
Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089
The owner's cousin, surnamed Jiang, is a dark-skinned middle-aged man who looks very smart and capable.

"Proprietor Chen, this is my cousin, Jiang Xiaonian, the proprietor of Jiang's Winery!" The owner of the inn introduced to Chen Qing.

The two greeted each other, and Chen Qing just learned from the assistant that this Jiang's winery can be ranked among the top ten in the county.

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "Master Jiang, sit down and have a cup of tea first!"

Jiang Xiaonian was in a hurry, the jiuqu cakes were extremely popular, he was afraid that others would come after hearing the news.

"Proprietor Chen, drink tea later, let's have a look at the goods first!"

Chen Qing nodded, and said to one of his subordinates: "Take Master Jiang to see the goods, and let the master choose by himself!"

His subordinates agreed and took Jiang Dongzhu to go, but Chen Qing was sitting outside drinking tea. He didn't worry about his goods at all, they were all high-quality wine koji cakes from the Bianliang Palace, and the wine merchants here probably didn't see them. Pass.

After a while, Jiang Boss ran out like a gust of wind, "I want all these wine koji cakes, Chen Boss, let's make a price!"

"Things are good!"

"It's all first-class goods. I haven't seen such good things in many years."

Seeing his anxious face, Chen Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can sell you everything, and the price is not expensive. I want to know the market, so tell me!"

Jiang Dongzhu saw that the other party promised to give the goods to him, so he made up his mind a little. He sat down and said, "The market is good now, which is related to the tax exemption order issued by the appeasement envoy last year. In the past, wine was controlled by the government. Our brewers have to pay one year each year. A large sum of money is used to buy a liquor license, and a liquor license is also required for selling liquor. Every year, money must be paid to the government. Jiuqu cakes must be bought from the government at a high price. In the end, the price of wine is very expensive. Now wine making and selling are all tax-free, and Jiuqu cakes are also available. Do it yourself, and business starts to pick up.”

"Is your wine only served in Kaifeng Mansion?" Chen Qing asked again.

"In the past, it was not allowed to sell wine across states, but now it is allowed, but it is not allowed to sell wine across roads. Yesterday, a wine merchant from Yingchang Prefecture came to my winery and bought [-] barrels of wine."

"I don't quite understand. It stands to reason that South Road has been devastated. There are so many hungry people. Where do they get the money to buy wine and eat out?"

Jiang Dongzhu smiled and said: "We often discuss this issue with customers who buy wine. There are several reasons. One is that wine is now tax-free and relatively cheap, so many restaurants want to store more goods. They are afraid that the price of wine will increase after the tax is collected. rise."

Chen Qing nodded. This is a very important reason. Merchants are hoarding goods at a low price, which is also why restaurants and shops in various places are worried about the government's credit.

"Other than hoarding goods?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Then in the last few months, people do have a lot of money in their hands. Just look at Yuchi County. Every restaurant has opened, and almost all shops have opened. They have to hire people and pay wages. It's less than fifty yuan a day. It is also necessary, you can buy a dime of wine if you save ten cents, and the river will be widened in a few months, and hundreds of thousands of people will be hired, basically everyone earns seven or eight pennies, and they also want Something, and a little wine."

"It seems that the shops still have money to purchase."

"For so many years, I have saved a little bit, but the puppet Qi and Jin countries collected too much tax, everyone must pretend to be poor, the poorer the safer, otherwise they will be targeted by the officials, and even a little bit of wealth will be blackmailed. "

Chen Qing laughed and said, "It makes sense, otherwise where would all the money go?"

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and asked, "How long does Jiang Dongzhu think it will take for the Central Plains to recover to the prosperity of the Xuanhe period?"

"I've made bets with people and they think it's at least ten years, but I think five or six years will be enough."

"Tell me the reason!" Chen Qingrao said with interest.

"The biggest reason is that the population is small. Now it is only half of the population in Xuanhe years at most. With a small population, there will be more land. The second important reason is that the government is exempt from taxation for ten years. This is a great benefit, everyone. They will work desperately, accumulate wealth desperately, and take advantage of this ten-year tax holiday to grow bigger. This opportunity will never come again in the future. Based on these two reasons, in five years, they will be able to match the prosperity of the Xuanhe years, unless Jin Bing Breaking in and plundering wealth again, there is no way."

