, "Yes, I will live here!"

The owner of the shop is a middle-aged man in his forties. He ran out with a big smile on his face, "Welcome to stay in this small shop. The small shop has high-quality grass and comfortable rooms. In Xia Wangshun, no one can deceive anyone!"

Chen Qing saw that the yard was cleaned up quite clean, and there were no cobwebs or dust in the corners. He was quite satisfied, and asked, "Are there any customers in the store?"

"There are not many guests. There are four upper rooms on the east side of the second floor, and they happen to be empty."

"Okay! I want the four vacant rooms on the east side."

The shop owner was overjoyed, and quickly asked two guys to help unload the goods, and unloaded more than [-] large wooden barrels in a short time.

The shopkeeper asked: "Are there any special requirements for these goods? The small shop has a cellar, if not, it can only be stored in the room."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "These are koji pancakes, they can't be put in the cellar, they should be put in the room!"

The owner of the shop heard that it was Jiuqu pancakes, so he hurriedly stepped forward to smell it, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Good stuff!"

"The store owner also understands wine music?"

The shopkeeper chuckled, "Yuchi County lives on wine, you know a little bit about it! My mother's natal family has a big wine cellar."

"Are the koji cakes easy to sell?"

"This is a sought-after product. When the news spread, the wine merchants who saw the product immediately crowded the small shop."

After a pause, the owner asked cautiously, "Is it convenient? I asked my cousin to come over to see the goods. Is it convenient for the guest officer?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It's the same for everyone, as long as the price is right, we can talk about it!"

The shop owner was overjoyed, and quickly called a clerk to inform his cousin that the goods were placed in an empty room on the first floor, so as not to have to move them up and down! "

(End of this chapter)

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