Chen Qing nodded. This Jiang Dongzhu still has some knowledge. He saw one of the most critical problems, that is, the population. If the population is reduced by half, the per capita resources will be more. Naturally, the development will be fast. All dynasties have developed the most during the founding of the country. The reason is that the population is small and the resources per capita are abundant.

At this time, the owner of the inn rushed in and said, "Hurry up! The owner of Wu's Distillery, Wu Dongzhu, has smelled the smell, and he wants to come over to see the koji cakes."

Jiang Dongzhu jumped up in fright, and hurriedly said to Chen Qing: "Let's settle the bill. A piece of wine koji cake is [-] Wen. Yours is of high quality. I count it as your usual five. Is this price acceptable?"

Chen Qing knew the price, Bianliang's ordinary jiuqu biscuits cost a penny, but his price was two guan, and it was still hard to buy, but it's normal for Yuchi County to be cheaper than Bianliang, and the price is not bad.

He nodded happily and said, "Let's count according to the usual five! I brought a total of two thousand, exactly three thousand coins, and it's best to give silver."

"Silver is hard to come by now! Let's go to the counter shop and give you the three thousand coins from the counter shop directly, and then the counter shop will issue a counter ticket, and you can get the money in Bianliang without bringing three thousand coins with you." Put the money on the road."

"Is it Fu Kee Cabinet?"

Fuji Cabinet Shop is the largest cabinet shop on Henan Road, headquartered in Bianliang. Its proprietor is a wealthy family in Hebei Province. It is said that he is somewhat related to Fan Gong, the confidant of Wanyan Wushu. He played a huge role in Chen Qing's liquidation of the puppet Qi officials, so he was spared under Chen Qing's rule.

"It's Fuji Counter Shop. If we have a lot of money, we will use its counter ticket. It's very convenient!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll ask my subordinates to handle it with you. The goods are placed in the inn, and you can come and get them anytime!"

"Can I inspect all the goods, your subordinates will be watching."

Chen Qing understood his cautiousness, so he nodded happily, "Just inspect the goods!"

After Chen Qing gave instructions to his two subordinates, he took to the streets for a stroll. Of course he didn't just stroll, but learned about the situation in the county through the pedestrians and shops on the street.

For example, from clothing, skin color, mental outlook, etc., and then from the situation of the store, you can know the autumn leaf.

The north-south street in Yuchi County is called Dukang Street, which has something to do with wine. Sure enough, there are wine shops along the way. There will be a shop every few steps, and the street is full of wine lees.

There are a lot of pedestrians, most of them are dressed in old clothes, with gray and black as the main tone, and they are all fine linen shirts, but there are also coarse linen clothes, mainly for the elderly.

At this time, Chen Qing saw a familiar shop, a Pingcang shop with a red roof and white wooden walls, with a flagpole next to it, and the words "Pingcang shop" were written on the banner.

There are three queues in front of the store, each with hundreds of people. Pingcang store supplies coarse grain and coarse cloth, and coarse salt has been canceled. Pingcang store supplies coarse salt, which seriously affects the salt tax.

The Pingcang store was not opened by the county, but directly opened by Zhang Xiao's comfort envoy, bypassing the prefectures and counties. It does not make money online, but it guarantees the food and clothing of the people at the bottom.

This is also Chen Qing's original intention. Every orphan over the age of [-] and orphans under the age of [-] can receive a monthly subsidy of [-] Wen, which is enough for them to eat.

Why do we have to be over [-] years old? It is because the life expectancy of ordinary people is relatively short. Most of them can only live to be over [-] years old. The actual expenditure is not much. There are only [-] or [-] widowed elderly people over [-] years old in each county. , this expenditure is more of a symbolic meaning.

"Dang! Dang!"

A few gongs sounded, and an official sedan chair came in front of them. More than a dozen yamen servants walked in front holding signs, avoiding and keeping quiet. This is the official sedan chair that should be the county magistrate.

At this moment, a young woman dressed in sackcloth and filial piety knelt in front of the sedan chair with two children who also wore filial piety. The young woman held the pleading paper above her head and shouted, "The women have been wronged. The women of the people will avenge their grievances!"

Chen Qing didn't expect that he would encounter such a bloody thing. He stopped by the side of the road to see how the county magistrate would deal with it.

[There is something at home, two updates today]

(End of this chapter)

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